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Oi there comrades!!! This is your captain again Again, as usual, before the announcement, I want to thank you for all your support and give a warm welcome to the newcomers. Hope you are enjoying your trip 

Oh well, I don’t really want to get too deep to not get you bored, so, I’ll try to be brief and get to the point. 

Back health issues 

You've most likely noticed a lack of activity from my part in the past months. You know things happen, some real life stuff that gets you busy, and now that I'm married, I have to worry about other things that don't just affect me, alone. You get into some situations that you need to focus on more, etc. But nothing really bad to report. Luckily everything's ok, I'd say normal stuff that happens. However, the principal reason that kept me more inactive was that a little while back, I started to feel a back ache and my left leg felt numb, even when I was sitting or lying down, and after walking for a little while, my leg felt weak and kinda hot. I decided to get a new chair cause maybe that could be the cause, but I also went to see a specialist doctor in orthopedics and traumatology, to rule out any severe issues. The doctor asked for a magnetic resonance of my spine and well, I was diagnosed with a herniated disk between the L3 And L4 vertebrae, and it was slighlty touching the root of my nerve. That's why my leg felt numb. And what was the cause, you might ask? Well, from spending a long time seated and as you may know, the way that most artists usually work, is seated. The good news, is that the hernia I got is a small one and with medication, physical therapy and a lumbar support chair that can keep me in an ergonomic position, I could prevent the hernia from growing. However, despite being a small hernia, it made me worried about spending a lot of time seated, so I would only draw in short bursts. I got a better chair with lumbar support and also got a cushioned memory foam seat to compliment it, but I didn't feel comfortable getting back to work, just yet. I kept taking my medication and that made it easier for me to stay seated for longer periods, stand up and do some stretch exercises for some minutes or go out for a walk. Bit by bit I started to notice some little improvements. Now, my leg doesn’t feel as numb anymore, doesn’t get tired after walking for a while and my back doesn’t hurt as it did before. So now I can happily report that I am returning to work :D.

Commissions and Works in Progress 

Despite what happened, I haven't stopped working!, I've being sketching during the little moments I was seated, and now that I feel better, I've been drawing a lot! And this month, I'll upload at least 4 finished images. As you've may noticed, I uploaded a new commission featuring Estefanía and soon, I'll upload another that I just finished, one that's meant to promote a new game; tickle themed of course ;D. And by the way, for the latest commission I did, "DustyShelves” is finishing a nice story to compliment it, and if you thought that Estefi would keep her arms crossed, you're wrong! Of course she'll get revenge! >:D. And talking about Estefi, you may have also noticed that I've been posting some sketches on twitter and looks like Sabrina finally will make Teffi pay a bit for all the times she has suffered at her hands >:D. I'm preparing something really special, and I intend for it to be not one, but a set of various images and even a little comic too. I have a really good idea in general of what I want to do and some sketches too, so I can assure you, it's gonna be awesome! Especially for all who are fans of Sabri and Estefi :D. I also have another finished sketch and a pair of variants which I have the line art halfway finished, already. Who could they be of, you may be asking? Well, let me ask you all: How many fans of “Overlord” are on this ship? ;D. The picture features Albedo being tickled by a known artist OC, a blue haired chick that has a peculiar taste for "footsies" ;D. and, if that was not enough, I just started to sketch another commission. You better stay tuned, because a lot of surprises are coming and you won't have to wait too long this time to see them! ;D


About polls, (Still owe you the remake of my old sketch "In the paradise", which I have the sketch too) I want to make them more frequently since that theme has been a little lazy here. So, to make things better, I've been following the work of one of the bests in the community. I'm talking about "Bad Pierrot". I really like the way he interacts with his patrons, so I've been studying his method, thinking of how to adapt it, and I'd like to try something. For the next poll, (which will be made tomorrow by the way) you will help me to choose the theme and the characters that we will use, which I'll include: Muscular girls, Ice Queens, Tomboys; among other choices. The winning theme will be determined according to which one gets the most suggestions, and the characters depending on the number of likes they get. Besides that, there will be a prize for the one who nominated the character that won the poll :D. The theme that comes in 2nd place will get carried over to the next month's poll; 3rd place will be the theme of the month after that, and so on. Of course, once a character wins the poll and the winning pic is drawn, that same character can't win a second time unless they fit within the following month's theme. I hope this way, the polls get more active, so I can interact with you guys, a bit more ^^

Chronicles of Sabrina stories 

And finally, the stories of Sabrina. I'll finally be uploading a couple of new stories! I got them translated a while back, but I had to take some time to review them and flesh out the lore of the story, and how the characters develop, going forward, to make sure everything was consistent. And well, I think that's all. 

Overall, I think I went into too much detail, but I felt that I had to be clear enough with the themes of this announcement. I'm really very excited for what is coming and I hope this new dynamic with the polls works out well. You guys deserve more content on the page and deserve to participate more to make this trip even better, cause without you, this trip wouldn't be possible. Thank you all for your unconditional support and let's keep cruising the seven seas and find more ladies and guys too, to tickle the hell out of them! >;D. 

Yours truly: 

Captain No 3


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