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Hello everyone, this is a mano e mano with Felix (me) and Derek Davison about Saudipocalypse 2k17. we also recorded a second bonus for this week with David Roth just today, so stay tuned. Mwah. Love you. I may have staph infection again. peace and more power.


Derek's superb Patreon please subscribe https://www.patreon.com/davisond13


Derek's blog also owns https://attwiw.com



Michael Benedetto

Staph is the fucking worst. Gave me tramadol at the ER tho that was fire.

Dwayne Swomp

My boy MBS bout to stomp Nasrallat



Alex Stone

Felix cut the bullshit just join the Muslim Brotherhood already

Weird Esoterica

So can anybody add context to jered's shitty building?


i feel like felix eps would benefit from another host to help ground him and give context a little better.


This and the Iran episode are excellent.

Juan Solis

He bought a building at a stupid time for a billion and it wasn't worth it

Spencer horne

I love learning, but I listen to Chapo for the jokes. It isn’t an episode of Chapo unless Matt is screaming in the background. Hopefully the next premium will be better


The derek/felix middle east episodes are dope, you guys need to start the spin-off podcast called The Truth About Syria


The latest (kinda): <a href="http://fortune.com/2017/10/17/kushner-666-fifth-avenue-ownership/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fortune.com/2017/10/17/kushner-666-fifth-avenue-ownership/</a> Longer background piece: <a href="https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-kushners-china-deal-flop-was-part-of-much-bigger-hunt-for-cash/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-kushners-china-deal-flop-was-part-of-much-bigger-hunt-for-cash/</a>

Thomas Darren Glatt

Suggestion: When its a Derek/Felix middle east episode would you guys add some more context to the discussion? I feel a little lost not knowing the history/players as well. Perhaps Derek could do an overview of the relevant players/issues before you guys dive in? Otherwise, I love these episodes. keep 'em coming. Thanks

Parker Sellers

Fantastic show. If this was on soundcloud, I would be sharing it with a few people. Geopolitics is such a complicated and insane subject it is great to hear it in this way, which is funny and interesting. Also, so many of the geopolitics voices seem to be neo-liberal, its important to amplify the Left view. Whats the Left called in world affairs anyways?

Emily Dumbass

thank you sweetie boy felix love you

Violet Lucca

Do you have any recommendations about sites (in English or Arabic) that are good for following news out of Saudi, Egypt, or the UAE? I always want to know more but it’s hard to cut past the bullshit, either from western outlets or from state-run media in those respective countries. Thanks.

Violet Lucca

Any book recommendations (English-only) would also be appreciated!

Thomas Darren Glatt

The co-host for this ep has a website: <a href="https://attwiw.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://attwiw.com/</a> that might be a good place to start

Khai El Baba Jones

I'm currently reading The Great War for Civilisation (title is ironic) by Robert Fisk, a record of his on-the-ground coverage in ME from late '70s to around 2005. Brilliant background on most of the major events. A lot of detail, but also a pretty thrilling read.

Khai El Baba Jones

I enjoyed this, even if it was pretty ramshackle and could have done with a bit more structure. It's a good example of what premium eps should be like, as opposed to the standard 2nd shows, which should be free. I'm getting kind of tired of leaving Skype open while I listen to the premium eps, so my friend can eavesdrop. Do the decent thing guys. Naomi Klein knows what's up.

Mark Mollineaux

They've got two types of princes. One has diamonds in his pockets. The other wants to buy you rockets.

John Williams

Man, you guys have some pretty good chemistry. Making this weekly or biweekly would be content gold.


That's a very good and timely question, and gets into such an intellectual labyrinth that it would merit its own separate show, in my opinion. ......In my discussions (usually on a forum with people mostly over fifty, like me) I use the terms interventionist and anti-interventionist, with modifiers appropriate to the specific topic being discussed (since I don't think most people are absolutists, i.e., 100% pro- or anti-interventionist across the board). A lot of people who favor military intervention in a given situation often call themselves liberal or leftist, so I try to avoid getting sidetracked into a "political spectrum" argument from the get-go. [By the way, my anecdotal observation is that a lot of older folks are becoming less favorable toward the U.S. playing World Cop; Iraq and Libya have been sobering experiences for them.]

Parker Sellers

Foreign Policy is almost no ones top priority when they vote, so it wouldn't be too surprising if there was simply no consensus among the Left on it. You seem to know a lot about the different approaches and their names. How about I say what my views and you tell me what the word is for it? I'm pretty Left, so I assume a lot of people would agree with me, but these issues are rarely talked about, so I have no idea who shares them with me and what we're called. I think the UN should be empowered to work as intended, which is to prevent genocide or countries from invading other countries. The 5 veto holding countries should lose that veto power. Perhaps votes should be weighted based on population and/or landmass. That would solve and prevent so many conflicts around the world. I also think corporations should have the same freedom to cross borders as people. I don't care which way, but if they can easily open a factory in Mexico to hire Mexican labor, then Mexican laborers should be allowed to easily move to the US. Or if they're not allowed to come here easily, then companies shouldn't be able to move money and products easily over borders. Its basically what the EU has done within its region.


"Perhaps votes should be weighted based on population and/or landmass." I'm sure that will in no way lead to bullying of smaller countries by bigger ones. Also, the EU still controls the movement of labor from outside the Union, and the EU's borders make no geographic or cultural sense either. I live in a country that is geographically in Europe, but is isolated from the EU labor market by virtue of being part of Europe's Mexico, the Western Balkans. We're surrounded by countries that are economically, politically and culturally similar, yet are not allowed into the Union.