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It's Felix's birthday, and he's celebrating it by calling in while he waits for his shiny new gaming computer to arrive.  We discuss Dinesh D'Souza posting his way to a presidential pardon, the results of Virgil's "Cards Against Humanity" run poll, and the mind-numbing evil of the "Patriots & Pragmatists" group. Also, we make the novel observation that most late night comedians suck.



Zen Ben

Can the Naomi Klein money-shaming routine. The biggest bug in the design of the Internet is that the owners of the pipes make all the money and most content creators live in poverty. Fuck the crude wannabe Jacobins who are happy to seize your money to make themselves feel more grandiose.

Khai El Baba Jones

I don't think the Chapo crew are shamed or particularly bothered by my occasional posting (or ever read these comments) . I'm also pretty sure they don't live in poverty. I also love the Patreon model and do my best to support content creators, and want my support (now that I can afford it) to go towards opening up content to everyone in the interest of the public dissemination of ideas I think are useful. I just don't get why my gentle nudgings bother you. Relax. I've chucked loads of money at Chapo, and will probably even buy the book, if Virgil eventually endorses it.


common sense which once ruled far and wide