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CIVIL WAR! In the cities, fighting between CNT ANARCHIST MILITIAS and government forces breaks out, while NATIONALIST FORCES under General Francisco Franco bring the Army of Northern Africa back to the peninsula. Meanwhile, the arming of the workers leads to SOCIAL REVOLUTION in the Republican Zone, and the CNT and Generalitat enter into a fragile structure of DUAL POWER in Catalonia. Western governments turn their backs on the Republic, as Franco becomes GENERALISSIMO and lays SIEGE TO MADRID. Foreign brigades flock to Spain, while terror bombings culminate in the reduction of GUERNICA. Soon, the CNT must make a critical choice.

Keep your eyes out for more information on ordering Matt’s Spanish Civil War book, coming soon.

Special thanks to Travis from the (great) band Activity for the Spanish Bombs cover that anchors this ep. Check out their latest release here: https://activity.bandcamp.com/album/spirit-in-the-room




Thank you, Chris! Looking forward to all the cool new stuff

Jonny Debacle

Thank you for the update on Matt. I understand that strokes can take a long time to recover from. He is much missed I am to buy the book and help him and contribute to his recovery in any way possible.