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A good news/bad news episode. Good News: democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's stunning victory in the NY-14 primary. Bad News:  the dismal nightmare that is the U.S. Supreme court. Then a somewhat uplifting discussion around how the left may come out ahead in our current round of civility politics. Idk, we're all mid-week hungover, which more or less reflects our state of agony and ecstasy at the world ahead.



Gang of GreenHorns

5 years later, I wonder if the mood around this election, and electoral politics has changed at all...

Bryce King


Paul Sielski

I am like 5 minutes in, and it's hilarious how Gotti-poisoned the gang is now.


Voyager bitcj!

Ben Poop

I'm gay


make this ep public imho


what the fuck did felix say at the end i am going mad trying to figure this out


oh my god the noid for president

David Hellman

Great episode. Celebration and sobering news. Needed to hear this today. Thanks.


Tommy Lee Jones with the BIG DICK ENERGY

Michael S. Judge

went to high school with several dozen Caden Lorps; very accurate assessment


God damnit, you fuckers just ensured that party WILL happen.


make 💪 this 💪 public 💪 dammit I have distraught friends who need guidance

Matt Crossin

Fun episode but god is it tiring hearing about electoral politics and reforming the democratic party

George Probert

When will said “Virgil and I” I thought he said “Virgil died” and almost had a heart attack lmao

James Kellner

I feel like it'd be pretty tiresome to hear about why everyone ought to join a vanguard movement, tbh

Khai El Baba Jones

Liked this ep a lot. Would be great if relevant/political eps were free and Patreon pig feed was for movie reviews and Felix's white hot takes on controversial soundcloud rappers. Also then Will wouldn't have to feel so Leonard Nimoy and could feel a little more Naomi Klein.


Lexington is in southwest Virginia not NOVA. The politics are a lot different than the Beltway. Although you might find some former Raytheon employees teaching at vmi.

Jack Wright

I think we should give Crowley a chance. He seems like a good guy

realm lich

is it possible for you guys to get norman finkelstein on your pod? cheers!


Is that livestream Will and Virgil did still around to catch some buzz off of?

Kaden Lorpe

Matt's joke about getting your sushi comp'd is a Stephen Paddock reference, so I'm guessing it was more along the lines of Will's Pelican Brief line on the David Faris episode. Should have gone with a Vicente Bermudez joke imo


how do we get notifications for something like this livestream?

Angus McNair

Do you guys read these comments? You still owe me a T-shirt for making a dumb tweet at the New York Post. (this is my main takeaway from this episode)

Brian Platt

Here's a theory, maybe the Dems are so incapable of opposing the GOP because they largely agree with the GOP's policies. They don't oppose the GOP's policies because they aren't opposed to the policies themselves. They only oppose the GOP's aesthetics which is why all libs can talk about is civility and manners.


Not enough Matt, imho.


Barbara lee is reportedly considering challenging Pelosi for speaker/minority leader in December.


Seems silly to keep this one premium. Since you guys never unlocked the Osita ep, would you mind unlocking this one for the general audience? I get that the election happened in the middle of the week, but AOC's win has apparently inspired more recruitment for DSA than even Trump's election. And given how much you talk here about the mainstream media's inadequacy at properly describing the meaning for her victory, why not spread the word? It's a crazy political moment right now, even my usually non-political friends are alternatively outraged about SCOTUS shit and excited by AOC's win. I think the free audience deserves better than just the silly Gotti review


Yeah 2nd the request to unlock this one. I'd love to share this with some friends; it's a good intro to Chapo. Good mix of funny and insightful.


i think the gotti review being free and the ones you mention being premium was just bad timing


She really hit the post for ” ...moral clarity in 2018” good ass edit!


Unlock! I dunno if the number of patreon-listeners who advocate unlocking makes a diff, but in case it does I'm adding my vote wholeheartedly!

Noah Willyard

1.Felix hasn't talked about busting on the air in weeks, that should be addressed 2.Please do a reading on the book "Trigger Warning" by William W Johnstone, it's about a troop college student responding to an active shooting on a college campus


Rhodes must fall started with some guy throwing his shit at a Cecil Rhodes statue

kyle knopp

owed to Babylon, Beloved Mother of Abominations (it's a triple entendre, dipshit)

kyle knopp

silly rastafarians sing about Babylon like she's bad well, I ask you, "what's not to love about her?" the fools say, "make america great again" well, I ask you, "has she not always been great?" "IS SHE NOT STILL?" "do not mistake great for good" "and if you cannot be just, be arbitrary" it's so poetically just that we celebrate the evil empire with fireworks to trigger the ptsd in veterans of its unjust wars and fill the streets with drunken trash

James Murphy

Three meals, dollars, and some pesos

Jonathan Duncan

The episode released on my birthday, happy late birthday to me