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The gang takes a break in the middle of their West Coast tour to talk urban housing with Shanti Singh (@uhshanti), co-chair of the DSA SF Housing Committee and steering committee member. While Will cooks up a banquet they discuss the sanctity of the Atlantic’s op/ed roster, Baseball Crank’s mpreg fantasy, Silicon Valley’s Pinkerton-patrolled company towns, candidate cities for Chapo’s new content factory, and YIMBYism, the hot new fad among poorly socialized free market liberals.

sfrighttocounsel.com - DSA SF's campaign to give tenants facing eviction a universal right to counsel




Hell yeah, make this episode public so everyone can get on dunking on these astroturf asshats <a href="http://www.sfexaminer.com/sf-yimby-campaign-40k-debt-delayed-ballot-measure/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.sfexaminer.com/sf-yimby-campaign-40k-debt-delayed-ballot-measure/</a>

John Williams

Also, the People's Temple house band was freakin' tight as hell.

John Williams

No joke, they are starting to offer haircuts at my office. It's a freakin' nightmare.

Doug Cartel

ok felix talked about advertisements being infantilizing and I didn't really get it until I saw a Caspar mattress ad that was basically a Highlights Magazine FIND THE THING picturama except way easier than those fucking things used to be what the hell


I love that Virgil said din-din.


Why don't most "pro-lifers" (sic) demand that women who have abortions be executed? A couple of Chapo eps say that it's because anti-abortionists can't "go that far." No... it's because punishing a woman for getting an abortion would concede that a woman has control, agency, and power. For anti-feminists, it is always critical to deny that women could be responsible for such a decision and act, so the blame and punishment must be meted out to be the (presumably) male or male-wannabe doctor, clinic admin, etc.


Matt’s still got itwith that matty burn

@Jai_Cilento - This Underground Life...

why do we h8 live shows. wait, is that a thing? sounds right. but i was typing an email so idf what i heard. Or what i feel anymore.


can virgil please stop vaping while on-mic, i swear i can hear the vapor in his mouth

Scott Melton

I was wondering why Virgil’s voice sounded so strange somtimes. Like he’s talking through a standing fan.


Please talk to Seattle folk like Kshama Sawant about housing

Chase Burghgrave

You should bring Mark Blyth on the show.


Hahaha the bison

Daniel Schepper

I think Matt is reeeeeeally high

Bad Take Maker

I’m currently at the U Chicago hospital and losing it over “Rhodesia for assistant professors”

Michael Koes

Seems like a good ep to release beyond the paywall. More people should hear the YIMBY/NIMBY stuff.


This is a good one to release publicly. Huge issue on the West Coast — Portland & Seattle too.

William Stadtlander

I can't believe you guys did a whole episode about housing in California without mentioning Prop 13!

Theo Tarver

This is a great episode! Really cool that you’re talking about something happening in my city


Rhodesia for assistant professors 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The pro-life movement has to keep a certain number of women on side. As the guys say, correctly, a death penalty for abortion consumers would target double digit percentages of the female population (including many pro-life and religious women). A pro-life movement without women, and especially without repentant aborters, would be a very different sort of political lobby group.

Cesar Erhard

i got tons of people who need to hear this information. unlock the trap.

Wayne S

excellent ep, excellent guest. 5 stars.

Marcos Rubios

i agree with my fellow chapheads, release the ep


Dammit. There's half a million West Indians within 5 miles of y'all, yet you keep mispronouncing those countries. Not GEE-ah-na. It's Guy-AH-nuh.


Felix en Fuego


property is theft, unlock this ep

Hampus Bystrom

I actually agree with all the whiners about this being paywalled - useful political info like this should be open

Zen Ben

#197 Top Comments Felix: “Gentrification turned my old-school Chicago neighborhood into ‘A Rhodesia for asst professors’ !!! Vergil: “Matt Iglesias will keep the racial ratios intact with his dreadlocks” Bam son, where did you find that one? Matt: “Matthew Iglesias is a charlatan and a mountebank who keeps shifting his grift when people start catching on that he really doesn’t know that much.” Shanti: re a hideous tech serf rabbit warren apartment housing built in downtown SF by FB. “Looks like a butt-plug” Burn Notice!


Which also touches on the impoverishment of the public school system in CA

Chuck U. Farley

Hey Matty-Matt ... you should do an explainer that gets into the exchange value vs use value of stuff. You made a run-up to it right around the hour mark, but it didn't go anywhere and it made me rather moist for more.


exchange value: fake capitalist value of a commodity on the market; my shitty dumbo condo is worth 1.2 million use value: the actual human-determined utility of a thing; my shitty dumbo condo is worth the three to twenty people it can shelter from the rain, cold, etc. and the sense of community it could theoretically anchor


When US humanities majors pronounce "foreign" words, they often adopt a default Spanish pronunciation to show they're sophisticated & woke enough not to "Americanize" it. So we hear Eerahk for Iraq, Graynahdah for GrenAYda, and Guyana like Ghee-ah-na.


I've already chastized them several times for Grenada, a any good pedant should. Only a matter of time before they fuck up Dominica and/or confuse it with RD.


This is easily the Paul's Boutique of Chapo episodes


Hyde Park is still pretty cheap because of student housing.

Raphael Wakefield

Get Hayes Davenport on to fight back against this idiocy, if Yglesias is just unbearably, terminally wrong (he's not wrong about this). This is an important topic and the last person you should be asking about solutions is someone living in the most expensive metro in the US. For that matter, if it's all "GLOBAL CAPITAL" feel free to leave Brooklyn and move literally anywhere else in the country. You guys chose to live here and I welcome new people to New York, rather than resorting to this left-wing separate but equal doctrine which revives the left-NIMBY alliance that made the suburbs unaffordable and crammed the poor in the cities which were then abandoned. Singh is wrong, at least mostly wrong. It's disgraceful to let ideology get in the way of facts in front of your face- more supply will lower prices and NIMBYism has been huge in limiting supply in every expensive area in the country.

Zen Ben

Land-use and Regional planning supersedes nostalgic notions. We’re not going to resolve this problem in a Patreon post. I do get what you are saying.

Ivan G Shreve Jr

This shouldn't be bugging me...but as a lifelong Ray Bradbury fan, Matt is referencing "Mars is Heaven."


get Contrapoints on chapo


Actually I thought the episode (#167) with Ryan Cooper and Matt Bruenig was an excellent supplement to this simplistic idea-- yes, from a purely theoretical perspective the exchange value of real estate is just parasitic. But as it actually exists it's also the main source of middle class wealth and security. Gentrification isn't a bug-- it's literally how a for-profit system of land allocation is designed to work. If socialists want to present an alternative they need to engage the topic and it's complexities in depth. The fact that the government underwrites homeownership and has done so along racial and class lines is hugely relevant to segregation of people and the actual way the built environment is put together. (I'm not a YIMBY but I'm sorry-- redlining shouldn't just be glossed over like this. It wasn't just about steering POC into certain neighborhoods, it is literally behind all low density housing development-- wherever single family housing is separated from multifamily housing, regardless of who lives there.) Homeownership incentives are also a big part of the "submerged state", which lets middle class suburban homeowners believe that they aren't getting benefits from the government and therefore they shouldn't pay for the benefits of others, and I'd argue being able to live in a single family owner-occupied home away from all renters must have an effect on class solidarity. There has been a focus in my city (DC) on housing cooperatives, which essentially let renters buy their properties as part of a co-op with special access to financing and restrictions on future profit in an effort to limit exchange value as a way to control costs-- but it still does this through *ownership of private property*.

jacob hellas

Living in a less urban area i learned a lot about this thing. thx

Angus McNair

if you think chapo is "blame whitey" i'd like to see how you react to literally any other left-wing media

Maggie Kovacs

What is ya'lls take on building tinyhouses for the homeless? Good? Bad? Neutral? Clearly not enough. This might come up in the Seattle show i'm guessing since it's hot shit here.

Raphael Wakefield

Thank you! Yeah they totally avoided any technical specifics other than Costa-Hawkins, even Prop 13 or the basic YIMBY case, which was oversimplified as fighting NIMBY resistance to large buildings which in turn was oversimplified as just racism. Instead they leaned into "be aware of your own gentrifying" and aesthetic criticism- which by the way is not socialism at all, certainly it is less socialist than the YIMBY consensus that individuals should not be allowed to sit on multimillion dollar undertaxed single family homes.

William Beamish (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 03:06:28 yay! thanks ya'll &lt;3 Shanti Singh was amazing
2018-04-11 01:38:08 yay! thanks ya'll <3 Shanti Singh was amazing

yay! thanks ya'll <3 Shanti Singh was amazing