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Apologies for the tardiness this week friends, as recompense we will be giving you a double shot of premium content next week. Until then enjoy this episode with comedian Mike Recine, we talk about the mob, the holy city of Jerusalem, and a NY Times article about Silicon Valley types finding their "Inner-Nets" at Carmel California's Hippie getaway "The Esalen Institute"

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Richard Dawkins literally is African though

Inland Urinal

Love hearing y'all talk about Spokane's favorite daughter, Rachael Dolezal

Marian Jones

Why can’t Will talk into the microphone




I am hoping they address racism against italian americans

Alex Wilson

Recine on the guest list you know the Cum Boys gonna show out for this one


had no idea this combo was coming and i'm stoked, mike recine rules


Cajun accents 💯

James Kellner

Forgot how much I missed Matt's Clay Higgins impression.


Eyyyy, I'm poddin' 'eeuh.

Dan Eppolito

deeply gratified to hear my dumb heritage mocked and to hear about America's future luxury prison for tech dipshits.

Hrishi Somayaji

What's with this constant fuckin calling food "treats" Jesus Christ

Brandon Lee

lmao dallin is the most mormon fuckin name, am from utah can confirm


Emperor Norton!

Justin Riddle

He referenced Champion! I think about that commercial's tagline at least once a month! I'm dead inside!

Jordan Tarwater

I wasn't ready for a My Side of the Mountain shout-out.

Egg Moron

Well-to-do folks of a certain generation seem to have developed Stockholm Syndrome for high-school. Every morning at about 7:00am I walk through Fort Greene Park on my way to my real ass working class job. I'd been doing it for years and then all of the sudden last year these thirty-something bourgeois dorks start polluting the atmosphere every Wednesday with this adult PE class. These fuckers are paying some over-eager trainer to shout corny ass encouragement at them while they run around the park like it's 9th grade. Then when everyone is all done, they cheer and dance around like the Ellen show. It's fucking disgusting.

Hank Single

This is my last ride on the patreon train, friends. Can't support the platform. Would love to see y'all migrate to a better company.

Courtney Cook

You guys are the only reason I'm staying on Patreon - will definitely follow you if/when you move to a better platform...

Garrett Alan

Holy shit that Rachel Dolezal take is terrible. You all should maybe try talking to a single black person before saying dumbass shit like a white woman who sued an HBCU for not admitting her because of her whiteness then went on to adopt a fake black identity in order to sell her art is good, actually.

Harry Forbes

They really need to have more black people on the show


Chapo Trap House 9150 Wilshire Blvd Suite 350 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Beverly Hills? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet

pindakaas cheese

please make your bonus stuff just available for everybody and please use that to give me a way to avoid patreon. Thanks


Thanks for shouting out red letter media!


Time to touch the poop

Alex Davis

Matt has to touch the poo!


Listening to this, all I can think about is the Peter Weller movie "The New Age."

Lindsay Ballant

More fun facts about Esalen Institute—they were the retreat in the Mad Men final season/series finale (because of course they were) and professional-class elites flocked to it after the show (because of course they did): <a href="https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/esalen-mad-men-fans-scramble-797385" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/esalen-mad-men-fans-scramble-797385</a>

Garrett Alan

Good point, listening to POC before speaking on issues facing them is a lot to ask.

Alex Tsybulsky

"it's about putting Silicon Valley back in their bodies" oh my god they're all doing Get Out