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My entry for Codri's and Master's contest

(Text version will be posted later)



The Nethral King

With or without dialogue, this is a hilarious and cute comic. Always happy to see your sexy tomboy Estefi too. She’s so beautiful ^\\\\\^


Honestly, I think it was brilliant to do this without dialogue. The way you worked around it, showing what they were saying without actually showing the words coming out of their mouths gave it so much personality and whimsy. Don't get me wrong, I love well-written dialogue, but when an artist finds a creative way to circumvent it while still telling the story, that's always a treat.


I'm glad 've could make the comic entertaining enough even without text, but don't stop checking the complete version with dialogues, it makes even more sense ;D. Thanks a lot mate, I'm gllad you liked it ^^


Lol, i completly undestand what you meant. But trust me, it gets even better with text and I'm posting it now ;D