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It's the third installment of our absolutely original series where Professor Cushbomb gets hammered and teaches us about left wing history. This week, we'll learn all about the radical leftist student movements of the 1960's and 70's, their successes and failures, and how Marx can teach us that post-war America is similar to mid-19th century French peasantry. Come for dirt on Bill Ayers, stay for Matt's patented "tube of Pringles" theory.​



Tyler Ogilvie

Hey can someone repost the RSS link somewhere? New phone and can't find the original email... cheers.

TV Marty Tonight

woah. i actually learned something, y'all.

Chris B

Go to the patreon overview site for the pod on your phones browser and under the overview tab you should see the link for the RSS feed as well as a text url. Works in Chrome can't speak for Safari.


Pringle Theory is great

Scot Forsythe

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEImW6ViMdg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEImW6ViMdg</a>

Zen Ben

You have to listen on another platform. I finally followed the tech instructions to get the show on a decent platform like ITunes. The Patreon platform is shockingly bad. It is so bad that it makes me wonder if the people promoting it are running some kind of scam and in six months the site will shut down and the perps running Patreon leave the country with all the creators money and all of our donations. With the amount of money flowing through Patreon, they should be able to afford a functional audio stream. I only come over here to post for other Chapo heads. Patreon is a superfund level disaster. Something is not right about this. The hustlers running the site are not investing it in improving their product. They may just be asset-stripping the fan base before skipping town. No one who actually cared about the product would let it be this truly defective.

Jessica Rios

What you said about something being on the tip of my tongue and then Matt articulates it perfectly is why I would join any cult Matt started. lol. Not kidding

E Joseph Weixel

Mark Rudd had the honesty to acknowledge the disproportionate presence of young Jews in the Weather Underground. By completely overlooking this glaringly obvious fact you've dishonored an important part of Jewish history. Do over and do better. https://www.markrudd.com/indexcd39.html


Fucking banger

Aaron H

See also Mike Davis's recent NLR article on LA in 1960 told month-by-month.


For the grey cubs, part 1 <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/inebriated-past-7552147">https://www.patreon.com/posts/inebriated-past-7552147</a> part 2 <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/inebriated-past-11905723">https://www.patreon.com/posts/inebriated-past-11905723</a>

Blake Archibald

Come on lightweight, were 3 minutes in and we are already " wery wery well"

Aaron H

The weather was definitely counterproductive and detached from both reality and the working class.

James Kellner

Kinda like how the minute Matt gets a solo show he goes back to sounding like he's on the toilet.

Adam Cassidy

so much reverb. It's like he's recording in a 12x12 concrete room with bare walls.


Goddamn this is way better than that fuckin comedy central show

Ellen Harold

OMG, he doesn’t know how to pronounce SNCC!!

Brian Barnes-Cocke

1 hr and not even a single mention of how hot any of these people were. I don’t want an ugly revolutionary vanguard. Was Fred Hampton hot or not? I mean if you don’t tell me how thicc any of these people are what are the stakes? Why do I care?

Jesse C

sncc rhymes with thicc


Make more of these ffs. Invite some story tellers.


Invite your favorite story tellers and let them rip one for you, Matt!


I mean let them tell story, I love you.

Henry Ross

Insane how you’ve only done 3 of these. By far the best content you make

Frank Kuo

One of the best episodes yet.

Yale Wyatt

the audio sounds like you've returned to recording in the bathroom.... whats going on christman

Justin Davis

This episode fucking rules


I lived that 1960-70s history; spot-on summary, great episode, very valuable, thanks.


I was listening to this at work and it started playing through my speakers instead of my headphones. I didn't realize and just kept turning up the volume

Old left

Does anyone know which early episode he's referring to? Where he made the point that a class analysis in contemporary America should consider Marx's 18th Brumaire re the reactionary nature of the peasantry?

Chuck U. Farley

Hey Matt ... if you're going to get fucking hammered, you have to tell us what you're drinking. Is this tequila talking? The cheap beer in the squat brown bottles? Wine in a box? Perhaps a motherfucking mimosa?




These are my favorite! Good job Matt .

Joey Trimboli

Now that he gets a solo episode, he GETS to record it from the toilet.

Denny Check

Check out the episode of Age of Napoleon he did on 18th brumaire, he might mean that

Kyle LoPinto

I didn't check but i feel like it was one of the two about the rnc convention so either featuring bropair or murderbryan


What is up with this audio quality? Fantastic episode, and almost unlistenable.

Aaron Ross

Hey all long time listener first time shitposter. Please make this a free episode, this is important for people to be able to share. Some spot on Marxist analysis. <3

Edward H

I don't remember the Chapo episode, but he actually talked about it on an episode of Age of Napoleon


Matt make a frickin youtube channel mane

Lucas Potter VII

I met Bill Ayers at a talk he gave at my college once. Seemed like a pretty nice guy.

David Frenulum

Matt is the main reason I sub. He's very knowledgeable and has a heart that isn't completely frozen solid from coagulated animal grease. Great circulation, some of the best.

Old left

Please make it available to all. This is the Matt I love... it's why I defend him despite his increasing obnoxiousness. I wish he used that knife-sharp analysis & knowledge in every episode.

Michael Kelly

Did he really not know how to pronounce SNCC correctly? Really? That's bad, fam.


Make this free!

Jake White

Awesome stuff. As a Chicago native I'm continuously baffled by the horrific/incredibly interesting things that have gone in here in the last 100 or so years

Shame Dept.

Damn..he snapped.

Julian Fine

I'll add another vote to free this one up.

Anthony Taylor

this and the last inebriated past are 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 haven't found the first installment of inebriated past. Going to look again


The audio sounds punk as fuck. Haters please jump in a lake.

Taylor Williams

i would rather pay $5 to hear matt do this than for the regular chapo


This is fucking excellent. Please make this into a spin-off series matt

Kyle LoPinto

Fucking excellent episode. The reason I came to love chapo is its style of analysis and critique of ideology that makes it kin with Adam Curtis.

Edwin Rodriguez

Matt is a king, a pimp and a nasty hoe. This episode should be become open to all listeners.

Adam Perez

Where is my chapo? No opening song? And the moral he seems to be saying is that media is bad because... Reasons! (not a bad show, just no comedy which is was what I was here for)

Mark Chassy

Inebriate listening to Inebriated History is always a good idea. Leaving comment in that state is not ....

Christian Emanuel

I disagree with the usage of this audio filter. The S sounds require use of a serious "deesser" and filling back in on the low end. Listening on headphones, the mix is headache inducing.

Ben Patey

The harsh sibilance seems to be caused in part by harsh digital compression and in part by the microphone. Good content though!

Ben Patey

It's beyond just EQ, he needs some kind of de-esser.

Matthew Paul Soucie

It sounds tite and who gives a rip about pronunciation you fusty old ladies. Blow 'er out yer asses! Great ep.

Carson Stones

Matt this was fantastic. What books have you read on the subject that you can recommend?

max viesel

I laughed very hard one time at the pringles line and it was worth every second. Well done Matt

Michael Hollitscher

a pretty shit article, but the phenomenon is interesting in light of what Cush talks about here: <a href="https://www.nippon.com/en/column/g00455/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.nippon.com/en/column/g00455/</a>

Alex Davis

Make this one public so we can share with comrades!


Jesus Matt this is excellent. Very informative and digestible as a listener. I vote to make this free if it’s cool with y’all:)

Ellen Harold

Nicely done. I think a lot of the 60’s radicals may have been red diaper babies who were motivated in part by a desire to win the approval of their parents, some of whom had been persecuted or had their careers destroyed.


This is terrific.

Daniel Whittaker

insane that this isn't more well known, especially since it is such recent history.

Tom May

awesome ep, and much-appreciated breakdown of SDS's history, but I would've liked the exposition at the end re: post-war society/French peasantry to be like 3 hours longer.

Rhys J

Hell yes it's time for TIP

Robert Trump

Ep rules, easily best of all the drunk histories and the others are good

BJ Breen

Where are parts 1 and 2?


Matt definitely the best when it comes to leftist theoretical D I S C O U R S E

JT Ross

the way I had them cataloged they are episodes 66 and 117B


Matt, this is the best. Please do more!

Zen Ben

As a veteran of the SDS, prior to the hostile takeover by the Weather Undergound dead-enders, Matt’s account rings true. Cushbomb is doing a public service with his calm, rational introduction to neo-Marxist ideology and praxis. Good work!

Ben Poop

this made me gay

Elbows Unique

I think this is too important to keep behind the pay wall

Alex Hobbs



This is fantastic. It starts off strong and only gets better as it goes. Please make it public.


Great stuff Matt. A small criticism however: your vocal fry seemed to be way worse than usual here, but it may have been whatever mic you were using having an effect. Not sure.


So good


I really enjoyed the Pringles in a can analogy

John S

This is fantastic. Great work Matt.

Phil S Stein

Well that was worth waiting for!


Really digging Pringle Theory here Matt but for the love of god take a throat lozenge before you start this shit hahaha

Howard Kistler

Very good episode, though the rest of my comments are to Matt about the gaming debate. Just wanted to say to Matt, you absolutely won the debate. The surrogacy that gaming provides to the hardcore gamer, and the abstraction from the real world and tangible consequence, is the most pernicious aspect of gaming culture. I appreciated that you also worked in how gaming can function as an opiate and disperse energies that could otherwise be directed toward effecting social change. I say all this with full disclosure as someone who is a casual gamer, and who even wrote games in the past. Moderation and the ability to disentangle gaming from real life are crucial.

Danny Catwell

these are the best episodes. the other gentlemen and lady are solid as a rock but drunk matt is a diamond. i'm trying to positively reinforce this behavior

Brandon Kuhl

This is the kind of thing that keeps me subscribing. I learn a lot from Matt.


The moral is that media is bad ... ? I think you missed something. Maybe listen a couple more times. And if you don’t like this kinda badass love mixed in with yer comedy, that’s a pity but to each her own, I guess.


just gonna add to the agreement that history/theory/analysis with Matt rules

Woke Batou

Amber and Matt are standouts for sure


This ep is still on my mind. Like it's one of those times where there's something on the tip of my tongue that I can't quite articulate and then I heard this and it was a total "Holy shit!" moment. I second all the requests to make this public cause it's that good and I want more more people to hear it.


Ahem, the "wind blowing" was the coming violence, not the SDS kids.

Conrad Rushing

Really enjoyed the episode! Question for Matt and the room: did the architects of postwar American suburbanization (I’m thinking Robert Moses) ever expressly link their efforts to disperse Americans geographically with anti-Marxist, anti-Communist efforts, especially in terms of removing that horizontal social connectivity that leads to rising class consciousness in Marx’s view? I mean did Moses et al say so ever, in a speech or memoir or whatever, hitting the “this hits Marx where he lives” notes rather than the “rah rah pro-capital a chicken in every smallhold” notes? That’s my q - thanks for the awesome work chapos, keep going further.

Chase Burghgrave

I can't speak for Moses in particular, but there definitely was a political element to the extending of mortgage credit and suburbanization of working class housing. Two quotes from Leo Panith and Sam Gindin's book The Making of Global Capitalism bring out this point nicely: "This was especially significant given that one major response to the urban riots of the mid 1960s, drawing on the long-standing identification of home-ownership as contributing to social stability, had been to answer the cry of “Burn, baby, burn,” with “Build, baby, build,” as one prominent mortgage banker put it. The extension of mortgage credit to marginalized communities—rather than the renewal and massive extension of public housing—would become the central means of coping with inequality in the decades to come. The basis for the subprime crisis needs to be dated all the way back to this moment." "With investment in residential housing rising eleven-fold in the five years after the war, William J. Levitt, who supervised the building of the paradigmatic working-class suburb, Levittown, declared in 1948 that “no man who owns his own house and lot can be a communist."

Dick Shitley

iiiiiii wouuuullllld liiiiiike a newww episooooooode

Chris Mackay

Outstanding!!! Where are the other two segments?


That's a good question. I'm sure someone on the reddit knows. Felix did one I remember

Incog Negro

You've made up proud bro ... stellar work my cracka!!!!