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Maybe our favorite live show yet. This was the 10pm show, we'll be posting our 8pm show with Street Fight as a bonus premium episode this week.



Patrick Holt

And yet, even if true, no-one will ever know, because that genre of politics is a philosophical blind alley and political effectiveness dead-end.

Patrick Holt

Nothing better can be expected out of Hollywood. Figh Club shows a version of critique of capitalism and blue-collar organisng and consciousness, and and Trainspotting illustrates a form of post-industrial alienation from capitalism and consumerist modernity. The fact that they don't have a viable transformational agenda is just provides room to avangelise. Pick up that alienation, blue-collar resentment and rejection of consumerism and preach the next step, which in turn requires rejection of whiny contemporary middle class performative virtue signaling and identity politics, and the stasis built into identity politics as an analysis, which inevitably enforces the status quo as genetically predetermined.

Patrick Holt

What was socialist song at the end supposed to be? We deserve to know.


Been jonesing real hard.

John Williams

Hideout rules. Drink an Old Style for me.

CJ Canton


Dylan Kelly

ACTUALLY, the corn palace is in Nebraska

James Wise

Levels are too low!

Juan Solis

Can anyone tell me what the Darryl reference is


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOFn8dWc1_g" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOFn8dWc1_g</a>

Mike Whalen

Wrigley Field is hell


Good ep

Travis Albert

Damn, this episode is hard on Trotskyists, all based on the conduct of a dozen member cult. Socialist alternative, the international socialist organization, the international marxist tendency, and socialist action are all very healthy, sane, Trotskyist revolutionary socialist organizations.


Can't hear. Not loud enough.

Alex Garnett

I love how the levels are way too low until 19 minutes when they go way up


I can't play this, anyone else having problems?


[extremely indignant paying customer voice] Small request: could you stick to mp3s? once in a blue moon an m4a shows up here. the cheapass player i go running with doesnt support m4a and transcoding is mildly inconvenient. Thanks

Spencer horne

Come to SF for fucks sake


Patreon's own player is not to be trusted.

Patrick Dunstone

Wow I love Josh lol didn't even know who he was before this




Sweet Jesus this is good. Top 5.


It seems like patreon is taking long and longer to download these puppies? Are they really the best home for you - start the Chapo content network - I'll code it for ya

Phil Hostak

[Extremely unidentified flying sectarian voice] Aaaaactually Trostky was killed with an ice *axe* not an ice *pick.* Come back when you're seeeerious about politics.

Andy West

Patreon also banned It's Going Down (anarchist/libsoc news site) under pressure from alt-righters.

Aaron Sciore

make this a free show my good bitches


review another movie!


I'm that irritating as fuck laugh in the background.

Garrett Koelsch

Crazy, looked this up and articles with a picture of what is clearly an ice axe refer to the murder weapon as an ice pick. That's a seperate thing folks

Kevin Beteta

Now that I know what you guys sound like without an editor, I think you guys should pay B. James some more

bob jon

Here's a another movie review you should do: have amber lee frost and Angela nagle discuss the era of "whiny nihilist boys". They can discuss such boorish dreck like fight club, trainspotting, killing Zoe, and all the junk the nineties had to offer.

Bad Take Maker

Thanks for the shout out boys.


trainspotting is good tho and due to the scale of the opiate academic maybe the kind of boorish dreck that might strike a chord with people who aren't you

Michael Kelly

I'm a lifer from Chicago and I love these guys, but I'm at 40 minutes in and this is totally not funny and kinda whiny and meh. The whole joking about their $$ is just starting to sound petulant and old, too.

Michael Kelly

I agree--live shows ain't anything on the level of their regular podcasts or themed eps.

Les Doodis

Thought the second show uploaded was a million times better. Not sure why this one's supposed to be so great.


Yeah, I checked out halfway through when I realized it had so far been only directionless banter and low-end Chicago-vs-NYC riffs.

Sam Ehrenstein

The section joking about Shabbos goyim was premised in anti-Semitism. All of the jokes assumed that all BDS opponents are Jews, which is untrue and betrays their true feelings about Jews: we are all bad, because Israel must represent all Jews. This is what I expect from Stormfront, not Chapo.

Zack Odom

All BDs opponents are Wrong. But not necessarily jews. Typical zionist pussyography to call someone a racist just because Israel is the MOST corrupt and evil regime on earth right now. How would YOU like 3 hours of electricity a day? STFU you little bitch