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After taking the time to see how our Prophet Q&A Zooms with Terry and Armin developed and making sure we could provide this benefit while keeping our promises to our Prophets and Terry and Armin, we have decided to allow 2 Admirals per month to join in on the Prophet Q&A Zooms with Terry or Armin. We will randomly select 2 Admirals each month to join the Zoom with Terry or Armin. Terry and Armin alternate months.

If you are selected, we will reach out to you through Patreon Direct Message. You will have 24 hours to respond, letting us know if you can/want to join that month's Q&A Zoom. If in 24 hours you do not respond, are unavailable, or if you'd really like to join for an Armin Zoom but your name was drawn on a Terry month or vice versa... we will add your name back into the drawing pool and will randomly select another name for the current month.

We will be starting this new perk in July.


D. H.

That’s so nice! 🥰

Alicia Stolp

Well dang, now I'm tempted to get myself a promotion.