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Arrrrgh there mateys!!! 

Finally! Here is the first ever written story about Sabrina and all her universe translated completely to English! Meet Sabrina and read about her adventures where herself, her sisters, and everyone she meets get involved in very "ticklish" situations (wink wink ;D). Hope you like it! and don't be shy let me think what you think ;D

Also, a huge thanks to TDonkey for make the translation work from spanish to english.

Chronicles of Sabrina by M-Malone and Pirata3.
Writer by  M-Malone.
Concept Art by Pirata3
Translation by TDonkey



Not going to lie this was a lovely surprise to say the least as for the story it was fantastic such a fun read plus it included your OC's so that made it even better. I love the world building that went into it not to mention that the story was really detailed and it really love how you build up to and described the tickling. Oh and the story scenario was top notch Sabrina and Erica tickling Estifania only for her to tickle them back tenfold was really fun to read and the ending was awesome as well. Overall a lovely story to read and I'm looking forward to what you post next.


There are many things I loved about this story, you are amazing author please give us more.


Thanks a lot matey, glad you like it. Well, actually, I did the concept art of Sabrina and all her universe, the genius mind behind the stories is M-Malone ;)


Thank you very much matey! Yeah, pretty fun isn't? That's why I decided to work with the girls. I loved the stories, loved Sabrina and all her universe. I made a big friendship with M-Malone and I even involved with the stories and made some little changes that he even liked them. For example, at first, Estefi was not so tall and has longer hair, looking more similar to Sabrina! xD. Sure that was before she became the tough girl she is nowadays ;D. That's one thing to mention between other ones, but that was the most notable xD Glad you liked the story matey. Wait for the next one soon ;D