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Hello all!

We're proud to introduce a new short video series we'll be hosting over the summer from video wizard Vic Berger with Ben Craw and Oliver Noble. The series is called "The Phantom of Mar-a-Lago" and will collect footage from Trump's time out of the White House, roaming MAGA-land and ensconced the leathery world of Used Car Dealers and Prime Rib Under a Heat Lamp that is Mar-a-Lago. All mixed together in the inimitable Vic Burger editing style. We're hopefully putting out one 10-ish minute segment of this each month, starting next week, then will collect them all into a longer vid towards the end of the summer.

We're kicking this off with this quick supercut of one of Trump's more bizarre new campaign tics, the constant invocation of the "late, great" HANNIBAL LECTER from SILENCE OF THE LAMB.

Videos will premiere for subscribers on patreon.com/chapotraphouse, then be released to wider audiences on our YouTube Channel some time after.


Erik Bourre

the late GREAT! LoL




He was a nice fella

Zach Pierce

A man whose cultural references begin in 1978 and end in 1990!

Nicholas Andrews

They're dumping them into a community near you 😂

Sean Enright

Okay now I genuinely don’t know if it’s Lamb or Lambs

John Walter

How can I share it?

Timothy Collier

enin szaena sielumbs thasile insuv th'lam

Zachary Wood

This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever watched, I need the rest urgently

Chantz Kouveras

It's like how your elderly dad or grandpa will see a movie on daytime cable and fixate on it for a month straight

Tommy nono

Steamed hambs


He thinks Jon Voight is Anthony Hopkins and nobody has bothered to correct him. That's so alpha.


What in the sweet fuck

Amanda LaMountain

“They’re dumping them into a community near you. That’s a lot. This is not good.”

will michel

“whenyourewatching TELEv i s i o n”

Demented Avenger

Is he seriously thinking Silence of the Lamb(s) was a documentary?


Also, if Trump was recently on Steve Bannon’s podcast, that means my cousin who is Steve’s photographer probably got to meet him, good for her. Side note, she has a single that he let her debut on the show called Modern Day Holy War, I am wheezing

Jeff Morris

Lamb, or Lambs? Blame the 'Lecter Effect'.

Ben A

Hannah Baleckter


Silence of the Lamb … What a silent lamb that was. I said “WOW! What a silent lamb.”

Robert Armstrong

I said, “Should I do it? Should I fuck me?” And they told me, they said “No, Mr. President,” but I told them “Yes, I would fuck me.” Very nasty. Very nasty — they put the lotion, folks, they put it on the skin! Or else, they get the hose. And we like that — we like when they get the hose, precious.


Now this I can get into! (Licks lips moistly)


Vic Berger ONLY gets a pass because he secretly loves Redbar…

Jonny confuse by corndog

Late and great, folks! Would you believe it? That this one doctor is so great? I'm not saying it! Other people are saying it, folks. Many such cases!


Wait a minute, hold on you dummies. *Air Horn*


dude I had this guy's name on my tongue for the past 6 months thinking like "wait who's the guy who did ted cruz shooting a fart gun with the evil laugh again" and couldn't google it for shit and then boom

Of course

"Good nutrition's given you some length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you?"


we are blessed


I look forward to Vic's liberal use of the air horn in these videos. For some reason it is extremely effective when Trump is the subject.

zeke rothman

was lector ever actually in an asylum or institution? i thought he was just in supermax security




But unfortunately precious, hoses aren't what they used to be.. You turn on em on now, and it's just drip, drip, drip.

Salamander Tom Paris

Buffalo Bill voice “ No, nuh-uh. Oh wait... was she a great big fat orange person? “ Clarice Starling :” Yeah she was a big girl, sir. “


Jesus, pure insanity.. We love are candidates, don't we folks?

Blown Magnet

God almighty I can’t watch it.


I honestly thought the Hannibal bit was a one-off. I hope someone is filming behind the scenes stuff from the campaign for a future doc.

Bryon Kinsman

perfect for inhalants!

Brad Plumb

So the evolution of this appears to be: Other countries are releasing inmates from insane asylums into our borders -> You know what kind of person is in insane asylums, right? Guys like Hannibal Lecter. -> Hannibal lecter is coming to America, folks. -> The actor who played Hannibal Lecter complimented me, so now he's late and great -> The late great Hannibal Lecter, give it up for him folks. He loves me.

Brad Plumb

I did nothing wrong. All I said —I said was —put the lotion in the basket. That's it. Put the lotion in the basket, lady! But she wouldn't do it. She wouldn't do it. And now the Clinton EF BEE AI is out to get me. The deep state folks! The same people who killed the late, great Hannibal Lecter—and we all do miss him.


This is fun but Vic is cringe I'm sorry he just is


Unfortunately the movie was too short and I couldn’t finish. I will have to watch on repeat.


Who can forget when James Lipton sat down with Hannibal Lector, and there was a bizarre Chris Isaak cameo.

The True Horror

Oh hoooooo reeeeeally lets fuckin go

Andrew Harrington

I can’t stop watching this. Help me, Hannibal Lecter.

Tim Mullen

Thanks guys this is what I’ll see when the dmt hits and I leave this world


this is extremely good

John Harwood

“Silence of the Lamb 7: Lots of Hannibal Lecters in your Community” is pure Movie Mindset


This is so unhinged. I can't wait for this to be on YouTube so I can share it lol good work boys


That’s S E R I O U S stuff


Trump needs to go on Rogan to discuss how he develops his bits. You gotta put in the work


Hannibal Lecter is one of the great actors of our time. Insane, sadly, but very smart. Like me--not too much like me, I don't want to eat people. Maybe I do. Do I? We'll never know...

Johnny Monday

Thank you for commissioning these if that’s what happened. We need all the Vic


sometime i feel self-conscious for retelling the same story twice so this is very alien to me

Jack Zaro

The Return of the King

Fat Cobra

I can't believe there was a time in my life I dispised this man. He is the President we deserve He is America.


Love how Vic highlights the dissociative poetry of trump speech. You know insane asylum that’s silence of the lamb stuff


Oh fuck! The last Trump mashup that Vic did nearly killed me! Now he’s back to finish the job! Damn you Vic Berger!!!


Hannibal…HANNIBAL LECTOR he’s a wonderful man


holy shit when he slapped bannon’s hand…


https://youtu.be/1aif4zTDngo I think the audio book is ad free

Justin Buell

There are some MAGA people at my grocery store and i laugh every time i see their trump hats because it reminds me of stuff like this

Justin Buell

Has anybody seen SILENCE (of the lamb)?

Joseph Shields

Please, more Vic content! His Jim Baler videos are some of the best stuff I’ve ever watched. The cheesy broccoli rice


The wonderful

Ben Barrett

Hahah this is amazing

Grassy Gnoll

I never realised how often this senile orange turd repeated himself.


The late great Lannibal Hecter


Has anyone seen "Science Of The Lamb", it's a wonderful Animal Lecture...



Elijah Crawford

Honestly I don't blame him for talking about it so much, it's a banger fs

skrrt vonnegut

many people are telling me the lambs are very quiet! they're silent folks!


Should I do it? Should I take a little bite of Ben Carson? I won’t do it. But maybe, they want me to do it.

My Account

Goodbye Horses is the only song that can put me in a good mood.

Of course

well, i guess we know who the next surgeon general will be

Andy l

Hannibal Lector!

1 1

Vic at it again! Always 🔥


This is not good!!

Bryan Peifer

Yes yes we get it. You want to emulate a psychopath.


I’m so trump curious lol


Shrim. Sounds like ShrimPUH.


wait is silence of the lamb just an inversion of insane asylum?

Mark Schneider

The Donald seems a bit obsessed?

Griffin Post

He likes me, and I like him!


Yeah it was the vice one! The bit where Trump says billions over and over did something to my brain


Trump did get him out of prison so there isn't anything Bannon can do about it