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Derek educates us about Puerto Rico, North Korea, Iran deal stuff, and Saudi. We also interview Hillary Clinton

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CJ Canton

Wow the Hillary Clinton thing wasn't a joke, holy shit I was not expecting that.


Fantastic episode. Start to finish!


Noooo.. Fact check.. The Jone's act says if you want to leave an American port and dock in another American port, your ship and its crew need to be American. Not that only American ships can dock in American ports. How do you think import happens? The commentary is correct but not a big deal to look this up beforehand

Mark Clements

guys I love yall but Derek is wrong as hell about the Jones Act. Like the above poster said it affects domestic trade only. It gets lifted in the Gulf ports all the time TX and LA have the largest ports in the country and can support any available Jones Act-compliant vessels plus others. San Juan is a super small port in comparison to, say, Houston or LaPlace. All waiving the Jones Act in PR does is outsource U.S.-provided relief to foreign flag vessels (FoCs are sweatshops of the sea yada yada yada)--it doesn't prevent internationally provided aid. John McCain and the Heritage Foundation are usually the ones gunning for it so there's ur sign


Props to Matt for briefly addressing the contradictions between a European style socdem state and throttling down imperialism

Phillip Davis

He waived the Jones act today anyway.


These past few episodes have been especially good.

CJ Canton

I agree with Derek though the US would save way more in military spending than it would lose through any of the supposed benefits of imperialism. Imperialism isn't driven by national interest but rather by rent-seeking military industrial firms.

Matt Coryea

I listened to the Hillary intro like 10 times.

Bad Take Maker

Good to see president Davison back on. I was afraid he'd lose his number one spot as most frequent guest.

Brendan Carpenter

Not enough hot Noid takes. Disappointing...


Velcro? Did someone (Brendan) have to adjust his AF1's into the mic?


This episode should be unlocked

Robert Aitken

man I thought you were doing some sort of irony there but holy crap can't believe they blew that on a premium ep

Kindrid Parker

We may be trapped in this Mullfuggin' Neoliberal Hellscape, but at least me and ma gurl likes to Become Completely (mullfuggin') Naked and wash our Bodies At Large...'for she murder dat dick.

JC Denton

derek owns

J P 3

John Paulson, who was a major contributor to both the Trump campaign, the RNC, and the Trump inauguration, has been buying up assets in Puerto Rico -- reported $1.5 billion in assets as reported in Feb 2016. Of course there's also Gary Cohn, and Mnuchin, who don't exactly seem like the kind of types who would prioritize the well-being of residents over creditors. Have to think that's influencing the policy response.


Well yes and no. Military hegemony allows the United States to steer global trade in ways that are beneficial to itself. If it were to vacate its bases and withdraw its fleets tomorrow, a wholly different economic order may begin to establish itself, whose flows of goods and services may not so heavily favor the US.




Jennifer Williams, not Jessica Williams. That had me confused for a few minutes.

Kevin Beteta

Even if they “allow women to drive” I doubt there will be any laws restricting a husband from beating his wife for trying to do so

Burt Chintas

Couldn't find the vox article. Link?

Gareth Hedges

Matt's irritation at Will's pronunciation of *laudable* was audible.

Peter Cunningham

Seen a few places also that the problem is less getting aid to port so much than distributing it across the island. That doesn't absolve the Trump Administration's half-hearted response to the crisis *at all*, but lifting the Jones Act doesn't seem like the panacea that some people make it out to be.

Michael Dean

What's with that weird snort at 20:07?


hit my line, I got laudable


Lib fantasy is that you can legislate away inequality. Problem with gender inequality specifically is that it is largely enforced in the domestic sphere and within the family. Even laws against wife beating are incredibly ineffective when women are economically dependent


Kind of doubt Will ever watched Stalker after hearing him trash Kiarostami.


i renewed my pledge for this episode. You guys should have him on monthly or something, he's by far the best repeat guest to the trap




Jesus the fact that you guys didn't take 5 Fucking minutes to google the Jones Act and who it affects is the last straw in my being able to take y'all seriously. It's the UNIONS... maybe GOOGLE WILBUR FUCKING ROSS.. he is in Trump's cabinet yet is also a Chinese flagged shipowner meaning they do business with embargo'd countries. As soon as I can I'm unsubscribing. Stop the circle jerk about how much funnier and smarter you are than Pod Save... or whoever and read a fucking book. For ANYONE who claims to know about American labor history, the Jones Act should be common knowledge. Either way, y'all didn't do any due diligence. This is the only show I look forward to. I'm currently living in a fema provided hotel. Your show is no longer worth the money.


Yes, it was extremely frustrating to hear an explanation of the Jones Act that was so obviously wrong. "Only American ships can enter American ports"? Why did nobody question this? Did everyone skip season 2 of The Wire? Have you not heard of international shipping? And then "Puerto Rico can't receive aid from Mexico". Yes they can. It only affects cargo between US ports. So if you want to send anything from Boston to Puerto Rico, it has to be a US built, US owned, US crewed, US registered ship. If Mexico wants to send aid, they can use whatever ship they want.

CJ Canton

That's highly hypothetical Ivan, Britain did better for its citizens economically after it shut down the empire. Fact is the economic effects of the end of the US empire are nebulous and hard to predict at best, the trillions of dollars the US wastes on "Defense" each year though is easily quantifiable and gigantic.

CJ Canton

This was a big fuck up, but I don't come to Chapo for this type of nitty gritty, so as long as they acknowledge it and correct themselves I will be OK with it.

Dirty Jose

They weren't being serious, they are still subbed. They will sit and wait for the next episode and they will like it.

Jimbo McGee

CTH is the 'left' daily show. funny sure, but the fact that they constantly plug an organisation that's an explicit appendage of the Democrats and lets literal police officers into its leadership is a good hint this should not be your go-to source for serious analysis and commentary.


Im going to act... on this Jones soda!!


nevermind that the cop got forced out by membership pressure as soon as he was uncovered....

Jimbo McGee

lol, exactly - membership pressure. the DSA as an org explicitly endorsed his election, and it took something like six weeks for him to quit (not to mention the years of prior membership). anyone surprised by this should probably take a second to notice that the DSA are, you know, unreconstructed and uncloseted Democrats.


The burden of proof is on the one making the assertion, I agree. I suggest The Global Minotaur by Yanis Varoufakis for an overview of how the current global financial system creates rivers of tribute that flow into the rapacious maw of the US economy. The military, and more broadly, the various instruments of foreign policy are the pillars that arguably hold that system in place.

CJ Canton

Nevermind he wasn't a cop and your whole characterization of everything involved is ridiculous.

Jimbo McGee

worse than a cop actually - somebody paid to defend and advance their political interests in society. the nasty activities of and initiatives backed by CLEAT are a matter of public record at this point, detailed mostly by dissident DSA members themselves. what's ridiculous here?

Kevin Beteta

Has anyone else noticed that comments no longer show replies

Jake White

Jimbo McGee you're honestly such a fuckin pussy. People like you are the reason why the left will never get anything done. Your insane neuroticism and self hatred forces you to go after every imperfection on your own side, rather than trying to accomplish any tangible good for the world