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The countryside shook and rumbled, almost completely abandoned at this point as the newly grown giantess had made it her new home.  Not that there was much of it left, as most of it was now buried beneath several thousands of pounds of her gigantic earth-shattering thighs and humongous terraforming ass impacting the ground. It had created a vast crater underneath its expanse and was truly mesmerizing in size and width.

"Still horny…" She whispered.

Miya sighed, brushing aside her immensely long jet-black hair away from her two deep ruby-red eyes. She whined, pouting as she began biting down on her precious pink lips. She quivered and started to spread her tremendously thunderous thighs turning even more red starting to blush. Her two massive pale legs stretched across the farmstead and past the wide open grassy fields beside the dilapidated ranch now destroyed and reduced to a pile of rubble beneath her titanic body.

"Nngh…damn it." Another voice called out.

Her delicate sounds could barely be heard deep in the darkest depths of her gigantic vagina. She felt tight and trapped. The soft, yet oppressive inner walls of the newly grown giantess had become a massive cavernous pleasure prison. Christie was trapped between the tall thick walls of her wet aching vagina feeling its frequent pulse sending waves of vibrations across the wet surfaces. Her body wiggled around still covered from head to toe in her incredible sticky wetness dripping hot fluids everywhere.

"AWHN!" Miya roared with pleasure.

A rumble cascaded across the forest and vast farmland stretching across the boundless plains of grass. The three-hundred-foot tall goddess Miya let out a booming moan plunging her giant fingers deep inside her quivering cavernous pussy. Suddenly she felt the walls ripple and slide against her, her two colossal fingers prodded her throbbing monumental clitoris.

"Mmmhh…mmhh…I'm so big…it's turning me on so much…" She bit her luscious lower lip looking down at the remains of the farmhouse smashed beneath her titanic ass.

"Oh fuck." Christie gasped watching her long fingers reaching inside spreading apart the walls and keeping her wedged between them.

Her massive finger slid closer and closer toward her wet and sticky body until it finally slammed against her chest.

"Augh!" She screamed as her finger dug in deeper pushing her even further into her wet vagina.

Miya roared with pleasure knowing her once massive friend was now the size of a tiny little bead shoved deep inside her quivering pussy. She plunged her fingers in deeper pushing her further in as she felt her back smack up against a massive circular tunnel. Her gigantic cervix. It pulsated opening and closing rapidly in rhythm as she felt a rush of heat and intense vibrations begin to rumble around her constricted position.

"Awhn…awhn…awhn….YES!" The Asian goddess shouted hearing her voice echo and boom up and over into the city streets beyond the green pastures.

Her tremendous tree trunk thighs thundered trembling making the ground start to shake. Sending broken ripples across the ground beneath the dozens of piles of rubble and debris scattered beneath her terrifying ass and over one hundred-foot-long legs. She could still somehow feel her practically ant-sized body squirm and move deep inside of her sliding her finger on and around her clit driving her into a state of pure ecstasy. Her power fantasy had finally been realized after consuming enough of the unstable growth compound to allow her continuous bodily growth for days on end. Her titanic three-hundred-foot tall body had unfortunately only begun to mutate. She was going to grow even more colossal, it was only a matter of time. She would soon grow big enough to be seen from orbit.

"Yes…yes…yes….yes…mmmhhh….fuck…" The goddess began to moan louder and louder as the rumbling became more intense so did her fingers.

She motioned faster and faster on her clit raising her thunderous thighs and sending them crashing into the earth with every sensation. She continued to prod and plunge her fingers into her aching wetness dripping hot fluids everywhere between the tall thick walls of her lower half. Until finally she felt the heat rising up and up touching and pleasuring herself relentlessly before suddenly releasing a powerful trembling orgasm.

Ah! Ahh! Ahhh! AHH!" She screamed as her vagina erupted, squirting all over.

The tall blonde panicked feeling the inner walls of her wet vagina start to get slippery. Then suddenly a rush of hot passion engulfed her, washing her away. She could hardly breathe as the long and tall cavernous mouth of her vagina grew closer and closer until finally she was shot out like a fish in a river. She soared through the air covered in her sticky wetness landing in a soft patch of grass luckily breaking her fall.

"Ahh…that was incredible…what an amazing feeling to be on top of the world…literally…haha…hahaha…god…I love being this big." Miya sighed looking down at the swath of her destruction and wet debris she had just caused.

She started to look over at the massive craters beneath her huge feet and then down by her soaked vagina seeing the depth of the vast trench she had created by just sitting down. She smiled devilishly moving her hands back up behind her to lift her gigantic body out of the earth leaving a massive hand-shaped hole. Her two towering legs planted into the rich soil looking down from her much higher-up perspective back down at the uprooted farmlands beneath her feet sinking inwards before settling. She looked all over for signs of any life, but it was no use in her new much higher perspective; she was too towering to notice much of anything of average size or smaller, her new size had vastly changed her view and vantage point to the now much smaller world below her titanic legs.

"Hmmm…looks like my pussy crushed her…poor girl…I thought she would be safe in there…I wonder what else I can fit in there now…mmmhhh…" She smiled again looking back over to the tall skyscrapers off in the distance.

Her two feet lifted off again soaring over Christie's minute body in comparison just barely avoiding smashing her as she stomped away toward the city.


With every step she took the earth shook, cracking open creating localized earthquakes. Her body rumbled with intensity and her grin only grew wider. By the time she reached the wide-open grassy fields before the highway, she had already caused a city-wide panic. Anyone remaining could look off in the distance past the fog clouds and rumbling dust; they could see the outline of a real goddess standing hundreds of feet tall against the sunset. Her hourglass figure had become quite extreme, her thickness overwhelming the rest of her powerful physique still gaining mass and growing bigger and bigger.

"TIME TO GET EVEN BIGGER!" She shouted with menacing glee.

She couldn't help, but smile devilishly stomping her way into the city.

BOOM! Boom! Boom…

The resonating sound of her earth-shattering footsteps slowly faded away leaving the young blonde woman emaciated and stranded. She was cold and wet. The wind rustled across a wide open grassy field with massive foot-shaped craters scattered all around, each several feet wide and deep. The young blonde woman was covered from head to toe in Miya’s precious pleasure juices, now mutated into a strange sticky sap-like residue. She shivered still in her weak and unconscious state, her nude body shining in the sunlight. Christie shook and quivered, coated in her sticky wetness dripping over and across every inch of her skin, her long golden blonde hair, her large supple breasts, and even her long slender legs. She lay there, unresponsive as she felt the cold wind passing over her naked body, her two nipples getting rock hard like two small beads.

"Augh…s-so cold…" She whispered, hearing her voice cast away by the wind.

She felt helpless. Her body was slowly starting to get dry strangely enough, the longer she was exposed to her orgasmic discharge the more her skin seemed to adapt to it. She could feel her arms and legs start to tingle with every passing cold shiver. The goddess had unknowingly given her a gift. Her vaginal secretions had now carried the latent growth compound by the billions. Miya had transformed far beyond any human limitations, infusing her blood cells with highly experimental growth enzymes and having begun mutating her DNA to produce immense amounts of the unstable compound. She was experiencing an overflow, producing the quite potent mutagenic growth compound in excess.

"Nngh…w-what's that feeling…" She whispered again.

Her entire body began to tremble and shake beyond her control feeling the sensation creeping into every surface and crevasse on her entire body. She suddenly began to feel warm all over, letting out a cute moan. That's when it began, the feeling of warmth and comfort turned to sweating heat rapidly as the compound began to reawaken the latent growth within. Christie could hardly stand it feeling vulnerable as her pussy erupted with intense pleasure.

"What–" She gasped, cutting off her thought as she suddenly felt a growth spurt.

Then her entire body rumbled. Rapidly gaining size and weight quickly crossing over 5'10 and then another inch and then another growing up to 6 feet tall, still feeling her body tingling and filling up with energy. The first three inches of growth just marked the beginning of her mutations. She began to fill up rapidly, gaining weight in her thighs and legs, and then her waist widened bigger and bigger. She started to rapidly ripen and plump up, suddenly growing her tight round ass into a bubbly bountiful booty.

"Why am I…growing?" She said hardly able to breathe before another growth spurt.

Her body tensed up once again before suddenly growing another inch and then another and another to 6'3. It didn't stop there, continuing to gain size and thickness as her thighs began growing immense. She could feel the pulsating growth flooding her arms giving her thickness and muscle packing on fat and weight around her chest. Her breasts began to catch up to the rest of her quickly pear-shaped figure starting to transform into something else entirely. Her chest began to pulsate growing larger and larger, cup size after cup size bigger.

"Awwhn…my tits…" She could barely speak.

The sensation only grew stronger with each passing spurt of growth. She clutched onto her once moderately sized breasts, each rumbling before bubbling up bigger overflowing her hands had grown into G-cups. Before she knew it her legs had lengthened again sending her body into a massive growth spurt. She boomed with size, gaining inch after inch as she passed over six and a half feet tall into a 6'9 proto-amazon.

"Nngh. I have to get up." She said with bated breath feeling another surge of growth creeping in once again.

Christie rose to her feet with a bit more strength than before. She could feel her energy return to her in spades the longer she gave in to the feeling. It began to happen again her body pulsed again growing larger, and she shot up in seconds. She suddenly gained half a foot of size growing beyond seven feet tall into a real-life-sized amazon.

"Oh. Fuck. Yes!" She exclaimed.

Looking back down at her large breasts starting to gain size again. A ripple crossed her chest before they bubbled up bigger into tremendous jiggly J-cup beauties. Feeling the urge to masturbate, squeeze, and play with herself only grew stronger. Her vagina was soaking wet, oozing down her thighs. She could barely stand it, moving her hands to her nipples only to let out a loud yelp.

"AH! So sensitive…fuck…" She cursed.

Seeing just how big her breasts had become only made her want more. She toyed with the idea of touching herself. Eager to please and even more eager to grow. She wanted more. She quickly made her way back underneath the rubble trying her best to sneak away. Suddenly she stopped feeling the warmth passing over her bare curvaceous amazonian body.

"Aww…again? Wow…okay." She smiled.

She could feel the rumbling power building up inside of her again filling her up with billions of mutagenic growth compounds expanding and doubling every second transforming her into a small goddess in a few short minutes. This time the feeling didn't release so quickly, however. She bit down on her lower lip feeling her vagina start to quake with pleasure.

"I'm…SO HORNY!" She shouted.

Hardly able to concentrate she immediately gave in and began fingering herself. Her long fingers reaching down and plunging into herself over and over had begun to make her entire body shake and quiver. The feeling grew more and more intense the faster her fingers worked on her vagina, tensing up and starting to feel like her entire body was about to burst. When finally she was released from her sexual torment. Her body shook, rumbling all over before suddenly expanding outwards. She rose up and over most of the nearby debris cascading with waves of precious growth. She grew and grew transforming as she quickly rose over eight feet tall.

"Awhn…fuck…I'm still growing…I guess that growth compound is still working… MHH! FUCK!" Her voice was shaky before suddenly belting out a loud moan.

She quivered barely able to stand up, leaking her warmth down her thighs and onto the rough dirt below. Her legs started to lengthen gaining size rapidly booming with growth. She watched her perspective suddenly jump up another foot taller and then some, hardly able to focus as she felt her body erupting with passionate heat. Before she knew it Christie had transformed from a 5'9 beauty into a 9'5 amazon goddess. She was overflowing with her humongous cleavage now filling up bigger down to her bellybutton as they grew into luscious L-cup monsters. She could feel them bouncing, pulling her down with every step more powerful than the last.

"God damn. I'm getting huge…my tits are getting enormous. I got taller too…I wonder how much I've grown." She smiled devilishly.

As she admired her body, massaging her massive breasts, then moving her hand down to her gigantic ass giving it a healthy squeeze, she heard something. A rustle in the rubble nearby. Her ears perked up letting go of her huge breasts letting them spill back onto her chest with a hefty jiggle.

"What was that?" She wondered.

Her eyes scanned the wide-open grassy fields littered with giant foot-shaped craters leading into the city. She heard it again. This time it was much louder, accompanied by the sound of physical grunting. She turned the corner looking for any sign of where the sound could be coming from when she suddenly came upon a young man.

"Argh! Shit!" He yelled.

He was a teenager, with ruffled black hair and light blue eyes, sweat poured down his cheek as he tried to lift a massive broken stone block wedged into the field. He tried to flex his muscles again desperately trying to lift the rubble. Christie approached feeling her now much larger feet dig into the loose soil beneath and she lumbered forward.

"Hey…" She said awkwardly.

The man quickly turned and immediately shouted.

"What the fuck!" He screamed.

His eyes panned up past her wide and thick legs up to her wet pussy, then further up to her two massive breasts each easily twice the size of his head.

"Mmhh…what's wrong little man?" She giggled.

Christie's eyes wandered way down to meet his face. Her two lovely breasts covered most of her view, only able to see his two glimmering eyes and sweaty dark brown hair. He shuffled backward slightly looking at her nearly twice his height in shock.

"Y-youre so tall…" He stammered.

She started to smile devilishly, noticing the top of his head barely reached the height of her belly button.

"Can you help me? My girlfriend is stuck under here!" He begged.

She could see how desperate he was, completely exhausted from trying to make a boulder twice his size budge was a fruitless task.

"Sure! Move aside shortie." She smirked.

Her massive arms latched onto it briskly lifting it and flexing her muscles. She picked it up, lifting it without much effort, tossing it to the side like a wet towel. She spotted a body nearly buried deep in the soft open soil at the bottom of the massive footprint left by the giantess. The rock landed with a resonating thud on the soft ground as she reached out and pulled her out of the hole she had been trapped inside.

"Ooh! She's so cute!" She thought.

Holding her with just one hand hanging several feet off the soft ground. She was out cold, her long braided brown hair hung down her slender shoulders.

"Oh thank god!" He cried.

Rushing up beside her looking up at her legs swaying above his head about three feet.

"Hmm…can I try something?" She smirked.

Christie's eyes began to go a bit wide, licking her luscious lips as she began to concentrate. Her body slowly began to rumble, rippling across her skin, shaking her bountiful bodice and beautiful curves. It seemed strange at first as she began to glow a faint red eminence from her hands and lips.

"Wait…what are you doing?" He was shocked.

Watching her body start to glow brighter, outlining her hourglass figure in a bright crimson energy. She gripped slightly tighter, pulling the brunette close to her chest, hugging her entire body tightly.

"Mmmhh…" She moaned softly.

Feeling the latent growth compound begin to rumble within her humongous body. She lashed out surrounding her in a bath of her vicious crimson glow. Then suddenly her entire body began to shrink smaller. One wave after another she became smaller and smaller. She was reduced several times, losing inch after inch down from her quite modest 5 '4, shrinking down under the five-foot mark down to 4'11.

"Hey! What's happening? Stop!" He shouted.

He quickly rushed up to her, trying to stop her from absorbing her size. But it was no use. She was far too big. She had him completely outmatched in size and strength.

"Awhn…here it comes…nngh!" She moaned.

Christie began to grow, absorbing five of her inches, bulging outwards and upwards to 9'10 tall. She wasn't satisfied. She looked down and immediately giggled mischievously seeing his tiny body now half of her towering size.

"Wow…looks like my powers are back! Come here…I need all the growth I can get…mmh…yeah much better…yeah…I can feel it…it's working!" She exclaimed.

She simply reached out and snatched him off the ground pulling him into her humongous booby trap alongside his partner. Hugging them both tightly against her bulging chest suddenly they both heard a shriek.

"Oh my god! What the fuck is going on? Let go of me! Oh- Babe! What are you doing here?" The brunette exclaimed.

A long and exaggerated moan sounded out as the two of them began to shrink together. Their bodies became smaller and smaller as she only grew bigger. Shrinking rapidly down into child-sized people as they both lost a collective foot of height between them.

"Ugh…I feel so weak…" She said,

The already quite small brunette shrunk even smaller down to 4'6 tall in a matter of moments.

"I'm sorry…babe…" Her lover said.

He felt his body shrinking down half a foot to just two inches under his girlfriend's previous height of 5 '2.

"God it feels…so…GOOD!" Christie shouted.

Her body rippled with growth gaining inch after inch absorbing their size as her own. She grew and grew expanding into a colossal mini-giantess. She rose above the ground watching their bodies shrink smaller and smaller in her arms as she grew up to 10'4 tall. She absorbed it rising up and over their heads seeing them plummet underneath her chest and belly and even further down towards her towering legs.

"Oh god! She's getting bigger!" She shouted.

"And we're getting smaller!" He shouted.

She expanded outwards gaining thousands of pounds, increasing in mass and volume rapidly. Her bulging body was like a sponge absorbing their muscle and weight onto herself in rumbling waves of growing siphons. She rose taller still until the ground began to slide further away from her view, growing and draining them of their height and strength. They shrank down further, becoming rather small and short in her growing arms as the man quickly shrunk down to 4' tall and the woman shrunk down to a meager 3' tall.

"MORE!" She shouted.

The red energy swirled and flashed with every absorbing siphon consuming their size and sapping their strength directly into her already humongous body. By the time they were each only a couple feet or so in size she had already completely outgrown them, rising to 13' tall. As they were shrinking down further they were easily engulfed by her massive breasts hugging them tightly against them, the lone line of cleavage between them grew taller and wider with each passing absorbing wave of energy that passed over them.

"BIGGER!" She screamed.

Her massive body rumbled with growth getting wider and even more shapely the more she absorbed. She rapidly rose higher and higher again dwarfing them both as she stole most of their size adding another 5' to her growing goddess-like physique sending her shooting up to 18' tall. Meanwhile, the shrunken couple was barely a foot tall, both of them had become the height of a school ruler stick.

"Mmmhhh…yesss…" She hissed.

She held them both together tightly in her hands like little play dolls at her massive eighteen-foot-tall body. They were so tiny now that her breasts grew into the size of two round mountains of jiggly flesh in the distant sky. She brought them closer as it quickly became an oceanic landscape of soft moving skin. They felt the wind passing over them blowing their hair in the windy sky until she hoisted them up to her eye level.

"Hey, you two…" She smiled devilishly.

Her humongous eyes blinked parting her large luscious lips before letting out a cute moan. She began to orgasm slowly feeling that her dreams of becoming a giantess had become a reality once again. Her eyes rolled back, having trouble concentrating on the two of them feeling her grip tighten as she released her hot passion all over herself.

"Awhn…fuck…I'm so big…nngh…mmhh…" She bit her lip shakily.

"Augh!" The now only one-foot-tall brunette screamed.

"Argh! Let us go!" The equally tiny one-foot-tall man shouted.

They both battered down on her arms trying to hurt her hands. But it was no use. Christie was far too powerful for them now. She started to laugh, her voice boomed outwards echoing in their tiny ears. She opened her mouth wide, swallowing them whole as corrupting red energy swirled around their bodies engulfing them in both.

"Mmph! Mmph…mmhh…" She mumbled.

Her lips wrapped around them, keeping them held in her hands tightly holding onto them as they began to diminish in size again. Inch after inch she exerted her power again literally sucking on their tiny bodies as the red light shined over them blinding them as their bodies flashed and then suddenly disappeared into nothingness. It was like inhaling a deep breath of warmth and intense vibrations cascading across her throat and chest. She gulped letting out a satisfied sigh before her entire body began to rumble.

"Ahh…YES!" She shouted louder.

Feeling her entire body suddenly grow upwards another two whole feet to a massive even 20' tall. She sighed again, this time a bit puzzled looking down at her giant hands now empty and bare. She pondered to herself looking around before suddenly striking a most wicked smile.

"They're gone…I…totally absorbed them…I can feel them inside me…this is…INCREDIBLE!" She screamed.

She let out a wicked cackle before focusing herself, looking over down by the dock and seeing several boats and different vessels making their way into the ocean. She started hatching a plan, stomping over toward the pier at her newly grown twenty-foot tall mini-giantess size.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Her massive footsteps left small craters in her wake as she trodden toward the edges of the mainland toward the riverside wharf just before the shoreline. Her massive body jiggled and rumbled with every step toward the remaining survivors of the first much larger giantess. They scrambled quickly loading whatever they had into the traveling barge before they began to set off. It was too late.

"Wait for me!" She shouted haughtily.

Christie burst through the docks, crushing them apart with her massive legs as she strode through them splashing water and debris all around her legs as she quickly slammed downwards deeper into the ten-foot-deep trench beneath the docks. Her humongous legs smashed through everything in her path.

"Ugh! Everything is still TOO BIG! I need to get BIGGER!" She shouted.

Her voice boomed across the ocean as she reached out and snatched up more helpless victims. She started to purse her giant lips again, licking them before starting to suck in air rapidly forming an absorbing siphon. She grabbed three people at once in one hand, raising them to her lips.

"Mmmhh…more…mmph!" Her mouth wrapped around them.

She sucked heavily, breathing in their size, absorbing them within seconds at her newly grown height; her powers had more than tripled. She rapidly absorbed them, gaining over an entire story in size as she grew and grew. Before she knew it they had shrunken down into tiny little specks in her hands before vanishing into thin air. She rose far past thirty feet tall into a 36’6 behemoth on the docks.

She was slowly becoming a real giantess, just shy of about double her size. She wasn’t anywhere near finished. The boats started to depart leaving the pier in a panic as they smashed apart the docking platforms and long wooden planks against the sides of the dock, splintering to pieces and leaving the leftover passengers stranded. They turned their heads in horror seeing the blonde mini-giantess on the horizon now over a story taller than before, she strode toward them, snatching them off the ground before devouring their size.


Hearing her voice boom into the distance made her feel powerful, taking more than a handful of civilians into her grasp before absorbing them entirely. She shot upwards again, gaining size rapidly growing another thirty feet taller, over two stories at once into a powerful sixty-foot tall classic-sized giantess. She let out a long satisfied breath rising upwards as she finally settled at a strong 65’9 feet tall, exactly sixty feet taller than she was before at her original height of 5’9. She started to frown as several little ant-sized specks began to rush out of the docks scattering into the countryside and further toward the road leading to the bridge into the city.

“They’re…running…oh god! I’m HUGE!” She shouted.

Not realizing just how much she had grown looking down at the once tall dock trench and ocean waves splashing underneath her knees. She had grown over three times her size in the past few minutes just now coming to terms and adjusting to her new height and stature. She smiled looking off into the horizon and watching the boat slowly jet away into the distance against the crashing waves.

“Still not enough though…I don’t think…Miya was fucking GIGANTIC! I need to grow like…way more…where should I go…” She pondered.

Looking down at the small docks underneath her towering size made her feel strong until she looked over at the tall city skyscrapers looming in the distance.

“They’re so tall…I bet there’s plenty of stuff to absorb there-” She was cut off mid-sentence.

A loud boom rang out across the city landscape sending several towers crashing and being crushed to pieces in the distant vantage point of where she was standing. The skyscrapers began to fall one by one, crashing into the city streets. The giantess-goddess, Miya began to unleash her storm of vengeance on the city, crushing entire skyscrapers with every motion of her several hundred-foot-tall frame. Red spiraling energy flowed up her tall towering legs, up to her thunderous thighs overflowing her body with energy. Her eyes widened watching her silhouette begin to rumble and rise higher up in the sky.

"Oh fuck…" She whispered.

Watching her body ascend past the clouds and up and over the skyscrapers growing bigger and bigger until her giantess size had crossed over the four hundred-foot tall threshold. She couldn't take her gaze away. It was incredible. Miya roared with pleasure sending out reverberating shockwaves across the city streets, plunging her feet into the earth past the asphalt and industrial worked stone coating the roadways.

"She's…still getting bigger." She gulped nervously.

She continued to expand and grow latching onto a towering skyscraper with both her arms. She began to snap and break thousands of windows shattering glass and bending metallic beams lifting herself over on top of it. Her titanic vagina dripped and oozed over atop the crumbling structure before engulfing it inside of her. She started to plunge the entire skyscraper into her wet pussy, over and over again slamming the ground sending earthquakes and reverberations across the ground for miles.

"YES! YES! YES!" Miya’s voice echoed across the entire city.

The crashing and crushing sounds of her vagina smashing an entire skyscraper apart were heard all around. Repeating echoed sounds of crushing metal and bending steel rung out in the sky and throughout the area. Christie simply stood there in shock and awe, unable to respond watching her humongous ass and thunderous thighs jiggling and rippling up and down rhythmically before starting to rumble and shake. She continued to expand and grow gaining mass and size only in her wildest dreams finally realized. She grew and grew and grew. Expanding outwards and upwards growing taller and more goddess-like in size and design.

"BIGGER! MORE! GOD, YES!" Miya cried.

The dozens of highly unstable growth compounds continued to grant her ludicrous growth spurts filling her body up with trillions of growth hormones firing off every synapse in her brain to continually grant her this divine transformation. Her mind began to crash in on itself, madness took over, and her power-hungry trip of infinite constant bodily growth had turned her into a nymphomaniac. She couldn't stop. The feeling was more intense than she ever could have imagined. Her body shook intensely as her eyes suddenly dilated before rumbling with another intense release. She finally erupted in a literal earth-shattering orgasm again. She soared into the sky past the clouds growing bigger and bigger until she transformed into a five hundred-foot mega-giantess of divine proportions.

"I need to find them…" Christie shook in fear.

Even at her tall and dominating giantess size, she was no match for Miya at her new size, five hundred foot five feet tall, truly ascending into a real goddess in comparison she was less than even a fifth of her towering height. Christie looked down at her feet several stories away from the ground knowing she still had a serious advantage over most people, starting to conjure up a plan more devilishly. She started to laugh and hold back a more exaggerated maniacal cackle before turning away from the city, and heading off into the farmlands and forest farther into the countryside.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Christie's feet impacted the soft soil treading over past the now quite low trees surrounding the destroyed farmlands. The sound of the colossal mega-giantess echoed in the distance making her way farther away from her seemed impossible. She ran and ran as fast as her gigantic ground-shattering legs could take her.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Her feet continued to crush and smash everything underneath her towering sixty-five-foot tall giantess legs. Her mind raced immediately, flashing back to what she had just seen. The once short and petite scientist Miya Kazuki is now over twice as tall as the tallest towers in the city. She bit her luscious lower lip looking back over her shoulder as another metallic wrenching sound echoed out into the farmlands beyond the city walls. No matter how far she went, she was in the distance, roaring with power. She tried to run away.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Her legs smashing everything in her path, breaking apart branches and splitting trees in half she leaps farther and farther into the woods trying to get far enough away from the growing giantess in the distance. She kept running and running until finally, she stopped in her tracks almost immediately upon the sight of a small lumber yard scattered amid a clearing of trees.

"Oh…hello…" Christie sighed, catching her breath.

As her eyes scanned the grounds she noticed several men and women working around suddenly stopping dead in their tracks. Their eyes all wandered up past the trees to see her shocked face in response. She started to crack a wide smile looking down at them mentally counting each one, quickly calculating how much she would grow, absorbing every last one. She began to ache with desire, feeling her pussy begin to throb, dripping her precious wetness trickling down her thunderous thighs.

"Let's…have some fun." She giggled.

Far off in the distant western forest was the mountain pass, holding several dozen ecosystems of flora and fauna scattered about the western front. Up above the ground was a tall mountain made of several light green grasses and colder frigid peaks looming over the vast deciduous forest below.

"It should be right up here, beyond this pass." Tom looked back at her.

"And you're sure…we both need to grow? I'd rather stay at this size to be honest…being that big…looks dangerous." Laura sighed looking back up at him.

"It's more of a reassurance. If you don't want to grow-" He was immediately interrupted by a crashing set of legs behind him.

"What?! Are you crazy, Laura?" Annabelle shouted above them.

She towered behind him several stories above the tallest trees, just above the first set of wispy clouds in the blue afternoon sky. She could feel the light breeze blowing her incredibly long and luscious radiant brown hair. It billowed in the wind as she cracked past trees sending them falling over beside her gigantic thick tree trunk-like legs. They looked up to see her humongous breasts casting shadows beneath their feet as she bent down to meet them at their level. She shot a huge scowl toward Laura watching her blush and turned completely silent listening to her huge body breathe heavily looming over them.

"I…just…" She stammered.

Laura was beaten red unable to even speak a word frightened by Anna and her gigantic body above her like a terrifying giant. Tom interjected looking up at her with a bright and calm smile.

"Honey…" He smiled.

"What? You don't seriously expect me to stop Miya all by myself…" Anna scoffed.

"I mean…Miya is…gigantic…like…bigger than the city…even if we both grow… she will absorb both of our sizes and then what…she would become…unstoppable." Laura gulped nervously.

The quiet oddly sized couple sighed in unison. Looking up and back down at one another with contempt and disappointment.

"Tom…is that possible? Could she do that?" Ann started to get worried.

"Hmm…I've considered the possibility, but the idea was to give you both enough raw substrate to outgrow her…no matter what happens." He looked seriously over up at her huge glimmering brown eyes.

"That seems like…a lot." Laura sighed.

"Yeah…she's right. How are we going to take that much? Ann sighed.

"Well first, I'd administer the substrate orally, roughly fifty times what you've already taken…and then apply an absorption gel…and then the beam at full power for as long as the machine can bear." He explained.

The two of them nodded for a moment and then quickly became puzzled again.

"Yeah…so…I have to strip…what if instead…Anna just took the rest-" She was quickly cut off.

"No…that's way too much…I have no idea what it would do to her…she would grow…forever." Tom started to sweat.

The two of their eyes widened, hearing him start to get shaky and terrified made them uneasy.

"Whoa…are you serious?" Laura gulped nervously again.

"Unfortunately…in our last test we ran before the building got demolished, we ran the numbers and the potential for continuing mutagenic growth far exceeded a hundred percent. Anyone who took enough of the raw growth substrate could potentially have growth spurts for the rest of their lives, without stopping, depending on how much they take….they could become bigger than…the entire planet." He explained feeling a cold shiver run down his spine.

The two of them gasped, one much louder than the other, as they covered their ears in response.

"Sorry…wait! So you're saying Miya could already be going through that endless growth cycle?" Anna looked frightened.

"Maybe…I'm not sure how much she's already taken…but it seems like she is on the verge of becoming big enough to find us across the entire country. We should get moving." He stated.

"Yeah, let's–" Anna was interrupted.

A loud earth-shattering rumble cascaded across the forest outside the city lines. Waves of motion rippled across the city streets and outside toward the bridge. Sending several lampposts, roadways, and even parked cars and trucks jettisoning into the air several feet. For a moment everything was still suspended in the air feet off the ground only to come crashing down in a cacophony of industrial sounds. Breaking glass, shattering concrete, uprooting asphalt, and demolishing the street, waves of vibrations rippled across everything surrounding her giant thighs and humongous terraforming ass cheeks. The sounds of her huge pussy engulfing the first skyscraper echoed far off into their ears, startling them.

"Oh, Jesus. What the hell was that?" Laura shouted.

"I'll check," Anna responded.

Anna immediately pulled back away from the other two, rising up and above the majority of trees trying to look off into the distance to see where the sound came from. Her eyes widened seeing the path of destruction from the farmlands dotted with massive footprints leading toward the city bridge. Miya had simply been growing this whole time, now having grown to a staggering five hundred foot behemoth there wasn't much anyone could do to stop her giantess rampage throughout the city. Ann lowered her head and ducked down to their much more mundane perspective with a troublesome look spread across her huge face.

"Well…she's still growing…" Ann looked defeated.

"Christ." Tom looked back up at her.

"Seriously…how are we going to stop her?" Laura gulped.

"We need to get to the lab as soon as we can." He nodded assuredly.

"Okay! Hold on, I can help us get there faster." Anna reached out to them.

Her huge hands unfolded giving them a platform to climb onto opening her palms and laying them flat against the forest floor. She smiled wide ushering them forth as they each began to climb onto her fingertips. Laura climbed up the tip of her index finger, carefully walking across it like a soft log toward the width of her palm. She smiled before she raised them high up into the air, story after story of her towering height stopping around fifty feet off solid ground.

"There you go, perfect. Now hold on!" Anna shouted.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Her legs began moving, slamming into the forest bed beneath her gigantic feet. Every step was powerful, crashing into the soil and leaving large foot-shaped prints the size of suburban sedans in her wake. They could feel the enormous jiggly mass of her mountainous breasts bouncing in unison, up and down, up and down. It was an overwhelming experience to be high above most of the trees they once stood at the bottom of, hearing them snap and crunch like crumbly cookies with every powerful step.

"God…you're so big…and Miya…is like…over five times your size probably…I can't imagine how big she would be if she was here…and I don't even know what it would be like to be even half of Annabelle’s size, let alone Miya…she's like an actual goddess…walking this earth…like she owns the entire world…" Laura's thoughts wandered.

Gazing over and up at her bountiful sea of bouncing breasts, watching them jiggle and settle with every motion. Her two nipples like hard jagged peaks were erect in the distance, feeling the wind passing over them like two rocky outcroppings among an ocean of soft moving cleavage. Even at her size, she was still no match for a mega-giantess like Miya, she had some serious amounts of growing to do if she was going to stand even the slightest chance before immediately getting absorbed and consumed by the gigantic-growing goddess herself. She bit her lip anxiously knowing that perhaps even the slightest bit of power she could potentially taste would be a recipe for disaster. She had never been good about discipline, especially with a responsibility this big, there was no way anything good could come from growing into a Giantess, or so she thought.

"Ooh! I think I see it! Is it that big dam thingy by the river?" Annabelle exclaimed.

She shook her giant chest up and down as they heard the sounds of earthquakes cracking off underneath her gigantic frame. Vibrations ran up and down their entire bodies, falling over and around up and down, being tossed in the air until she realized what she was doing. Her eyes widened immediately, calming down looking down in her wide outspread hands at their small bodies.

"I'm so sorry! I forgot…I'm a lot bigger than you too, I need to be more careful." Anna blushed.

Looking at the two of them made her feel embarrassed, yet still invigorated at the thought of having another Giantess ally to rely on by her side danced around her mind.

"That was crazy…" Laura mumbled.

Getting back onto her butt and then standing up to greet her tremendous bright amber eyes, long luscious lips, and enormous upper half.

"Hey…if you were like…my size too…we would all be a lot safer," Annabelle said proudly.

"No way! I'd break stuff and god forbid if I accidentally hurt someone I'd cry!" Laura exclaimed.

"Honestly, if there's enough of the growth substrate you should both try to outsize Miya, it's our best chance, please Laura, reconsider." Tom urged.

Laura started to blush nervously looking back toward Tom, still feeling the looming Giantess still holding her life in the palm of her hand, quite literally. The situation felt impossible. No matter what Laura was going to choose she would certainly be facing some dire consequences. On one hand, the idea of growing into a colossal earth-shatteringly huge bare-breasted female paragon of titanic proportions began to slowly grow on her. She finally gave in letting out a long exhausted sigh looking back up toward Anna’s towering gaze.

“Okay! Fine. I’ll do it. Just make sure to give us both enough to give her a beat down she won’t forget!” Laura said confidently.

“Wow. Excellent.” Tom replied nodding in approval.

“Yes! This is going to be awesome!” Anna cheered.

Her body shook and rumbled as she began to get more excited. Feeling the energy and passion Laura’s eyes widened before suddenly dilating as she began to feel the same familiar sensation of an oncoming growth spurt.

“Oh! God! H-hey…I should…put you down…nngh!” Anna trembled.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Tom looked worried.

“Why is her entire body shaking?” Laura looked afraid.

Suddenly she shot up several feet taller as the growth substrate began to reactivate inside of her, all the while seemingly engaged in a heated conversation. Her bountiful body was flooded with adaptogens, and mutagenic hormones sending her body into a titanic surge of growth. She started to grow bubbling up bigger as her perspective grew higher and her body grew larger. Her thighs began to ripple and pulse suddenly gaining mass at an accelerated rate, plumping up bigger and bigger,  her legs catching up and gaining length down to her feet impacting the soil further and further. Her hips widened, her ass thickened and plumped up larger as her body grew longer and longer. She rose up and over eighty feet tall still climbing taller as her massive chest started to bubble up larger as well. Her gorgeous growing breasts began to fill up beyond belief into two humongous weather balloons at their perspective, expanding outwards closer to her outstretched palms at their feet.

“Mmmhhh…fuck…I’m sorry…I’m growing all of a sudden.” Anna moaned.

“That’s good, that means that the growth substrate is still reproducing the growth enzyme,” Tom added.

“Yeah, okay, but she’s like...shaking…whoa!--” Laura was interrupted.

She tried a quick rebuttal but fell flat as Anna began to tremble more and more, sending them both onto their backsides. They each fell onto her soft palms looking off into the distance as they watched to grow longer and gain size and width. She grew and grew gaining size and volume taking up more of the surrounding forest space as she quickly ascended up and over a hundred feet tall. She grew and grew finally reaching exactly a hundred times her original tiny size in comparison now looming over the trees, that now just barely were the height of her bountiful blockade of breasts at her new height of 104’9 feet tall. Her body finally began to settle, naturally curling her hands together to keep them safe within the palms of her huge soft hands.

“Aww…I guess that’s it for now…are you both okay?” Anna blushed.

“Y-yeah! I’m fine, Tom. Are you okay?” Laura looked over at him.

“Yeah, I’m okay. That was rather fast, I wonder how much you just grew.” He pondered.

She blushed looking back down at them now much smaller than before, motioning her fingers down to their size just to see the new difference in comparison. She lined him up against her index finger, looking at him stand up beside it.

“God, you’re so small now, you’re like just barely taller than one of my fingers.” Anna blushed.

“You must be at least twenty feet taller, maybe more.” Tom smiled.

“Twenty?! Christ, will I be having growth spurts like that too?” Laura blushed.

“Yeah…unfortunately…well they feel like… outstanding actually.” Anna giggled.

Anna blushed a deeper reddish color in both her cheeks, trying to hide her nine-foot-long soaking wet vagina dripping like a wet cave between her twenty-one-foot wide hips and daunting fifty-two-foot long legs. She wasn’t anywhere near the size of a monument, however, she was on her way to outgrowing them. Laura looked shocked, casting her worried gaze back at Tom who seemed more impressed rather than afraid. His admiration had grown tenfold since the first experiment and now with things progressing to the extremes, he felt a call to action unlike any he ever had before. He furrowed his brow looking back over at them, having to crane his head up to see his now super-sized hundred-foot-tall wife like an obelisk in the sky awaiting his sweet words.

“We have to get inside the complex, and honestly I think you should wait here, Anna. The GTS Division could be down there and I don’t want anything bad happening to you.” Tom explained.

Annabelle’s face went from chipper and happy to an intense look of worry.

“No way, I’m not sending you down there by yourself Tom.” She argued.

“If they mobilize they could seriously hurt you or someone else–” He was cut off.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be going with him. I’ll make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble.” Laura interjected.

It was tense for a moment as the silence was deafening, only to be broken by a long drawn-out sigh like a rumble in a volcano.

“Auch. Fine. I’ll try to stay hidden.” Anna agreed.

“I love you.” Tom pleaded.

“I love you too.” Anna smiled.

She leaned in moving her giant three-foot wide lips toward him getting close and giving him a large wet kiss leaving his clothes damp. Laura couldn’t help but blush, looking at the happy couple still able to make light of the situation filled her with immense heart-warming joy.

“Good luck down there you two.” The giantess blushed.

“Thanks…you too.” Laura smiled back.

“We’re going to need it.” Tom looked serious.

Anna nodded in affirmation, letting her palms get close to the grass, letting them climb off. She smiled watching them hop off her hands like little cute bugs, blushing knowing that at least one of them would soon be big enough to give a giant hug. The two of them set off traversing through the thicket as she watched them from her higher-up perspective slowly fade away into the distance. A crash sounded out in the forest a few miles away, echoing in the distance.

"Oh, look at all of them down there…I'm going to suck up every last one of them! Mmhh…hahaha!" Christie cackled.

Several miles from the research laboratory hidden deep in the forest Christie found her way into the Lumber Yard. Directly. Her massive legs easily stepped over the ten-foot-tall fence surrounding the compound. Her feet impacted the ground leaving huge craters in her wake, stomping her way inside. Most of the workers stood in awe looking up at her long towering legs, her huge thick thighs, and giant dripping wet pussy several stories high above their heads.

"HEY, BOYS!" Christie's voice boomed.

She giggled to herself seeing their tiny hands cover their ears before suddenly being blindsided again. She raised her leg dropping it with immense force and slamming it into the ground as everything shook. Rippling cracks crushed through the ground, sending earthquakes erupting all across the dirt woven roads surrounding the short and tall lumber mill. They fell back unable to withstand her newfound size, bursting with power. She quickly stepped forward reaching out her hands and leaning down to snatch up as many as she could grab. She snatched up just one at first, popping it against her gigantic lips before sucking hard.

"Mmhh…mmph! Aah." She felt satisfied.

Only for a brief moment, the tiny man shouted before being turned into a pure state of red swirling energy. She quickly absorbed him, shooting up to 71'6 feet tall. She reached down again, this time pulling up three men. Her lips began to crack into a vicious smile, motioning her palm against them again. She sucked their bodies up, consuming all of their size. She looked down, releasing her hand again to see nothing, but the world beneath her shrinking as she continued to grow bigger and bigger.

"Feels good…mmmhhh….hahaha…" She laughed

Trying to contain her incredible power-hungry satisfaction she started to giggle menacingly before booming upwards 88'4 feet tall. Her long legs grew taller and even more pronounced as every absorbing siphon she took on their attributes added to her own. Her thighs, legs, and feet, all grew larger, more muscular, and even more pronounced as her curves grew thicker. Her breasts ballooned in size growing into ludicrously luscious Beach balls in comparison barely able to see beneath her humongous overflowing cleavage.

"Nngh! YES! Mhm…that's pretty good…I need more though." She smiled devilishly.

Her eyes wandered down to the other fleeing workers starting to feel her tremendous footsteps begin to cause the ground beneath them to shake. She stomped over to them quickly, snatching them up one by one. Smashing them against her four-foot wide lips. She sucked again and again, growing upwards gaining several stories of height as she rapidly approached a hundred feet tall. Another six men got absorbed and sent her body surging with growth up to 105'9 feet tall, now exactly a hundred times her original height. She roared with pleasure, unable to resist slamming her huge ass onto the forest floor sending out a massive shockwave before starting to pleasure herself.

"I'M GIGANTIC! YES!" She cried.

Finally, I felt the power and strength of her gigantic earth-shattering body against the sift trees and fragile branches beneath her titanic body. She broke free, plunging her fingers into her vagina and letting the other massage her humongous breasts. She couldn't even hold them, they spilled and jiggled and wiggled all over unable to control their humongous size and weight. It only turned her on more and more knowing that the earth under her was crumbling due to her sheer size and mass overwhelming the ground beneath her quivering thighs and shaking ass. Evert motion her humongous body made now sent waves of tremors across the soil erupting into small fissures. Trees were uprooted, bushes collapsed, and the forest creatures quickly flocked out of sight. Birds chirped and flew off into the distance as her gigantic body now was larger than most of the nearby trees even while sprawled out with her legs wide open.

"YES! YES! YES! YESSS! AWHHHHNNN!" She screamed.

Reaching an orgasm within seconds erupting her precious wetness all over her voluptuous curves, soaking her thighs and the ground beneath her trembling body. She came and came unlike she had ever experienced rolling her eyes back, shaking, and trembling sending waves across the ground around her clearing everything away like a hurricane of passion. She screamed finally letting out all of the aggregating she had been holding back since Miya had captured her inside her giant pussy trap. Feeling the satisfaction of growth overwhelmed her senses, finally able to relax as she slumped backward letting her body stretch out against the ground. Her upper half landed backward against the Lumber mill, immediately smashing it to bits on contact. Splinters and wooden shards of debris blasted around her gigantic breasts and backside as she lay backward unphased by the destruction. She kept leaning backward, reducing it to rubble in a matter of seconds as she got comfortable in the remains of the destruction.

"Aah…oh! That must have been the old lumber mill. I must have crushed it to pieces! WOW! I'm finally a GIANTESS! And I LOVE it!" She was thrilled.

She started to stretch out her arms against a facing cliffside using it like a pillow as her head crashed against it creating a cavern within just a few adjustments getting more comfortable. At her size the land felt soft, everything was crumbling to dust and it felt as if sand was rubbing against her skin and then turning into malleable dust the more she rubbed against the surface. She laid back casually crushing everything apart, she had grown far too powerful, and it had only just begun. She yawned, starting to feel more comfortable giving her mountainous breasts a soft supple touch. She sighed finally resting after what felt like an eternity of pain and helplessness, finally, she felt powerful and more importantly in control.

"What was that?" Anna's ears perked up.

She quickly scanned the landscape towering above the long line of scattered dense forests and clusters of tall trees just shy of the height of her tremendous mountains that her breasts had grown to the size of, wiggling from side to side as she scanned the perimeter. She cast her gaze far beyond the tallest of the trees, past the wayward cliffs, and ever further cutting over the rushing rapids only to find what she feared the most. Christie had grown. Not just a little bit either. She was nearing a hundred feet tall at the height of her absorption rampage, watching her grow up and over the trees growing into a colossal giantess. She felt her heart pounding out of her chest anxiously, her mind racing to figure out how she had grown into a Giantess all over again.

"What the FUCK! HOW?! If I can see her from over here, she must be GIGANTIC!" She scoffed.

Anna started to fume quickly stomping toward her location before suddenly stopping short and thinking about her friends. She sighed thinking about them for a moment looking down at the several giant footprints in the ground beneath her towering legs.

“If I go tackle her now…I might not be able to help Tom and Laura if and when they get the substrate from inside the lab…ugh…but I want to stop whatever Christie is doing to those poor people. How the hell did she grow back?” She wondered.

Her brow furrowed looking back at the laboratory in the distance beyond the trees in a large clearing before looking back at the other towering giantess.

“Ugh! If I don’t stop her now, she’s going to get bigger.” She exclaimed.

She finally made her choice huffing out a long exaggerated sigh and stomping toward the lumber yard with haste.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Annabelle strode off to confront her stomping off further into the forest booming with every step she took. Smashing her feet into the ground making it shake and tremble toward the destroyed remains of the mill. She strode forward booming with her humongous legs, jiggling her massive thighs and humongous breasts like trembling mountains of her curves.

Christie yawned. Spreading her massive thighs apart listening to the ground break with any slight movement she made. Her humongous hands wrenched into the ground twisting apart roots and other flora tearing it apart before lifting it in a balled fist. She felt powerful clasping her hands together as she immediately turned the dirt and rubble into powdery dust with just her tight grip. She clenched her teeth feeling her vagina start to throb in response to her newest power trip having grown into a literal hundred-foot-tall sexual behemoth. Her fun was cut short however hearing a loud booming sound in the distance getting louder and louder as it approached.

"What the fuck…I hope that's not Miya…" She nervously gulped.

She batted aside her immensely long blonde hair standing up from the rubble. She looked down, noticing her giant ass leaving a huge crater in the shape of her beautiful round booty. Blushing she giggled before switching back to her steely demeanor looking back toward the stomping noise headed her way.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Anna crunched her feet between the trees, sending some toppling over as she forced her way through the dense forest. Until she noticed another path, a long and wide swath of trees destroyed looking down at massive footprints just about the same size as her own as she matched her feet inside them.

"Fuck. She's as big as me…actually, she might be a little bit bigger! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She cursed.

She was fuming, hardly able to even understand how she had grown back to her previously giantess size and then some.

"How the hell did she grow again? Ugh. Well, at least I know if I shrink again I'll just grow right back." She said confidently.

Christie stood to her colossal feet standing her ground atop the dilapidated mess of debris and several foot-shaped deep craters littering the area surrounding her gigantic body. She was getting nervous feeling the cold breeze turn both her giant nipples rock hard as she yelped in response. She could feel the earth rumbling toward her moving and shaking, however, she had grown much too large and was unaffected by her tremors since they were both relatively the same height. She still felt the waves of the earth moving like waves in the ocean. Anna kept moving toward her, smashing and crashing through the trees that were now a few stories shorter, meeting her mountainous chest and bouncing in unison as she made her way across the forested landscape. Several trees felled as she revealed herself breaking them apart like tiny twigs as she stomped into the valley where the lumber yard once stood.

"Christie!" Anna shouted.

Looked over at her similar shape and size looming over the wreckage surrounding her massive hundred-foot-tall body.

"Anna!" She exclaimed.

Moving fast her giant feet sunk into the debris crushing it into bits as she stomped over to greet her with pride.

"What happened here? Where is everyone?" She questioned.

Christie began to blush looking off at the destruction she had caused remembering every last little drop of growth she absorbed from consuming all of those people. She suddenly began to race to conclusions on whether absorbing all those people had classified her as a cannibal. She tried to play it off.

"This place? Abandoned. Yeah, it's crazy,  like why wouldn't they use this space like a lumber yard or something." She lied.

"Christie…" Anna didn't relent.

Anna looked back at her with a stern resolute gaze and immediately dismissed her attempt at deception.

"Anna…" She responded.

Christie tried to act innocent, biting her lip and tweaking her nipples before letting out a cute moan.

"How did you grow back? You're practically my size now. It's fucking crazy." She scoffed.

Christie smiled devilishly getting closer to her, motioning her hands down to the ludicrously large mountains on her chest giving them a supple squeeze while grinning.

"Wow. These are nice, and actually…I'm bigger." She smiled.

Moving her hand up to her head and measured it a foot over hers, although at their size, a foot of difference was more like an inch.

"Fuck you! I'm serious, how did you grow this much?" She cursed.

"You're always so…mmm…aggressive, it's so cute." She giggled.

Starting to hug her body, humping her slightly as she motioned her mouth close against her large luscious lips.

"Last chance." Anna looked stern.

Shooting an intense glare up at her in response she immediately took it as an insult.

"Or what?…BITCH!" Christie shouted.

Grabbing onto her hair and pulling it on it the two began fighting causing the earth to shake and rumble beneath the titanic bodies.

"There it is," Tom said.

The ground shook and rumbled in the distance the scientist and nurse reached the tall metallic doors leading into the research laboratory. Tom was especially vigilant looking down at Laura by his side with concern as she looked rather nervous. As they approached the double doors, the entrance to the massive building he turned to her and began to try to get her to focus. He placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled down at her, seeing her dark hair draped across one side of her face, the other side starkly looking back up at him with her silvery blue eyes shining in the evening sun.

“Laura, before we go in, I need you to do something for me,” Tom said.

“Oh, like what?” She responded.

“When we get the substrate…they probably aren’t going to let an unauthorized guest near it…so you will likely have to take some of it as soon as we find it.” He explained.

“Won’t it start making me…grow?” She looked puzzled.

“Depending on how much you take at first, an ounce of the raw growth substrate would give you a couple of feet of height every hour or so…you won't need more than a drop, any more than that and we’re dealing with some serious increases in size and weight.” He confessed.

“Okay…if things get bad…I’ll try to take some…so we can…survive…I guess.” She hesitated slightly.

“I’m counting on you.” He smiled.

They both finally approached the front door, standing beside it, revealing a metallic circle beside the entranceway on the wall beside it. Tom stepped forward widening his eyes and standing up straight as the ring opened to reveal a biometric scanning camera, quickly emitting a harmless red laser over his body before letting out a delicate ring opening the double glass doors in front of them. He simply nodded and walked forward, Laura trailing behind as they both approached the front desk. A woman in her late thirties dressed in a tight-fitting black dress had a short brown bob-cut neatly designed around her cute face and bright blue eyes. She looked up from her computer and keyboard which was white and silver paneled, designed to be sleek and modern. Delicately tapping her long-nailed fingers on the thin sleek keyboard before greeting the new arrivals.

“Professor Bailey?” She asked.

“Yes, I’ve come to help manufacture an antidote, for the giantess mutation.” He said firmly.

“Of course! Right this way.” She perked up.

She got out of her chair and led them to the main science lab, seemingly empty of most of its normally busy foot traffic. They looked around wondering why things were so quiet here, hearing her heels clack against the light tiled floor as they passed under the several tall ceiling lights beaming down on them. They closed in on the lab doors, looking inside to see a few canisters laid out on the table inside.

"Where is everyone?" He asked.

"Well…since the Giantess arrived most of the employees quit and left the island. I'm so glad you're here, you're our final hope!" She smiled.

"He can do it, I believe in him," Laura said.

“Okay, excellent! Godspeed, Professor.” She nodded.

She bowed before she turned back to return to her post. The two others looked excited, especially Laura whose eyes were brimming with anxious relief.

“God, we’re so lucky!” Laura giggled.

“We aren’t out of the woods yet.” Tom sounded grim.

He lifted his head again as the door scanned him, giving him access with a sounding confirmation beep. The two entered quickly noticing the several large vials of bright red growth substrate. They approached looking down at each of the thirty-two-ounce tall glass vials each filled to the brim with the mutagenic growth compound. There were three in total, one of which was enough to mutate an individual's DNA to grant them endless growth spurts resulting in gigantic transformative bodily growth in astronomical proportions. Each vial could turn any of them into a towering Giantess. Laura gulped feeling the pressure begin to build as her eyes wandered across the table, knowing that she would only have to take a drop in an emergency seemed impossible with the shape of the glass, looking more like a water bottle in size.

“Oh my god, these are huge…did Miya drink a whole vial on her own?” She said.

“It’s very likely. I honestly didn’t expect three vials, you will easily catch up to her size in a couple of hours, this is exactly what we need.” Tom nodded.

“The whole thing?! That’s insane!” She exclaimed.

“It's a gamble, but honestly this is perfect, you could take the first vial yourself and quickly take the other to Anna before you would theoretically reach your new full size. Miya must have spiked her growth process by ingesting so much after already having grown to nearly seven feet tall. That must be why she’s grown so much in such a short time, but with so many vials here, you can both easily take one for yourselves, and I can develop an anti-serum in the meantime with the remaining vial.” He explained.

Before she could react he quickly picked up one and opened it, handing it to her, ushering her to start drinking it directly.

“I thought you said I only had to take a drop, this is crazy! I don't want to grow that big!” She protested.

"I'm serious. Drink the whole vial and quickly go take the other to Anna, while I make this antiserum. There's no time to argue." He affirmed.

"God. This is such a horrible idea. What does it even feel like…to…grow?" Laura gulped.

She moved, placing both her delicate hands over the vial, picking it up immediately, gasping at how heavy it was.

"Ah! It's so heavy. Ugh. And this stuff is so thick, gross..." She said in disgust.

"Every woman I've met has said that it feels nice, and even intense at times during their growth spurts. Although my wife loves it, she's practically obsessed with the idea of growing bigger all the time, ever since I introduced her to the Matter Enhancer." He sighed.

She hesitated before giving it a quick sniff and was pleasantly surprised at the fact that it didn't have much of an odor.

"Alright…I'll just try a little bit." She said.

She shrugged, tilting the vial back holding it with both hands, pressing it against her cute lips, and taking a small sip. It was viscous, thick, and a bit tangy. Hints of cherry, lavender, hibiscus, and rose permeated throughout her mouth as she struggled to swallow it, taking it slowly, letting it trickle down her throat as she gulped audibly. Her throat bulged, drinking down the growth compound as she let out a tiny burp.

"It's thick…but…it's not so bad…mmph…mhm….*gulp gulp gulp…*" She swallowed down more.

"That's it. Drink it all quickly." He nodded.

Watching her take long gulps from the large glass tube as the highly mutated enhancement compound drained from the container and past her lips. Her throat bulged drinking down a few more gulps before looking back about a third of the bottle was consumed. She let out another burp holding her stomach feeling a bit woozy and nauseous. She started to cough, bending over slightly placing the vial back on the table feeling her entire body begin to shake slightly.

"Aah…aah…ooh…whoa…my whole body is tingling and…like…vibrating." She said shakily.

He immediately came to her aid, holding her, and keeping her from using too much of her strength to stand.

"It's okay, it's just a side effect. I've got you." He said confidently.

"Nngh. Okay…hah…hah…I feel tingly…like really tingly…all over…what's happening…mmhh…" She started to moan.

Down beneath her tight form fitting nurse outfit was her white linen panties, which were now starting to get increasingly wet as she began to get extremely horny. It began around her thighs, starting to swell, getting thicker around her constricted panties as she began to grow bigger. Her legs started to get slightly longer, gaining length and growing more muscular. Her waist responded to the sudden growth and widened as her ass began to pulse bigger and bigger, gaining roundness and a juicy plump shape. All the meanwhile moaning softly, panting feverishly, starting to feel the same tingling pressure now building up in both of her moderately sized breasts.

"Awhn…it feels good…they weren't lying." She giggled.

Starting to feel more comfortable as the sensation of growth became more familiar she adjusted quickly starting to get excited about getting bigger. She felt a sudden pulse shoot through her chest, like a static shock jolting each of her nipples to life. They got hard instantly, growing bigger, becoming more sensitive as all of the intense feelings grew stronger and stronger within her burgeoning body. Her breath escaped her red-stained lips gaining size and fluffy bounty in a matter of seconds. She licked them, spreading her tongue across them, feeling her lips growing becoming softer and more seductive, giving them a delicate bite as they grew thicker and even more plump. She kissed the air again and again, starting to giggle as the pressure finally began to release down by her supple moderately sized breasts tingling in her rock-hard nipples.

"Aah…it's getting more intense…" She whispered.

Beads of sweat rolled down her face as she began to tremble more, shaking in his strong arms trying to hold her as best as she could before she suddenly moaned loudly shaking with even more intensity. He could hardly keep her still watching her chest jiggle around before suddenly bubbling up bigger. Her breasts were growing like crazy, plumping up larger and larger, growing bigger, filling up like two soft water balloons under a running faucet. They gained cup size after cup size growing bigger and bigger until they began to press up against her outfit, starting to make a visible mountain of cleavage behind her buttoned-up nurse uniform. As the sensation of her growing breasts grew her lust for sex increased exponentially, however, she was in a trance, unable to even muster enough focus to begin to pleasure herself. It was overwhelming, even just a third of the large vial had far exceeded any standard usage of the mutagenic growth compound. Her body twitched, insatiable and thirsting for sexual contact, she finally gave in and pushed through the crushing feeling.

"Oh god…I need it…nngh…awhn!" She cried.

She tossed up her wide skirt, moving her hands down to her raw aching vagina that felt like it was practically vibrating at this point. It felt like waves of heat and passion were washing against and over her throbbing clitoris. The waves washed over her again and again. It was incredible but also frightening. The pleasure was amazing, unlike anything she had experienced before, it was as if a missing piece to a puzzle fit into her and immediately began to transform her once modest figure into an overwhelming goddess. The compound had begun to flood her system with mutagenic growth hormones sending her into a frenzy of transforming growth spurts, already changing into a woman of incredible stature and physical perfection. Her breasts bubbled up gaining size and weight growing three cup sizes into huge luscious triple DDD-cup beauties before her first growth spurt began to subside. She clutched them, squeezing one tightly and letting out an emaciated moan.

"They're getting HUGE! AWHN!" She moaned.

Her other hand dug into her panties, feverishly fingering herself over her now-soaked underwear. The sensation only grew more intense, starting to shake with a sudden orgasm running down her thighs looking down at her huge jiggling breasts and round hard nipples gaining size and volume. She started to drool, unable to control herself letting out cute and masochistic whines and moans, feeling her entire body begin to stretch and gain length. She grew taller in short bursts, inch by inch. The first spurt was a delicate bounce of her body rising to 5'7, then another sudden bounce growing up to 5'8, followed by another bigger bounce as she grew and grew rising to 5'9 tall.

"Awhn…" She mumbled.

She could hardly keep her eyes open as the sensation faded, her uniform began to stretch to compensate, still holding strong as the buttons starting from the top strained holding onto her burgeoning body. Everything was tighter, she could feel her now quite a big bubble butt pushed against the bottom half of her uniform, and her now quite large breasts each about the size of a plump honeydew melon. Each of them was struggling to stay contained in the few tight buttons holding it all together. Down by her waist, small tears began to form, starting to rip open from the sudden four inches she gained in width, now sporting a gorgeous hourglass figure.

"Phew…that was intense." She said,

Slowly straightening herself out he helped her get back on her feet. She gasped noticing her sudden change in height now standing three inches taller. She smiled feeling warm and fuzzy, and even more satisfied after the pleasure and her intense lust had finally placated for the time being. She wiped off her face, trying to remain decent, moving her hands down to her skirt pulling it down over her now thick thighs struggling to pull it over her wide round ass now sticking out from underneath it. She blushed, grabbing a handful of her bubble butt, starting to giggle to herself as he simply looked away from her blushing as well. She couldn’t help herself, she had never grown curves before, she had grown especially voluptuous and her hands were massaging every last soft squishy spot she could find filling her with excitement.

“God, I grew so much, I mean look at my breasts, they’re humongous!” She exclaimed.

Grabbing them each and giving them a healthy squeeze feeling both of her nipples almost pop in unison moaning loudly as they rubbed against her straining bra that was just one more growth spurt away from snapping off her shoulders. Tom nodded in affirmation, noticing her transformation had already started quite rapidly, feeling inclined to document the entire process, he turned focusing on different aspects of her transformation process. She squeezed them harder, moaning louder, suddenly feeling the same tingling sensation return with intense bursts of pleasure throughout her body. He stepped back slightly watching her begin to grow again, suddenly gaining several pounds of soft supple weight in each of her breasts. They filled up growing bigger and bigger until finally her top burst open.


Snap! Snap!



Two of the middle buttons on her uniform finally gave in, popping off onto the floor as her breasts grew even more massive. They bubbled up bigger and bigger before they bounced out onto her chest jiggling around before settling at their new size. They had become enormous humongous GG-cups. It didn't stop there though, before she could catch her breath her breasts continued to grow even more ludicrously luscious in size. They bubbled up gaining mass and growing into two huge watermelons as they expanded into juicy J-cups growing two cup sizes larger in a matter of seconds.

"Oh GOD! They're getting even bigger!" She shouted.

She started to shake and tremble again, suddenly rising taller. She bounced up an inch to 5'10 and then again, another jiggly bounce rising to 5'11. Her head rose up and up to meet the six-foot mark before settling in her new size. Laura started to love the feeling. Her hair began to grow longer as well, growing long and luscious down to the middle of her slender backside. Every little jump taller made her heart race, and the bigger she became, the more she wanted it. She let out a soft devious giggle seeing her body now starting to outgrow him.

"You're getting smaller…mmm…haha.." She giggled.

"It's affecting you faster than I anticipated…you need to finish the rest of that and get out–" He was interrupted.

Immediately assailed by her voluptuous body as she suddenly hugged him tightly pressing her humongous breasts against his chest.

"Mmm…I think I've had enough for now, I feel weird." She protested.

As he noticed her hair began to grow longer and fuller growing down her shoulders and her back down by her huge plump ass. She giggled before shoving her huge tits in his face begging to be played with and squeezed.

"Mmph! Laura! Focus!" He shouted.

He felt his heart skip a beat, suddenly seeing her oblivious laughter turn to devilish glee.

"Ooh…you're sexy when you're angry, haha…" She giggled.

"Laura, I'm serious, we don't have a lot of time, at this rate you'll be too big for the front gate in less than thirty minutes, you need to finish that vial and get out of here before you get too big." He said bluntly.

She let go, pushing him away as he felt her humongous breasts slowly slink away from him and settle back on her chest.

"Yeah…but if I drink more, won't that make me grow even faster?" She crossed her arms.

Looking a bit puzzled as she felt it again. The growth began to rumble within her once more, barely able to concentrate. Her eyes dilated feeling a pulse shoot through her entire body before starting to bounce up bigger. The first sent her to 6'1 starting to smile and blush looking down at his eyes lowering with every jump. She bounced up again in unison growing to 6'2 and then again to 6'3 tall until finally, her clothes could no longer contain her incredible growing physique. Her uniform began to tear apart, bursting open as pounds of her thickness began to outgrow everything.

"Oh! Awhn!" She gasped and then moaned.

Letting out a cute sound with every jiggly bounce she grew taller now looking down at him several inches past his head.

"Please Laura, your growth spurts are progressing quickly. Drink the rest so you can get out of here." He pleaded.

She finally started to realize what had been happening, taken over by the side effects of consuming such a large amount of the mutagenic growth compound. It began to affect her mind, making her crave growth and expansion, unlike any feeling she had felt before, she was hungry for it.

"Sorry, you're right, Professor, I don't know what came over me." She said with assertion.

She took a step toward the table, quickly snatching up the vial once more. She held it up against her lips raising an eyebrow feeling the sensation of growth begin to flood into her again. She pursed her lips sucking it down, gulping down even more of the growth substrate letting out muffled moans as she started to feel her next growth spurt coming on stronger than ever. Her entire body began to rumble with much more intensity than before, just after taking her first few sips she began to undergo another growth spurt. Another two inches at once to 6'5 bouncing up twice as high with every spurt now, another shooting through her sent her to 6'7 and then a towering 6'9 feet tall.

"Your growth is accelerating quite rapidly …not good."

"Mhm…*gulp…gulp…gulp…*" She drank more and more and more.

Sucking down another third of the bottle sent her up another three inches this time rapidly gaining more size with every increasing growth spurt. She rose up and over seven feet tall, meeting it and then bouncing upwards to 7'3 within seconds and then again to 7'6, an entire seven and a half feet tall. Her throat bulged, sucking it down with vigor trying to finish the entire vial struggling to drink it all down in one breath. Meanwhile, her body was gaining weight and curves at an insane rate. Her once cute and modest figure was now overflowing with voluptuous curves all over. Her ass had grown enormously, absolutely bulging outwards from her backside over half a foot in depth and width.

"Well…so much for keeping our heads down." He shrugged.

Looking up at her towering size was daunting. He began to sweat nervously listening to her huge lips suck down the rest of the vial with vigor. Seeing her tantalizing naked Amazonian body shake and jiggle before suddenly bubbling up bigger overflowing with gigantic jiggly growth. She shot up over half a foot taller at once, finishing the last of the bottle in a few large gulps settling in at 8'2 feet tall. She let out a loud burp, and then a giggle paired with a luscious jiggle. Her over eight-foot tall body now held the large vial like a small test tube at her new size in comparison. Finally placing it back down on the table much farther from her current distant height.

"Okay…all done! Whoa…everything looks way smaller. Especially you, Tom!" She giggled.

She had grown massive in a matter of minutes. Laura towered over Tom now by two whole feet of pure Amazonian greatness. His head didn't reach the height of her bountiful blockade of breasts now covering up most of his vantage point to her face. Any average-sized person would be completely dwarfed in comparison now, especially in strength. Laura had unknowingly become incredibly strong and muscular underneath layers of her soft bouncy cushioning around her most sensitive regions. Her hair had been gaining length and volume as well now quite long and sleek black flowing down past her big round bodacious booty. She had transformed into a small raven-haired Amazon goddess of her design.

"Yeah, you must be way over seven feet tall now, I didn't expect this to happen, let me think…" He pondered.

He was truly puzzled, wondering why it had taken so long to affect Annabelle and why it had only been a few short moments before Laura had burst out from all of her clothes from rapid mutagenic growth spurts. Perhaps it was the dosage and the rapid consumption of the unstable growth compound that had created the spike of sudden growth. As he thought more and more about getting lost in the possibilities Laura seemed confused herself. She looked down at the second vial seeing it filled to the brim with enough growth substrate to outgrow the entire planet starting to feel more horny with every passing moment she waited for him to respond.

"I should just…drink both of them myself…I could be…mmm…so big…like…bigger than anything in the entire world…" She thought.

Her mind raced immediately, starting to contemplate taking the rest, knowing her height advantage was only growing stronger every minute. She nearly came. Envisioning herself taller than the trees, as tall as Annabelle, and then as gigantic as Miya, and then even bigger than that. She could hardly picture herself at that size, drawn in by its power and mystery, she could barely resist the temptation. Her heart began pounding as her nipples began getting rock hard, feeling a tingle roll across her skin and the rest of her body before having another oncoming growth spurt.

"How about…I drink…the other vial too. I'd love to get…bigger…awhn!" She giggled.

Starting to moan and tremble before her entire body suddenly bounced up half a foot in size. She plumped up larger, gaining thickness around all of her already tremendous assets overflowing with natural bountiful cleavage and her humongous bubble butt bouncing up in unison. She rose up and over eight and a half feet tall into an 8'7 foot tall busty amazon. She could hardly contain herself, trickling her precious wetness down her tremendously thick and voluptuous thighs. She gasped loudly, suddenly bouncing up another half a foot taller, growing up and over nine feet, standing at a powerful 9'1 feet tall.

"What? No, you need to bring that one to Anna and–" He was interrupted.

"Mmmhh…I kind of…want to…say maybe forget the antiserum…and see just how big I would get if I took both of those little vials…right now." She smiled.

Laura's large silver blue eyes looked over at the table now down by knees, lusting after the two remaining large vials of growth substrate nearly about to burst with anticipation of her next growth spurt. Meanwhile, Tom was already quite frustrated, he placed his hands over his face in response, hardly able to contain his disappointment as Laura had already outgrown most of the facility furniture, work tables, and doorways. She had become enormous.

"Come on…it would be so fun…please…?" She begged.

Unfortunately this was only the beginning of her mutations as she was destined to grow a thousand times her original size at the very least with how much she had just taken. She had ingested enough of the supergrowth compound to grant her the same amount of super charged mutagenic growth hormones that had transformed Miya into a five hundred-foot tall giga-giantess, and even she was hardly even halfway through her first day as a goddess, who knows how much she would grow day after day, gaining size and shape, growing so big that eventually, she would start crushing the entire planet with her humongous endlessly growing body.

'Laura…listen to me…the mutagen…it's affecting your judgment, you need to–" He was immediately interrupted.

She let out another booming moan drowning out his voice suddenly bouncing up taller and taller as the fantasy of growing fueled her growth process. Her hormones fired off supercharged with mutagenic compounds doubling her cells over and over as she quickly rose up and over his small body. She grew and grew quickly reaching up and over a towering ten feet tall massive in size and shape. She grew into a powerful 10'4 Amazon queen as her tremendous thighs became thundering and gigantic in thickness. It wasn't until she stood up straight that she bumped her head, losing her footing, falling to the floor with a loud-sounding boom.


Her ass collided with the tiles, bending and breaking everything around her gigantic backside. Her whole body shook and jiggled like an ocean of cleavage and thickness moving slightly as she finally settled. She rubbed her head feeling the slight bruise start to fade away as the wound rapidly healed. She had now grown into the next stage of her rapidly evolving metamorphosis, soon she would grow into something much bigger.

"Awhn! Yes!" She shouted.

Her hands immediately raced over to massage her giant breasts, feeling them filling up again bigger and bigger. She moaned letting out a squeal as they plumped up several cup sizes larger into magnificent M-cups like two jiggling mountains on her chest. She became ravenous, squeezing her breasts and grabbing her extremely wet pussy, fingering herself without hesitation. There was no stopping her now. Her growth was as uncontrollable as she was overwhelmed with the desire to orgasm and grow.

"Well…so much for that plan." Tom sighed.

"Mmm…I want more…" She cooed.

Her long-reaching arms quickly snatched the bottle off the table and plucked the cork off of the second vial, lifting it to her massive plump lips before starting to suck it all up.

"Mmph…more…bigger…*gulp…gulp…gulp…" She mumbled.

Having grown double her size, the once tall and thick bottle of growth substrate was now a small glass vial between her fingers.

“No! Laura! Stop!” Tom shouted.

Rushing up between her massive legs, up to her thighs, straddling one, climbing up to meet her tremendous breasts overflowing from her chest. He struggled, feeling her soft breasts jiggle as his hands sunk into them getting smothered in seconds.

“Laura!” He shouted again.

Unable to overcome her massive breasts, he continued to push into their incredible softness looking up in horror past her humongous bust only to witness the rest of the vial drain slowly into her mouth past her luscious lips. It quickly drained out of the vial and down her throat, swallowing the rest and letting out a long satisfied moan. It wasn't long until her body began to rumble again, this time her body shaking began to make everything around her move.

"Jesus Christ Laura! You're growing out of control!" He screamed.

Tremors began to make the floor shake before suddenly expanding outwards, exploding with growth. Tom tried to reach up suddenly watching her body quickly expand and rise upwards feeling his legs kick up and off the floor rising with her. Her breasts rose as her thighs and legs rose bubbling up bigger beneath his feet. He was hoisted up, immediately noticing her thighs getting more and more massive taking up all the space beneath him.

"Laura! Don't drink anymore, I have no idea what it's going to do to you!" He begged her to stop.

Before she could answer to reason she had already finished off the second vial, letting out a cute moan and a resounding pop as her jiggly soft lips snapped off the small vial between her fingertips.

"Mmm…all gone! Sorry, Tom, but if we're going to beat Miya…I'm going to have to grow bigger than her…much bigger…" She cooed.

Licking her large luscious lips she looked down at him straddling her left thigh like a horse.

"God, look at you down there, you're practically half my size…actually…you're smaller than that now…in fact…mmm…you're getting even smaller by the second." She giggled.

Feeling a pulse of growth send her rising another several few inches taller growing thicker and heavier all around her massive body. She quickly climbed in size, already boasting a powerful twelve-foot tall frame, gaining inch after inch shooting up another foot taller to thirteen feet tall. Tom recoiled in horror, watching her arms and legs lengthening and getting more plump, packing on more curves and gaining thickness around her chest now showing off quite a giant ass bulging from her backside.

"Honestly, Tom, I am so glad you decided to convince me to drink it all…I think all this growth and breast expansion boosted my confidence." She said sarcastically.

She giggled mischievously looking down at him as she started bouncing her leg like she was entertaining a child. He was practically a paperweight to her now, tossing him playfully into the air before watching his body stumble his way down falling between her massive legs. She quickly clenched her thighs together trapping him between her towering thickness looking down at his frightened face starting to shrink even smaller.

"Laura! Argh! Your legs are gigantic! You're growing humongous, I can barely breathe down here." He struggled.

Tom could barely budge stuck between her giant thick and tremendous thighs, squished between them as they rippled and quaked with growth. He could see her skin stretching and rippling before gaining even more weight, growing bigger in size and volume rapidly rising and pushing up against him. Her jiggly flesh rose higher still like a growing wall, climbing up and quickly smothering him, covering his legs and body, growing up taller to envelop him up to his neck. He was trapped, feeling her two tremendous thighs tremble all across his entire body as she quickly reached fifteen feet tall in size sinking deeper between her massive overwhelming body.

"Sorry, Tom! I forgot I just drank another one of those vials, honestly after the first one I didn't expect the second one to go down so easily, I'm going to get HUGE!!! I'm SO excited, especially seeing you down there trapped between my massive thighs. Oh…mmm…and you’re starting to get smaller again…time to grow again!" She exclaimed.

She spread her legs slowly feeling her thick thighs jiggling away from his body letting him free. Opening her legs wide to reveal her dripping soaking wet vagina towering over him. He could only watch in awe as she started to shake all at once, her skin and body jiggling and shaking with pleasure as another batch of her blood cells began to mutate suddenly doubling over and over sending her pituitary gland into a system overdrive.

"Oh god…It's getting even more intense…I…nngh…can't hold it in any longer! I NEED IT! I NEED TO GROW! I NEED TO BECOME A GIANTESS!" She shouted.

Her voice boomed in the laboratory consumed with the desire to outgrow everything around her burgeoning body. She started fingering herself, plunging her huge fingers into her tall and dripping hot vagina immediately starting to quiver with anticipation. She shook all at once suddenly gaining another foot of height, and then another and another, climbing taller up past twenty feet tall bumping her head against the ceiling, and sitting down. Tom tried to run, turning around before running down toward the doorway to escape.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" She shouted.

Reaching out and picking him up like a tiny toy now fifteen feet taller than her previous average five-and-a-half foot tall body had now grown into a twenty-foot tall mini-giantess. She was quite powerful, easily plucking him off the floor like a fork from a drawer, lifting him to meet her massive plump lips with one hand, the other still penetrating her wet vagina oozing out hot wetness.

"Laura please–" He tried to plead and was immediately interrupted.

"ENOUGH! I'm so fucking horny…I NEED to satisfy myself…plus…I'm about to get so much bigger….I can feel it…I'm going to grow gigantic so…you're going…to have to…get inside me." She groaned.

Before he could even respond he was lifted toward her tongue and lips, assaulted by her giant mouth.

"You'll be safe in there…mmph…mmph…" She assured.

She licked and kissed him all over making him soaking wet before reaching down and plunging him deep inside. He braced for impact as the lips of her huge vagina expanded, stuffing him inside, immediately starting to explode with pleasure. Tom could hardly breathe feeling the intense tightness of her wet vagina expanding in and out crushing his body again and again. The pain was nearly unbearable until she started to reach another climax.

"AWHN! YES! FUCK!" She screamed.

A rush of wet sticky hot fluids erupted everywhere as the oversized tremendous mini-giantess Laura began to squirt while undergoing the strongest growth spurt anyone had experienced. Her eyes dilated as her iris began turning a deep blood-red color. The growth substrate took over her DNA, changing her skin and body as she began to move into the next phase of her metamorphosis. Her skin flushed, getting more tan and more reddish, growing thicker and stronger and becoming resistant to damage. Her body grew even thicker, gaining more tough sinew and bone as her strength began to double and then triple gaining overwhelming divine proportions. The walls began to push up against her expanding bottom struggling to contain her burgeoning body gaining mass and size.

"Wait! There's MORE!" She shouted.

Her huge hand wrapped around the last vial lifting it to meet with her large wet lips. She opened her palm seeing the now tiny vial slowly starting to shrink smaller quickly pinching her fingers together to make sure not to break it. Her one finger slid against the cork popping it open before tilting it back with her massive mouth wide open. A tiny splash coated her mouth in the third vial of growth substrate, it emptied in a few seconds guzzling it down with ease at her newly grown twenty-foot tall mini-giantess size. Licking her large luscious wet lips letting out a satisfied moan as she finished the rest.

"That last one was like just a big splash on my tongue! I hope it still makes me grow more…awhn…oh…fuck…" She whispered.

She felt her heart start to race in her chest, hugging her breasts tightly as the next oncoming growth spurts may be completely out of control. Suddenly it began all at once. Her body began to pack on pounds, growing larger in a massive growth spurt. Her legs smashed against the side wall, crushing everything under her massive bulging body. She rose up and over twenty-five feet tall and then suddenly again bouncing and growing like crazy she escalated doubling in size.

"Another BIG growth spurt is about to happen. I can feel it!" She shouted.

Her knees buckled before outgrowing the entire laboratory, suddenly smashing apart half of the building as her two legs burst free into the forest jutting out several feet. She grew and grew rising larger and taller as her massive mammaries rose to the ceiling before her head burst through it sending debris cascading down around her now seventy-foot-tall body. Her body shook intensely before expanding again slowly rising her head up and out of the wide open gap now letting light in from the evening sky. Her head bounced up and up with every growth spurt quickly noticing her titanic breasts overflowing with gigantic jiggly cleavage rose meeting against the edges of the ceiling. She felt the building behind wrap around her constricted curves, her thickness overwhelming the inside walls and floors buckling and creaking as she continued to gain size and more goddess-like thickness.

"It's so tight! I'm practically wearing the entire laboratory like a dress!" She exclaimed.

Before another growth spurt began sending her into a bubbly and bouncy process of height gain and incredible bountiful gains of voluptuous curves. The entire building began to collapse as pockets of her jiggly body began to erupt from the windows, doors, and other openings inside. She lifted herself off the ground, tearing it apart and leaving crumbling debris in her wake. Her body grew out of control, finally reaching a terrifying one hundred feet tall. Laura had grown into a Giantess. She was now sporting a terrific one hundred and five foot six feet tall giantess body that could level an entire small town with relative ease. She tore the shreds of the building off her tremendous thighs breaking it apart around her massive mountainous breasts before standing up to her full hundred-foot-tall height.

"Oh my god….I'm…enormous…I can see over everything. Over the trees…look so small at this size…they barely reach my chest now." She smiled.

She felt powerful. Looking down past her gigantic bust with overwhelming cleavage seeing a wreckage of steel and glass around her towering body. She lifted her leg seeing a door stuck to her foot fall off in unison as she noticed it was completely flattened like a sheet of aluminum foil.

"Whoa…I guess I'm as destructive and powerful as I imagined, maybe even more so..." She thought.

She blushed feeling a tingling movement way up inside of her wet vagina oozing out her hot pleasure suddenly yelp loudly.

"AH! Tom!" She shouted.

Her voice echoed off over the treetops and past the valley blushing harder as she realized how large she had gotten had made her extremely loud.

"Ah! I have to be quiet. I need to…mmhhh…get him out of there…" She moaned.

She loved the feeling, but feared the consequences, reaching down and digging deep inside of herself with an exasperated moan. Her fingers delicately opened the lips of her wet vagina, oozing with pleasure. Her long middle finger then plunged deep inside feeling around for the pea-sized body squirming deep inside of her. She released a squirt of her precious wetness onto the rough dirt trail beneath her as her finger dug inside and pulled him out. She lifted him struggling to hold tightly onto her fingertip as she held him up close to her now massive face. She smiled her now several-foot wide lips and started to laugh watching the now anti-sized professor in comparison struggling to stay attached to her sticky fingertip.


She blushed again hearing her voice boom into the distance sending birds squawking loudly off into the cloudy sky. He started to cough, wiping Her warm wetness off his body feeling his damp lab coat now drenched in her hot pleasure. Her two massive red eyes lowered toward his miniscule size seeing him just barely standing up on her soft fingertip. She grinned devilishly curling her finger as he watched his tiny little body slide down into her palm. She smiled pushing her other finger onto his chest feeling how soft and incredibly fragile he was in her hands had begun to turn her on immensely. She immediately gave in starting to giggle and lick her lips, biting down on her lower lip for just a moment.

"Laura…why did you–" Tom was immediately cut off.

"Drink it all? Uh…have you SEEN me recently? I'm HUGE!" She boomed.

"Laura, you don't have any idea what you've done…you're going to be…double…no…triple Miya’s size soon with the amount you've taken…" He stammered.

"I KNOW! It's SO EXCITING! I can't wait to GROW again!" She exclaimed.

"No…this is all getting way out of control…I can't believe you drank all of it." He dejected.

"What do you mean?! You're the one who told me to drink them! You wanted to see me grow, I'm probably already bigger than Anna! Now all we have to do is wait a little bit longer and I'll be WAY BIGGER than that gigantic bitch Miya!" She shouted.

Suddenly a booming echo rang out in the trees making them shake and sway in the forest. The ground shook and rumbled as the two Giantess women in the distance continued to fight, finally alerting the other two.

"Did you hear that?" She said,

"I think so, it must be Anna! Let's go!" He demanded.

She smiled knowing full well she could easily devour him if she wanted, but had no intentions of doing so, he was his little faithful companion, the mutagen had begun to manipulate her emotions however. She began to toy with the idea of playing with him more roughly. However, knowing Anna was nearby made her reconsider her suddenly quite intrusive thoughts. She nodded blushing and turned even more stark red.

"Yeah…let's go help her." She smiled.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Laura's body had grown gigantic. Just like Anna and Christie she had grown into a titanic hundred-foot tall giantess of colossal proportions. Her legs were gigantic and long, smashing her humongous feet into the now quite soft forest bed, feeling the dirt and moss between her toes for a moment before lifting it spreading dirt and debris everywhere leaving huge several-foot-wide gaps in the path. She stomped off sending earth-shaking tremors across the ground booming with every step she took toward the destroyed lumber mill where the two other hundred-foot-tall Giantesses were at each other's throats.

"LET GO OF ME!" Anna shouted.

"NOT UNTIL YOU SAY SORRY!" Christie shouted back.

"SORRY FOR WHAT?! GET OFF MY HAIR!" She shouted again.

The two began rumbling all across the ground, smashing their feet through the soil and uprooting several bushes and trees in their wake. They pushed back and forth over and over until finally, Anna slammed her hand across her face letting her go almost instantly. She stomped backward holding her hand against her face now riddled with cuts and three long gashes across her face from her razor-sharp nails.

"ARGH! MY FACE!" She screamed.

Holding her face for a moment as Anna witnessed the most fascinating thing. The blood and gashes across her face began to heal. Her skin mended together in a few seconds as she laughed, feeling the wounds seal up.

"Well…fuck." Anna cursed.

"FUCK YES!" Christie shouted.

Christie felt invincible. She charged forward rushing towards Anna with speed suddenly shooting across the forest floor. Her arms reached out and slammed into her, sending them both crashing into the ground. Trees fell, grassy patches uprooted and the earth began to rumble in one massive wave of destruction. It spread outwards crushing everything in its path, sending reverberations across the entire forest. The two giant bodies landed destroying every bit of life beneath them smashing through miles worth of terrain.

"Huh? Did you feel that?" Laura said.

Looking down at the tiny outstretched hand with Tom sitting on her massive palm.

"I just felt your entire body shake…they must be close by," Tom said.

Staring up at her two mountainous breasts looking past them to see her giant head in the distant clouds.

"What else could it be? Hang on tiny!" She exclaimed.

Before tightening her grip around him shielding him from the motion she was about to cause. She stomped forward closer toward the noise, suddenly noticing the same wide-open path of destruction toward the ruined clearing. She looked down seeing the same scattered footsteps each several feet wide and deep. She started to get nervous placing her foot inside one, just as Anna did before and came to the same conclusion.

"Oh gosh, Tom, there's so many footprints here and they're just as big as mine! Well… a couple of them are just a teensy bit smaller, but either way that means I grew as big if not bigger than them already." She explained.

"Laura…your fingers are a bit…rough…can you ease up a little?" He grunted.

Feeling trapped between her gargantuan fingers holding him like a small toy in her hands.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. Here let me put you down." She said,

Her voice was still booming with incredible sound even as she whispered to him. Placing him down on the ground as her humongous body bent over and down to the ground by her giant feet.

"You be careful now, tiny little Tom…" She giggled.

Batting her giant eyes down at him she smiled her several-foot-wide lips down at him.

"Laura…when you start to outgrow Miya, just remember there are millions of innocent people left on this planet…please try not to hurt anyone else." He begged.

Looking up at her with an anxious glare, getting lost in her massive red eyes each like a glimmering reflective plane in the distance. She started to feel it again. The desire to grow. Deep inside of her, the three huge vials of raw mutagenic growth substrate finally were starting to become fully absorbed. Her blood cells filled up and began to rapidly duplicate and expand as her cell walls mutated out of control doubling in size. Her whole body began to grow all at once, feeling her hands scraping against the soil suddenly impacting it all at once.

"Well…when you put it like that…mmhh…oh god…not again…" She gasped.

Trying to resist it at first, she clawed into the ground digging deep into the soil. She clenched her teeth, holding her grip tightly on the ground as she struggled to burst forth with growth. All she could barely say, opening her mouth just for a moment was,

"Run." She whispered.

And Tom ran. As fast as he could, rushing in between the fallen trees and broken bushes toward the clearing.

"It's so much stronger this time, I–AHWN!" She moaned.

Letting out a sudden loud emaciated moan opening her eyes as they suddenly dilated and grew in size. Her next phase of the giga giantess metamorphosis had only just begun as she let out a fierce and passionate roar. Echoing across the forest and far across the woodlands toward the ruined lumber mill.

"Whoa!" Christie shouted.

Immediately letting go of her she pushed her away in response.

"Ugh! Fuck! Finally…oh shit…" Anna whispered.

As the two of them looked over in the distance hearing a rumbling sound begin to make even the ground miles away begin to rumble.


Hearing her voice echo for miles when suddenly she finally erupted with intense growth spurts. Her hands dug into the ground pulsating as she began to expand outward growing larger. Her hand grew more massive, nearly doubling in size as she rapidly gained several hundred feet of size at once, growing and crushing the surrounding trees and uprooting them as she quickly grew over two hundred feet tall. Her body outgrew everything looming over the vast trench of delipidated deciduous forests and destroyed woodlands as she neared three hundred feet in size. She gripped even tighter, creating several dozen massive craters under each of her hands, knees, and feet, crushing down the earth as uprooted trees fell into the valley she began to create.

Tom raced away as fast as he could, quickly turning behind him to see the landscape being torn apart, falling into sudden cracks and fissures tearing open the ground trying to escape certain death. He ran and ran until he noticed a cliffside and a deep river below several dozen feet. He grits his teeth turning back to the growing destruction and mayhem getting closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

"Damn. Here goes nothing." He gulped.

Finally, he turned and jumped, right before the earthquakes she created snapped the cliffside in half crumbling to dust. The towering giantess only grew more titanic. Laura grew more and more, expanding and consuming the shrinking land beneath her towering body. She closed her eyes for a moment finally bursting forth with another massive growth spurt clearing four hundred feet in size as a splash was heard in the distance. Tom's body rippled through the rapid waves being tossed around as he coughed getting water in his mouth as the current brought him downstream, farther away from the growing dark-haired giantess. Casting adrift without any motion or ability to stop himself from cascading down the rapids. He tossed and turned, finally smashing against a log, barely holding on as it slowly drifted down the river, getting calmer as the tides subsided.

"Hah…wow…this is lucky…I'm so tired I can barely hold on." He thought.

As the remaining cliffs beyond the forest wall in the distance started to rumble and shake. Tom's eyes widened seeing a mass forming above the ground high over the cliffs. Laura was growing humongous, absolutely gigantic, as she crossed the mega-giantess threshold growing into a colossal five-hundred-foot-tall dark-haired goddess. Her emaciated moans echoed for hundreds of miles trying to lift herself off the ground still on all fours when suddenly her breasts began growing immense. Her chest bubbled up bigger and bigger expanding against the surface of the earth softly pressing against the rubble and destruction before growing into ludicrously large mountains overflowing onto the forest floor. They grew and grew smothering her chest and the ground outgrowing the width and breadth of her wide and titanic chest as they grew into lusciously large lumps of goddess fuel. They filled up with billions of gallons of the mutagenic growth compound storing trillions of her earth-shatteringly potent growth hormone formula in each of her titanic nipples.

"AWHN! THEY'RE SO BIG!" She shouted.

Hearing her voice echo again and again the larger she had become. She could hardly resist raising her thunderous thighs and humongous terraforming ass into the sky while plunging her giant fingers deep inside her quivering cavernous pussy. Suddenly feeling the urge to masturbate out of control. Every stroking motion began to make her nipples squirt gallons of the compound all across the ground, quickly starting to flood the delipidated forest. She turned around, planting her ass into the wet muddy ground and spreading her dirt-ridden thighs before plunging into herself for more. The pleasure was unbearable. She didn't care anymore. She had outgrown everything. Without a care or regard for anything around her, she finally came. Bursting forth gallons of her mutagenic hormone-infused pleasure across the ruined grounds.

"Hah…hah…hah…that was…insane…I must have outgrown everything by now…I need to stand up." She thought.

Still panting, unable to control her urges and her bodily functions another squirt of her hot passion engulfed the ground again letting out a cute yelp. She stuck out her tongue for a moment, waiting for her ravenous lust and aching vagina to calm down as she finally sighed and stood up to her full dominating truly goddess size. She was gigantic. Beyond reason, now officially the largest being on the entire planet. She had outgrown Miya. Now standing at a powerful five-hundred foot five and six inches to be exact, over five feet taller than the Asian goddess. Her bright ruby red eyes widened seeing the depth and field at her new enormously tall perspective. Now standing two hundred feet taller than most skyscrapers, looking down at the landscape beneath her feet was daunting.

"Everything is so small…" She whispered.

Hearing even her whisper echo off for a mile or so before fading away. Meanwhile downstream, Tom finally slowly moved his torn body, hardly able to stand after being tossed around like a wet towel In the rapids. He coughed, turning to his side and looking up at the sky. Long black hair blew in the wind, flowing far down her lustrous back. Her ass was practically a mountain face in the far distant landscape, clouds rolled by near her even more mountainous breasts, and nipples each the size of a monument.


Her titanic feet collided with the ground making it shake and rumble sending out several fissures and a wide circular earthquake with her every step. The ground began to shift and displace immediately impacting the earth's crust as she terraformed the planet with every step she took. The earth bent to her size and strength, crushing everything that had the unfortunate fate of being beneath her feet. Her thunderous thighs shook and jiggled with her every step as her bubbly ass moved and swayed taking a few steps forward had become a massive environmental event. Tom couldn't believe what he was seeing, Laura had outgrown even Miya now, and even her moving into the distance could be felt miles wide, any closer and he could meet a potentially fatal encounter with the rumbling wilds being crushed into dust under her titanic body.

GTS Tracker


Bodacious Brunette Giantess

104’9 ft (4'9)



Buxom Blonde Giantess

105’9 ft (5'9)



Titanic Asian Mega-Giantess

500'5 ft (4'9)



Busty Raven-haired Mega-Giantess

505'6 (5'6)




Updated :) I added the next section after proofing, enjoy!


Updated :) I added another section, enjoy!


Big Update! Hope you enjoy it!