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While maintaining highly advanced OpSec, we score an exclusive interview with online's secretest source of truths, the mysterious QANON*

We're then joined by Will Sommer to check in with a few of our old friends.

Finally, we discuss Joy Ann Reid's amazing case of the time traveling blog hack.

*James AdomiQanon




So glad James adomian is making more regular appearances.

Ira Lewy

Making fun of cpap users again. This is violence!

realm lich

Please get norman finkelstein on your show.

The East is a Podcast

I love, love, love this podcast--but maybe, just maybe, Chapo could diversify it's guests?

Khai El Baba Jones

I haven't listened to this yet, but I'm early in the comments so wanna say I'll double my pledge if you make all eps free (as an act of good faith). Naomi Klein was right.

Khai El Baba Jones

I'm really fucking my 3g upload speed recording with phone from PC speakers each premium ep and then sending encrypted winzip files to my one broke friend in Ireland.


What's Chris' podcast called?

John Wilson

Does anyone mention how Q is totally fake? I mean obviously having Sommer on the show wouldn’t allow any seriously “radical” viewpoints. I mean there’s no way you guys think this is genuine right?


Oh man, my dad just told me the Hillary Huma conspiracy theory about wearing a kid's face the other day. His exact words were something like, "Just listen for a second--just listen--it was reported that the detectives that saw this video were weeping at how sick it was. Huma and Hillary raped a kid--no, listen! Just listen for a minute--they raped a kid, then filleted its face off and wore it like a mask." Then he sat back and waited for that truth bomb to just flatten me.

Drennen Quinn

(that's not the name, i just want to hear the ep they tease at the end but do not give specifics about)

Old left

I've never met anyone irl who believes this stuff! I'd love to hear more about your dad. Was he always susceptible to conspiracy propaganda? Does he hang out with like-minded people? What's his background? Political history? Have you ever convinced him that something was implausible or false.. if so, how? (Pls don't think I'm being condescending.. I'm genuinely interested.)


Literally the only way to verify a post is if he types "q" at the end.

Ben Poop

if you don’t believe that Hillary story you’re a cuck. You’re probably still a cuck if you do tbf

Scott Wooledge

What does our gov’t know about Russia’s time travel technology? They need to disclose this immediately.


nobody thinks this is real because they aren't dumb

John Wilson

Yeah I mean disinfo, a lot of fake accounts that seem obvious. They claim to be revealing wholly “revealing” info about the ‘deep state’ when they’re mostly regurgitating mainstream right wing talking points. Go to any of them, it’s all the same shit, hardly any substance. I’m saying deliberately misleading vs a bunch of actual dumbass, which I’m sure are being snagged left and right but still

Luke F

What is the Chris / Felix show about Kanye they mentioned? A forthcoming ep of Chapo or something else?

Mr. F

ofc. being a cuck has transcended gender


I searched. There are a fair number of guys named "Chris Wade" out there, but based on Felix's interests, I'm guessing the podcast is MMA-oriented "Outside the Cage", co-hosted by Wade on WFAN Sports Radio in NYC <a href="https://wfan.radio.com/media/audio-channel/wfans-outside-cage-chris-wade-and-rob-haydak" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wfan.radio.com/media/audio-channel/wfans-outside-cage-chris-wade-and-rob-haydak</a>

Rose Flaglor

nice to know all of our friends on the alt-right/light are having even normaler ones


Georgia Guide Stone and TBS 5 after are DEEP cuts....

Jack Long

Please drop an “I love paper like I’m Michael Scott” in the next episode, thx

Matt Crossin

This cold open rules lol

Mark T. Sedita

matthew lesko is surprisingly not in jail for being deemed "too much of a stone cold genius"

Daniel Petrovic

Not clear: in that conspiracy, did Satan rape children or did children rape Satan?


<a href="https://soundcloud.com/and-intro-pod" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/and-intro-pod</a>

Mitchell Nolte

Diamond and silks garbage song shouting that trump is your president, sounds more like a diss track than any kind of song in support of him and his reign of terror


I still don't really know what happened to my dad, but I’ve definitely never convinced him anything wasn’t real, even when I’ve debunked things in front of him. Once someone is that into this stuff, contradicting info or sources can easily be explained away--they're CIA, or they're false flags, or whatever. He was a party-line Democrat 15 years ago, and now he's a real, live, self-admitted Ancap. It's pretty bizarre.

Tom Edwards

I wish for recommendations from the guys for great fiction. I just finished simultaneously reading and listening to the excellent audible book of Solaris by Stanislaw Lem, narated by Alessandro Juliani from Battlestar Galactica and its now favorite book. I am Legend by Richard Matheson is one of my others. Cheers

Justin Chrestman

It's on a podcast called And Introducing. It came out Tuesday. It's mostly interesting to listen to Felix's thoughts on the matter. The hosts are kinda mediocre.


So is this where the Bougie Chapettes post?


I'm so excited for the Chapos to become Homestucks