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Sarah turned to you, smiling, as you could hardly believe what you were seeing.

“So…how does it look?”

She had grown again.

They were way bigger than last night.

You thought they were already getting huge during the first few days after starting the therapy.

She just kept growing.

She outgrew all of her bras.

She had become so big, she couldn’t fit into most of her panties after just the first few sessions of the therapy.

Every day it was the same surprise that came in the morning.

She grew a cup size larger, another inch thicker around her thighs, waist, and ass which at this point was incredibly round and luscious.

In fact, she was growing so much she started to spill out of all of her tops, showing cleavage or two large luscious lumps no matter what she wore

She started to outgrow most of her clothes, filling out her old shirts and pants - everything she wore now looked slutty.

She couldn't avoid showing off her huge breasts and bodacious booty out in public.

It was becoming impossible to find a proper bra to keep them contained.

She was just getting too big.

Growing more and more each day.

You both started looking into a solution together.

She asked you to take her to this new plus-size clothing store looking for anything that could even remotely fit around her increasingly growing size.

Her breasts alone had practically tripled in size in the last week.

They were like the size and shape of two big jiggly volleyballs and were spilling out of her new heart-patterned bra.

That was just one aspect of her new incredible body you quickly became fixated on.

Your jaw dropped as she bounced toward you sending waves of jiggles across them with every step.

“Well…I'm glad you like them. They're getting so big now they don't fit into anything. Like, this is an H-cup bra, do they even make bras bigger than that?"

You were starting to get turned on watching her jiggle them around, holding onto them and giving a light squeeze.

"They just keep growing…and growing…ever since I started that prescription I got from my new therapist they've been blowing up; this is like my sixth cup size up since Monday. None of my friends even come close to me now, haha, it's actually…kind of awesome."

She pressed onto them, holding them firmly as she felt them get heavier spilling through the cracks between her fingers.

"They're all so jealous, some of them even went to my new therapist I started going to just to get their own prescription of the new hormone drug they're trying to push on everyone."

She blushed harder starting to take the tightly bound straps off her bra hearing it snap back with force over both her shoulders.

"Apparently it's a normal side effect…It just seems to be affecting me way more than anyone else…although…I'm not complaining."

She clutched her bare breasts feeling them filling up her palms and fingers even more as she blushed as a surge of growth hormones flowed through her bloodstream.

"I can just feel them getting bigger every day…getting fuller…stretching out and growing…it feels good…every time I grow a little bit…it makes me…kinda…horny."

She blushed getting closer to you as she blushed and smiled looking up at you before cutely standing on her tiptoes and meeting your lips for a smooch.

Her lips are so soft this morning, like two gentle pillows pressing on and kissing you with passion.

Letting out a cute, muffled moan, feeling her tongue playfully twist around.

She must have grown taller because she had never been able to kiss you without you leaning your head down to meet her lips.

You felt her let go, leaving you breathless as she smiled and looked up at your head measuring her own just a few inches shy.

“Oh, you finally noticed…yeah I’ve grown an inch or more every night for the past week, and look I'm almost as tall as you now…”

You motioned your eyes toward her hand as she cutely hugged you and began cuddling you up.

“I like it though…I feel a lot more confident now.”

She smiled, kissing you again before letting out another adorable moan, slightly rising up again as her entire body shook for a moment and then settled jiggling before growing another inch taller.

“Mmm…I felt it again…you’re turning me on so much…it’s making me grow.”

She pushed her enormous chest up against you, squishing her two giant mammaries together feeling her big hard nipples, going in for another kiss, this time without having to stand on her tip-toes.

“You look so good today, I can’t resist you.”

You felt her push against you harder now.

Adjusting to her weight as she kissed you with even more passion and tongue.

She couldn't resist it, her body began to heat up and expand, over and over rapidly.

You listened to her incessantly moan and tighten her hands and lips getting more aggressive with you.

You moved your hands down to her gigantic chest squeezing and playing with her enormous breasts.

Each of her marvelous mammaries was easily over twenty pounds by now feeling your arms strain a bit lifting them both at once.

Growing and growing the more you pushed and prodded, squeezing her nipples as she nearly came just by your touch.

"Awhn! Holy fuck…my nipples are so sensitive."

She started to tremble as you continued to toy with them, moving down and giving them a cute kiss.

She bit her luscious lower lip as you started massaging her tender nipples with your wet tongue.

You felt her extremely bubbly breasts squish up against your face as you pushed harder.

Feeling her tender nipple begin to get hard growing from the size of a pencil eraser into a big swollen blueberry.

She couldn't help herself moving her hand down to your head ruffling your hair and moaning gently pushing on top of it signaling you to go even further down her curvaceous body.

You let go popping her nipple out of your mouth watching her big titties jiggle before moving down toward her aching pussy.

"Mmm…yeah? Ok..."

She said confidently as you lowered your head down to it, seeing it dripping onto her thighs and soaking her already wet panties.

You pulled them down seeing a trail of her own juices drip onto her damp undies.

"See how much you're turning me on…mmm…"

Her two delicate fingers reached down as spread her legs and her two soaking lips inching up closer to her dripping wet vagina.

You slowly motioned toward her gently starting to taste her, licking, and prodding her throbbing clit with your tongue.

"Mmnh…yeah…fuck! Oh my god…that feels so good, don't stop!"

You held onto her thick thighs motioning your mouth up and down tasting her delicate pussy.

“Just like that! Oh, fuck!”

Her entire body started to shake.

She was getting close.

Her hand gently pressed against the back of your head eating her soaking wet vagina with vigor feeling her throbbing clit with every suck and lick.

"Awhn! Fuck!"

She roared out loud immediately hearing footsteps from outside the dressing room.

She let out a powerful moan.

You looked up at her huge tits shaking, grabbing onto her right breast tightly.

She quickly reached a climax.

You backed away finally letting her release her passionate orgasm all at once.

You could feel her entire body trembling while holding onto your body for support.

Your shoulders started to feel heavier and heavier feeling her gaining weight all of a sudden.

She was growing again.

Gaining another few inches of height.

Rising up slowly feeling her presence grow in strength.

Her legs grew longer.

Becoming more slender and muscular.

Her tremendous thighs grew thicker.

Her big ass grew even bigger.

Growing rounder, more jiggly, and with even more bounce.

Her bountiful breasts began to expand into huge luscious J-cup beauties.

Everything about her began to accentuate the rest of her already blessed body.

She held onto your shoulders, slowly returning to reality as she felt another final wave pass over her, sending a pulsation of incredible pleasure into her aching vagina one last time.

"Oh fuck…god that was amazing…"

She rolled her eyes back and giggled in enthusiasm taking her weight off your shoulders and helping you off the carpet floor.

You stood up slowly raising your head and standing back to your full height immediately noticing her new size.

She locked eyes for the first time looking down at you.


She was stunned for a moment seeing your head now underneath her own, noticing over six inches of height difference between you two.

Your eyes met with the bottom of her neck, she must have grown at least half a foot, maybe more in her last growth spurt because she was way over six feet tall now.

"Oh my god! I grew so much bigger that time! You look so short now, and you’re like basically six feet tall, I must be huge!”

She couldn't help smiling wide, blushing before going in for a deep passionate kiss.

You gave in to her again even though you could hear the sound of an employee about to open the door behind you.

It didn't stop Sarah, especially at her new size.

She became dominating.

She continued to kiss and squeeze you pushing her humongous tits onto your chest letting out cute moans and pressing you against the wall.

She was insatiable, gaining a second wind, starting to rub her aching clit with her other hand moaning in your ear, leaning down to your level as the door unlocked.

You fell back slightly bumping your back against the other side of the wall beside the door as it opened slightly.

"Hey, is everything- Oh my!"

A short and moderately busty brunette covered her eyes upon seeing her gigantic tits and soaking wet pussy on full display.

"I'm so sorry! I just…needed…to…I'm so sorry! Sir, you can't be in here when she's using the changing room…It’s against company policy!"

The employee blushed looking down trying to avoid seeing her huge body thinking to herself.

"Holy fuck! Are those real?! Am I crazy or was she like over six feet tall? Fuck. This is insane."

Sarah giggled, sending waves of jiggles across her chest, ass, and thighs.

She smiled looking down at her head about the height of her chest, way below her shoulders.

"Can he just stay…for a little longer…please…he needs to see me fit into at least one of these itty bitty bras."

She grinned devilishly, placing it against her chest, starting to widen her eyes, surprising even herself at how small it appeared in her larger hands.


She couldn't say no.

Looking up at her swelling bowling ball-sized breasts behind the doorway, it was hard to refuse her.

"Thank you!"

She smiled cheerfully, placing her hands all over you looking down at her way under the height of her wide shoulders.

You felt her push and spin you around pushing you against the wall and smothering your face between her huge soft bosom.

"God, I'm so fucking horny. That girl looked so tiny! I can't believe how much I'm growing…this can't be normal…but I kind of love it!"

She thought to herself starting to feel her heart beating faster and faster, completely engulfing you between her giant breasts.

You could feel her entire body jiggling starting to rumble.

It was happening again.

You heard her let out a giggle before a long exasperated moan.

Your feet kicked off the carpet sliding against the wall feeling her pushing more as the ocean of her breasts began to expand spilling forth with luscious soft cleavage, unlike anything you've ever experienced.

She grew and grew bursting with luscious curves all over her bodacious figure.

Before you knew it you were an entire foot off the floor pinned against the wall by her tits each the size and weight of a mini-fridge.

"Mmm…you're getting smaller again, that means I’m growing again…look my tits are getting enormous, I can barely see you down there between them."

She loomed over you looking down at your shorter body smashed up against the wall without much effort.

"This is fun…how tall do you think I am now? I feel gigantic."

It didn't end there.

She started to rumble again rising up and up until she could see over the height of the dressing room walls.

Towering over the doorway and your smaller frame growing until your perspective sunk down into her ever-expanding chest.

"Mmm…fuck! I just keep getting bigger. We need to get out of here…I didn't expect to get this big already."

You could hardly even tell what she was thinking as her giant breasts were up to your face blocking most of your view up to her huge height.

"I finished up all the pills in that bottle today…mmnh…"

She spoke softly, feeling embarrassed as she rose taller between sentences.

"I'm sorry…nngh. I couldn't help it…"

She started to rise over seven feet tall.

"I wanted to grow, I needed to…get bigger…nngh…"

Your vision plummeted down to her breasts and further down their incredibly growing size lower as she continued to explain.

"I just kept taking them…"

Your eyes met with her belly noticing her hips closing the gap of the height of your now very meager shoulders in comparison.

"Then I took more at a time until I was happy with how big my tits had grown…and then I realized I had taken the whole bottle! I had no idea that it would come to this!"

She rose over eight feet tall and then nine feet, ten feet rapidly growing and expanding completely dwarfing you in size.

The whole room began to rumble as she started to outgrow it.

Her head bumped the ceiling sending some dust onto the carpet floor below.

She grew and grew, towering over you and the rest of the crumbling room.

Expanding against the walls.

Pressing her hands against them suddenly grew even more humongous in size.

Her butt bubbled outwards blowing up.

Smashing and smothering everything behind her her colossal round ass.

Her legs reached further across the carpeted floor growing and becoming longer and stronger.

You finally felt free as she let go of her literal booby trap and sat down with a loud crunch destroying the small seat attached to the wall.

"Oh! Fuck! I'm getting so BIG!"

The clerk heard rumbling and quickly made her way back to the dressing room when suddenly she saw a foot burst through the doorway sending the black-paneled door flying across the hallway.

The employee ran as her other foot breached the wall blasting it apart into pieces.

A massive wall of her tremendous thighs began to climb up in height growing thicker and bigger like two tree trunks bursting through the walls and floors gaining size and weight to ludicrous proportions.

You watched as her gigantic vagina grew in size rapidly growing up into a tall wet doorway of its own quickly looming above your head as she grew bigger and bigger.

A huge hand appeared above you in the rumbling growth spurt sending the ceiling tiles crashing down around you.

She reached out wrapping her huge hand around your body like a toy before lifting you up past her long line of goddess-like cleavage and up to her head.

Her body rumbled again, growing even more goddess-like in size and shape.

Her head burst through the ceiling sending everything around in the clothing store into debris collecting around her growing body.

She held her hands around your tiny little meager body shielding you from the rubble and debris as she grew and grew finally bursting free from the entire building sending it crashing down around her.

Sunlight draped in rays between her fingers as she finally opened her hands revealing her new size.

She was truly gigantic.

Rubble and lose debris surrounded her newly grown giant body.

She had grown a few inches over sixty feet tall boasting assets each the size of the now destroyed dressing room they had been in before.

She looked down seeing the rest of her tremendous body basically sitting atop the store with her humongous thighs and gigantic legs sprawled out in the parking lot.

"I guess the therapy worked…because I'm over my anxiety now! Haha!"

She smiled wide lifting you up and giving you the biggest wettest kiss leaving your clothes soaked as she laughed sending waves across the oceans of curves on the newly grown giantess.


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