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It's Felix and I'm back with a Derek Davison Special Retrospective on legendary Rex Tillerson. 


Derek's Patreon, please subscribe ho https://www.patreon.com/davisond13/overview



Zohair Deen

cool episode but maybe next time you and Brandon Wardell can do a special retrospective on pruane2forever

Spencer horne

Bonus episode makes up for the exorbitant ticket price of the SF live show.


i love the felix+derek shows


I'm rexs' misstress


Clear your throat god damn

Matt Crossin

just here to say Davison's laugh is the best

Zen Ben

Good primer on Middle East power politics. I'm as nervous about the prospect of John Bolton managing foreign policy as Derek Davidson is. That MF could be the end of us all. I will be pissed if we all die in a nuclear confrontation pushed by senile old men like Trump and Bolton. What an inglorious ending of 10,000 years of civilization!

Tom Gunther

felix/derek episode every month. every week. every day.

excellent minaret

Glad to be subbed to Derek's podcast, ya'll should check it out on here

Harry Forbes

You guys should do this biweekly

Trevor Ewen

Goodbye Sexy-Rexy.


I love this and I learned a lot, thanks guys!

Mason overton

Almost 2 and a half hours of Chapo today, I am satisfied

J P 3

Thought the Forward had some useful Jared-Qatari context for Donald's dislike of Tillerson from earlier this week: "But there’s another context for the firing that hasn’t yet been noted. It has to do with Jared Kushner, Trump’s son in-law and senior White House adviser, for Tillerson and Kushner found themselves on opposite sides of a major international affair that exposed potentially compromising information about the president’s son-in-law. Tillerson’s dismissal comes after weeks of damaging media coverage of Kushner, and questions about whether Kushner’s financial woes led to international policy decisions. It all comes back to an underwater building in Manhattan, 666 5th Avenue. The property, owned by Kushner’s family, is severely in debt, and the family could face financial ruin if they fail to finance it. To this end, Kushner has been seeking financing for the building from some top players, including from a Qatari investment group. The Qataris did not in the end agree to finance the building. And weeks later, Qatar found itself under a blockade, imposed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt, formally known as the Anti-Terror Quartet. The blockade was strenuously opposed by Tillerson, who called on the ATQ to ease it. But he was contradicted by none other than Trump himself, who said that Qatar “has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level.”

Thomas Sankara

stop it, you all have amazing voices


GOAT: <a href="https://youtu.be/Ar0uJoDSYcQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Ar0uJoDSYcQ</a>


I'm surprised that no one has really noted this, but the reason that Rex called Trump a moron after the Boy Scout thing was almost certainly because Rex used to be the president of the Boy Scouts! Which says a lot about that organization. Coincidentally, Robert Gates was the BSA president right before Rex.


Why is this the latest episode available to me as a patreon member, but episode 194 is available for free on soundcloud? Is there a way to get the latest episodes, all episodes, in my patreon podcast feed?

Justin Kirkland

Outstanding episode. Honestly, I’ve been worried lately about that prolonged exposure to Soundcloud rappers, YouTube stars, and online gaming had turned Felix’s brain to slurry. Nice to know he’s still there

Andrew Jones

I'd say I can't blame them, but for as much as they're pulling in, it's a bit weak to expect patrons to look in two places unless there's a Patreon stipulation that you can't post content in this feed that is freely available. Since they don't bother to check the comments here, I am indignant at their insolence towards the people fueling their success which is all the more reason to just stick with the free content IMO. Downloading everything real quick first, lol, because it is Good Content

Andrew Jones

Speaking of laziness, love these MP3 filenames, lmao: aeyreIt4TP80xnbC0VbhOYi_TYk3cgzRmwujr0YrRp7hXIHP4x41RkWxQSPZQy3h.mp3


really like this pod ♥

Geoffrey Zoref

Every time I saw Tillerson it reminded me of the scene in Syriana when the oil executive gives the Arab Prince a tongue-lashing because he called the Americans greedy even though he was ready to take a bribe from the CEO.