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Back from LA, we catch up on the ever-shitty news cycle and double-fist a reading series.

Here's the link to the Victim Rights Law Center where we're donating $10,000 and encouraging anyone to chip in if they like: http://www.victimrights.org/ways-contribute#dollars-to-work




This episode is broken. Can’t play or download.


Good gesture on that donation, dryboys!!

Julia Griffin

If I had heard an actual apology from Will and Matt that would have been far better. Since I did not, I'm canceling my Patreon support of the show.


(3 minutes in) this is Good. You guys are Good. I'm glad you did that. ♥ you guys!

Save The World

This seems to be pretty decent. I'm glad to see this being addressed.


Glad you guys donated!


$10,000 is a lot on money. God bless.

Craig Neeson

Amber is good here. The boys clearly need some serious reigning in. I’m optimistic.

Hank Single

Thanks, Amber.


Everyone is weaponizing their fragility! DAMN. that was a lil truth bomb, Amber. <3

Hank Single

Also, y'all need a new mic set-up, cuz that space echoes like crazy.


good on you guys

Michael Kelly

what was that opening about? are there some behind-the-scenes Chapo stuff we don't know about? not getting it, these guys are very funny, not super-mature people, but I haven't heard much on air that would make for a mea culpa re: their treatment of women on the show...


The image on the feeds doesn’t seem to be working, just shows a blank pic on Overcast instead of the sweet Grey Wolves feed logo.


"They act like it didn't happen... They think Trump got into office by, like, answer a riddle from the Sphinx." Excellent.

Aidan Dean-Jones

You know who’s really gay? Anybody complaining about that picture.

Rich Ranallo

Hosting this podcast is going to literally kill Matt. I hope you're all OK with that.


Massively disappointing. Even accepting amber’s explanations that she doesn’t want to talk about rape on a comedy podcast, it doesn’t excuse the need for matt and will to specifically address the issue. Woke have taken 2 min. Also wtf? They’ve had chase Madar on re human rights violations and covered tons of topics that are sensitive. Can’t read it as anything other than using Amber as a human flak jacket. If all of this had happened to a lib podcast and then they handled it like CHT has, they’d have been mocked viciously on this show and rightfully so. The past week has diminished the pod immensely and this is pure cowardice


y'all really should stop trying to ride this line of being a comedy podcast when its convenient, being a political podcast when it's convenient. that's really some jon stewart trash.


Please point to the episode where they purported to be anything other than a bunch of dipshits with hobbies

James Edward Smith

I was fine when Jon did it too... Why can't a comedy show be about or mention politics? Why does it not allow the show to say it's a comedy? You can't make jokes about politics or you're now POLITICAL MEDIA and have to be serious about everything now! Why? It's such a random pointless call out. Everything can be political.

Jordan Ramage

Gold star chili sucks. seriously, if for some reason you're stuck in Cincinnati eat at Skyline chili way better

Kindrid Parker

I was concerned about this, so I brought the concern to my mother, who is a lifelong, very active leftist. A badass lady who's meeting Nina Turner on Saturday for an Our Revolution thing. My mother is very aware of gender politics. I talk Jane Campion films with her. I thought my Mother, an educated and active feminist, would be a good source of moral guidance. I told her the joke and showed her the tweet...and she just cracked the fuck up. She thought it was hilarious. I told her about the conflict around it and she said something to the effect of, "Oh shut the fuck up. I took you to see Carlin when you were 12. Irreverent speech is the heart of the left. And if people don't like it, they can listen to something else or make their own podcast, but ya'll don't need to go around telling each other what you can laugh about.” She went on to remind me of the lessons of speech and the left. “My God, what are gonna do, tell working-class black folks that rap lyrics are too ‘problematic’. Nobody wants to be around that shit, and I’m telling you, when you start oppressing people’s speech, the first people silenced are the poor and the most dissident voices.” My take is: it is possible that people have different tastes and thresholds for irony & satire, that personally and viscerally, people make moral sense of the world in their own way while remaining absolutely moral, good people capable of being good comrades. One person "gets" slasher films and enjoys the camp satire of it while another finds it “triggering." Also, the idea of ‘protecting’ other people from content - ‘protecting’ women from content - is pretty patronizing, don’t you think? There are plenty of women, with all kinds of experiences, that can handle a joke on their own without us trying to ‘protect’ them from it. My mom, for example thought it was hilarious. My wife thought it was kinda funny but was like, it could better. If you don't like Chapo, don't listen to it. If you do like Chapo, listen to it. But don't judge each other absolutely and declare each other “bad” over what people do or don't laugh at. Laughter is personal and visceral, and if everything else about a person’s ideology and morality seems agreeable to you, there’s no reason to judge them so harshly based on a single gesture of irreverence. Everyone has the right to laugh how they want, and I for one am not gonna be part of any revolution that tries to legislate what I can laugh at. It’s almost as if political solidarity shouldn’t be contingent on the various things we consume according to our various tastes. Personally, I need work like this to thrive and would rather us nurture it, allow it a sour note from time to time and room to grow, rather than scold it out of existence. As OG ironist Oscar Wilde said, “Better bad art than no art.”

William Copping

To not do a whole show about it is one thing and the explanation makes sense. But to never even mention the allegations against sam kriss or matt taibbi (especially when the taibbi stuff has been floating around for a while) is unacceptable. You cant just sidestep your association with these people when they've both appeared on multiple episodes. The fact you couldnt even state sam kriss wont be on the show again is unbelievable


A bunch of smug, self-righteous twitter scolds and people who already hate Chapo decided to misunderstand/misread an admittedly somewhat hamfisted joke posted on twitter about rapist Bill Cosby still having a star on the walk of fame. You can probably find a pic of the tweet. It features Matt, Will, and some guy from the LA DSA smiling, thumbs up, and posing near Cosby's star with the words "hey libs, try taking THIS statue down" They tweeted this 'cause they love Cosby and rape, apparently. The ultra woke tut-tutted, and are in fact still tut-tutting, 'cause that's all their politics is.

Hampus Bystrom

Very good guys, especially Amber. I don't think this is easy at all.


I agree, Amber, a woman, doesn't have personal agency. Thank you for your good feminism.


Lemme get this straight, you're taking the Cosby picture joke, then you're conflating that with stuff individual Chapo/Cum Town fans did and holding them up as proof that "it goes way deeper than the joke". I'm sorry yo but you gotta stop projecting your grievances with society at large on a bunch of harmless leftist entertainers whose hearts have been proven countless times to be in the right place. The dry boys are not misogynistic and it's in bad faith to point them out as such.


They already apologised in the tweet itself, which was more than enough given the fact that it was, at worst, an anti-rape/cosby/confederate statue joke that was executed poorly. Nothing they say will make you happy anyway because the primary motivation in these tedious struggle sessions is to imply how profoundly good and woke and politically perfect you are. Will and Matt could end rape tomorrow and you'd still find a way to wag your finger about something. How about you just unsubscribe and donate that $5 a month to the VRLC in addition to the 1-2% of your annual income (to match those sexist chapo bros) you've no doubt already done?


Twitter is horrid enough. Some of yall want to turn Twitter into podcast conversations? Child please. They can talk about stuff like taibi and kriss on their own. Fuck is this chatty patty business that gotta be aired for the world. The tweet was one thing and nowhere near as big of a problem as all of the other shit folks want them to address somehow. Gtfoh with that shit. Next thing you know folks'll be asking for Edtv chapo edition except with a comment section and constant feedback.


This show not about fucking Sam Kriss. He is never going to be featured again, so save your outrage. Some of y’all have a fetish for apologies ffs


Charles... thank you. The VRLC also thanks you for all these words. They actually said that people, preferably males, whining very wokely, but also sexistly, on the internet is the best way to help.


Haven't listened to the episode, and I'm only half following the drama on FB and it sounds pretty BS. BUT The idea that they get a pass for being entertainers is essentially the lame ass "IM A COMEDIAN!" shtick that jon stewart pulled every time his back was against a wall. It's as disingenuous now as it was then


Dude, are you that fucking clueless that you need them to issue a statement on Kriss, rape and sexual assault/harassment ? Let me help you out: Sam Kriss is never going to be on this podcast or any other podcast for probably the rest of his life. Also, Chapo is anti rape and sexual assault. They're against it and think it's bad. Honestly though, I think you people just want to hear the Chapo people say bad things about the rapey journo guy for shallow, gossipy, voyeuristic reasons. Same goes for "addressing" the sexism/misogyny stuff - you like the drama and want it to keep going.


Dude this is the denizens of the twitter outrage industry we are dealing with here. And they want to sterilize any environment they take a slight interest in.


I live in a conservative right-wing shithole of a country in the Balkans and CTH for me is a good two hours every week where I don't have to be depressed about it. IMHO all yall dipshits with imaginary grievances should fuck right off and focus on doing something helpful to the cause IRL that you so bravely champion online. Edit: Btw you guys, send some good vibes this way so that Gruevski and his coterie of awful surveillance-mafia state thugs end up in jail now that they're definitively no longer in power.

Kindrid Parker

Does Amy Goodman need to grovel & apologize for having interviewed Taibbi? These people do realize if the standard is that if anyone someone knows ends up being "problematic" it's an instant means to silence and invalidate them? I personally know all kinds of fucked up people that I'm not personally/politically responsible for. It's a ridiculous and dangerous standard. These scolds seem to be begging to have their right to expression taken from them.

Hampus Bystrom

Oh fuck off and unsub already. Who cares? You're never going to be happy at the way this is handled anyway


eh I don't know if people (on the left at least) were deliberately misunderstanding it, more like pointing out how it didn't really land especially with everything else going on that week. will acknowledged it was shitty on twitter earlier


mostly agree, but I do feel like people's criticisms of the timing were valid. a larger convo is happening on the left about sexual harassment & assault and it's fully ok for people to criticize some things sometimes


thanks for this one, guys, and especially thanks to amber for being amazing as always. I want to make amber's pep talk my alarm.

Kindrid Parker

I'm confident they've taken the feedback. And feedback, sure, but this whole idea that you have to apologize for the sins of others because you know them is frankly dangerous.

Christopher Snape

This fanbase is in danger of drifting the brocialist way if every gender controversy gets blamed on libs and centrists


Dashcams are the only post-Soviet Russian contribution to visual entertainment? Way to erase Russian camgirls, Amber!


Yes, Amber is an object, devoid of agency. I'm such a good male feminist ally that I'm mentally incapable of imagining a woman having an opinion. Also "Woke have taken 2 min." is a great Freudian slip. Does auto-complete suggest "woke" ever time you hit "W"?

Allyson D

the best thing they can do is not talk about Sam Kriss and let him fade into obscurity, it isn't their responsibility

Allyson D

ya'll are gems. thank you for the opening, Amber

Andrew Richardson

Amber's opening monologue moved me :_ I


Real great intro. I do feel like it would be good to throw out an anti-taibbi and Kriss statement; I mean obviously we all know those two aren’t going to be back on the show and it could be upsetting and fucked up to remind people of all that, but it could help put some of the silliness to rest

Terence Petersen

You appear to still be losing subscribers. Wutchu gon do bout it?

Michael Koes

Stewart's "I'm a comedian" was never a defense against the content or tenor of a joke. Stewart said he was a comedian to dodge questions about why he'd go easy on certain guests or stories, or fail to adhere to journalistic ethics.

Matthew Golden

Gold Star Chili is really lousy.


10K? you guys make 80k a fucking month, don't be stingy with donating praxis now.


yeah I literally cannot believe that amber didn't excoriate sam kriss after hosting a podcast with him. I bet she doesn't even care about sexual assault


lmk when you donate 1/8th of your monthly income to a charity

David Sacks

Being a listener of the podcast, the tweet made complete sense, and was a throwaway joke. Without the context of the show, the tweet is inscrutable and open to good faith misinterpretation, and was especially problematic because it reflected on DSA.

David Sacks

I want to address serious issues in these comments. Why was Brendan allowed to speak and participate for several weeks, and now he's silenced again? Is it because he sounds too much like Will and listeners get confused?

Bernardo Vigil

TBH, I’m a bit disappointed with the explanation here. Not that you guys should do an episode on SA (I thought Amber’s explanation on that was v good) but I think having an honest conversation around y’alls relationship to people who make women uncomfortable to exist in leftist spaces is warranted and honestly necessary. Your refusal to engage with good faith criticisms of y’all’s behavior and relationships online kind of makes the donation just seem like an easy out. You guys are in the business of creating an influencing culture, so a conversation around comedy’s place in perpetuating rape culture is completely in y’all’s wheelhouse, without having to take on the issue at large. That would be hard, though, and would require you to public comment on the shitty behavior of you and yours, so that’s why it seems cowardly that you refuse to do it. For the record, I didn’t even think the offending tweet was that bad (I read it as a joke about the fact that his star was still up, not a joke condoning sexual assault), although I think it was pretty poorly timed and p insensitive given what’s gone on this week.


Good on Amber for not just once, but twice calling out Matt on his weird condiment habits. As a fan of condiments I've been disturbed by his behavior for some time


sure, 1/8th of fuck all is surely going to help, let's get everyone to donate 1/8th of fuck all especially you know most people that have to calculate their expenses every day or end up going in debt. I mean the production costs of an internet podcast like this isn't that big and some clarity on where all of that money is going would be great, I mean suddenly now that it's in the news we hear they're donating 10k, but we all knew this was an issue before all of this popped up so were there minor donations before this or are we donating 1/8th of our monthly income now for a single time because it's in the news and we gotta cover our asses, it doesn't come across as genuine concern rather than "we don't want to deal with this so here's 10k" I mean I don't care that they get 80k but some transparency on where all of that money is going would be great, cause if we're all just donating to a comedy podcast that ducks out of the harder topics and then spends money for a 41' plasma screen for their office space to game on I honestly SHOULD be cancelling my sub to this podcast and be giving it to anyone in real need which at this point there are too many problems to count, from the recent hurricane victims to sexual assault victims to the ever crushing neoliberal machine that feeds social darwinism into society to the point where they can use it as an excuse once to robots arrive to engage in mass genocide of the poor. But yeah no I'll give that 1/8th of my fuck all income buddy.


I love how ashamed he sounded at it being "an Ohio thing"

Lance Spencer

So whats all the anger with Chapo about? I'm not up on my twitter drama.

Chris McCarthy

There was a pretty glib and kinda tasteless pic tweeted that featured Matt and Will next to a Cosby statue with a thumbs up and a caption like “come take down this statue, libs.” Not a great joke, but since the past few weeks have seen women reliving their worst memories of rape and sexual assault, the timing of it understandably touched a nerve with a lot of people. Couple this with the fact that apparently Sam Kriss is a sex pest, and it’s just compounded the controversy. I genuinely don’t think the tweet was good, but I think the reaction to it was really more about the timing of all this shit bubbling to the surface. Which is understandable. They probably deserved to get dragged a bit for it.


then unsubscribe and give your disposable somewhere else. it's not hard. I'm not sure what you are outraged by

Eli S

Stalin introduced it but it was removed during Destalinazation.

Chris McCarthy

I think the weird crusade you're referring to is a broader discussion of sexism, violence and misogyny on the left, permeating into leftist movements like DSA. One of the guys in the infamous pic was a DSA LA organizer with power in the chapter, and the chapter itself has evidently had issues with sexual violence and intimidation in the past. It's understandable that a picture featuring a prominent organizer and Chapo would lead to a discussion about how this really reflects upon the movement at large. It's why Will apologized and DSA issued a statement regarding it. Because it did reflect upon th movement. Of course there were disingenuous shitlib reactions that just used this as a way to confirm their priors. But I don't think it's entirely beyond reason to have a discussion about it, in light of recent events.


Thank you, Last Wave. I rarely take to the comments on here, but I felt yours deserved the highest praise and my personal thanks. It sounds like you have an excellent family, as well, for which we should all be happy.

haydn melton

Question for the less-informed (me): why are Taibbi and Kriss out now? Is it because of Taibbi’s past (with the eXile)? Not sure about kriss

haydn melton

Someone on twitter demanded they disown cum town/nick Mullen for a joke he did (I did not see it), the person went on a two day tweet storm about it

Michael Dobson

Matt, you're beautiful in your rage. Thank you.


They tweeted a picture with Matt, Will, and some other guy doing a thumbs up next to Bill Cosby’s star on the walk of fame in Hollywood. At the the very most, it was an ill timed ironic post because of the whole Weinstein thing.


Hmmm, come to think of it... "Car accidents" was a common cause of death among Stalin's opponents. Dashcams are therefore inherently counterrevolutionary.


Hahha he looks a little too much like Will, too. Creepy stuff, I tel you.

John-Michael Lomzenski

vitter lost the governorship in Louisiana in part because of his sex scandal combined with an anti Washington message


Iandrasil, you are paying for a product. A nominal fee of $5 a month for Chapo episodes and back catalogue. There's a lot of people doing the same thing. This isn't a quid pro quo setup; they get your money for a product. They can buy hookers and coke and PS4s and 4K TVs with it if they want. They are not beholden to you past the point of transaction. That they've chosen to share that they're donating 10 grand, which is a sizable amount no matter who you're talking about, to charity is a very positive thing.


Kriss kissed a girl, she didn't like it.

Brent Figiel

The only way to heal the divide is to let Amber continue to dunk on Matt.

Chris Randall

I hope one day we get a soundboard that's just Amber calling Matt out for food related stuff

Ed Kurz

I actually have a crossbow uncle..........


I think Amber's statement that the boys are not "equipped" to talk about rape & sexual harassment is true and worth sitting with. A show on the subject would have been horrifying--not funny, and probably not helpful to survivors who are already having a bad time. While men do need to talk about it, they need to do a lot of listening and thinking first. Literally everyone, absolutely every single one of us, has rapists and creeps in our social circles. We all have to learn how to deal with them in a way that is just and appropriate, and I hope they are a little further along in the learning process than they were a week ago.

Parker Sellers

You guys must have recorded before this got out, but the Niger troops who died lost their lives because of Trump's travel ban. The Gold Star Mother story needs to mention this: Chad had troops in Niger protecting villages against Boko Haram. After Trump added them to the travel ban, they called their troops back. Our guys died right after they withdrew.

Hannah Casey

Much love to you, Amber. Appreciate and wholeheartedly agree with your opening comments.


Thank you for that intro Amber, it was nice to hear

Joe Sullivan

That's what I was thinking. Maybe they record in an enormous room in the Chapo Mansion that's prone to producing echoes.

Dylan Gutridge

Great episode! I always look forward to hearing all of you, twice a week. Totally unrelated: have you guys considered Father John Misty (Josh Tillman) as a guest? He seems pretty in-line with Chapo sentiment, and had local DSAs at just about all of his U.S shows this year. Listening to you guys talk would be a dream. Anyhow, thanks for being a beacon of the left in world of neo-liberal scum and capitalist pigs!

Marcos Rubios

Amber's statement was very good, imho you should make this a freebie


Kriss admitted to very gross sexual assault after a recent accusation, and Taibbi is insanely rapey and sexist in his book. Very ideal that Chapo doesn’t engage with time anymore, Id very disappointed if they did.

Hank Single

I would have liked a direct 'sorry we fucked up', too. I liked the statement, I liked the response, I would have been pleased to see that step taken. There is a clear line between a bunch of guys discussing world human rights violations, and a bunch of guys discussing rape and sexual assault. This should be obvious, but I know it isn't - which is one of the reasons they absolutely could not talk about this on the podcast. I was incredibly relieved. I'm pretty sure Amber does what the fuck she wants.

Hank Single

This is every 'comedy is subjective, you can't police it' screed written by every angry comedy nerd, except you took pains to mention you know some woke women. This take is bad, and you should feel bad. And everyone who liked it should also feel bad.

Kindrid Parker

Oh Hank. Thanks for chiming in and disregarding the views of the women in my life. My mother, an activist; and my wife, a feminist playwright. You know, I find this need for you to declare what content is suitable for the ladies’ ears more than a little patronizing to women. I know if your ever wagged you finger at the women around me and tried to police the art they like they'd probably beat your ass. They at least tell you to fuck off. You’re a sanctimonious twit for going around telling other men and women what jokes/content they should feel “bad" about enjoying. And yes, of course people's tastes are subjective. You'd like a world where creatives are personally and professionally responsible for the sins of others they've associated with. Go take a Holiday in Cambodia, you dumb mutherfucker. Again, if political solidarity is so thoroughly contingent on a consensus taste of the things we consume then we're all fucking doomed.

Adam S

If for nothing else than Amber’s comments in the beginning this has to go for the free listeners

Screaming Void

I feel like you hit on something here. I actually disagree with those wanting an apology, but agreeing that a whole Episode on SA would be bad. I feel the opposite way. I don't care about an apology (they are holy demanding them deludes them). But do talk about SA. How do you detect it, how does it work in leftist spaces, how does it relate to capitalism, how can you deal with sexual entitlement by your friends etc. SA is an important topic to at least half of the population and honestly I hope the other half cares as well (plus sometimes it's affected). So absolutely maybe not now. And absolutely think, read, talk about it before a show, but it has to be on the menu of a leftist pod not only as a joke on Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner.

Nicholas S

I had heard that Chad's troops were in the West and ours were on the opposite side of the country in the East. The travel ban could have potentially caused some lapse in information being communicated, but it seems like their withdrawing wouldn't have really had such an immediate effect. Reports keeps coming out so it's hard to say for sure. Let me know if you're coming at this with any newer/more certain info. <a href="http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2017/10/do_not_try_to_turn_niger_into_trump_s_benghazi.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2017/10/do_not_try_to_turn_niger_into_trump_s_benghazi.html</a>

Party 'Til We Die

I am so stoked to be supporting you folks, because the work that you do is honestly amazing. Not only do you help so many people like myself process and emotionally address a very difficult and negative political and social landscape with your commentary each week, but you also use your reach and your platform and your privilege to help people in need and motivate your listeners, and that is incredible. Thank you for that. Thanks for everything.


If we can't forgive people for making a joke in poor taste, this democratic socialist movement will not go anywhere. We need to bring people in, even if they at first may have unsavory senses of humor or opinions, and allow the educating to happen in a welcoming environment. This is a movement for the people, and we need to be inclusive and have a dialogue about any and all socially controversial topics. Dismissing people as unsavory before you've had a chance to have a civil discussion/debate with them is counterintuitive to effective recruitment/canvasing. People can be reached, and I would hope someone would try to reach me if I have strayed too far in an instance.


I very much enjoyed this episode. Even if you don't make it a free ep as other commenters have requested, I hope you will at least consider excerpting Amber's opening as a YouTube and/or Soundcloud* clip (*given uncertainties about Soundcloud's viability past the end of this year, YouTube would be better). Free excerpts of Matt's glorious rant, and Amber's hilarious dragging of Matt for his clothing choices and condiment stains, would also be welcome, but I'll be grateful for whatever you're willing/able to provide.

Royce Brown

It's such a fucking cop out. They have obviously serious moments, e.g. having expert guests/journalists, going on long rants devoid of jokes (we're in the zone, bend the knee etc.). And just like Jon Stewart, when you're expressly about politics, and you're extremely popular/influential, you can't claim that you have no role in the political culture. How many people do you think joined DSA b/c of the show? And btw, I don't give a shit about the Cosby tweet. I don't think most people do. I care about not even mentioning Sam Kriss/Matt Taibbi. Matt's a big deal, but Sam is someone they've had on multiple times. Everyone knows you know, just acknowledge it. And honestly, more troubling are the number of women who've stepped forward about harassment/mistreatment in DSA LA. If you can't take basic critique about sexism in a movement that is overwhelmingly male, you're not going to get anywhere. It's hilarious to me that in a show literally centered around media criticism, you guys act like diaper babies when someone dares to critique your fucc boi gods.

Lyndsay Webb

"Weaponized fragility" is my new favorite term.

John Brissenden

As a listener and subscriber from the beginning, I found the cold open to this episode to be disingenuous and cheap. Amber’s explanation was troubling because a) it referred to, but failed to address, so many questions that Chapo must legitimately face post-Weinstein; and b) because there was no mention at all of Sam Kriss. The same Sam Kriss who is a friend of the show, who has made several guest appearances, and who did a PODCAST WITH AMBER FFS. Do. Better.

Joshua Goldfond

There is absolutely no way that the show could have broached the subject without people finding some reason to be angry about it. Not sure how it's their responsibility to have an opinion about it, nor to speak on behalf of Sam Kriss.

Chris McCarthy

Have you ever had a friend whom you later found out did something really, unforgivably terrible? Did you later walk around saying “I DISAVOW MY FRIENDSHIP!”? No, like a reasonable person whose brain is not broken by the internet, you just put some distance between you and that person, and stopped interacting with them. Perhaps you had a candid discussion with your other friends about how you cannot be associated with them if they continue to associate with the bad friend. Sam hasn’t been on the show yet since all his troubling bullshit surfaced, and Amber hasn’t done another episode of Whale Vomit in like 5 months. If Sam Kriss shows up as a guest from here on out, I’ll join you in dropping Chapo immediately.

Chris McCarthy

Chapo had Shane Bauer as a guest, and he went off on a racist Twitter tirade about Rania Khalek and nobody asked them to disavow him. And yet, I doubt we’ll see him back on the show.

Anthony DAmico

I'm legitimately baffled by all the Taibbi hate. Are people seriously this upset about an out-of-print book collecting willfully tasteless writing that he did in his 20s on heroin?


I remain a fan of this show, and find little to complain about.* But for those who are more troubled, this thing from 2011 might be relevant - "How to be a fan of problematic things" <a href="http://www.socialjusticeleague.net/2011/09/how-to-be-a-fan-of-problematic-things/." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.socialjusticeleague.net/2011/09/how-to-be-a-fan-of-problematic-things/.</a> I only recently discovered it, and IMO it seems to offer good advice, though I haven't yet gone into the lengthy comment section to seek valid criticisms of the piece. (*Sometimes the tone bothers me a bit, but as a 60+ year old guy, I signed up expecting that issue to crop up occasionally. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Samuel Roberts

Yeah, like, listener since ep 6 (so I'm probably not in the "already hates Chapo" camp) here who also thought the tweet was bad, especially given everything else happening now and that week, and that Matt's lack of apology that I've seen is...weird and concerning, since it seems like it's really obvious why the tweet was bad.

Khai El Baba Jones

I enjoyed the show, but am really getting tired of putting all the premium eps on a usb drive and meeting my friend once a month to transfer the content. Please heed Naomi Klein open up that source

Ron Watkins

Father John Misty is a dickhead. Good music, but he’s a terrible person.