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I coundn't resist my self and jumped on the bandwagon xD. Hope you spare me, I'll continue with the reward of Nami ;D

Hope you like it! And more to come! 

SAM © Samsung




Aaww I'm so happy you made this, she's really cute in your style and the idea is just so fun and clever too xD


Like I said on twitter when you posted that WIP I'm sooo happy you jamp on the Samsung assistant bandwagon as this artwork is excellent. The colours and shading are fantastic like always and having her trapped in the phone is a unique way of doing it as I believe this is the first I've seen this idea be used. Sam herself looks awesome her design looks perfect and those cutr soles of hers are drawn really nicely as well. Also I love how it's a stylus tickling her soles it's such an unique tool plus the way she's scrunching her soles to try and protect them is amazing. Her facial expression looks fantastic you've really made her look like she's losing it with the tears rolling down her cheeks. As for smaller details I love the blue nail polish looks fantastic and I adore how you've included her shoes in the pic is such a small thing but for me it make the pic that much better. Plus the dialogue I just fantastic it really adds to her helplessness but overall a wonderful artwork and I can't wait to see what's posted next 💚.


That's a really cute idea! :D


Thank you so much! Lol, the idea was around my head since I saw her at first time xD. Also, As I did it "quickly" there are still some little details I need to fix and some I need to add, but at first glance, it came out good ^^ Thanks a lot for this kind comment my comrade. I'm glad you like the pic ;D