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Amber's back, but still sick. We talk about the Texas flood, the Mensch Files, and read another selection of Dear Prudie. Lotta mispronounced words in this one.



Hurf Durr

Is Amber going to be OK? It seems like she's been sick for a while.

Ben Handshue

Amber is back!!!! She needs to rip Noah Berlatsky.


test 123 abc

Les Doodis

TFW when you don't hear Matt for the first four minutes and you're really worried.


When the object enters the timestream, time begins to correct itself. Let me use this example: Imagine four balls on the edge of a cliff. Say a direct copy of the ball nearest the cliff is sent to the back of the line of balls and takes the place of the first ball. The formerly first ball becomes the second, the second becomes the third, and the fourth falls off the cliff. Time works the same way.

Eamonn Curley

The submarine story sounds like the plot of a season of The Bridge

Jordan Cunningham

where do i get one of those tall boy surges

Les Doodis

TFW when Felix pronounces Louise like Luis.


Haven't they done the husband/wife hiking story before? I swear I've heard them talk about it.


reading series is a repeat?

Bryan Cox

Only found Surge in small towns gas stations in Georgia and Arkansas.

Big Cheesin'

I share a birthday with Shigeru Miyamoto and it's fucking awesome.


Good posting. Keep up the pace!

Adam Drent

The lesson ten-year-old Felix took from Gosford Park slew me.


Great episode


Yeah I swear I've heard that one before as well, maybe it was on another podcast?

Jonas Kyratzes

Get Leigh Phillips on the show. Austerity Ecology is the best book about the environment I've read in a long, long time.


They have done Prudy in the past, but tonight the questions were new

Kevin Beteta

I missed Amber :')

Allyson D

this ep made me so happy

Cliffie Mathieson

I had that same deja-vu with the birthday Prudy question. I know I've heard that somewhere before, and I coulda sworn it was on Chapo (but I don't care enough to check)

Aaron Bagley

I want to apologize for graphic designers here

Textrovert Solidork

Thanks for the shoutout! The weather isn't as bad here in Louisiana as it is Texas, but yeah, we've been hit with some strong winds and minor flooding. It's just been crazy bipolar. Also, you can order Surge on Amazon but I have seen it cheaper it some stores.


Yayy amber

Jesse C

amber's been married?


hi I'm new here


I think Will shared that column on Twitter sometime ago.

Igor Calija

It's Muad'Dib, not Maud'Dib... though Maude'Dib would be a decent alteration, I guess.


I'm glad Matt chimed in with the smoking take.


TFW I listen to chapo 2 get through the day at my graphic design job

Hank Single

Look, you all are talking shit about the tech billionaires, but you aren't ready for how many murdered nosy house cleaners you can fit under the maintenance panels of the West Coast Hyperloop.

Chris Randall

The best part was Amber hacking up a lung right after her impassioned defense of smoking indoors


Being a child in the 80's/90's who was allergic to cigarette smoke, I can confirm that it sucked going to smokers' houses or restaurants for that matter.

philip podolsky

For me not even the Herzl bit tops that time she tried to own Russia with Leonard Cohen's Americanness

Tyler Kurth

Please please pleaaaase do more dear prudy

Chris Randall

Yikes, that would suck. It never bothered me until that first time going to a bar that still allowed smoking after having lived in a smoke-free place for years. How hilariously pointless were smoking and non-smoking sections in restaurants in retrospect?


Hasn't the daughter-names thing been read before?

brandon lindquist

Hell yeah, I remember the Zybourne Clock, the Goon RPG. Felix forgot the "Time works the same way" punchline.


no, I have heard those jokes before from them...


Felix getting cut off mid-"imagine four balls on the edge of a cliff" explanation was precious.

max viesel


Josefina Guerra

this is the steam punk funeral feliz was talking about <a href="https://streamable.com/sblfd" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://streamable.com/sblfd</a>


sorry but cigarette smoke is nasty on every irony level. cant get around this one


I share a birthday with my twin and it's total bullshit.

Bunker Hill

I googled a reference from Prudie and then this appeared an my screen:

Bunker Hill

<a href="http://www.orlandosentinel.com/features/gone-viral/os-florida-woman-crystal-metheny-20140611-post.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.orlandosentinel.com/features/gone-viral/os-florida-woman-crystal-metheny-20140611-post.html</a>

Bunker Hill

I hope you are proud of yourself

Obie Reynolds

Hi guys! Just fyi if you want help researching a climate change episode, I have been working in the energy/infrastructure industries for 6 years and would be happy to contribute!

Bunker Hill

I wanted to know if anyone named their daughter Polk. No they have not, but they have done much worse things - and so has their daughter.

Bunker Hill

Actually, Grover is a nice 19th century name for a girl, not so much in US



Yung Pattawan

Wait wait wait wait wait... Amber used to be married? Was that an irony? Never heard anything about that before.


soooo happy amber is back 🙌

Mailman Paul

Amber is the shit.


69th premium episode. Very nice.

CJ Canton

So glad Amber is back, no what's Virgil up to

Ian Epps

missed the best part of the submarine story - the dude was also building a literal rocketship


Long ago, before she deactivated her twitter, Amber mentioned in passing that she was once married, though not for very long. She and the guy were both very young. She said it was a nice - maybe she said fun? - part of her life, but she has no regrets or sorrow about the relationship not lasting. Anyhoo, that's what I recall...


Benjamin Kunkel could be good shout for a climate change episode (see his piece the capitalocene in the LRB)


Smoking is cool as hell and also alpha as fuck #IStandWithFelix

J P 3

Eric Holthaus is another person to consider for a potential episode re: climate change.


Felix trying to explain how he definitely has more than three accents. 💯

Carlos Morstti

Meh not thrilled with this episode

chris e

Not sure I like Matt in the studio - part of the appeal was his being the angry uncle who couldn't quite hear what was going on, and lived on the edge of apoplexy.

Brandon W

Worth it for the cold open. One of the more inspired in Chapo history.

Robert Aitken

I hate that dork so much. he was bad enough when he was just writing about comics

John Williams

"I just got done with work, can I go to Wendy's?" I'm dying.