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Matt saw the new Transformers, we talk about Jared meeting with the Palestinians, the ongoing GOP healthcare push and Democrat cowardice, listen to random excerpts from Cernovich's audiobook, and do another brief Pre-Taped Call In Show.



tankie schön

I know this is a two-year-old comment, but holy shit, how long ago was this video made? Charlie Kirk looks like he sprang fully-formed from the thigh of an oil billionaire, ready to shit his diaper during a campus protest to own the libs. I'm like 7 years older than Charlie Kirk and I still don't look as old now as he does in this video.

Kevin Beteta

<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_fraternal_kiss" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_fraternal_kiss</a>

CJ Canton

لوطي is pronounced "loo-tea" in Arabic and it just means gay. ("Lut" is the Arabic name for "Lot" and it refers to his the people of Lot, so it basically means Sodomite) For "Lil' Homey Gay Ass" I would use the word "خنيث" in Arabic (=khaniith") which is a slur for a gay person that means a fop who is very girly. To catch everything from the English, I would also say "الخنيث الصغير" id est "al-khaneeth as-saghiir" "the little khaniith"s


Drew Curtis' Fark.com was actually pretty cool back in 1999. It was founded around the same time as Something Awful and had a lot of the same members, actually, but instead of a message board it was designed as a crowd-sourced news feed with comment threads. It's ... probably not worth visiting now. But if you get sucked backwards in time to 15 years ago, check it out.

Bad Take Maker

I was on a public access show with Kirk when I was in high school/freshman year of college since we were in the same high school district. Dude is a fucking dunce and uncle Tom millennial sucking Koch money.

m w b

I'm glad y'all think Gattaca is good. It's a weirdly overlooked but super good sci-fi thing.

Alan Hickman

If you do a Dune episode, be sure to watch Jodorowsky's Dune to see what could've been.


All for Cronenberg. Also when you think about if Crash were a true story it could never have taken place with out Canadian health care.


The purity test is the same as Justice Dems, sound a shout out!!


House of Cards is basically how conspiracy theorists think.

Woke Rowsdower

Jesus Christ, 'Mr. Maybe' sounds like the LRH Affirmations. "Snaketh are not dangerouth to you. There are no snaketh at the bottom of your bed."

Reg Wilson

Starts working on questions for next time...


Can we get a film critique on each transformer movie?

Joaquin Perez

Matt shared an overarching theory he had about Transformers a while back. Not sure which episode.


I don't have time to provide a full review, but I went to see Cars 3 with my kid and it has a feminist girl power agenda. I highly recommend Felix scour the tot lots for a date and go check it out so he can give the movie a righteous mocking.

Jonathan Boud

Any chance of the whole crew reviewing Fight Club sometime? I would be interested to hear what you all have to say about this film all these years later.

Seth Gile

This Cernovich shit is fuck. ing. unbelievable. I will no longer listen to Mr. Maybe, ultimate seducer. Thanks, Chapo.

Bea Arthur Death Cult

Mock Detroit if you want, but we're what the rest of the country is going to look like in 20 years so enjoy


Brendan's impressions are underrated, that Cernovich was on point


Will should do a solo show on Gore Vidal (and maybe Alexander Cockburn). He's mentioned Vidal & Cockburn on several previous shows, and they're pretty fascinating, particularly re. American imperialism.

Tommy Hegarty

Felix yelling "FUCK" in the far far background when Cernovich is talking expresses, like, 90% of the human emotional spectrum

Kindrid Parker

Dude does have some weirdass gums.


Carpenter. Carpenter. Carpenter. Carpenter.


Streaming on...Crackle of all places?

Sam Bruckbauer

'Anal, Oral, Missionary' is definitely going to find its way into my future conversations.

Kyle Conway

Spaceship is definitely a labor anthem

Bad Take Maker

Forgive me for I was a lib and also high hence the Jerry Garcia tie. Keeping up the kayfabe to not yell at him was hard. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHB0rjMZ6TQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHB0rjMZ6TQ</a>


honestly the reign over me episode is what you're looking for


Matt has alluded to his theory of Transformers = Islamic sectarian struggle (Top Gun premium episode from Hell of a Way to Die) but has never gone in depth. I need it to be its own show.

Martin Kasey

Little Lord Fauntleroy's School For Albino Hemophiliacs!!!!!!

Zach Patterson

aw jeeze I'm on bad internet at the moment, can anyone recall the name of the guy they interviewed but lost the audio for who talked about elites ridding the world of undesirables?

Devin Ebert

Love the CHAPO boyz (and girlz when Amber is in the mix) doing movie breakdowns, maybe they could switch from doing pure shit movies (i.e. Boss Baby, Reign Over Me, DC Universe Comic Book Movies) and try doing a bad-ass subversive one like "They Live" or some shit like that


Peter Frase. His book is "Four Futures: Life After Capitalism" <a href="https://www.versobooks.com/books/1847-four-futures" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.versobooks.com/books/1847-four-futures</a>


More Cerno shitting.

Susan Davis

Questions for your next call-in show: Fill in your listeners on your take on the history of US Korea relations, how 'bout. Like why would the North Koreans be so hostile to the US? Starting say 1949? "The Interview"?

Kindrid Parker

I haven't even listened to this yet but for the record I just wanna say I fucking hate all things Burning Man. I feel this gripe will find solidarity among fellow Grey Wolves. Sorry, I live in the Bay Area where hating Burning Man is a quiet rage you keep to yourself. I really hate Burning Man. That is all. Thanks for putting up with me.

Ryan Campbell

Thx for asking/answering. I was listening on my way to the Spreadsheet Factory and was too lazy and tired to look it up.

Greg Kamerdze

Very interested in listening to Chapo discuss Cronenberg's The Fly! I hadn't seen it in probably over 15 years and forgot that the set-up is basically: Jeff Goldblum is a tech bro who gets a bunch of actual scientists to build the components of the teleporter, tries to use it to impress Geena Davis into having sex with him, fails, convinces himself that he's been teleported to the friendzone where he gets blackout drunk with a baboon, gets tired of being passive about life, puts body to his thoughts, stops listening to Mr. Maybe, and finally says, "I Will."

chris e

You should get some lefty-podcasters from Europe to talk over the Corbyn and wider left-in-Europe thing. Chapo+Novara make it happen.


How long can you survive Gorilla Mike audio? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjh5gknoRb4&t=4633s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjh5gknoRb4&t=4633s</a>

Josh Link

Cernovich is basically a cross between Dustin Hoffman from Rain Man and Sylvester the Cat.

Talha Muhammad

This would be up your alley <a href="https://youtu.be/g9MuNTHLvAo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/g9MuNTHLvAo</a>


Where my ding dang episode you bastards


<a href="https://twitter.com/CHAPOTRAPHOUSE/status/881548823700676608" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/CHAPOTRAPHOUSE/status/881548823700676608</a>


nice try at covering up your benzo blackout. we see you

Peter Queckenstedt

More Chapo film reviews of movies you like. Please do a Dune Ep. I'm gonna look up Southland Tales now.


its Tuesday, where da cool kids at?

Joe S

I labored through the first season of house of cards and have no idea how Matt could subject himself to the entire series. Please do an episode on it. It's absolute garbage for lanyards and a perfect Newsroom/West Wing follow up.

Michael Dobson

The next time you hear them bring up "purity tests are bullshit?" Say "ok, we'll let pro-life liberals into the Democratic party," and watch how all of the sudden, there really are lines they're firmly against being crossed. The difference being that middle and upper class liberals are fine without universal healthcare, as it doesn't affect them or anyone in their immediate circles directly. But abortion rights? That's different for them - it still can affect them or someone they're close to personally.

Patrick Dunstone

Lol holy shit Will, "just demolish downtown Detroit" when 2015 through present is the first time since like the 1950s that downtown has been any semblance of nice. I'm not mad, I'm actually laughing

Yankee Ice

you laugh but you say that and a pretty solid number of your Peter Daous will be onboard the winemoms, despite being the most on-twitter and thus most visible to the chapo audience, are comparable in strength and voice to, well, the chapo audience. you get past them to the actual movers and shakers? they'll throw abortion rights under the wheels seven days a week and twice on sundays. see: Kaine, Timothy

William Adams

<a href="http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/344196-dem-campaign-chief-vows-no-litmus-test-on-abortion" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/344196-dem-campaign-chief-vows-no-litmus-test-on-abortion</a>


holy shit SOUTHLAND TALES yes yes yes. I am ready


it's a post modern masterpiece, hard to get thru at first but it rules and is insane


Didn't they do that for Little Caesars Arena?


I'd like to hear that too--also with more stories of Vidal owning other public figures

Adele Hawkins

Your analysis of Detroit is pretty off regarding blight. Feds gave the city 200 mil to keep people facing foreclosure from losing their homes. Instead of that, city is using it to tear down homes instead, more than half of which were homes that went into foreclosure!

Adele Hawkins

Also, billionaires like the illitches and dan Gilbert have bought many properties and sat on them, leaving them to rot until they have an opportunity to profit from them

Dennis Lyons

Where is the House of Cards episode? The Southland Tales episode?? 😩😩😭😭