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Glenn Greenwald calls in (for definitely the first time ever) from the Kompromat Kompound in Rio to talk to Will, Virgil and Matt about:

- The John Podhoretz Schnipper's Saga

- Hollywood's admiration of former CIA chiefs

- "What's the deal with this whole Russia thing?" and why do liberals seem to care about it in lieu of real politics?

- online privacy and how worrying about it can shape how act and what we think

- Finally, we subscribe to Eric Garland's premium twitter content and plug some tour dates

WEST COUST TOUR TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE: http://chapotraphouse.com/




C'mon its the moment we've all been waiting for like the salivating dogs that we are!

Scot Forsythe

<a href="https://www.wired.com/story/inside-facebook-mark-zuckerberg-2-years-of-hell/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.wired.com/story/inside-facebook-mark-zuckerberg-2-years-of-hell/</a>


What an episode title…