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Amber, Matt and Will are back from the holiday to talk about a shitty NYT profile of Boy Gladiator Ben Shapiro and a piece in Politico about the politics of Turkey day by pro-Trump college professor and anti-cursing advocate Mark Bauerlein.  




This episode is a great reminder in 2021 of why I'm glad that twat hasn't been on the show in a while



Peter E

where's felxi


I was hoping for this ep to have Felix dunking on Trump Jr's horrible lifting video

Patrick Crowley

Ben actually got Chip Hazard and his crew of soldiers to protect him from the antifa Gorgonites.

Wagner Koop

@ 38:00 They're talking about the college I went to and graduated from this year. Sorry.

David Zysk

I agree with Amber on there being a difference between Milo and Shapiro. I’d like to hear more hot takes from this podcast


Amber sloppily eating food on mic while trying to talk. Fuck that. I'm out

Michal Dzurenda

Actually, the best right wing nutjob nickname is Baruch Obamawitz. Shalom.

Jaymes Grundmann

Ben Shapiro licks up homeless people jizz off of YMCA bathroom floors

Terence Petersen

The only thing that has ever made me feel empathy for Jr was the horrible pained grunt he let out

Rich Ranallo

Pregnant Obama fanart is the new pregnant Sonic fanart

Rich Ranallo

I deal with it by also eating constantly while listening on earbuds so my chewing noise drowns theirs out.

Big Bill Cosby

no brendan this time? Will seems to be pacing past a stationary mic...Amber too but thats par for the course for her...

Allyson D

i love ya'll to death but ever since Matt moved to NYC his interrupting has increased like 1000%

Big Bill Cosby

seriously the levels are fucked


Have they done an episode on all these YouTube rational skeptics? That community is a damn goldmine

Professor Gascan

They mentioned the subject briefly in the President Wario episode and Matt's conclusion was that their videos are too excruciating to sit through. It was a while ago though so I don't know if they've changed their minds since then.

Levi Thompson

so, who's applying to Ralston College now?


what episode number is that? I'm a new subscriber

C Ozmun

My parents are both Midwest middle-class liberal arts university professors. They and most of their colleagues voted Trump. That Politico author wants to feel unique where he isn't, and east coast publishers are indulging him.


Fun fact: Ben Shapiro played Eddie Haskell in the 1997 remake of Leave It To Beaver.

Brian Barnes-Cocke

You guys should do a take down of Armond White. It would take some deep cuts but you guys have it in you.

Tim Richardson

Thought these three were a great combo. Has it ever been just amber matt will before?


<a href="https://twitter.com/frost_christman" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/frost_christman</a>

Andrew McIntyre

quick: if a child with progeria identifies as a 7 year old, but we see them as a 60 year old... do we split the difference??

Joel Taylor

2 out of 2 pop-punk San Diego little brothers who voted Trump think Ben is a douche but loved Cum Town. Gav-Milo mock Fearless Girl and woke-speak, that's the appeal. So, I agree with Amber, at least when it comes to the segment I know: the mid-millennial So Cal stoner. They find Hillary-crats lame and pretentious and Gav-Milo was the only irreverent alternative on their radar, they don't know there's a left critique of liberalism. There's zero overlap with proud-virgin conservatism, Baby Ben is so not chill.

Joel Taylor

Totally. I was just in my hometown, suburban San Diego, and the kids there who like Gav-Milo DO care who's "cool." Hillary is lame, they like Milo because he mocks woke-speak and other things they find annoying. But they aren't bigots either, just kinda dumb, So Cal stoners are all about "chill,"

Joel Taylor

I can't remember, but Amber has/ had a pod with Sam Kriss called Whale Vomit, it's a similar balance... I highly recommend it

Alex Wilson

The woman who wrote this profile interviewed me about teen vaping habits in NYT.

Ellen Harold

Women magically change their age all the time. Both my grandmothers knocked six years off theirs.

TV Marty Tonight

Amber sounds smashed. Great episode.

Chris Dobson

Armond is too transparently a troll to be worth taking down. "David Fincher's petty nihilism is no match for the joie de vivre that is 'Norbit'"! -every Armond review. Rex Reed is so much worse.

Jess Lipka

It's pronounced hop-uh. He's a real fuck. <a href="https://angrywhitemen.org/2017/10/15/hans-hermann-hoppe-sings-the-alt-rights-praises-at-the-2017-property-freedom-society-conference/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://angrywhitemen.org/2017/10/15/hans-hermann-hoppe-sings-the-alt-rights-praises-at-the-2017-property-freedom-society-conference/</a>#more-42323

shawarma drip

these three on their own have a fantastic dynamic (no shade to felix or virgil). smooth as eggs.

Nic Johnson

Amber's definitely right about Shapiro v Milo

Philip Wolny

Oddly, the site is down right this second, but Nathan Robinson's polemic against Shapiro is as deft, logical, and "eviscerating" as Shapiro wishes he was in his wildest, 5'1" dreams.... <a href="https://www.currentaffairs.org/2017/12/the-cool-kids-philosopher" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.currentaffairs.org/2017/12/the-cool-kids-philosopher</a>