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Heya there my comrades!!! How have you been? Staying safe? Having fun? Maybe spotted a ticklish prey? >;D I hope all of you are doing fantastic^^

Well, as usual, I want to say welcome aboard for the new crew members, I really hope you enjoy the ride and like the new material. Additionally, I want to talk about some things that happened, currently happening, and will happen for the future.

First, the married life is going really good. Man, it's really a blessing to be married with a person that understand what you do, and helps you, for example, providing poses or giving you ideas...oh my she is quite evil xD. Despite does not have a foot/tickle fetish, she is pretty good contributing with evil and yet effective ideas. Also, she is a great foot model, specially cause she has gorgeous feet >:) Though, we haven't had another "official" tickle session, I always make sure to give her own dose of tickling >;D

Anyways, having one's own place is a great advantage cause one can draw what he draws, not afraid to get caught or judged xD. I have a lot of time to draw! But, despite all this you could be wondering "Then, why the hell haven't you finished with all the rewards and commissions you owe. And all those "surprises you always are saying"? Well, some things have happened ^^; 

These months were crazy. I was supposed to be done with Tracer and the heroines pics. But working was a bit complicated. 

One was, my mother tested positive with COVID-19. I know this is a delicate issue and not a good excuse, but it's true. Fortunately, despite this disease my mother has recovered been good and healthy. She doesn't have any ache or pain, the only thing losing her sense of taste and smell. The doctors said that it will last two to six months to recover her senses again. Anyways she is ok and my wife and me were taking care of her and my family, providing food and stuff since my father and brothers had to keep locked in the house too, till they determine my mother was not contagious. So, my wife and I were watching over them. By the way, the only one who resulted positive to the virus was my mother, my father and brothers were totally ok and negative on the results :)

Next month my father-in-law had a surgery and had to rest for the entire month. My wife's family have a print shop were my wife works, the owner is my father in law. With him absent, I had to go with my wife to stay at the place while she was doing some errands. Though, I had a bit of time to draw cause the place was provided alone time. I was sometimes interrupted when a customer arrived at the place. But, I managed to get ready part 1 and 2 of Tracer's pictures although I did not have the entire time to draw. 

So those are the reasons of my lack of activity. Though, not really serious, they were some obstacles that impeded me to work comfortably xD. I wanted to tell you when I had the "Tracer reward" entirely completed, but as you can see, it was taking too long so, I decided to do it now. 

Ok, now what is next? First, the next is finish the last part of Tracer's reward and get it ready. Similar Mordred's, it will have dialogue and it'll be gathered kind of a short comic. Next one, is the heroines reward, then the remake of Sabri buried in the sand and its respective sequel ;D. And finally, the one of Akane Tendo. Man, I've been thinking a lot in this one and I promise, it will be something really good >:D. 

So, about the surprises I have in store. I will work more with my OCs. What does this mean? What it sound's to. As some of you know. "Crónicas de Sabrina" (Sabrina'c Chronicles) were stories about Sabrina and all her " ticklish universe" These stories were in Spanish and never translated. But I've felt it is time to start to work with them and not only translate some passages of the stories, but illustrate and even make mini comics to know more about the ponytail brunette, her sisters, and friends. I'm even considering to "hire" someone to translate them. Also, I will introduce some new characters too, a pair of them are Estefi's rivals who will do "anything" as long they can win against her ;D

Well, I think this is all I really have to say. I'm working on the last part of Tracer's reward and in a new commission currently...anyone here is fan of Under Night In-Birth? ;D 

Thank you very very much for your priceless gratitude and patience. As I always say, “This journey couldn’t be possible without you!" I know you’ve been really patient and I’m really thankful to all of you. Please, keep being patient with me. I promise your loyalty and patience will be rewarded and the plunder will be vast! 

Let’s keep cruising the seas together! And let’s find more beautiful ladies and tickle the hell out of them ;D 

Yours truly:

Pirata No 3



Busy life but I am glad to hear with it all hopefully settling down. You and your family are doing well! Looking forward to seeing more of your great work! Just curious, I understand you have a large backlog but would you be opening commission up again anytime soon?


That first part about your wed life was absolutely adorable, my God 🥺 Truly happy for you about this, and happy to know that your mother got back on her feet too! As I've already said, I'm a huuuge fan of your OCs so reading all of this pleased me way too much AND you managed to announce this great news on my birthday, what were the chances for you to give me such an awesome gift XD I hope you'll be able to do what you wanna do and that everything will be fine, have a nice day matey!!


Thanks for your good wishes matey! :D. Well, to be honest, I'm not able to open more commissions for now. Besides the rewards, I have like 5 commissions to do yet. The most of them are not too complicated, but one of those involves like 12 characters xD;. However I'm doing my best to finish all the backlog I have and open more commissions >:)


Yes matey. Things were a bit rough but not too much serious :D. Things are going good now and I'm on the run again! ;D Wow!!! I'm very glad to know, kinda feel honored to contribute with a good new for your birthday ^^ , and Also Happy Birthday!!! :D And yes, prepare to see more of my OCs ;)

Miguel Salizar

Oh my God, I had no idea that you were enduring all that with your family. I'm so sorry dude. Glad to know that your mom made it out okay and that your dad and brothers are doing well. That's a relief to hear. I am looking forward to seeing what this OC plan of yours is. I can't wait to see who Estefi's friends are. I think I got a good guess of who they might be though lol