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Your girlfriend had changed so much in the last few days that you almost didn't recognize her.

You caught a glimpse of her in the shower opening the bathroom door and going in to get your deodorant.

She was beautiful.

She let out a cute giggle as she pushed her huge breasts against the shower door squeezing them together.

She called you over seductively putting her arms together and opening the door to give you a kiss.

She leaned all the way down to your level leaving a wet kiss on your lips as you felt her tongue begin to lash around your own.

You felt her luscious lips snap off of yours smiling before standing back up to her tall and busty size and going back to her shower.

Massaging her giant basketball-sized breasts in her soft sensual hands.

She was really becoming unbelievably sexy, a goddess by any normal standards.

Her short-cut dark auburn hair had been getting longer too.

It had grown far past her shoulders falling into her new luscious line of cleavage.

She was going through a huge growth spurt.

Her small body had started growing all over becoming bigger.

Thicker and more curvaceous every day for the past five days.

She was getting taller too.

Her thighs started to get a lot bigger becoming wider and more pronounced.

Then her hips began to grow to match their massive size becoming increasingly juicy and heavier every passing day.

She had taken several days to adjust to her new body jiggling around.

Her big butt began to grow exponentially into a huge bubble booty.

You noticed her pants started to ride up further past her ankles as her legs grew longer as well.

Her upper half joined in on the growth gaining sizeable breasts and broad yet slender shoulders.

Expanding bigger and bigger,

Gaining a cup size every day,

And every morning she was even bigger than the last,

Growing a few inches overnight greeting her with a pleasant jiggly surprise every sunrise.

Now they were absolutely enormous each about the size of a juicy honeydew melon jiggling around with every motion of her growing physique.

When you measured her on Monday, she was just about five feet tall.

She was short and petite,

Her head barely reached your shoulders.

But now she was easily half a foot taller than you,

And now your head barely reached up to her chin.

Her tiny figure had also blossomed into a tall and busty bombshell.

She had grown an entire foot taller and had a pair of big bouncy breasts a woman could only attain in her wildest dreams.

It all started when she started taking an experimental growth drug from an online store, you could remember the advertisement rather clearly;

“Have you ever felt like nobody even sees you when you enter a room? Do you want to make everyone's jaw drop anytime they just take a look at you? Do you want to grow into a goddess? Well, now you can! GoddessGro is a brand-new patent growth serum that is just perfect for you! Our top-secret blend of growth hormones is made to pump you up, filling you with all the essential nutrients, growth enzymes, and estrogen boosters for just one drop a day. In under a week, you'll grow into the goddess of your dreams! Warning: This product has not been approved by the FDA. Possible effects may include; Increased skin sensitivity, Hot Flashes, Dizziness, Increased libido, Possible Sexual Urges, Heightened Sex Drive, Euphoria, Bodily Growth and Expansion, Weight Gain, Height Gain, Breast Growth, Nipple Sensitivy, and possible Lactation. Order online now, supplies are limited. No refunds.”

The company was founded just a week prior to thousands of online orders flooding its digital marketplace.

It blew up on social media everyone wanted to grow and who would blame them?

Although you could only buy a single bottle at a time, it was going to be well worth it for any short woman who wanted to gain a height advantage.

Apparently, the "GoddessGrow" formula was packed full of a new phytoestrogen not yet approved by the FDA alongside an unhealthy amount of highly experimental human growth hormones not mentioned or listed in the ingredients.

At the time it was more speculation than fact and the truth was nobody knew it was in the stuff and just how potent it was, however, the effects were undeniable.

The news of the drug spread like wildfire, everyone wanted their own bottle and they were willing to do anything to get their hands on one themselves.

It worked wonders for women all over the world starting to grow to get taller and bustier in a matter of days.

In the first week alone the average height of women in the country had jumped from 5'4 to 5'6, the world average for most men.

The average breast size seemingly skyrocketed from an average B-cup to a strong DD-cup, now matching the previous country's average now at a whopping G-cup bust nationwide.

She was desperate and didn't seem to understand the risks of taking an experimental concoction with unknown variables or even what kind of side effects may occur.

But that didn't stop her.

She tried to convince you that it was safe after ordering it;

"I really bought it just so I could grow a cup size or two…and honestly I just would love to get taller, even if it’s only a few inches…that would be amazing."

You were highly supportive of her at first, knowing how badly she had wanted to get taller and more filled out.

Little did you know those few inches she was claiming would transform her into a towering amazon goddess.

The bottle arrived that Monday night in just a couple of hours.

The first time she took it was crazy,

She took way more than a single dosage by accident, misreading the instructions.

She took a whole dropper full instead of a single small drop coughing as the bitter mixture settled down her throat.

"Ugh. Whatever I bet it doesn't even work. I'll be fine."

She was so confident she had wasted money on a gimmick product.

She was wrong.

A warm tingling sensation began to creep all throughout her body starting at her thighs.

The feeling began to get more intense warming up her legs and deep in between her thighs.

The two of you sat there watching something on TV as she began to bite her lip and move her hands down to her thighs.

Her vagina began to throb as she turned red feeling a streak of wetness in her panties.

You looked over seeing her hands and fingers caressing her legs and thighs seeing them suddenly bulge outwards growing thicker.

Her eyes rolled back as she spread her larger thighs outwards starting to finger herself.

You asked her if she was alright.

“I'm way better than alright..."

She moaned softly seeing your glances turn into a gaze as you watched her ass begin to lift her off the sofa slightly growing bigger and more bodacious.

“Oh…I feel it…I think I'm …getting bigger…I'm GROWING!"

You suddenly heard her pants rip as her ass bulged out growing fatter.

"Oh my god! My ass!"

It plumped up becoming round and juicy as she moaned out loud.

She couldn't help herself continuing to moan louder and louder as the night went on watching her grow.

She massaged and caressed every surface of her thighs and growing breasts begging you not to stop even as she was about to climax.

Her fingers paced back and forth from her breasts to her soaking wet pussy trembling with delight as she drooled with desire.

She would frequently stop massaging herself, to slow down turning herself on to the point of nearly squirting all over.

You watched as she outgrew her entire wardrobe of bras and tops.

Her bra snapped, unable to hold her newly grown big tits together.

She had grown two whole cup sizes bigger, now sporting two perfect double D-cup breasts.

"They feel huge to me! I need to fuck right now…I want it so bad."

She quickly turned over revealing her swollen pussy dripping with excitement.

She grabbed two huge handfuls of her new bubble butt and giggled to herself spreading her newly grown cheeks wide open for you.

She was so happy you fucked before she had to head back to work the next day she couldn't resist kissing and teasing you before you finally dropped her off.

What you didn't realize was she was growing taller too.

You noticed as she left the car staring at the huge bubble booty bouncing out beside you, noticing that she had also grown a couple of inches taller at the least.

She didn't stop there.

"I want more…"

She said to herself as she took a few drops of the potent formula the next day at the office with her lunch.

She licked her lips clean and eagerly awaited the growth to begin.

Her chest bubbled in size starting to expand once again.

Quickly outgrowing her newly bought blouse and snapping off her brand-new bra as her breasts doubled in size.

She moaned at her office desk listening to her clothes rip and tear around her bulging cleavage,

Unable to contain her now huge double GG cup breasts.

She now had the largest breasts in the office and was the tallest woman by an inch, even taller than her boss.

By the time she left work, she had grown half a foot taller and could barely fit into her grey skirt and white blouse spilling out of every opening.

You picked her up waiting outside seeing her approach immediately noticing her newly growing tits bouncing in her straining work blouse.

She was getting a lot bigger now.

She had grown to match your height startling you for a moment.

She didn't stop there.

She took another dropper full of the experimental serum before leaving the office to get into your car without telling you.

You drove home calmly hearing her giggling softly as her body began to feel warm and tingly.

"Nngh. Ugh…I got to take this off."

She whimpered sitting beside you as she felt her nipples straining in her tank top as she took off her blouse feeling the seams begin to dig into her arms,

It got lower and lower as her breasts continued surging with growth.

They grew larger into massive H cups growing into huge and bouncy bowling balls in size.

"They're getting so fucking huge! My god!"

She couldn't help herself,

She started to moan,

Touching herself,

Twisting and pinching her hard nipples,

You loved it.

On the other hand, you could barely concentrate on the road.

You raced home finally pulling into the driveway,

That's when she jumped on you.

She was never this horny,

She kissed you relentlessly pulling off your pants.

Pleasuring each other as you both climaxed.

The release was heavenly and huge feeling yourself drained as you felt her nudge your shoulder.

"I'm still so horny…I want more…"

She wanted to go again.

You declined her this time as she pulled you close with force,

"Please…awhn…mmph. I need you!"

You gave in as she used you again.

You struggled to get hard but succeeded quickly panning over her giant luscious lips and huge bubble breasts spilling onto your lap.

Her delicate hair fell down onto your hands as her head bobbed up and down sucking your cock.


You fucked her mouth sliding your sloppy wet cock onto her warm luscious lips as she let out muffled moans sucking your dick harder.


You came inside her mouth a second time desperately trying to please her,

Feeding her your seed as she grew taller and even more voluptuous.

"I felt it again…hold on let's get outside."

You both exited your car as she quickly noticed her height beside yours,

"Oh, my god."

She said with a sharp exhale and a gasp.

"I grew again…I'm bigger than you…"

She was taller than you now.

At least by a couple of inches, she was roughly six feet tall.

She blushed telling you she had taken an extra few doses of the formula at work,

"I couldn't help it…it just feels so good to grow. There's an even bigger surprise waiting inside though…"

She said seductively, following her big round ass back into your house.

That brings us to Friday night.

You went inside casually, taking off your jacket as she began to strip in front of you.

Her libido was never-ending, she had become a nymphomaniac.

Craving sex constantly as she couldn’t wait any longer starting to finger herself trembling with growth.

You stood there watching her body rumble getting larger,

She grew and grew as she rose up half a foot taller in short-inch-long growth spurts making her way inside.

She turned back toward you.

Your perspective sunk down to her chest now standing a couple of inches shy of a foot taller than you.

"I'm getting so big…come with me." She said latching onto your arm and pulling you with ease at her new size.

You watched her move under the doorframe nearly touching it with her head as she strode under it.

You asked her if she was happy with her new size,

"I like it…but…"

She smiled as you saw her reflection in the mirror,

As she turned back you saw the small bottle of potent growth formula in her hands.

“...I want more…”

She lifted it up and twisted off the cap tossing aside the dropper and sucking down the rest.


She drained it in her mouth past her juicy lips letting a small stream of formula dribble down her cheeks.

What happened next was incredible,

She started to transform in front of your eyes,

Sucking down the rest of the bottle loudly gulping,

Growing rapidly as she took up more and more space around you.

Her hips began to bulge, bubbling up bigger and bigger, suddenly tearing off her skirt.

She yelped as her blouse buckled, popping off the buttons unable to contain her giant growing breasts.

They filled up and up passing massive J cups in size like two juicy and incredibly soft jiggly balls of bouncy breasts.

Her entire body crept up rising taller and taller as your perspective sunk down lower toward her huge luscious breasts.

She trembled with growth as her entire body bulged with thickness growing into an amazonian goddess.

Standing at an intimidating seven feet tall within seconds barely able to grasp her jiggly body busting out all over.

“Oh YES! Now that’s more like…come here.”

She moaned loudly with desire looking down at your smaller size,

Grabbing onto your shoulders as she leaned down to kiss you.

Her long tongue danced with yours filling up your mouth and wrapping around becoming more aggressive as you listened to her moans got louder and louder.

She trembled, starting to shake again as she crept up, rising even taller.

Her tremendous body grew larger rising up and up until you felt her bouncy lips pop off yours as she continued to grow taller.

“Whoa! Oh my god…you’re getting so small…”

She rose up pushing her huge breasts toward you smothering your face with her soft luscious expanse of her cleavage.

“I want you…”

She whispered down toward her massive cleavage.

Things only progressed from there.

Her hands latched onto your pants, tearing them off your legs, and suddenly tossed you onto the rug.

She was massive and incredibly strong now, she weighed you down pushing onto your chest and struggling to maintain your composure as she mounted you.

Slamming her giant pussy onto your rock-hard erection over and over as she bounced and jiggled like crazy.

“Yes! Yes! YES! Fuck me! YES! YES! YES! AWHN!”

She roared with pleasure echoing across the walls throughout your room hearing the bed begin to crack under you both as her body rumbled with growth yet again.

Her body continued bouncing on your rigid cock coming back down onto it with more force every few motions as she grew even more massive.

Her body bulged, growing bigger and bigger, smothering you and she finally began to cum.

"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!"

She shook and trembled with immense joy, writhing in pleasure as she squirted all over your member roaring loudly in a massive climax.

Her ass bounced off your dick finally resting on top of you as she finished leaving a wet sticky mess all over your lower half.

"Oh my god…I've never came like that before."

She blushed looking down at you squashed down by her tremendous thighs and giant bubble butt smiling and blushing before lifting herself off of you.

You both were shocked as she stood up to her new full height looking forward to seeing your eye level now meeting with her belly under her giant juicy breasts.

She had grown into a towering eight feet tall goddess oozing with voluptuous curves spilling out all over with beautiful bouncy breasts each nearly double the size of your head.

She started to grin devilishly wrapping her long powerful arms around you hugging you tightly as she felt her newly grown amazon body beside you.

"You're so small now, I feel like a giant! Haha!"

Her voice was significantly louder as she giggled maniacally smashing her huge jiggly tits against your face as you sunk deeper between them.

"Oh…don't get lost in there little man…haha…"

She was loving her new body, smothering your head between her titanic breasts, jiggling them, and laughing to herself.

“Awhn…I’m growing into a GODDESS!”

Squishing them against her fingers as she felt her big gumball-sized nipples get rock hard.

The familiar sensation of oncoming growth returned, greeting her with warm tingling vibrations trickling throughout her body.

“It’s not enough…I want to get BIGGER!”

Her heart began to beat harder out of her chest as her huge body began to generate growth enzymes by the millions inside her amazonian body.

“More…I wanna be HUGE!”

It began fueling her sudden spurts of size getting even taller unable to control herself from growing even more massive.

She trembled, clutching you tighter and tighter as she suddenly began to transform into something much more powerful.

You were completely powerless against her tremendous body smothered inside her two breasts starting to expand around your body engulfing you in her sea of cleavage.

You accepted your fate and wondered what life would be like with an amazon-sized girlfriend and were soon about to find out.

Her body surged with growth booming in size as she suddenly rose up a foot taller seeing your perspective drop way down to her hips as she grew even more massive.

Her head bumped into the ceiling finally outgrowing the room’s height as she buckled falling onto her gigantic ass and cracking the floor tiles under her half-a-ton heavy jiggling bodice.

She laughed hearing her voice echo throughout your house as she grew bigger and bigger into a towering twelve-foot-tall amazon goddess.


She shouted latching onto your body and hoisting you into the air with her tremendous arms lifting you above her gigantic cleavage as she smiled and smothered you again.



Another amazing job with this one