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Heya there my beloved crew! How ya doin'? Hope you are ok

I don't know where to start, many things have happened. Well, first, I want to apologize for my long absence. As always, life stuff sometimes consumes a lot of my time, also, I had some problems with my computer... I installed a new update that made my comp so f*cking slow!! So, this month, I was struggling while drawing cause photoshop and all programs was running toooo slowly, and the progress on my images were very little. But, not anymore, I've sent my comp to the Repair Shop and it's working good now, not as good as before, but it allows me to work at least xD. Also as you can see, I've managed to finish some commissions. Of course, I haven't forgot the rewards, but I've been working on commissions too that you'll see in a new post, they are a lot! xD

Another thing is my fiance said "YES" so, I have a weeding to plan too xD. You know how are these things right? Going from here to there, some people go totally crazy xD. And if you were wondering, yes, she really does know with who she is dealing xD. And let me tell you, she is really ticklish, specially on her feet hehe. 

Also, you may have noticed that AGAIN there was not poll this month, but like the other times, I'll choose the "volunteers" for the Remake and Fan Art images. But I have to tell you and I'm afraid, won't be polls for the month May, that includes both remakes and fan arts. Honestly, I want to focus in all the commissions I owe. However, you will be the first in check them, and I really guarantee you will like them.

I know you've been really patient and I'm really thankful with all and each one of you. I didn't expect all these turns of events, well, some more than others, but please, keep being patient with me. I promise your loyalty and patience will be rewarded and the plunder will be really vast!

Sincerely, yours truly:

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