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Chapter 1

The bright autumn sun shined down on a track and field course on a late Tuesday afternoon. A rich and bustling college campus was filled with students, teachers, and athletes alike. A slightly taller-than-average girl ran down the pathway trying to train for the bi-annual track meet. Her 5'6 athletic body had relatively small breasts, which aided in her swiftness when she was moving at high speeds. Her red ponytail bobbed up and down in the wind as her white and red sneakers trod on top of the track, gliding across it swiftly with her slender legs. Her tight form-fitting red shorts moved with her bottom stretching and adjusting to her rapid movements. Her cute apple bottom butt rippled slightly as her thighs went back and forth absorbing the impact along with her athletic and well-trained legs. She could feel her heart pounding out of her chest as her feet bounced up and down the pathway. She started to turn to the left, cutting in and turning on her heels as she continued racing down the track as fast as she could. She struggled to feel energized, starting to get fatigued, slowing her breathing through her cute nose and out of her thin pink lips making her way closer to the finish line. "Fuck. I'm so tired…come on…" She turned again onto the final lap of the course, seeing her coach, a 5'8 Asian woman with dark hair covering the right side of her face, she smiled, cheering her on from the sidelines, clapping loudly. "Come on Kate! You're almost there!" Naomi was just slightly taller than Kate sporting modest C-cup breasts neatly tucked under her thin black and white jacket. Her coach waved her in holding a stopwatch as she heard her huffing and puffing barely able to stand up as she held onto her knees coated in sweat.

"Ugh…sorry. I'm so tired today." - "It's alright Kate. Here, have some of this." Naomi finished taking a few sips out of her water bottle before handing it over. Kate got up and started guzzling it down, stopping immediately at the flavor. It was bitter and slightly tangy and had a weird aftertaste. "Naomi? What is this? Doesn't taste like water." She nodded and replied, "Oh sorry, I filled it with this new protein mix, go ahead you can have as much as you want." She looked back at her and smiled seeing her eyes begin to light up. Kate's body suddenly felt a rush of energy unlike anything she's ever had. She perked up and smiled, lifting the bottle back up and drinking down more only slightly bothered by its bitter flavor. "Oh, you like it huh?" - "Tastes gross, but I feel way better. What's in this stuff? Electrolytes?" Naomi looked off into the distance getting distracted seeing a huge Russian woman with long black hair rush by at an incredible speed. Her legs were enormously bulging with thickness and size, rippling with strength as she left imprints in the dirt making her way rapidly down the track. Her giant breasts bounced up and down in a hypnotizing rhythm matching her two massive legs leaving large foot sized imprints in the track path. She turned off the track onto the field leaving footsteps in the dirt before slowing down as the rest of her body jiggled. She jogged over to a man in the middle of the racing ring without even breaking a sweat. She spoke to herself nodding as she looked at the scoreboard checking the time. "Not bad." She smirked looking back down at the man beneath her. "Something like that…" Naomi muttered and continued focusing her gaze down at the Russian woman now towering over an average-sized man down by the other side of the track.

She was standing a whole head taller than him, over half a foot bigger than him in height. He nervously asked her some questions, writing on his clipboard. "Natasha! You look incredible! And might I say what a fantastic lap you just ran!" - "Thank you, little man." - "Just a few days ago you were only an inch or two taller than me, how did you grow and how'd you do it so fast?" Natasha blushed rolling her eyes batting them frivolously before grinning devilishly down at him. "Oh…it's just a little growth spurt, nothing to be ashamed about, you should see my mother, Ivanka, she's even bigger than me!" - "Really? Wow…well, it seems pretty clear who has a leg up this year, haha!" - "Yeah…I was really hoping for some competition, but it looks like nobody here will be able to match me." - "How tall are you now?" - "I am 6'4 and my mother, Ivanka is 6'6." - "Good god! *ahem* I mean, that's amazing!" - "Da. I am hoping to get a bit bigger before the race. I want to be at peak physical performance." - "Bigger?! Oh lord…Well, there are only three days left before the race starts, so there isn't much time left!" - "Excuse me, I must go. It's been fun talking to you tiny man." - "Oh! Okay, I'll see you later! Good luck!" The referee scratched the back of his neck nervously as he watched her walk off, unable to keep his eyes off of her giant jiggly ass that swayed back and forth hypnotized by its size and incredible thick roundness.

Kate's jaw was on the floor barely able to comprehend her towering size. Her eyes fixated on her bountiful bouncing breasts each of which was easily larger than her head, probably close to three times the size of her little pear sized 34B cup titties. “Holy shit! Who is that?” - “That’s Natasha Misha, she looks even bigger today.” - “She’s huge! You've got to be joking…If she enters the competition there’s no way I’m going to win. Everyone else is taller than me, I’m the shortest…how can I possibly out-race them, let alone Natasha?” - “You can’t think like that Kate, come on, finish up and let's do another lap.” - “Alright…fine.” Kate continued sucking from her water bottle gulping down more as she started to feel a bit strange. A warm tingling sensation washed over her bottom half feeling it in her thighs and butt. She placed her palms on her slender legs, squeezing them slightly before they bulged with growth. Her fingers sunk into her thickening thighs biting her lip and feeling the sensation growing stronger. "Ooh…I feel …really weird." She thought to herself as the sensation crept around and into her small booty. It bubbled up becoming bigger, filling out her tight shorts. Her cute apple bottom butt soon grew much thicker and more round in shape quickly turning into a bouncy booty. She noticed her vision slightly bump up a bit as her now jiggly ass filled up, even more, making her shorts start to dig around its burgeoning booty still growing thicker and more lusciously round. "Might as well finish it though." A couple of gulps later she rattled it listening to the few sips left inside and rolled her eyes. “Bleh…tastes so gross.” She tossed it back and finished it feeling a chalky substance on her tongue before swallowing it down her throat. "Ugh…that's unpleasant …it must be a powdered mix." She licked her lips still tasting the strange drink mix as they started to swell becoming luscious, seductive, and heart-shaped. Her breasts began to itch as well as her nipples started poking out of her sports bra and a tight athletic top. "Why do I feel…horny…" She tried her best to ignore the feeling, biting her lip softly, and began walking back up to the track as her intrusive thoughts flooded in, staring at her tall voluptuous body approaching. She gulped nervously stopping to greet her, her heart began racing as her eyes fixated on her huge breasts bouncing up and down with tremendous weight and force. She definitely wasn't lying about how real her growth spurts were, her huge melons were two huge all natural 48J-cup monsters the size of two hefty bowling balls, but they had a certain special softness to them jiggling with every step still constrained in her tight tank top spilling over with bountiful cleavage.

The tall Russian woman stood a whole head and shoulders over Kate, dwarfing her in size nearly a whole foot taller. She craned her head up to her face, blushing with a half smile as she stuttered slightly out of nervousness. "H-hi…" Kate blushed to see her eye level meeting with her huge breasts barely able to fit into her tight black tank top. Kate was baffled seeing the size of her wide hips and giant bubble booty nearly double the width of her torso, she was absolutely massive, thick, and intimidating. Natasha looked down smiling devilishly as she waved down at her and then back at Naomi who seemed a bit shy at first still standing back off the track. "Hello little one, you must be Kate." - "Y-yeah…that's me…the shortest one here…haha…" She nervously laughed immediately feeling intimidated by her gigantic J-cup breasts, which were each larger than her head and could easily smother her between them. Her titanic body was only complimented by her tremendously curvaceous and statuesque figure. "Hahaha! And I am the tallest one here it seems, tell me, how tall are you?" - "Oh…I'm 5’6…" - "Only? Wow." - "How tall are you…?" - "6’4! Pretty big huh?" Naomi quickly approached her with a fake smile trying to save her from the awkward conversation. "Hey! Natasha! Thanks again for the-'' She cut her off trying to act coy, "Of course…you Americans always need us, I am happy to help a smaller and weaker girl. Besides, we need some more competition this year, not that it matters since I'm going to be the winner." - "Well…you don't have to worry about that, our little Kate here is faster than all the other women here and she's practically a foot shorter than you!" She laughed, moving her hand down and patting her on the head. Kate's heart was beating out of her chest seeing her huge tits at her eye level now only a few inches away from her face. "Faster? We shall see about that Naomi. Keep practicing little Kate, I'll be waiting at the finish line." She got closer, puffing out her huge chest getting even closer hugging her tightly squeezing her smothering her with her long luscious cleavage. "Mmph!" - "You are so small and cute, I could eat you up!" Natasha was grinning menacingly, holding her tightly as she buried her face between their huge softness. She began to lose her breath feeling powerless against her size. Natasha smirked hearing her response as she let her go listening to her gasp for air. "Ok! I must go. Go train little Kate." She giggled before turning and storming off with a sudden burst of speed back onto the track to continue training.

Kate was equally scared and confused looking up slightly at Naomi who began to shake her head. "Christ. She's way bigger than she was two days ago..." Kate started to feel anxious after feeling her strength first hand, a little shocked at how she treated her, but equally horny at the sentiment. She focused on trying to stop thinking about it, responding after a slight delay and a sigh.   "What are you talking about?" - "Oh, nothing…" - "Hey, come on! She just smothered me with those monster tits of hers and you don't have anything to say about it?" Kate placed her hands on her now wide hips swaying one to the side before huffing out a long annoyed sigh before continuing on, "...and what was that you two were talking about, helping us Americans? What an arrogant bitch. I hate her!" Kate started to get upset as her body began to feel hot, she fumed, starting to feel envious of her luscious growing physique and long powerful legs holding up her giant juicy ass. Her heart pounded out of her chest as she felt a wave of heat pass over her entire body. “Nngh…” She felt dizzy and then a rush of adrenaline as her whole body began to rise taller, growing taller expanding against her sports bra and skin-tight leggings. Her undergarments began to get tighter, constricting underneath her panties straining over her growing booty, it started to dig in between the lips of her swollen vagina turning her on even more. "Hey, are you ok?" - “Yeah…I just need…to sit down…” Naomi helped her over to the bleachers sitting her down beside her as she began to tremble, moaning softly.

She suddenly felt her vagina tense up again this time releasing a gush of erotic sensations making a wet spot appear on her panties soaking through her tight gym shorts. "Awhn!" - "Kate your ass it's…oh my god…" Naomi was at a loss for words watching Kate's body begin to bulge and expand, locking her gaze with her tremendous booty sticking out of her shorts. Kate was growing even further, bouncing up again, now matching her height. Naomi's eyes widened trying to comprehend what she was witnessing. Her eyes wandered down to her breasts and also joined in plumping up bigger as they soon matched her size as well growing into moderately sized supple C-cup. "Oh…it's working, I can't believe it." She thought to herself as she listened to her continue to mumble incoherently. She started to normalize feeling less dizzy as the first wave of growth started to move downwards. "Huh…what ate talking about, what's happening- nngh!" She suddenly grunted feeling her legs and thighs tingle as they too grew even larger, growing thicker and stronger she felt her shorts constrict around her big growing juicy ass. Naomi held her feeling her body become heavier and heavier watching her expand and grow more curvaceous. She sunk her hands into her thickening thighs feeling them grow between her fingers. "Kate…we can call it for today, I'm worried about y-" She was interrupted mid-sentence as she opened her eyes and came back to reality. "I'm fine! Ugh…that was so weird." - "Here…I'll help you up." They both got up beside each other, coming to a shocking realization, Kate had grown taller, and just like Natasha, she was about to grow even more similar in body and shape as her, perhaps even to the size of an amazonian goddess.

She gulped seeing her stand up beside her realizing she had grown to match her size. "Oh my god…" - "What…what's wrong…oh…whoa…since when have I been as tall as you?" - "I don't know…but you look amazing!" Naomi started to get jealous seeing her growth spurt happen so suddenly and with so much effect. "Come on, let's call it a day, I'll buy you a smoothie." - "Oh, that sounds so good right now, I'm so thirsty." The two of them walked down the bleacher steps and back onto the field as Naomi started to bite her lip and feel faint. "Oh shit…I forgot I drank some too…" She thought to herself and started to softly moan, feeling her body begin to pulse with tingling sensations. The super supplement flooded her system, she could feel the sensation traveling down to her long slender legs making them grow thicker and heavier. She moaned again, trying to lower her voice feeling her ass begin to push outwards making her shorts start to strain as it grew much bigger feeling it bounce now with every step. Her nipples joined in and suddenly got hard looking down at them poking through her sports bra and skin-tight top. She whimpered as they bubbled up a cup size growing into her sports bra as they grew into beautiful D cups bouncing up and down as they continued walking. "Oh fuck…I just grew like a whole cup size bigger…she's definitely going to notice." She let her go in front and followed behind Kate seeing her vision suddenly jump up, feeling her tight athletic shirt and sports bra start to get tight around her now voluptuous chest. "Whoa…I just grew taller, I felt it. This is some strong stuff, I barely drank a third of that bottle. Kate looks shorter too, just a second ago she had grown as tall as me…I wonder how much Natasha had of this stuff. I hope she doesn't take anymore…she's already so big, she doesn't need to get any bigger to win the competition." Naomi thought to herself as she took the keys out of her tight gym shorts and unlocked them.

They both got into a silver Subaru, Naomi's SUV could fit them both nicely, for now. Kate yawned as Naomi sat in the driver's seat turning it on. The two of them rode together, both feeling a little bit off, they both awkwardly shuffled in the silence feeling their throbbing vaginas begin to make their tight panties even wetter. The growth supplement began to work its magic once again as Naomi clutched the steering wheel feeling her body begin to tingle and get warmer. "Hey…you feeling alright?" Kate looked over at Naomi, starting to pant heavily and sweat. "Y-yeah…I'm fine…awhn!" She suddenly moaned loudly as her breasts expanded an entire cup size into DDs, they grew rounder and fuller on her chest creating a curved line of cleavage. "Holy shit! Naomi, your tits just got bigger too!" - "Really…holy shit…what am I going to wear?!" The two girls tried to contain their own excitement as the Russian super supplement affected them both rapidly changing them, making them grow bigger and heavier, packing on weight and muscle.

Naomi couldn't help herself, she took her hand off the wheel to grab one of her newly grown breasts in her hand, squishing it between her fingers. She kneaded her breast until she made contact with her nipple she yelped loudly. "Oh my god…so sensitive…oh not again." The bubbling feeling returned, focusing in on her breasts as the sensation grew even stronger. Her chest grew even larger struggling to focus on the road and felt her breasts getting closer to the steering wheel as they filled out into DDDs moaning in response as she looked over to Kate to see her eyes begin to widen. Her hard nipples had become extremely sensitive, working back and forth she felt her vagina start to get soaked throbbing with desire. "They're so much heavier…and so sensitive too, I can barely focus on the road." She moaned as she continued to play with herself, twisting and teasing her nipples without any thought, unable to stop toying with her new growing body. Kate watched her biting her lip as she felt warm and began to tingle all over. "Naomi…please just get us to the Smoothie Queen." She softly spoke her name as she turned over to her with a telling glare. "Yeah…okay, I'll try." She tried to focus on the road as they got closer to their destination starting to become inhibited by the growing sexual tension building between them. "What was in that stuff we were drinking…I mean we're growing like we're having a second puberty, what the fuck is going on!?" She shouted as her breasts suddenly began to expand on her chest rapidly.

"Like look! It's happening…again…awhn." They filled up and up growing into luscious D cups as she screamed in pleasure feeling her sports bra about to tear under her arms. "God…they're getting so big." - "Ok…you promise not to get mad at me? Oh…I feel it again too…nngh!" Naomi blushed as her entire body bounced up, growing even taller to 5'10. "Holy shit…you're growing taller too!" Kate continued to grow as well bouncing up taller. She gasped out loud looking down at her breasts as her bra began to pinch. "So what is this stuff?! I promise I won't get mad, just tell me! I kind of…love it!" Kate reached down and started to play with her breasts teasing herself as Naomi struggled to pay attention to the road.

"Well…it's the same stuff Natasha has been taking…she's grown like half a foot taller and went up like four cup sizes…she's gotten huge…" - "Wait…so you stole it or…?" - "Nah…I made a deal I wouldn't tell anyone she's giving her the supplements if she would supply me with the same amount." - "Ugh." Kate changed tune, bringing her arms up and crossing them. "I knew you wouldn't like this."Isn't this cheating? Those other girls don't stand a chance against Natasha and if I get as big as her…or even bigger…" Kate suddenly stopped mid-sentence listening to herself coming along to the realization that she could actually grow that tall and busty, starting to get turned on at the thought of growing bigger than her and everyone else. "Kate?' - "You know what…I don't care. You got any more of that stuff?" - "Wait, now you want to take more? Make up your mind." - "Auch! Come on…you're acting like it's normal to spike your water bottle with Russian growth supplements!" - "Do you want to win or not…" - "Yes…so are you going to give me more or what?" - "Well…I only have one more left…I told her I'd save it for myself since Natasha only had one packet, but I don't think you're going to win otherwise." - "Wow. Way to have faith in me…what happened to your unshakable determination? " - "Listen, I think Natasha is going to grow again, if we want to keep up you're going to have to drink more…I'm just being realistic." They pulled into the parking lot driving into a spot before Naomi turned the Subaru off and pulled the keys out turning to Kate as she pouted looking back at her with a tense glare.

"We're here." Naomi sounded off without much enthusiasm as she looked back at Kate still fuming. "Come on Kate, you and I both know there's no way you'd beat her at your current size." - "Ugh. You know that's not the point." - "Hey…I mean…you look amazing though." - "I feel so weird, my chest is so much heavier now, my ass grew so fucking big…and everything feels so tight. I don't know what I'm going to wear or how I'm going to run down the track if my boobs get any bigger…" - "We're both going to need to do some clothes shopping. Let's get something to drink first." - "Ok." Kate rolled her eyes and popped out of the SUV and onto the asphalt. Her whole body jiggled as she felt her ass bounce as she stepped outside. "Oof. My ass is so juicy now." She thought to herself reaching back and grabbing a huge handful and squeezing it firmly. "Maybe Naomi is right…I want to win…and…I want to get bigger…" She blushed as her body suddenly rose up, getting taller again, matching her height once more. "Oh!" She gasped out loud after her sudden growth spurt as saw Naomi walk up and get excited, "You grew again! Look, we're the same height again." She said excitedly as her hand waved over the top of her head, meeting hers as well. "Holy shit…I'm still growing." - "Yeah you are! Hey, let's get inside and get these smoothies. I'm so damn thirsty." - "Sounds great." Kate smiled and walked toward the door as they both jiggled and bounced showing off their new assets.

They giggled and laughed on the way out, each holding a cold fruit smoothie. They popped back into the Subaru looking at each other expectantly as Naomi smiled, grabbing her gym bag and unzipping it to reveal the last packet of super supplements. "So that's the stuff, huh?" - "Yeah…this is our win right here Kate." - "Alright, how much should I take?" Naomi grinned devilishly, tearing open the pack and pouring the entire packet into her cup. She giggled making sure to shake out every last bit of the powder before mixing it around with her straw. "Whoa…Are you sure…about this?" Kate blushed watching her spike the cup with another packet of the growth supplement essentially giving her almost as much as a double dosage. She gulped nervously as her nipples started to get hard in anticipation looking at the powder dissolve into the fruit shake. "Come on, you can't back out now. Drink up." - "Ugh…ok…here goes nothing…*gulp*" She took a quick sip barely able to taste the formula with all the sweet fruity flavors and cream added. "God. I can't wait to see how big she's going to get. Natasha only had one and she grew like half a foot, she's going to grow huge!" Naomi started to get horny thinking to herself watching Kate suck down several mouthfuls until she stopped and started holding her head.

"Auch! Brain freeze." - "Hey it's not a race you know, haha!" - "Oh my god, shut up…mmph…" Kate said, feeling embarrassed as she felt the cold sensations around her throat and chest begin to melt and get hotter. "Mmm! So good!" Naomi smiled looking back at Kate whose face began to get completely flush turning a deep red color. She smiled back feeling tingly all over keenly listening to Naomi turn the key as the engine fired back on. The slight rumble from the vehicle immediately made Kate shudder as her skin became even more sensitive. "Oh! Awhn." She shuddered again holding onto her cup that was now missing about a third of it. "You ok?" Naomi looked over seeing her start to breathe heavier resting her wet tongue on her juicy lips. She slowly licked them, biting down on her lower lip as the feeling crept up her curvy body and into her chest. "Mhm…" Her voice softened becoming seductive while she leaned forward slowly wrapping her lips and tongue around the straw again going back for more.

Naomi's jaw dropped as she witnessed Kate's breasts begin growing at an alarming rate. They bubbled up blossoming into large bouncy breasts filling up into DDs. "Mmph!" She let out a muffled moan feeling the sensation grow stronger now pulsating on both her growing nipples rubbing against her straining sports bra and tank top. They grew and grew matching hers in size suddenly growing another inch taller still gaining inches from her first dose. Kate moaned uncontrollably shuddering as she started moving her other hand down to her nipple pinching it as she felt a huge handful of her now giant tit in her palm. "Mmph! Oh my god!" She shouted after finishing another big sip. "It's happening again! I'm growing…look…they're getting huge." She smiled bouncing up and down feeling giddy as she pressed her shoulders together with her arms making a massive line of cleavage bubble up on her chest. "I LOVE them!" She almost drooled, continually shaking and squeezing them together as they plumped up even bigger. The both of them watched in awe as her breasts filled up into DDDs and then even bigger past her bra's breaking point. "Nngh…My top, it won't fit!" Suddenly a loud rip came from the sides of her athletic top tearing down the seams under her arms. "Ahh! It's ripping open!" She looked down seeing her breasts expand past her vision below blocking the straw to the rest of her spiked smoothie. "They're fucking…enormous…." She softly spoke, feeling her vagina soaking through her shorts at this point. She moaned and groaned feeling the erotic sensation get stronger as her body rose again finally bursting open the seams of her shorts. Several loud rips and tears fired off again and again as her ass and breasts continued outgrowing her clothing. "Oh my fucking god…Kate…" She was really getting tall now, passing six feet tall as her body began to absorb the growth supplement rapidly. Naomi started to get nervous seeing her breasts passing F cups in size, not only that, but she could see her clothing bulging with her growing body through the torn seams. "She's still growing and she hasn't even finished the rest…how big is she going to get?" Naomi thought to herself listening to her moaning and lurching to down retrieve her straw again putting it between her giant tits and huge lips going back to sucking down more. "Maybe you should…slow down a little…I still have to drive you home." Naomi began to feel envious looking at her suck down the rest of the spiked smoothie gulping down another large dose of the Russian growth supplement.

"Hmm? Mmph…*gulp gulp gulp..." Kate didn't pay much attention thinking to herself, "She just wants more for herself…too bad. I'm going to be fucking enormous…I can’t stop drinking this stuff…it feels so good to grow. I need more…" Her thick thighs shook jiggling in response as she felt her pussy begin to throb like crazy. "Kate…" Naomi spoke to her again as she looked up at her stopping for a moment to lick her thick juicy lips. "Mmm…yeah…what?" She bounced up as her bubble butt grew more massive, smiling back at her as she looked down, seeing her perspective slightly higher up. "Nothing…I'm going to take us back…alright?" - "Mhm! This was such a good idea, thanks for the smoothie it's so good…mmph…" She continued to suck down the rest as she watched her body plump up again as her thighs plumped up even thicker growing over the sides of the passenger side seat. Naomi tried her best not to get jealous seeing her former average-sized friend who used to be two inches shorter than her now outgrowing her size, soon she would tower over her. Kate tried to adjust her top, spilling out it nearly ripping down on the sides about to fall off her chest. She finally finished the last gulp of her cup feeling the chalky substance leftover near the bottom dissolve on her tongue as she swallowed it. "Mmm…that was so good, what a treat. Thanks…" She smiled, turning to her and lowering her head to kiss her on the cheek as she blushed in response.

"Y-yeah…of course…I'm glad you uh…enjoyed it." Naomi was seriously starting to regret giving her the super supplements seeing her now much larger and more sexy body sitting beside her jiggling with every bump she crossed over on the road. Kate felt it coming on again, like a storm of erotic sensations and emotions, she tried to get her mind off of it, but the throbbing of her vagina was nearly at its peak. She started to pant heavier and longer as another growth spurt shot her up another inch taller finally bursting free from her sports bra hearing it loudly rip open across her chest and into her lap. "Oh…fuck I really liked that top, Oh!" Another rip sounded off in the car as her shorts tore off, unable to keep her tremendous thighs from growing through the seams. She looked down embarrassed seeing the empty cup in her hands and her large nude body jiggling around in the passenger side seat. Naomi was shocked looking over at her frequently between forcing herself to continue paying attention to the road. "Kate! I told you to- '' She cut her off immediately acting bratty and giggling sending waves across her curvaceous body.

"I know, it's your fault silly…nngh!" Her teeth clenched as another wave of growth surrounded her chest making them grow bigger and bigger into huge G cups, like two massive honeydew melons weighing down her hands. "Awhn…fuck. They're gigantic now haha!" - "My fault? Come on don't you want to beat that bitch?" - "Aww…Of course, I do and I…I…aah!" She continued to expand, growing thicker and heavier as the super supplement began making her hormones fire off like crazy. "I'm sorry…it won't stop, I'm so much bigger now…oh my god." Kate couldn't believe it, she motioned her hands down to her giant breasts that had grown into massive mammaries, and she felt herself up again starting to moan loudly beside Naomi. She blushed, unable to respond as she had trouble pulling into the driveway in front of her house. "Hey…we're here…" - "Oh! Alright. Thanks for the ride." - "Of course. Hey, rest up. Okay? We have a big day of practice tomorrow morning." Kate started to giggle and responded, "Oh I'm gonna be much bigger, don't worry about that…hahaha." She giggled sending waves across her chest, Naomi blushed harder starting to get jealous again. "Ok…good night." - "Aww…are you…jealous? I can't believe it." - "What?! No. I'm not jealous...I just want you to be careful, ok?" - "Oh! Okay good, so you want to come inside for a little while?" - "Uhh…" Naomi looked at her craning her head down to her eye level as she blushed hard looking back at her juicy heart-shaped lips and began to smile coyly. "Thanks, but I really gotta head home, my boyfriend is-" She cut him off scoffing and giggling, "Since when did you have a boyfriend?" Kate's chest continued to fill up growing heavier and more massive, she held onto them teasing herself and groping herself as they expanded into GGs. "Kate! Ugh. Come on, I really have to go-" She cut her off again, squeezing her huge breasts together and leaning in closer, nearly touching her lips. "And I need you right now." Her big soft lips parted, moving her tongue into Naomi's mouth. She let out a muffled moan as she felt her wet tongue inside her mouth. Naomi gave in still feeling the aftereffects of the super supplements side effects, which had slowly been turning them into sex-addicted nymphomaniacs.

She let her have her way, groping her huge tits and playing with her tongue. Their juicy wet lips latched onto one another, dancing inside her mouth as they both let out muffled moans. A sudden snap released her as she bounced off her big lips and gasped for air. "Mmm…you're a good kisser." - "Mmph…okay, can I go now?" Naomi played it off acting like she wasn't extremely turned on, shifting frequently to find a dry spot in her soaking-wet panties. "Ugh. I guess…you're no fun." - "Have a goodnight, Kate." Naomi rolled her eyes as she went in for a tight hug. She felt her new strength immediately wane as she tightly wrapped it around her torso. “She’s so strong!” Naomi thought to herself slightly panicked as she patted her back, suddenly feeling very small compared to her new super-sized figure. "See you tomorrow!" She smiled, opened the door and ducked out, and stood up to her full height. She let out a long sigh feeling confident until she felt a breeze pass over her body making her nipples hard. "Oh god! I'm naked!" She thought with her eyes wide with terror. She rushed back to the door and asked her to roll down the window. "Oh, I forgot! Shit. Here, put this on." Naomi reached back and tossed her a large beach towel she proceeded to tide around her midsection. "Oh my god, thanks you're the best." She quickly bounced up and gave her a kiss on the lips, she welcomed it, starting to slowly give her tongue as she began to grow again. She rose up onto her tiptoes as her body lurched upwards another inch taller closer to 6'2. "Mmph. Thanks again." - "Of course. I'll be here tomorrow at six sharp, don't keep me waiting." Naomi smiled back seeing her scurry inside as she pulled out of the driveway and back onto the road.

Chapter 2

Kate sighed stepping onto her front porch and fished into her torn leggings for her keys. She heard the doorknob rattle suddenly getting extremely nervous as the door opened revealing a short older lady with red hair. She yawned rubbing her eyes and letting her inside as she strode by nearly a foot taller than her short 5'4 figure. Her eyes widened looking at her newly grown body now towering above her. "Kate?! You're…huge!" - "Oh! Hey mom…yeah, I had a little growth spurt." She blushed seeing her eyes lower down to her giant breasts barely being held up by her tight towel wrapped around her thick curves. Her mother's eyes widened and began to get glossy, feeling intimidated as she started to panic, scanning her new body head to toe. "Little!? You must be at least six feet tall now, maybe more, good lord, Kate! What the hell happened?" - She smirked trying to contain her excitement as her eyes wandered all the way down to her face ridden with an anxious glare. "So…there's this girl…she's my biggest competition this year and she showed up today after having a sudden growth spurt. I mean she's huge, way taller than me." - "What the hell is in the water at that school…I've never seen anyone grow so much in one day." - "So here's the thing, Naomi found out she was taking these growth supplements from Russia." - "Growth supplements? Oh my goodness…you took them didn't you?" - "Mom…" - "I already told you…you need to be confident with your body dear." - "Well if I wasn't before, I definitely am now, I feel incredible!" - "Ok…just be careful sweetie. You don't know what that stuff will do to you." - "Come on mom, look at me, I'm almost a foot taller than you now, don't you want to get bigger and stronger too?" - "And grow a pair of those? Pass, they look like they make your back hurt. I mean look at them! They're enormous, have you even found a bra that fits?" - "No…but-" Her mother interjected cutting her off, "I'm a fine sweetie." - "Mom…" - "Ok! I get it…we can go shopping for clothes." - "Awesome! Thanks, you’re the best!" She hugged her, smothering her small body with her giant breasts as she gently nudged her away after a few seconds. "Auch! Sorry, dear. I couldn't breathe in there, those things are dangerous!" - "Oh my god. Mom, seriously?" She rolled her eyes in response. "Alright alright. Let me get my keys. For now, go find something to cover up, we can't have you stomping around in a towel." - "Stomping? You make me sound like a monster." - "Oh stop. You know I'm just kidding…Queen Kong! Hahaha!" - "Mom!" Kate started to get mad as she suddenly wrapped her hands under her arms and lifted her off the floor. "Ahh!" - "Enough!" She shouted as Lisa suddenly got quiet seeing her towel on the floor underneath her tall legs. "Put me down…please." - "Wow…you're so light!" - "Kate!" - "Ok! Sorry." She placed her back down and shook her head looking back up at her giant tits on full display. "Oh! yeah, some clothes that would fit the “new” me…I’ll be right back." She smiled looking down at her mother, Lisa as she walked by making note that her head now only reached her shoulders, and her eye level met with her upper chest hovering over her huge GG cup breasts. Lisa rolled her eyes trying to cope with her daughter's sudden huge growth spurt sighing over and over as she began to spiral into a fit. "I can't believe this…she just picked me up and there was nothing I could do to stop her. Is she going to grow even bigger? Oh lord, help us…" Lisa closed her eyes, panicking for a moment before letting out a long breath and quickly rushing to look for her keys again.

Kate went upstairs and walked into her room looking around immediately noticing how small things looked from her new perspective. "Wow. This is so cool, I love being bigger." She thought to herself motioning toward her seven-foot-tall standing mirror. "Oh my god…I look amazing, Naomi was right." She gushed looking at her giant jiggly tits and shaking them as she turned to see her huge round bubble butt. "Now that is a big booty. Wow…it's massive." She grabbed a huge handful softly moaning and letting it back down watching it shift and wobble. "Kate! Come on, the store closes in two hours!" She heard Lisa shouting from downstairs as she rolled her eyes and turned to the drawer. "Just a minute!" She hollered back taking a pair of sweatpants out of the drawer and sliding them up her leg suddenly getting stuck on her thigh. "Ugh. It won't fit!" She struggled to pull again on them as they tore open revealing her massive thigh. "Fuck!" She shouted as Lisa called out in response. "Kate! Language!" She rolled her eyes and looked for another pair as her eyes lit up seeing a pair of stretchy yoga pants.

"Perfect." She slid them on barely able to slide them over her massive butt cheeks now making a beautiful round shape on her backside. She got giddy looking in the mirror seeing her big bouncy butt in the form-fitting yoga pants tightly pushing them together into a heart shape. "Um…these are hot." She nodded going back to the closet to find a top looked around at different shirts finding a sports bra and giggling seeing the tiny pads inside in comparison to her massive melons. She pressed one end of the bra against her breast lining up to her nipple seeing it barely cover a third of her tits. "Yeah…looks like a tiny bikini now." She tossed it behind her onto the carpet digging around her closet and drawers, finally finding a large t-shirt from an old band she used to love. “Oh, damn Metallica…well time to stretch this out.” She slipped it over her head, stuffing it through, and pulled it over her big chest fitting into it snuggly. “She looked down seeing the edges of the shirt lifted up over her belly as her huge tits made two massive mounds stick out from her tightly bound chest. “I guess this works.” She sighed and slipped on her flip-flops quickly realizing her larger feet could barely stay on the bottom of them. “Ugh. My favorite slides don’t fit anymore either…what am I going to wear…” She finally gave up grabbing her thick socks and forcing them onto her larger feet. “These are thick enough…I hope. I’m going to need to buy some new shoes when I’m out too.” She smiled looking at herself in the mirror as she felt warm all of a sudden, her body began to fill out becoming thicker and more curvaceous. Her already tremendous ass grew even more bodacious and round as her hips joined in bulging outwards growing even wider and more pronounced. The sensation crept toward her thighs starting to match the width of her incredible wide hips growing more hourglass shaped in figure. “Mmm…feels good. I think I just got even taller…I need to measure myself when I get there too-” - “Kate! Come on!” She heard Lisa shout again as she tapped her foot impatiently at the bottom of the steps. “Coming! Sorry!” Kate smiled slowly massaging her bare breasts feeling her nipples rubbing against the soft cotton fabric of her shirt. “They’re so big…they feel even bigger…I can’t wait to grow again.” She smirked looking into the mirror one last time before heading out the door and downstairs to see her mom glaring. “Ugh. Stop come on.” - “You come on. We’re going to be late.” - “Late? We have plenty of time.” She stepped up beside her as her mom suddenly gasped seeing her body now slightly taller than before and much more voluptuous in shape barely able to keep her eyes off her tremendous hips now noticeably wider and thicker than her own. “What?” - “You’re bigger…” - “Yeah. So…?” - “I’m just…never mind, let's go.” - “Okie dokie.” She made her way outside and into her sedan.

She sighed looking back at her and shaking her head in disapproval as she mentally scanned her daughter’s outfit seeing her large hard nipples poking out from under her tightly bound white t-shirt. “Ugh. Kate.” - “What…I don’t have anything else that fits.” - “Ok…” - “I’m serious!” - “Fine. It’s fine.” She got into the car and Kate followed after sitting in as the entire car creaked to adjust to her weight. She stared at her awkwardly gulping nervously before turning on the radio and driving down the road toward the strip mall. They both hummed along with the tune moving their heads back and forth as Kate giggled as her breasts joined in and bounced along. Lisa gulped nervously glancing over at her with her peripheral occasionally to watch them jiggling. Kate blushed as the sensation started to return once again. "Oh…" She shuddered to hear a loud rip sound inside the car as her body continued to grow. "Honey?" - "Sorry…I guess I'm still growing." She said letting out a long sigh and looking at the tear on the sides of her yoga pants. Her thickness bulged out of the seams moving her hands over it to feel her soft skin.

Lisa was speechless looking over at her previously short and petite daughter that had grown nearly an entire foot taller. She was getting huge and even more busty feeling the sensation creep into her breasts. "Ooh…it hasn't stopped since this morning…I've been growing bigger all day." She moaned as her breasts filled out her shirt growing another cup larger in her hands. "See…they're still growing." They bubbled up bigger, stretching out her shirt even more as they filled up lusciously into H cups. "Awhn! Yeah…feels so good." She massaged them moving her hands under her shirt as she squeezed and toyed with her nipples giggling and starting to feel wet. "Kate…" Lisa blushed looking up at her as she let go of her massive melons and blushed harder. "Oh…I'm sorry mom…they're just so sensitive and…they’re definitely bigger." They pulled into the parking lot and parked by the entrance to the store. Kate blushed to see the dozens of people milling about inside and around her feeling her heart beating from nervousness. "There's a lot of people here today…" - "Don't worry about them, Honey, just focus on finding something that fits…maybe something stretchy? Those yoga pants would've been good if they were a couple of sizes bigger." - "Are you saying I'm fat?" - "No! I Would never-" - "I'm just kidding, loosen up." - "Oh you. Alright, let's go." Lisa stepped outside and turned to see Kate grab onto the hood of the car, having to duck her headway under the door frame to step out.

Her head rose up way higher than the car looking down, unable to see it with her huge breasts blocking her view. "Oh fuck. I'm really getting big…I might be as tall as Natasha now! I can't wait to get my measurements." She thought to herself feeling the wet spot on her bare yoga pants begin to get larger. "I have to take these off…they're about to rip." She looked down looking down at her massive bubble butt sticking out of her pants noticing another large rip down her backside revealing her pale jiggly booty. "Ugh. Damn it. - "What's wrong sweetie- Oh!" Lisa looked at her torn pants seeing the large pockets of her voluptuous curves spilling out of them. "Those aren't going to last, we have to hurry." - "Don't be so dramatic." - "Come on." Lisa and Kate rushed through the parking lot starting to attract attention from other people witnessing her massive body barely contained in her tight clothes. She followed behind her inside seeing the top of the sliding door close above her head passing under it. "This is crazy. I'm so big…everything looks way smaller now." Her eyes widened looking around the store passing over all the racks of clothing starting to have flashbacks of her being here before. "Go ahead and find some stuff. I'll cover it, sweetie." - "Really? Thanks!" She blushed craning her head and chest down to see past her giant tits. She gave her a big hug smothering her with her two enormous breasts squishing them together around her head. Lisa's head got buried in her tremendous cleavage as she squeezed her tightly.

She tried to struggle to break free, but Kate could barely feel her short body wrapped between her arms trying to resist as another feeling of warmth passed over her. "Kate…I can't breathe." - "Awhn…" She let out a soft moan as her body rose up another inch taller now matching even Natasha in size. Lisa felt her body rumble and shift rising upwards letting out a gasp and hearing another loud rip sound coming from her extremely tight yoga pants. "Kate…control yourself… there are other people here shopping." She craned her head to see her giant breasts blocking her view rolling her eyes in response. "S-sorry…I knew it was going to rip…" She turned bright red looking down at the open hole around her crotch, gasping as she looked at the mess she made. Her vagina was oozing with her own juices gaping open for everyone to see. She shuffled off quickly looking for some clothes to wear wandering by the different aisles and stumbling into the women's underwear section. She smiled, treading around seeing way over the displays giggling to herself. "I can't get over how small everything looks. I mean like…just look at this brand. I used to wear these." She lifted up a B cup size bra and wrapped it around her torso, feeling the band get tighter and tighter the closer she got to closing it, finally snapping it onto the hooks in the back and looking back at the straps sinking into her skin. She laughed to herself slipping the straps tightly bound around her shoulders as the padded cups in the bra didn't even cover her nipples.

Her jiggly constrained breasts shifted around in the small B-cup bra buckled down tightly squeezing them before shaking her head. "I can't believe it, I don't fit in these anymore, before I didn't even fill them out and now there's no way I could fit in them." Her large hard nipples showed through as her cleavage completely overflowed out of them spilling onto her chest as she flicked them getting horny again as the feeling of warmth started to return, making her bite her lip. "Oh…not again…oh!" Her breasts trembled and jiggled before inflating into absolutely massive J cups forcing the bra to snap off her shoulders and onto the floor. "Oh fuck." She hurried off hoping nobody saw her destroy it as she quickly went around to the other side looking at the plus size section. "Fuck…I hope nobody was watching me. Oh, this looks a lot more like my size…hmm. Let’s see here." She looked down at the little signs above each row starting at F all the way up to H cups. She bent down and grabbed a G cup holding it up to her massive titty and was shocked to see her unable to fit into it. "Ok, yeah this is way too small now. Wow. So then what, like an…H…maybe…no way I'm that big." She tried on another bra, a 46H, and barely was able to squeeze into them. "Not perfect but...it will do for now. I can’t believe I’m still growing…they’re like already the biggest pair of tits I've ever seen. Besides…that big bitch…wait a second…they feel really big…" She huffed and felt a bit annoyed thinking about how condescending she acted and then suddenly realized she had grown to her size as she continued to examine herself fondling her breasts. "Holy shit…I'm probably bigger than her now!" She shouted to herself quickly, taking a look around to see if anyone else was watching, sighing in relief to see nobody nearby.

"You gotta try those on in the dressing room, store policy." A voice suddenly chirped up from behind her as she turned in surprise to see a tiny five-foot-something short-haired brunette several inches shorter than her tall shoulders. She struggled to crane her head all the way up to try and get a look at her face past her enormous breasts. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you down there. " Kate blushed, feeling embarrassed as she quickly shuffled past her toward the dressing room with a handful of bras and panties. She stepped inside, locking the door as she looked over it, shocked at her new height. "These doors used to be so much bigger, I can almost see over them if I stand on my toes." She sighed bending down to grab a new pair of panties to try on. "Here goes nothing." She stepped into the opening in the underwear and then again pulled it up to her butt immediately feeling it get stuck. "My ass is getting too fucking juicy, I can't even pull these panties over it." She thought to herself still struggling with it finally forcing them on and she pouted looking at them straining on her ass making it bulge out the sides. "Ugh! They don't fit. These are like triple extra large…what the fuck am I going to do…" She blushed, grabbing a handful of her huge ass when she began to feel the familiar sensation of an oncoming growth spurt begin to bubble up inside of her, she blushed and rose another inch taller. "Oh…god…more…" She moaned as her ass began to plump up growing bigger as she stretched the limits of the fabric of her panties. "Awhn fuck." She felt a bump on her chest suddenly pulsating as they grew another cup size larger into juicy K cups. They filled up against her huge bra quickly consuming the space and then some as she watched them bubble up and over her bra which was now nearly at its limit. "They won't stop…ugh…" She felt dizzy as another wave of growth shot her up another inch taller to a towering six and a half feet tall and still growing past even Ivanka's towering size. A sudden rip came from her panties tearing open a hole around her wide hips. "Fuck!" She shouted looking down at her bra struggling to contain her enormous bowling ball-sized breasts.

"Hey, you ok in there?" The employee called from outside the door looking up, noticing her head just rising up above the height of the door. It opened revealing the humongous athlete, she was practically a giant in size compared to her seeing her on the top of her head barely able to even reach her massive tits. "I'm ok…nothing seems to fit though." She looked slightly defeated as the short girl began to get nervous seeing her massive breasts at her eye level. “Uhh…” She was speechless looking down at the torn pair of panties around her waist with the tag still on them. Kate felt like a giant looking down at her, "She looks like a child compared to me now…I must really be getting tall now." She thought as she softly asked her, "Hey, can you take my measurements?" - "S-sure." She stuttered in fear slightly before moving toward the dressing room mirror. "Let me get my measuring tape." She blushed looking at her thick and luscious body, noticing the top of the mirror only a couple of inches away from her head. She came back into the room with a stepping stool placing it on the carpet beside her before climbing up and holding the tape up to her tremendous figure. "Umm…you're a little over 6’6…wow." - "Holy shit, seriously?" She played it off acting like she already didn't guess that she had grown to match Natasha's size. "That's right…wait for a second...are you standing on your toes or something?" Kate started to feel warm and tingly again, the sensation shot through her legs. She began growing again, rising another inch taller as the employee quickly looked down at her feet in shock seeing their level with the floor. "Actually…You're 6’7…" - "Really?! Awhn!" She moaned as the feeling continued to build on itself, filling her up and up as she saw her thighs get thicker, then her ass grow larger, her hips grew even wider, and then her entire body bounced up another inch. "What the…hold on…no…you're 6’8…what the hell is happening!" - "Oh god, I'm still growing!" Her body trembled to reach another inch higher as she rose to totally tower over her tiny body. "You're what?! Oh my god…you really are growing, you’re 6’9!" - "Really?!" - "This is crazy…there's no way." She popped off the stool watching her turn around only to crane her head all the way up, unable to see past her giant-sized tits, each almost larger than her torso now. "How is this…possible." The employee gulped nervously seeing her eye level now meet with the lower half of her torso, she barely reached the bottom of her massive melons. "Oh my god…you look so small now." Kate nearly came feeling her vagina throbbing out of control knowing that she was much taller and bustier than her rival now.

"What am I going to wear…mmm..." Kate sighed seeing her small slender shoulders not even tall enough to reach her incredible hips and tremendous thighs and legs now the size of her entire body. "I…honestly don't know…you're the tallest person I've ever seen." - "Damn it. I really thought I'd be able to find some clothes before I outgrew everything, oh well." - "This is insane, how are you growing?" - "Oh, Russian growth supplements, I used to be 5’6 with B cups." - "Oh my god!" - "I know! It's amazing. I'm going to win that race and then I'm going to stick it to that giant bitch!" - "Uhh…good luck…and if you get any more of that growth stuff, I'd pay anything to get taller. I hate being short." - "Yeah? I'll ask my coach the next time I see her." - "Really?! Oh my god…that would be amazing, thank you. I really hope you win!" - "Aww! Thanks!" - "Whoa!" She leaned down, picking her up and hugging her tightly, squeezing her giant breasts and smothering her tiny body. She startled the employee whisking her off her feet into the air about half a foot off the floor. "Oh my god!" - "Mmm! You're so light, haha!" She placed her back on the ground looking back down at her and smiling past her humongous bust. "Ok! You wanna help me find some clothes?" - "Gosh…I can try, but you're really big…I don't know if we have bras in that size." She laughed looking down at her straining H-cup bra and rolling her eyes, "Yeah…you're probably right, this was the biggest one I could find, and look I'm spilling out of it." - "Yeah…you aren't kidding, hmm…what about our sports bras? I'm sure you could find something stretchy enough." - "You think so?" - "Yeah! Hold on, let me go check." She scurried off into the store as Kate's new height gave her an entirely new perspective towering over all the aisles and sections that had only been about six and a half feet high. She smiled wide seeing her mother way at the other end of the store giggling to herself as she waved knowing how big she had grown. Lisa locked eyes with her nervously and shuffled over to her gasping as she approached closer struggling to comprehend her sudden shift in size and weight.

"Oh god…Kate, you’re still growing?!" She played off her response acting like nothing was changing about her, "Yeah…nothing fits." - "I can see that…you're getting huge sweetie, how are you going to fit in the car?" - “I didn’t think about that…” - “This is crazy!” Lisa threw her hands in the air and sighed looking annoyed. “Sorry, I didn’t know I was going to get this big…or grow at all to be honest. Naomi gave me a bottle with some in it, I didn’t know.” - “She drugged you?!” - “Kind of I guess…but she has good intentions.” - “Auch. Yeah, sure. She sounds like an honest person...” She said sarcastically as Kate began to get annoyed. “Whatever, you’re just jealous.” - “Haha! That’s rich. Let’s go, I didn’t find anything cute anyways.” - “Wait! I asked someone to help me, she’s getting a bunch of really big clothes for me.” - “Why didn’t you say so?” - “I am now.” Kate crossed her arms under her giant tits pushing them up and together as Lisa scoffed looking away. Kate started to get angry feeling herself bubbling up as she began going off on her, “God forbid I ever feel good about my body for once. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and honestly, I hope I get even bigger.” - “You’re crazy.” Lisa pouted sitting down by the door and waiting for the clerk to come back with her clothing selection. “Whatever. Oh! Here she comes.”

The clerk quickly came back up struggling to hold up a pile of huge-sized clothing smothering her trying to see past it. “Hey! I found some stuff in storage that we don’t really have out for our regular customers, there should be some stuff here that will fit you…I hope.” - "Aww! Thank you, I'll try them on." The clerk looked up, stretching her short arms way over her head, handing her the giant pile of clothes as she took them from her small arms, not having really any trouble holding them at her much larger size. At six foot nine, she was nearly two whole feet taller than the tiny store clerk. She stomped by her toward the dressing room as Lisa continued to pout sitting beside the doorway. "Are you…her mom?" - "Yes, thank you for helping her…" - "Of course! Happy to help!" Lisa sighed looking at her short frame as she stood up and approached her seeing her short body still a few inches shorter than her smiling. "Would you believe she was barely five foot six this morning?" - "Wow…so she wasn't lying…" - "She came home an hour ago and she must have been at least six feet tall…and she hasn't stopped growing since!" - "Christ. I wish I could grow taller, even a couple of inches would be incredible." - "Not me! I like my body." Lisa proudly pushed out her meager C-cup chest and placed a hand on her wide hip. "Really? If we got a hold of that stuff…we could both go up a cup size and a couple of inches." - "A couple?! Yeah right, I bet if you took that supplement you would balloon into a giant six-and-a-half-foot-tall bimbo too." - "That…wouldn't be so bad…" - "Honey, there's more to life than your looks trust me." - "I mean…ok…but imagine being that big, you would tower over everyone…doesn't it get you excited?" - "After seeing how long it took you to find some clothes for her…I think I'd rather not." - "I mean if I got that big…I wouldn't worry about it. Haha!" - "Ugh. That's disgusting." - "I'm just joking." Lisa rolled her eyes looking back over toward the dressing room waiting impatiently. The clerk, feeling awkward, went back to work attending to other customers.

Kate struggled in the dressing room tightly pulling on yoga pants over her giant thighs barely able to squeeze into them. Her leg jiggled and shifted squeezing her other thick leg into it as she sighed now holding onto the back of the pants and looking down at her giant bubble butt protruding from her backside. "Ugh. God! This is so much harder than I thought it would be…come on!" She pulled gripping onto the sides and squeezing her giant booty into the fold of the pants hearing an audible snap as it formed around her huge round bubble booty. "There we go…" She spun around in the mirror gripping her ass and biting her lip. "It's fucking huge…nngh." She felt her vagina get wet starting to leave a stain on her soon-to-be new pants. "Awhn…oh no…" She looked down, placing her finger over the stain, and shivered to look at the trail of her own juices stuck to her fingertips. "I look so hot…awhn…I can't help it, I'm so fucking sexy and thick…mmm…" She shivered, tasting her wet fingers sucking on them before reaching under her waistband. "Awhn…I need it, I can't wait any longer…" She fingered her clit starting to shake and bit her lip tightly holding onto her massive breasts. Her entire body jiggled, shaking with ecstasy, feeling the familiar sensation of spreading warmth return to her, making her even hornier. "Oh no…not again." Her body grew thicker and heavier as her heart began beating faster and faster. She trembled with delight feeling her body getting ready to grow again fueled by her raging hormones. She stroked her cherry red clit harder and harder about to burst as she suddenly began to climax. "Ah…ah…ah…oh fuck! I'm gonna cum!" She could feel her vagina about to erupt inside her new pants as her body rose taller, growing bigger and stronger. She latched onto her breast squeezing them hard as they expanded, growing into massive L cups finally making her bra snap off. "Oh shit! Fuck fuck fuck!" She screamed as she squirted milk onto the mirror as came hard feeling her tremendous thighs trembling and jiggling, rising another inch taller, nearly at the next height mark. "Oh…what the hell…I'm lactating…awhn!" She squeezed harder, squirting again watching her own hormonal milk drip down her luscious huge breasts. Her tight yoga pants stretched even further to their limit as another wave of growth shot through her, finally growing into the seven-foot-tall amazon goddess she always dreamed about. Her pants finally tore down the seams starting by opening the hole on both her sides to tear open wider down her thighs tearing open in two halves and snapping off her bubble butt onto the floor.

She let out a long deep breath exhaling as her gaze fixated on her tantalizing reflection. her incredible hips were now wider than most chairs bulging with size and weight any movement would make them jiggle around. Her eyes widened, wandering up her thick hourglass figure looking at the torn straps of her new H-cup bra hanging off her humongous basketball-sized boobs over three cup sizes larger than before. "Hey, is everything OK in there?" Her heart skipped a beat hearing the store clerk's voice clearing her throat before responding, "Yeah…everything is fine…um…well actually…nothing fits." She leaned down farther than usual, placing her hand into the tiny lock, and unlocked it. The door opened revealing Kate's even bigger now truly amazon-sized hourglass figure. The employee gulped nervously seeing her giant tits blocking any view of her face on her huge seven-foot-tall frame. "Oh my god. You grew again!" Kate blushed leaning down to her size as the broken bra fell onto the floor. "Shit. Yeah…I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." The clerk was shocked to see her gain such height of size. Trying to imagine her getting any bigger made her heart start to beat rapidly out of excitement and fear. "Uh…Never mind that, what are you going to wear? I don't know if we carry anything your size now." - "You know what…don't worry about it, I'm leaving." - "Oh! Ok…have a good night." - "You too." She rubbed her eyes and pinched her cheek trying to make sure that she wasn't dreaming as she watched her tremendous ass bounce toward the doorway. "I tried…nothing fits. Let's just go." Lisa perked up seeing her daughter now an entire foot taller than before left an hour ago. "Holy mother of god…you're…a giant." - "Yeah…I grew even bigger and now nothing will fit me…" - "Aww. Sweetie, we will find something, don't worry." - "What is going to fit over these?" She grabbed onto her giant breasts, hoisting them up and then letting them fall onto her chest. "I don't know, but come on, you're blocking the way for other customers." Lisa placed her hand on her large ass and tried to push her toward the entrance watching it sink into her booty. "Ok! Stop touching my butt." She blushed hard, feeling her tiny hands on her giant bubble booty begin to turn her on. She sighed looking down at the top of the doorframe about as tall as her shoulders. "I'm so fucking big now." She thought to herself ducking under it to get outside.

She bounced toward the car looking at the roof barely coming up to her chest. "The car looks so small now." She started to get nervous bending all the way down to get inside. The car shifted suddenly to the right as she stepped inside hearing a loud creak come from the metal frame. "Oh, my…' - "Sorry." Kate ducked her head down trying to fit inside the best she could feel her ass spilling over the sides of the passenger seat. Lisa looked down seeing her huge ass right up next to the transmission stick smothering it with her juicy curves. "Kate…can you move a little over? I can't use the stick." - "Oh! I'm so sorry…nngh." She shifted to the left feeling her bubble butt sink into the car door filing up the cracks. "I can barely fit in here, nngh!" She grunted feeling completely cramped, unable to fit inside her small sedan. "Don't worry, we'll be home soon." She drove her back worried about her constant growth spurts and when the next one would begin.

Chapter 3

A tall storied house shook slightly as the door swung open to reveal the towering young Russian girl, Natasha. She stomped forward, barely scraping by under the door frame and then dropping her gym bag onto the kitchen floor starting to rummage through the fridge. She heard footsteps coming downstairs as she rolled her eyes and continued looking for something to eat. "Hey! You are home late again…" - "Mhm…hmm…" She ignored him moving this around as he approached her from behind. Her humongous ass wiggled as she bent over looking around, sticking it out further on purpose to goad her cousin’s reaction. A massive Russian man approached her from behind looking at her tantalizing bubble butt unable to take his gaze off of it. He grabbed a large handful squeezing it in his large hands, she yelped in response as he smirked suddenly turning his face to shock as she stood up to her full height now several inches taller than him. "Wait! You're huge Natasha, what the fuck?" - "Mhm…who said you could touch me?" She smiled looking down at him several inches below her towering height, his eye level was now at her chin, she was a tall 6'4 compared to his much shorter 5'10, over half a foot of difference between them.

She pushed him back with ease knocking him onto the floor and laughed. "You're so much smaller than me now cousin, does that make you feel inadequate?" She cackled seeing his desperation stricken across his shocked face and looking up at her majestic figure. “Suka blyat! (Fucking bitch!)” An envious scowl crossed his face as his words left his lips, and she started to look furious. She stepped on his chest putting all of her weight onto it. “Argh!” He hollered in pain as she giggled for a moment before hearing the door open, “Get up.” She demanded grabbing onto his shirt and lifting him off the ground and back onto his feet as he clutched his chest in pain. “Argh. You’re stronger too.” - “Hmph. Yes, much stronger than you now, little cousin.” Natasha crossed her arms pushing up her massive breasts and looking down at him with a pensive stare.

The door swung open again as another towering Russian woman ducked inside and went into the kitchen smiling wide. “My two favorite children!” Ivanka sarcastically cried out looking at them already at odds with each other. “Hello, mother.” - “Da. Welcome back, home mother.” - “Why the long faces? Come on now, I brought some more.” Her eyes twinkled looking at Natasha grinning devilishly. She felt her throat get dry in anticipation before responding, “Wait, but what about father?” Her thick luscious lips spread into a wide smile blushing while looking down at her.  “He has approved, only for you of course.” He looked crushed as his heart sank looking up at the two massive women standing over him several inches taller. “Agh. I can’t believe this.” Natasha grinned devilishly looking down at him as she began to get horny thinking of getting bigger. “Looks like you're going to be getting smaller.” - “Calm yourself, Dimitri. It’s for your own good my nephew.” - “Ugh! I’m sick of being surrounded by you giant women, only to watch myself get smaller next to you, it’s not fair!” Ivanka leaned in showing off her enormous line of incredible cleavage. Her breasts were like two big juicy melons shoved together by a tight custom-made black bra. “Life isn’t fair my dear Dimitri. Now get us both a tall glass of milk.” - “Fine…” The two amazon-sized women sat down on the kitchen chairs hearing them creak loudly as they planted each of their big bubble butts onto them. Ivanka smirked, opening her large purse taking out four packets, and sliding the other two across the table to Natasha.

Her eyes lit up, starting to feel her vagina throb in anticipation. "Two? I thought father only approved it for me…are you sure?" - "I want us both to be the biggest women there. I want you to take two…and I'll join you, he will understand." - "I don't know…if I take this much I'm going to be going to go race naked, nothing is going to fit me." She giggled looking at the two tall glasses of milk being poured out of a large glass pitcher. "Here." He placed the two glasses down and pouted, crossing his arms and looking at Ivanka, and began to tap lightly on the packets and tear them open. She looked at him still smiling as she poured in both packets and started stirring them together. "Don't look at me like that, my poor little Dimitri. Don't you want us to be big and strong?" She continued to stir the glass frowning back mockingly at him as she opened another two packets starting to pat them loose as well. "If one of those packs made you grow a whole half of a foot, I am worried about how big you will get off two more…so no…I am not excited to see you grow bigger than everything. How will you get outside?" - "That is a good point…ah. Perfect." She poured the other two packets into her drink and stirred it until it dissolved. “Everything will be fine, don’t worry.” Ivanka smiled looking him in the eyes seeing his genuine look of concern, she ate it up, feeling even more charged up about defying her husband knowing just how huge she was about to become.

They both lifted their glasses up and started chugging. Dimitri listened to them let out short breaths followed by muffled moans drinking down the potent mixture each starting to dribble down their cheeks onto their sizable busts dripping between the cracks of their enormous cleavage. Ivanka tanked the glass quickly, sucking half of the glass down in a couple long gulps. She looked over at Natasha struggling to even drink half of it as quickly. "Come on! Finish it." - "Mmph!" Ivanka lifted the bottom of her glass tilting it further into her mouth. "That's it…good…" Ivanka nodded her head slowly watching her suck down more and more before going back to her own. She struggled to drink it down as Dimitri watched in horror as the two already amazon-sized women began taking another double dose of the super supplement. They both dribbled milk down the sides of their puffed-up pillow-soft lips finally finishing their glasses off and looking back at each other longingly. "Good girl…you drank it all." - "Just remember this was your idea…" Natasha sighed, wiping her luscious mouth motioning her hands down her breasts feeling them get warmer. "Now we wait…so how was your day my darling?" Ivanka crossed her arms leaning back as the chair strained. "It was good…Kate was so small, she looked afraid of me." - "Good…she should be…I'll make sure you're always bigger than her." Ivanka hesitated thinking to herself about the deal she had made with Naomi knowing she would eventually have to give them both two more packets after pulling this stunt. Her eyes trailed off for a moment feeling conflicted about the massive amount of growth supplements she just fed herself and her daughter as she looked up at her. "Mother? Are you alright?" - "There is something I must tell you." - "Oh." Natasha began to feel the same familiar creeping sensation move along her thick thighs and toward her vagina starting to get really horny. "What…is wrong?" She smiled feeling the massive dose of growth supplements begin to pump her up, making her even larger and stronger. "Nngh…aah!" Natasha moaned as the formula started to surge through her body being absorbed rapidly. "Mmm…yes…I feel it too…" - "Shit…" Dimitri stepped back as soon as he heard a ripping sound in the room followed by a creak of the chair beneath her bulging figure.

Natasha suddenly grew thicker feeling the chair groan under her growing body. "Ah…it feels…good to grow again." Ivanka moaned as her breasts began growing onto the table past her chest becoming bigger and bigger. "Oh…it won't stop…they're still filling up! Nngh!" They filled up and up as they grew into two humongous squishy spheres. "I guess there are some…side effects, nngh!" Her mother's body then jolted, rising taller starting to tremble with growth. "Mmm…there it goes." She sighed exhaling sharply as she billowed out even larger breasts knocking the empty glass aside as they expanded into even more massive watermelons. "Awhn! So big!" Natasha was in awe seeing her mother's breasts expand into an absurdly large size now larger than a man's torso each probably weighing close to fifty pounds. Her body became even more tremendous spilling out of her tight black dress starting to hear it rip around the waist. “Oh no…I need to take this off before I grow any bigger.” She hoists her huge breasts back up off the table standing up to her full height as she looks down at Dimitri standing by the kitchen sink. “I’ll be upstairs. Be nice to each other, for me, please.” - “Da, Ivanka.” Dimitri gulped seeing her body suddenly bounce growing another inch taller seeing his eye level drop suddenly now cresting the top of her bountiful cleavage. He watched turn away and jiggle off toward the stairs turning his full attention to her giant ass spilling out of her dress before finally leaving the room. He turned his gaze suddenly over to Natasha who began to tremble, spreading her legs out and rubbing her thick thighs.

Her hands glided up and down her inner thigh as she began to sweat feeling the massive double dosage affect her body. She felt a shiver down her spine as her thighs started to tingle, the sensation now doubled in strength as she could barely keep her eyes open from the intense erotic feelings overcoming her mind. A jolt of growth shot through her suddenly growing an inch taller as the chair under her creaked in unison with her shorts starting to bulge around her thighs. "It's working cousin…I'm growing bigger again! Awhn!" She moaned loudly feeling her breasts fill out growing larger into luscious basketball sized breasts expanding into humongous K-cup monsters. The chair beneath her creaked loudly as her ass grew and grew spilling over the sides as she grew even taller another inch to a tremendous six and half feet tall. "Oh no…" Dimitri started to sweat watching and listening to his younger cousin now getting close to an entire foot taller than him with every groaning moan that came from her luscious lips. She boomed in size again, ripping open her shorts and black tank top rising up another inch. She could feel her entire body rippling with muscle and weight, packing on more and more as she heard her shorts suddenly rip off her ass as it expanded up into a massive bubble booty. Dimitri jumped seeing her huge ass consuming the chair beneath her looking smaller and smaller every passing second as she grew taller and larger. Her hand grabbed onto the back of the chair growing another inch taller struggling trying to get up. She rolled her eyes back as the erotic sensations from the side effects began to trickle into her every thought. She resisted the urge to finger her incredibly wet vagina oozing down the sides of her extremely thick and juicy thighs. As she lifted herself up Dimitri took another step back seeing her full size loom over him further and further finally standing up to her new full height. He couldn't believe his eyes, her body was incredible, tremendous, and now becoming even more amazon-sized with every passing second. She smirked looking down at him, she tried to contain her intense sexual desires biting her lip and moaning softly as another wave of growth began to wash over her already massive physique. "You grew again, you're getting fucking huge…this is crazy!" He began to really sweat, getting nervous seeing her body bump up growing taller sending his eyes down another inch lower. She was now surpassing her mother's size, rapidly growing bigger and stronger. "Awhn…I don't know cousin, but the ceiling is getting closer and closer…it feels so good…awhn!" She bounced up again growing up even taller above him now an entire foot taller than her cousin. His eyes now were level with her giant tits looking at her chest dripping with intention.

"My eyes are up here…little cousin." She was flush red about to burst, feeling her wet vagina throbbing like crazy as she craned her head down to barely see his two glimmering eyes under her giant bust. "They're huge…the biggest tits I've ever seen..." His eyes wandered back down to her chest as she pushed them into his face, moaning and groaning as he felt her hard nipples rubbing against his cheeks. "Go ahead…touch them…squeeze them…I don't mind…" She looked down at him burning with desire, smothering his small head between her giant jiggling breasts. He lifted his hands all the way up to her chest latching onto their incredible size. He was met by an absolutely insane level of softness, his hands sunk into them feeling the immediate weight of their tremendous size filling up and spilling out of his palms between his fingers. "So heavy." He mumbled trying to lift them struggling against their jiggly from sliding around as he tightly squeezed them. She moaned loudly, suddenly squirting hormonal milk out all over his face and inside his mouth tasting it. "Awhn!" - "Blech! Natasha!" Dimitri coughed while tasting her breast milk as he felt its thick and sweet creaminess down his throat. "Natasha, laktat? (lactating)" He felt a strange tingling feeling begin to build in his body, feeling nervous, unable to escape her tight grasp on him. "Ahh…yes…looks like I am." She giggled looking at his head stuffed between her giant jiggling breasts feeling her nipples rubbing back and forth getting closer to a climax. His head suddenly shrunk down lower along with the rest of his body shrinking smaller. "What…no!" Dimitri screamed in response, seeing his perspective now sunk lower than before with the middle of her chest. "What's wrong?" She smiled looking down, seeing his head slightly lower than before. "Cousin…did you just get smaller?" He looked up trying to see her face barely able to see past her huge breasts now smothering him even more. "I don't know! But I don't like it! I don't want to be smaller, I want to be bigger!" He pouted, yelling up at her as she began to lose her patience. She grinned devilishly as she giggled, grabbing onto his jaw and forcing him to pucker his lips. "Mmph! Natashh-" She cooed forcing her large milky nipple into his mouth as he struggled against her sizeable strength. She squeezed her large milky breast squirting into his mouth as she held it open. His mouth filled up with her hormonal milk refusing to swallow dribbling down his chin and shirt making it sopping wet. “Mmph!” - “Drink it!” She demanded watching him struggle starting to drown in her milk. He tried to resist feeling the sides of his cheeks start to get sore starting to instinctively swallow some slowly giving in as he began to drink mouthfuls.

Natasha noticed it immediately and gasped seeing her cousin start to shrink smaller as his clothes got looser. He felt his stomach start to churn as he shrunk down another inch shorter. His body shrunk down smaller and smaller down below her big bountiful bust further toward her lower torso shrinking down to Kate’s original height of five-foot-six. She finally let go of him seeing his head now sink below her tall and broad shoulders. “Natasha! What have you done to me?!” - “Aww…little cousin…looks like my milk makes you smaller…come here have some more.” She reached out for his head again as she jumped back recoiling from her seeing her devilish grin struck across her face now nearly half a foot closer to the ceiling. “No! Get away from me!” He yelled as his eyes darted left and right, spotting the distance between her amazon sized body and the table to try and run past her toward the staircase. He raced toward the opening trying to get past her when he felt himself swoop off the floor suddenly on his stomach as she easily snatched him off his feet and into her arms holding him tightly around his waist. “Hey, put me down!” - “Hahaha! Little Dimitri…you are as light as a bag of potatoes now cousin. Look at how strong I’ve become!” He squirmed around in her arms trying to escape her clutches as she giggled to herself holding him off the floor without any trouble. She blushed feeling a rush of hormones begin to flood her system with growth, she lifted him up like a baby holding him up in the air as she stomped toward the couch in the living room.

Her huge feet landed on the hardwood floor entering the room as she tossed Dimitri onto the sofa like a duffel bag. “Oof!” He grunted landing on the soft cushions as he looked up at her smiling as she began to rub herself all over. “Natasha…” - “Shh…it’s about to happen again…nngh!” She couldn’t wait any longer, her hands glided down to her soaking wet panties now tearing open around her wide waist. As soon as her finger touched her throbbing ret clitorus she trembled starting to grow taller. Her huge clothes couldn’t stand the strain anymore tearing open around her crotch as she tore it open with her strong hands revealing her oozing vagina. Her fingers finally penetrated inside feeling her warm sticky juices coat her fingers slamming them into her wet pussy. Her body bulged, growing thicker and heavier as her hourglass shaped figure grew even more tremendously voluptuous becoming an amazonian goddess. She rose up growing to a towering seven feet tall tearing open her athletic top as her breasts burst out of them growing even bigger. They grew into luscious watermelon sized breasts passing massive L cups in size taking up most of the space on her chest. Dimitri sat there in horror and shock looking at her tremendously tall figure as he soon started to get horny unable to resist her goddess-like body.

Upstairs the bedroom door flicked on as Ivanka reached inside her room with her long arms. She ducked down slightly moving inside as she began to quickly shut the door behind her and undress. “Oh my!” Her body trembled, shaking before sudden growth spurts shot through her body like fireworks. She moaned loudly falling to the floor with a loud thud, growing even bigger as her bra suddenly snapped flying off and onto the floor. She panted like a feral animal in heat, sweating and groaning as she grew another inch after inch, shredding her dress open around her arms and waist. She pushed her butt out and roared with pleasure feeling it tingle as it bubbled up growing thicker and even more round and jiggly. Her panties tore off as her dress slid up her legs and toward her torso quickly outgrowing it as she grew and grew getting bigger and bigger. She grinned devilishly to herself giggling madly as she bounced up another inch growing to a massive seven foot tall goddess. "Yes…yes…YES!' She chanted feeling her body growing more and more filling out feeling the sensation double in strength as her double dosage kicked in at full effect. She drooled massaging her giant breasts feeling them expand bigger and bigger until her nipples touched the floor. "He's not going to be able to push me around anymore…I can't wait to see the look on his face, hahaha!" She laughed thinking to herself quickly recalling the warning she had received about taking more than two packets within forty eight hours starting to overdose on the super supplement flooding her body with a massive amount of growth hormones fueled by an incredible amount of phyto-estrogen, and growth enzymes extracted from several different large mammals. The potent concoction had now begun to alter her cell structures, permanently changing her body forcing her body to morph into something much more powerful beyond any normal human capabilities.

The process had become mind numbing, rubbing her huge rock hard nipples back and forth on the carpet floor rolling her eyes back feeling another surge of growth about to hit her like a truck. She expanded further, growing bigger and bigger struggling to get up as she couldn’t lift herself from the floor feeling her breasts tingling like crazy. "So heavy…"  Her massive mammaries filled up even bigger, growing into a giant jiggly ocean of soft breasts. "So big…" They grew bigger and bigger filling up her chest and lifting her slightly off the floor growing absolutely gigantic in size spilling out all onto the ground. "So HUGE!" She trembled starting to climax as her body surged in size growing several inches bigger shaking feeling her body send off fireworks. She struggled shaking there for a moment before hearing a loud thud come from downstairs. She rolled over onto her size  sending her humongous breasts jiggling to the other side of her body. She struggled trying to crawl her way toward the king sized bed and pull herself up off the floor. "Agh! They're way too big now!" She scoffed, grabbing onto them as her vagina pulsated again, sending her moaning and groaning back onto the floor. "Oh…oh…OH!" She felt her raw aching vagina finally let loose, squirting all over the carpet quaking with size as her body simultaneously grew thicker, jiggling growing bigger and bigger as the rest of her clothing shredded off her now tremendous body. She fell to the floor unable to hold herself up motioning her hands down to her wet pussy feeling her thighs and legs still quivering.

A sound rang out from downstairs, Dimitri screaming like a child loudly was easily recognizable to her. She rolled her eyes getting up off the floor as she suddenly bumped her head with a soft thud. "Oof! Wait…Oh…no…" She looked up, placing her hands on the ceiling with ease. "I'm huge!" Her eyes started to dart down looking at everything now much smaller at her new much taller perspective. She was easily over seven and a half feet tall now, closer to eight feet. Her naked body glistened under the bright light oozing with sexual heat and sweat as she shivered suddenly. "Agh…I need to find something to wear." She hustled over to the bathroom ducking her head down being careful not to bump into anything as she looked over the ceiling fan seeing dust lining the top. "These need to be cleaned." She scoffed looking around at her new perspective, smiling to herself as she looked down at the top of the door frame to her personal bathroom now lining up to her titanic breasts. "I'm taller than all the doors…how am I going to fit anywhere…I think I might have become the biggest woman in the world!" She started to bellow out laughing looking at her gigantic breasts bouncing around shaking her chest as she saw then blocking her vision to anything below. "They're so big, I can't see anything past them!" She exclaimed, grabbing them and shoving them aside struggling to push them as her hands sunk into their incredible softness.

She trembled again feeling her body begin to expand, growing taller still gaining inches and size. Her body lurched upwards pushing her head further forward starting to have to bend over as her breasts suddenly shifted hanging off her chest like two giant jiggly couch cushions in size. She heard another sound echo upstairs as she tried to turn around she felt her ass bump into the dresser under her now far below her immensely wide hips. "Auch! Too big! Too big!" She continued to twist her lower half around, swiping off everything on top of the dresser off onto the floor with several crashing sounds ringing off into her ears and downstairs. "Agh!" She exclaimed, falling onto her chest with a loud squishy creak of the wooden floor beneath the carpet straining to hold her new size and weight beneath her thick statuesque body. "They're so big and so heavy! I can't believe it…how big am I? I need to find the tape measure…" She lifted herself up pushing off the carpet floor looking down at her giant breasts jiggling between her arms and her chest as she finally sat up immediately feeling the weight of her giant breasts in her hands. "Come on! Ugh! They're way too big now! I can't even move…oh no…not again…nngh!" Her body jostled, shaking with another growth spurt as she fell back onto her giant bubbly booty spreading her legs apart as it surged through her already tremendous body.

Meanwhile, downstairs Natasha was giving Dimitri a show, motioning her hands down her now incredibly thick thighs massaging her huge breast in her other hand moaning softly. Dimitri motioned his hands toward them feeling thier soft and immense thickness in his palms suddenly seeing her lean over and latch onto his hands forcing him to squeeze harder and play more rough. She moaned louder as he played into her desires, handling her huge assets more aggressively. The two of them jumped hearing a loud crack come from the ceiling above them. "What was that?" - "It must be mother…I wonder how much she's grown." Dimitri started to sweat nervously looking at Natasha start to tremble again, rising taller several inches growing even bigger. "Don't worry about her…look at me Dimitri, look at how strong I am." Her body continued to expand and gain pound after pound of muscle and curvaceousness adding even more of an extreme shape to her tremendous hourglass figure. She moaned loudly, suddenly hitting the ceiling with a dull thud. "Ow! Oh shit! I'm getting so tall!" She exclaimed feeling another burst of growth forced her to crane her head forward bending her body as she started to be unable to fit in the living room. Dimitri was speechless looking up at her once taller than average cousin now absolutely dwarfing him with her gigantic seven and a half foot tall body. "I knew this was a stupid idea…damn it." Natasha pouted, bending her knees as she started to get annoyed, unable to stand up properly in her house anymore. "Blyat!" (Fuck!) Dimitri finally barked out a curse word looking up at her now amazon sized cousin trying to figure out what to do with himself. The house shook for a moment as the two of them suddenly stayed silent listening to the muffled noise coming from upstairs.

A large hand gripped the side of the doorframe from the upstairs master bedroom. It gripped the sides and started to break into the drywall cracking the wooden spine up the sides. Her towering now nearly eight foot tall body stretched out reaching the other side. She lifted her huge body toward the opening, grunting as her two humongous globes of breast meat got stuck in the doorway unable to push through. She pushed and pushed trying to force her way through as they suddenly began to grow exponentially in size. She grew and grew slowly breaking the door frame as she began to pass over eight feet still growing bigger into a colossal amazonian woman. She continued to push, hearing the sides of the door crack and bend, unable to hold against her tremendous body. It finally gave way, snapping open as she pushed through and made her way downstairs.

The two of them downstairs jumped every time they heard a slam or a crunch as Ivanka broke her way through the hallway and down the stairs holding her giant breasts in each arm like two huge milky water balloons. Dimitri yelped starting to climb up the couch onto the back of it in fear as he saw Ivanka enter the room by bending all the way down under the archway to the living room. Her breasts were absolutely gigantic; they pushed aside the smaller furniture kicking off magazines, and the TV remote onto the floor as she squeezed her way into the room. "Agh! So big…sorry!" Her huge body loomed over them with her back against the ceiling looking down as the two of them slowly motioned their eyes toward her titanic mammoth mammaries dangling over them like two punching bags jiggling slightly as she held onto the sides of the ceiling panels.

"Mother…you're…huge." Natasha started to feel left out looking over at her mother now almost an entire foot taller than even her towering size. "Father is going to be furious, look at you! You can barely walk!" Dimitri barked up at her looking at his eyes meeting with her two enormous breasts each larger than his torso. "Hahaha! Little Dimitri, you are so cute down there, you look so small now!" - "He shrunk, can you believe it? Look at how adorable he is now." - "Your daughter made me shrink! It's her fault I'm like this!" Ivanka smiled, reaching over and picking him up off the couch with ease, hoisting him into the air holding him underneath his arms like a child. She smothered him, hugging him tightly against her enormous breasts, each the size of a couch cushion. "Shh…Dimitri. Please calm down…I promise I will find a way to make you grow back." He didn't buy it, she looked into her devious eyes glimmering with lust and hunger for power and yelled back, "That is what you said the last time you promised me just a few inches, and now look at me, I'm smaller than I was before!"

Ivanka frowned looking down at him as she started to look at Natasha still shocked seeing her size. "What did you do to him?" - "He kept touching me…so my nipples started to…laktat (lactate)." - "And you-" She was immediately interrupted by him still squirming between her hands. "She forced me to! Argh! Put me down!" He demanded starting to act more aggressively pounding his small hands on her thick arms starting to leave small bruises. "Enough!" She shouted suddenly making him stop as she motioned one her massive tits in front of his mouth. "No! Not again! I don't want to get any smaller!" - "Silence! You hurt my arms…you'll be much weaker once you're the size of a kitten, now get to work! My nipples have been aching for too long. My tits feel like they're going to explode." - "How is that my problem- Mmph!" His mouth filled up with her giant nipple immediately letting out a gush of her potent hormonal milk into his mouth.

He tried to resist spitting the milk out the sides of his mouth getting his shirt wet, but it wasn't enough the milk began to affect him rapidly making him begin to shrink again. "Mmph! Mmph!" He struggled feeling himself getting weaker and fatigued as her mother's mixture began to have another side effect, a strange soothing sensation started to lull him out of his rage. He sighed, starting to give in, sucking down her milk calmly, getting smaller and smaller with every gulp he took. She loosened her tight grip around him, placing his now shorter and much lighter four foot tall body onto the coffee table. His lips popped off her sore red nipple gasping for air as he looked up in horror as his perspective was now an entire foot and a half lower. He looked down off the table starting to get worried seeing his feet dangling off it slightly. "No…no…no! What have you done, Ivanka?!" He suddenly felt his feet start to hang off of it as the rest of his shirt started to fall off his chest seeing her body get bigger and bigger and even bigger looming over him as he continued to shrink down to a meager three feet tall.

"Oh no…everything looks giant!" Dimitri coughed, clearing his throat as he nearly had a heart attack hearing them bellow out laughing and giggling seeing his tiny size. Their voices began to ring in his small ears trying to get off the table as he looked down, seeing more of a cliff than a table edge as he shrunk even smaller to hardly a foot tall. Their voices started to boom in his tiny ears pointing at him jabbing his chest with her giant fingers. He looked up seeing her titanic breasts now the size of a meteor terrorizing him with its incredible size, every wave and jiggle was like watching an ocean move rippling across and over fields of her astronomical breasts. He crawled out from under his clothes looking back at the long length of his clothing stretching out far from his new point of view now standing as a meager ten inches tall. He was mortified, unable to escape their loud cackling as the booming voices started to overwhelm him. "Ok. OK. That's enough Natasha. Let him think about how he treated us now." - "Da. I have to go shopping." - "I think I'm going to stay here and take care of my little nephew." - "I'll be back. Love you." - "Love you too my dear daughter. Go make them remember you." Natasha nodded and then looked down at her now tiny sized cousin trying to get off the table seeing him scurry from one end to the other before getting snatched up by Ivanka now sprawled across the floor beside the table nearly twice its size.

Chapter 4

The small blue sedan struggled to make its way up the driveway packing a heavy seven foot tall amazon in tow. Lisa nervously pushed harder on the gas pedal pulling up the driveway feeling her tremendous weight in the backseat sinking everything down. Kate finally gave up opening the door with her arm releasing the lever as she immediately fell out adjusting to the new open space. The car jostled moving up off the concrete as it adjusted to the lack of weight lifting herself out of the car now much smaller than her towering seven foot tall body. She stood up beside it seeing it barely reach the bottom of her chest as Lisa's head popped out under the hood on the other side. She smirked seeing her new size towering over everything around her, finally excited to relax in her house for a night before the next morning of practice eager to try out the track with her new incredible physique. Being nearly two feet taller than most people certainly had its advantages. Her long legs strode up to the front porch, getting there twice as fast as before, immediately noticing and getting excited.

"Oh my god! I'm so big now. I can cover ground way faster, this is amazing!" She thought to herself as she watched Lisa slowly walk up the path passing under her now a whole head and shoulders shorter than her, she didn't even reach up to her massive chest. "She looks so small now…honestly…I kind of want to get even bigger." She bit her lip feeling the cold wind behind her tremendous ass wrap around and make her big and soft nipples double in size getting hard. "I hope she brings more for me…but if she does…that must mean Natasha is going to take more too…fuck I hope she isn't bigger than me, I'm already seven feet tall…what happens if she grows even bigger…like…eight…nine…or even ten feet tall? Christ. I don't want to think about that. She was so tall when I met her…and I'm like…over half a foot taller than her now…fuck…it's turning me on just thinking about it" Lisa looked at her keys inserting them into the lock as Kate looked down at the door frame a little less than half a foot under her head. "What are we going to do with you?" Lisa pouted, refusing to crane her head all the way up to see her as she opened the door and walked inside. "What do you mean?" She bent down ducking her head under the door and made her way inside standing up about half a foot away from the ceiling which ironically was now Natasha's height at her new towering size.

She stomped into the kitchen sitting down on a chair with a loud creak hearing it nearly about to break as she sat her giant bubble butt onto it spilling off the sides. "Kate!" - "What?" - "Be careful! You're much…bigger now, you could easily break something." - Ugh. Are you calling me fat?" - "No…I just…Kate…" Kate grumbled starting to get annoyed as she unknowingly began to fuel another growth spurt, her hormones began to race through her bloodstream activating latent growth enzymes again and again firing off synapses making her blush. She felt warm as the familiar tingling sensation returned making her already huge body surge with growth. Her body began to tremble, growing larger, making the chair groan again nearly about to break under her burgeoning size. She moaned louder, unable to control it, suddenly gaining more thickness around her thighs and tremendous ass growing thicker and even heavier. She grew bigger and bigger and bigger until finally, "*snap!*" The chair broke apart into pieces scattered across the floor.

"Oh!" She was startled, feeling her giant butt smashing it down, smothering the debris with her huge jiggly butt and thick thighs. "Fuck." - "Kate!" Lisa screamed seeing her giant body tremble again growing even taller motioning her hands down to her thighs. Her hands squeezed them tightly trying to resist the urge to start squirting all over the kitchen floor as she grew again starting to drip out of her throbbing vagina nearly at a climax. "I'm still growing…sorry." - "Ugh! I can't believe this, you never listen." She resisted the urge to talk back standing back up now only a few inches away from the ceiling looking over everything starting to get even more excited. "I can barely fit in here now, I'm almost as tall as the ceiling…I'm so fucking horny! I need to get upstairs." - "Kate, where are you going?" She thought to herself ignoring Lisa's whining and legitimate concerns as she stomped by her small body and up the stairs keeping her head down to avoid hitting the rafters.

She stumbled into her room ducking under the short doorframe half a foot below her head. She lazily closed the door by bouncing it off her huge bubble butt slamming it shut. She immediately heard a muffled yell come from downstairs in response, she giggled spreading herself out on her bed ignoring it. Her legs were a whole foot longer than the bed now, but that didn't stop her from furiously touching herself, stroking her oozing red pussy and massaging her giant basketball sized breasts. She started fingering herself hearing the bed creak as she bounced her whole body up and down rhythmically feeling her pussy closing in on a climax. "Aww…god I'm so wet…" She roared with pleasure pumping her pussy with her index finger, rubbing her clit with her other hand as she got closer and closer, suddenly about to erupt. "I'm so big…I'm so sexy…I'm …oh god, I'm gonna cum!" Her body shot off like fireworks squirting all over the bed as she screamed in pleasure growing even bigger and heavier. She grew and grew becoming even more luscious as she suddenly became thicker and even more busty growing into a seductive lust filled voluptuous goddess. She grew bigger and bigger until a sudden crash followed as the bed could no longer contain her tremendous weight sending the mattress through the boxframe onto the carpet below. As the dust settled she giggled to herself licking her fingers off tasting her own sweet fragrance. She could already hear Lisa rushing up the stairs starting to bang on the door.

"What's wrong?! Are you ok?!" She panicked trying to get into her room past her locked door. She listened to the sounds of wood snapping and torn fabric followed by the sounds of stomping steps toward the door. She jumped back as it swung open revealing Kate now standing several inches taller than seven feet, way above her head and shoulders bending down and craning her head way down past the top of the door frame while holding her two massive breasts back with her arm. "What's up?" - "Oh god…you're even bigger…when is it going to stop?" - "Oh it's OK, mom! I'll buy a new bed once I win this competition." She smiled looking down at her as she felt another growth spurt begin to stir inside her, she tried to resist the feeling, tightening her hold on her breasts squished against her wide chest pushing up her incredible natural cleavage. They jiggled above her head as she pouted trying to enter her room immediately stopped by one of her huge hands. "Hey, let me in!" - "Not now…I'm trying to sleep…" - "Get off me!" She struggled shoving her chest pushing onto them aggressively. She pushed and pushed until she moaned suddenly squirting milk out of her giant nipple directly into her mouth. "Ack! Kate! Are you lactating?" She blushed thinking to herself, "Mmm…why does that…taste so good?" Lisa blushed feeling her lips begin to tingle and puff up slightly. "Ew! I didn't mean to do that…sorry…" Kate started to get anxious thinking to herself, "Fuck…I'm so embarassed…." Lisa raised an eyebrow looking down at her engorged nipple leaking milk holding onto them moaning softly as more seeped out onto her chest dripping onto the carpet. "No, it's alright, it's totally normal sweetie…but you need to let out all the milk…or else they're going to get sore and they'll keep getting bigger." Lisa explained seeing her blush even harder squeezing slightly as a squirt of milk trickled down her sultry chest. "Yeah…so…" - "Let me help you…I'll get the pump." - "The…pump?" She blushed seeing Lisa race off down the hallway and into the master bedroom.

She searched around feeling warm as her breasts began to tingle slightly. She opened the closet, bending over looking through old boxes sticking out her wide hips and butt out the doorway. The sensation grew stronger, she was trying to resist the urge to squeeze and massage herself all over, biting her lower lip trembling before the growth started to kick in. She felt a sudden jolt as her body grew taller an inch along with her breasts and ass which increased exponentially in size growing thicker. Her big butt plumped up becoming much more round and bouncy feeling her jeans get tight around her burgeoning backside. She stood back up suddenly looking down at her chest seeing a bit more cleavage than before, jiggling them slightly as she stood on her toes and then back down watching them settle in her tight bra that was now a cup size too small. "Oh…mhm…they're definitely getting bigger, I can't believe this…" She blushed feeling her now more jiggly ass moving around in her jeans. "Great, now I'm growing too! What am I going to do?!" Her mind raced as she panicked looking around when she suddenly found the breast pump sitting in a box in the back of the closet. "There it is…" She jostled around making her way over everything, snatching it up before closing the door and racing back down the hallway. She could feel her new D-cup breasts bounce up and down as she made her way back blushing harder, feeling the rest of her curvaceous body jiggle around as she saw Kate standing behind the door towering above it.

"Here you go." She lifted it up, placing the small cup around her nipple and massive breast barely able to keep it on. "Wow. They're so big. You're going to have to hold them on. I'll twist on the bottle and turn it on, just a second hold on." - "Uh…ok…I've never used one of these before." - "I didn't think you would have to for a while sweetie…I used these when I was pregnant with you." - "Um…that's weird." - "Hey, it's not weird, I've cleaned them since then. Come on. Hold still, I'm going to turn it on." She held them tightly as the breast pump turned on starting to suction to her massive mammaries. She winced slightly watching the two bottles now attached to her nipples begin to suck out her potent hormonal breast milk. She blushed feeling the machine tug on her hard nipples releasing her hormonal milk now full of her own special growth enzymes extracted into small bottles. Lisa watched them fill up rapidly until she turned off the machine and popped the two tabs off each nipple responding with a loud yelp each time. "All done. How are you feeling, sweetie?" - "Much better actually…but it did make my nipples a bit sore." She looked down and sighed, rubbing them as she went back and plopped onto her broken bed barely able to get comfortable as her feet hung off over a foot past the end of the bed. "Alright, thanks I'm going to bed." - "Ok! Sweet dreams. Love you." - "Love you." She turned off the light and walked toward her bedroom looking down at the two warm bottles in her hands.

She stepped into her bedroom turning on the light and locking the door as she placed one bottle on the nightstand. She sloshed it around looking at it as she bit her lip and grabbed her new D cup breasts feeling her bra now tight around her chest. Her blouse was still fairly loose, now fitting a bit more snug around her wide waist that now held up a much more pronounced booty, it was round and juicy, big and jiggly. "My ass definitely feels bigger, I think her milk is making me grow…I should have a little more just in case…" She thought to herself opening the bottle and taking a sniff, starting to become puzzled by the strange smell. It was flowery and very fragrant, still a bit creamy in texture, but incredibly sweet as it hit her tongue, filling up her cheeks, taking a big gulp suddenly without thinking. "Mmph…*gulp*! Oh my god." She swallowed, holding her hand against her now swollen lips in shock at what she had just done. "No…no…no! Oh shit, that was way too much. Does that mean I'm going to grow again? Oh god,  I don't want to get any bigger..." She quickly closed the lid and placed it next to the other one on the nightstand, feeling embarrassed. "I just…wanted to try it…again…it tastes so good." She mumbled, feeling her whole body begin to tingle all over.

The familiar feeling of growth washed over her arms and legs down her hands and into her thighs as she bulged with growth making her clothing start to strain. Her hips widened making her button on her tight jeans buckle against her belly. She felt her blouse begin to move up past her belly button as she rose taller and grew bigger again. "Oh…it's happening again…" She whispered as she felt it begin to slow down tapering off. "You know what…if she's going to keep growing bigger then…so will I…" She lifted up the bottle again, opening it up and shoving it between her luscious lips starting to suck down several gulps of her fresh milk. "I'm not going to let her boss me around either, mmph! *gulp gulp gulp*" Her lips parted, taking down the whole bottle in strides as she began to feel the sensation return, making her entire body tingle intensely. She dribbled the warm fresh milk down her cheeks, sucking the contents of the bottle down rapidly before she knew it was gone. She looked back in shock at the nearly empty bottle in her hands moving her hands onto her wet swollen lips starting to tremble. "Oh no…what have I done,  I didn't mean to drink the whole thing…awhn!" Her body began to bulge, gaining size more rapidly. She panted harder and faster, struggling to resist massaging her chest feeling them filling up in her hands.

Her tight blouse got even more constrained sliding up her chest as she grew taller and more voluptuous. Her hands trembled dropping the empty plastic bottle onto the carpet as she felt her chest suddenly getting heavier and heavier as they began to grow enormous. "Oh lord…they're blowing up!" She thought to herself watching them grow into massive melons passing DDs even bigger as they grew into DDDs growing huge. Her previously loose blouse now wore more like a bikini top barely covering her big milky mammaries. She held them up, hoisting them into her hands feeling incredibly sexy for the first time in years. She couldn't help, but walk toward the mirror to see her tantalizing reflection. "How is this possible…I mean, this Russian growth formula is so strong it's starting to affect her breast milk." Her eyes wandered down every luscious curve of her mature body, she was becoming voluptuous and more hourglass shaped seeing her tremendous ass protruding from her backside. "I can't believe I just drank that whole bottle. How big am I going to get? Oh…my head is spinning, this is just…too much…" She fell backwards slightly feeling woozy, making her way to her king size bed. She laid there twitching every now and then as her body continued to grow bigger and bigger slowly massaging her luscious body. She moaned, feeling her whole body shudder, transforming into an amazonian, growing more hourglass shaped and even larger breasts dwarfing her previous size.

Her body was just now passing five and a half feet tall, outgrowing Kate's original height as her breasts were growing well past either of their previous sizes into the F-cup range, starting to fill with her own special blend of hormonal milk. She wanted more looking over at the nightstand before snatching up the other bottle. "It tastes so good…I need more…mmph!" Her large lips wrapped around the opening sucking down another few mouthfuls before taking a breath feeling the warm tingling sensation return quickly once again sending shivers down her spine. Another few gulps began to fuel her growth, doubling her gains as she began to fill out even more growing into huge G cups. She struggled spilling her special milk on her chest and past her lips trying to drink faster in response. She finally finished the bottle licking the inside trying to get every last drop as she sighed, placing it back on the nightstand next to the other one. "There! It's done. There's no more now, so no more temptation…I feel so gross…I gotta take this off." She looked down seeing her wet blouse and took it off, tossing it on the floor as she grasped both her giant breasts in her hands, smiling. "They grew a lot! I love them." She cooed massaging them rhythmically as she felt her entire body begin to heat up.

Her nipples started to get harder tingling with intense sensations making her pussy start to throb with every passing motion over them. She rubbed them moving her fingertips across them as she suddenly bubbled up even bigger, filling out her hands and then her arms spilling onto her chest. They grew and grew expanding into huge milky monsters growing into huge H cups. She moaned loudly quickly covering her mouth letting her other breast fall back down onto her chest with a resounding slap. She rumbled with pleasure shaking and quaking with erotic sensations firing off in her body as she began to transform into a luscious and voluptuous goddess. She began growing wider hips and a larger bubble butt filling out all over as her thighs became absolutely massive and juicy growing thicker and more curvaceous. The button on her jeans finally popped off as she yelped hearing the seams of her pants begin to tear at her ankles and around her waist. Her hips widened as her body grew larger, starting to gain height and size exponentially. Her pants buckled as she tried to take them off, unable to pull them off her growing thickness that soon overwhelmed the fabric getting tighter and tighter tearing down the sides of her now tremendously thick thighs. Pockets of her ass and thighs began bursting through the seams as she continued to tug at them, feeling them getting tighter and tighter around her legs and giant bubble butt. The sensation grew stronger and stronger until it suddenly surged, filling up beyond its limit. Her ass blasted out the back of her jeans tearing off the back pockets revealing her giant jiggly butt. "Oh my god!" Lisa screamed looking down at her huge ass now sticking out of her ripped jeans. She blushed once again as another surge of growth tore the rest of her pants down by her ankles all the way up to her thighs now dangling off like tassels at her waist. "These jeans are ruined!" She pouted and looked back at the mirror at her newly grown body, now easily over six feet tall in height. She gasped looking at the top of the mirror now a little over half a foot away from her own height. "Oh my god…I definitely grew again, I'm way taller. This is….amazing! Look at me!" Her mood shifted entirely squeezing and massaging her huge luscious melon sized mammaries watching her boy jiggle and bounce in her reflection.

“Mmm…I just love how it feels…to grow and fill out…I haven’t felt this good in years!” She moaned caressing her new sultry curves moving her hands down her soft sensual body. Her fingers motioned down to her huge breasts lifting and squeezing them against her chest as she licked her bountiful juicy lips. She gasped as another wave of growth shot through her finally tearing off the thin denim band holding up her torn pants. They fell to the floor along with the final few straps of her bra, feeling her panties dig into her ass and vagina tightly wrapped around her waist. She yelped as another final burst of growth shot through her legs and up her tremendous thighs and even more into her gigantic bubble booty becoming larger finally tearing off her black panties hearing them shred off and join the rest of her destroyed clothes on the floor. Her eyes widened looking back at her reflection, suddenly remembering when Kate arrived earlier that night and her new size closely resembling it. “Oh…my…god…” She was speechless looking down at her newly grown bombshell body turning herself around looking at her huge ass, making it bounce up and down as she cooed giddily in response. She stopped jumping up and down suddenly hearing a noise coming from the hallway. The door rattled as she heard Kate's voice on the other side; "What are you doing in there? You're being so loud…" - "Nothing! Everything is fine dear." - "Ugh…ok…" - "Wow…well I didn't think I was being that loud…" She mumbled looking down at her huge bouncy breasts and blushing. "Open the door…" Kate demanded, hearing her giggling to herself behind it. "Ok…" She smiled blushing hard as she opened the door revealing her newly enhanced bubbly body.

Kate's jaw nearly hit the floor, she was shocked looking down at Lisa now almost an entire foot taller than before boasting two honeydew melon sized breasts standing in front of a pile of her destroyed clothes she had outgrown. She started to blush feeling embarrassed looking at the two empty bottles that had just been used to milk her titanic tiptoes. "Oh my god…did you…drink those?" - "I didn't mean to-" - "Ugh! Seriously…and it's making you grow too…ugh." Kate rolled her eyes watching her mom bounce up and down happily as a bird chirping with seductive noises as she continued to fondle herself. "Mom!" - "Mmm…yes, sweetheart?" - "Ugh. I can't believe you drank both, don't you think that's kind of weird?" - "I did at first…but then…I started to feel the effects of the super supplement and it was so incredible, I can't believe I'm growing, just like you!" She giggled to herself as she slowly panned down Kate's body toward her giant breasts starting to get horny. "We should both get to sleep though…it's late." She resisted the temptation, opening her arms for a big hug as Kate leaned down and smashed her huge breasts against her face. She was in heaven, feeling the size of her massive mammaries against her face trying to resist the urge to start biting and sucking down on her big swollen nipples. "Goodnight!" - "Night." Kate sheepishly wandered back off her room, ducking under the door frame again having to bend down to fit inside. She fell back onto her small bed curling up and pulling her short covers onto her huge body. Lisa sighed looking at the two empty bottles and laid down trying to fall asleep.

Kate and Lisa weren't don't growing though, both of them continued to transform and grow bigger as they slept the hours of the night away. Lisa began growing first, an inch every four hours or so growing bigger and bigger as her nightgown began to ride closer to her belly and then even further up to her chest as she grew larger. Her breasts continued to fill up bigger and bigger, growing from the size of two juicy cantaloupes into huge basketballs both the size of someone's head. They were massive, nearly reaching the end of her cup size, no longer able to fit in any standard bra sizes. Her ass joined in as well growing plump and round and then bubbling up into a huge luscious bubble booty unable to be contained in any panties or underwear at their tremendous size. She was becoming quite strong as well, having grown now an entire foot taller, now standing a little over six foot three. She was previously she had packed on nearly a hundred pounds in weight, mostly going to her wide hips, giant bubble butt and huge milky mammaries. Her growth began to taper off near the morning as the final last spurts of growth ran its course through her maturing physique, not quite attaining the amazon-like size like the other two now super-sized daughters.

Kate however continued to surge with growth, her tremendous body only grew thicker and heavier through the night. Latent growth enzymes sparked to life as her body rested. The double dosage continued to transform her into a busty amazonian goddess. She grew an inch every other hour slowly sizing up bigger and bigger as she quickly grew closer and closer to becoming eight feet tall. The rest of her body seemed to remain the same, still growing large exponentially, gaining weight rapidly as she grew past seven and a half feet tall, now closer to seven foot eight. She wasn't quite there yet though it seemed like her growth began to get slower tapering off as the sun began to rise revealing her incredibly curvaceous form tucked away under a blanket barely covering her immense size.

Chapter 5

The morning sun finally broke, shining through their curtains and into each of their bedrooms. Kate yawned looking down at the bed under her seeing it was noticeably smaller, now indented from the hours of sleep on top of it warping the metal bars inwards. "I have got to get a new bed. I think I grew even bigger…" She sighed, getting out of the wreckage of fabric, torn sheets and broken pieces that was once her bed standing up. "Ow! Shit." She rubbed her head immediately hitting the ceiling not realizing how tall she had become, now even bigger than before. She was bending far down now uncomfortably leaning forwards as her huge ass stuck out from her backside. "Everything is so small…how much bigger did I get?" She sighed out letting out a long breath of air noticing the seven foot tall standing mirror in her room now reaching somewhere in the middle of her chest. “Oh fuck.” She was huge, busty, and taller than ever. Certainly the biggest girl to ever attend her college, she wasn’t done growing either. She sighed again, latching onto the bathroom door and opening it as she felt the doorknob start to bend in her hands quickly letting go. "Oh fuck…I'm so strong now, this little doorknob feels like I could snap it off if I gripped hard enough." She ducked down, having to bend nearly down to her knees trying to get into her small bathroom.

Her face was riddled with shock, having to bend down and hang her humongous breasts into the sink just to be able to see her big reflection in the small wall mirror. She had grown into a small giant, standing at a powerful seven foot eight feet tall, boasting a pair of breasts each the size of a beach ball, filling up the sink spilling over the edges of the porcelain rim. “I’m fucking…huge…” She said with her lip quivering feeling the cold stone sink against her nipples that began to get hard seeing her breasts now bigger than the entire capacity of her bathroom sink. She lifted them out and stood back up, nearly hitting the ceiling again as she looked down at the tiny shower head barely reaching the top of her tremendous natural cleavage. “It’s so small now…” She mumbled stepping into the tub hearing it creak loudly and begin to sink down under her huge feet. “Nope…that’s not going to work.” She said lifting her foot out of the tub already made an imprint in the plastic warping it inwards to the shape of her foot. “Fuck. I can’t shower here…I’m going to break the tub if I stand in here for even a few minutes.” She sighed looking back at the doorway back to her room seeing her now ceiling level perspective was strange to say the least.

She crawled out of the bathroom, latching onto the outside of the doorframe and hoisting herself out feeling her humongous breasts jiggling around with every short movement she made. It was hard to get around for her now at her new size, the house had always had rather low ceilings and wasn’t very big. It was challenging to get around, and finding clothes seemed impossible until she had a spark of genius. She twisted her lips looking at the curtains spread out in the windows thinking to herself. “Oh…I could wear them like a dress…like a toga I guess.” She reached over picking up the metal bar that held the curtains up now with ease. “Wow. I used to have to get the stepladder to even reach up here. I remember this bar being super heavy, but now it’s like a little stick compared to my new size, haha!” She laughed picking it up and shaking loose the white curtains, shaking off the dust and coughing. “Ugh. So dirty, I never was able to get up here and clean them, they always felt so big to me, I can’t believe I’m going to be able to wear them like a dress.” She blushed starting to get horny again imagining other things at her new height, immediately thinking about Naomi starting to feel her heart racing. “Oh fuck…Naomi’s coming over…” She quickly dusting off the rest of the curtains and tying them around her body, making a loose knot around her wide hips. She stepped in front of the mirror again looking down, seeing her reflection from the chest down, she was massive, unable to even fit into the seven foot tall mirror bending down and leaning over to try and catch a glimpse of her luscious amazon sized bodice. She blushed knowing Naomi was still fairly close to her original size, trying to imagine how tall she would be compared to her new body now, moving her hand way down to the top of the mirror and then even further down motioning her hand even lower closer to her belly above her giant wide hips. "Oh…she's…going to look like…so fucking small…how did I get this fucking big…I should've never agreed to take this much of the super supplement." She reached down grabbing onto her big juicy ass, squeezing it and moaning. "I mean, this is…insane…look at this fucking ass, ugh. I never thought I'd get this big…I'm so turned on…" She moaned again feeling a rush of energy begin to fill her up getting excited.

She laid down on the carpet starting to feel warm as she stretched her huge amazonian body out in length growing longer and longer, touching the wall with both of her fingertips. "Mmmmmm!" She blushed suddenly feeling her body stretch out another inch taller as she panted furiously starting to touch herself. She unleashed her huge breasts untying the curtain robe letting them loose onto her chest spilling onto the carpet as well. Her fingers dug into her soaking wet pussy, stroking it back and forth as she started to ooze her own sensual juices. She penetrated deeper, starting to really moan louder without a care in the world, squeezing her other tremendous breast in her hand trying to keep its jiggly ocean of breasts from spilling onto the rest of her chest. She latched onto it squeezing harder and harder whimpering as she felt it full and sore with more hormonal milk. "Ugh. She was right…I need the pump…awhn." She couldn't help but softly moan as she got on all fours crawling toward the door. She opened it crawling out of her small bedroom and standing back up to her full height now bumping into the seven and a half foot tall ceiling. "Oh fuck. I knew I grew again. Wait…isn't the ceiling here…like…seven and a half…feet tall?" Her heart began racing imagining everyone else standing beside her mighty size on the track, thinking about easily outrunning everyone else. Her pussy quivered starting to throb intensely as she shook in response immediately getting wet at the thought. She strode over to the master bedroom in a few seconds looking down at the door and leaning over to knock near the top of its length with her large hand. "Morning…hey can you help me out for a second?" - "Good morning! Umm…I'll be with you in just a moment, my dear!" Lisa huffed out a long breath looking down annoyed at her pants stuck to her right leg now twice its size in width. Her tremendous thighs didn't fit into anything anymore, her clothes were strewn about all over her room, looking annoyed as she rolled her eyes and wrapped a sweater around her giant breasts that were like two jiggly medicine balls, letting the rest of the fabric drape down still a bit too short to cover the rest of her personal parts and massive bubble booty sticking out her backside.

The door finally opened revealing them both to each other, their response was about the same, shocked and bewildered. Kate had grown another four inches overnight, rapidly growing into a truly towering amazon. Her form was absolutely tremendous, thick, and incredibly seductive from her luscious lips down her wide and powerful hips she was a goddess by any normal physical standards. On the other hand, Lisa had grown an entire foot taller, now several inches past six feet becoming tremendous, transforming into a busty beautiful bombshell. She shares the same curvaceous body, but with more thickness and weight and much less definition and height. She had two large watermelons that could barely stand still on her wide and strong chest, her hips had grown twice their size now holding up her immensely juicy ass. However, even her busty over six foot tall body was dwarfed in comparison to Kate's nearly eight foot tall goddess-like figure. "Wow!” - “You look amazing!” They both shouted and screamed hugging each other, jiggling separately bouncing up and side to side as they smiled, starting to slow down as they both began to feel warm and tingly.

Kate blushed, feeling the sensation building in her chest as they began growing again, filling up larger and fuller as she held them for a moment trying to stop them from spilling out of her hands. It was no use, they continued to fill up and up growing several cup sizes larger until they finally released milk out dripping down her chest from her big bright red swollen nipples. “Ugh…I really need the pump.” She mumbled squeezing them squirting milk onto her face. Lisa blushed, licking her lips as the milk dripped onto them swelling larger as she moaned in response, unable to control herself. “I’ll get the bottles right now.” She turned wiping the milk across her face as she licked every little drop she could before bending down to get the bottles. She smiled, lifting up two bottles quickly, mentioning the four other bottles on the nightstand. “I had a couple more bottles handy…just in case.” She smirked, attaching the bottles to the hose and pump as Kate sat down on her bed hearing it crunch under her giant body. “Kate!” - “Sorry…god, I’m really getting big now, huh?” - “Yes…my dear, you’re the tallest young woman I’ve ever seen. You need to be more careful about where you place your super sized butt now, you could really hurt someone you know.” - "I know…it's just been so much so fast…before I knew it I was already over a foot taller…and then I got even bigger than that…and now I’m still getting bigger…" She nodded, listening to her words trail off, attaching the two cups to her massive breasts looking tiny in comparison to the rest of her ocean of breasts. "...and now it feels like I'm almost eight feet tall…it's crazy." She nodded again, smiling as the pump began to drain her swollen breasts of her fresh potent milk. "I grew out of all my clothes and I don't even know how tall I've gotten…I have to measure myself after this." - "Yeah…you grew a lot too…I can't believe these big beautiful boobies can make people grow now…" Kate thought to herself getting horny imagining Naomi sucking her huge tits dry growing twice her size. "Sorry…I should've asked you first…it just tastes so good…nngh." Lisa moaned, feeling her nipples get hard gazing at her gorgeous breasts and the milk filling up the two bottles nearly full. "Oh hold on." Lisa patiently waited as the bottle filled up to the rim before turning off the machine. "They still feel so full." - "Oh. Don't worry sweetie, we're going to go for round two…" She grabbed another two bottles connecting them before turning it back on hearing her moan loudly in response.

Lisa giggled holding the two warm bottles biting her lip thinking about how much more she would grow if she drank both of them at once. She shook her head chasing off the thought as she went to place them on the nightstand. "Hey…are you going to drink those…?" Kate blushed a deep red looking at her as she blushed hard in return. "Um…I just want…a little taste…maybe later though." - "Ugh…that's so weird." - "Hey, if you knew how good it tasted, you would want some all the time too…" Kate started to get curious looking down at the two bottles beside her seeing Lisa's gaze focused on her huge engorged nipples filling up another two bottles full of her magic breast milk. "They're so full…you're going to be able to fill both of these up too it looks like." Lisa smiled wide watching the machine work its wonders on her swollen breasts, shrinking them down almost a whole cup size just in milk. She turned the machine off hearing it slowly wind down carefully taking off the suction cups. She tugged at them hearing her moan loudly having trouble as they were suctioned on tight. She tugged harder and harder until they snapped off with a resounding pop. "Awhn! Fuck!" Kate roared in pleasure seeing her two swollen and sore nipples dripping with milk. "All done…sorry about that, they were really on tight!" She giggled looking at the two fresh bottles of her mammary milk and smiled, placing them next to the other two. Kate pouted looking at her mother's salacious grin when she was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing down the stairs. "Oh! That must be Naomi." Kate quickly got up from the bed pushing her aside as she ducked down and crawled out of the room. Lisa let out a long sigh listening to her feet stomping down the staircase hearing it crack and creak with every step. Her eyes wandered quickly back to the four warm bottles of her potent milk starting to bite her lip anxiously.

Naomi tapped her foot outside their door, looking off into the distance looking at the suburban houses dotting the rest of the neighborhood. "I told her nine o' clock sharp…" She grumbled crossing her arms and pushing up her big breasts in her tight athletic tank top. She jumped hearing the loud steps of the house creak louder and louder towards her as the door swung wide open. "Hey, Naomi!" - "Kate?!" She was speechless as her eyes immediately met with the bottom of her chest, craning her head up slowly only to see her two bountiful breasts each nearly double the size of her head. They were neatly pressed together making a massive line of seductive cleavage covering most of her face besides her two bright eyes. She was a whole head and shoulders taller than her now ducking to avoid hitting the ceiling. "You're…huge!" You're even bigger than Natasha…way bigger!" - "Oh my god…you're so small…you don't even reach my chest anymore." She smiled looking down as she placed her hand on her head, measuring it against her body, seeing it measure up somewhere way down past her shoulders and even lower below her gigantic tits now closer to down by her tremendous hips. "Fuck." - "I'm not small, you're gigantic…it's actually a little bit scary, haha! How tall are you now, and how big are those?!" Naomi started to ooze with envy seeing her tremendous body dwarfing hers in size, she couldn't stop herself from nervously asking questions giggling and trying to act calm witnessing her incredible and gigantic assets jiggle and shift around in the loose set of curtains she was wearing like a dress. "Yeah, it's crazy, I just keep getting bigger and bigger…I haven't measured myself today…I'm a little afraid to…like I have to duck now to avoid touching the ceiling…everything feels so small compared to me now." She blushed turning red as she turned around walking into the foyer having to bend down ducking under the ceiling again as she crawled toward the stairs looking up and calling out for her mother, "Lisa!" She hollered hearing the rattle of plastic bottles echo down the hallway upstairs.

Lisa however, didn't care about the consequences as her luscious lips latched onto another bottle sucking it down, moaning quietly as her special milk dribbled down her cheeks. She sucked it down quickly before she let out a cute burp looking down at the empty bottle in her hands. She blushed, putting it down as she placed her hands over her swollen mouth. "No, no , no! What have I done? I can't stop myself from drinking it…it tastes so good. Oh god. I'm going to grow again…I can already feel it building up inside me." She suddenly heard the first step on the staircase loudly creak listening to Kate stomp her way back upstairs. Lisa nervously tossed the empty bottle into the trashcan before they opened the door. Kate and Naomi stood behind it knocking lightly waiting for a response. "Mom, are you in there?" The door suddenly rattled opening to reveal her new tall and curvaceous body. She was spilling out of a dress a few sizes too small, the bottom half of it treading above her giant bare ass, no longer able to fit into any of her own panties. A wide grin crossed her face as she slowly panned her view down to Naomi half a foot below her newly grown size. "Naomi? Wow. You look…amazing!" She laughed trying to hold back her excitement seeing her new body beside them. "You do too! Wow!" Naomi put on a face, acting excited when really she suddenly got worried seeing her growing body now over a head taller than her. "Oh fuck…she's already as big as Natasha. Wait a second…how is she growing? Did she get some of the supplements somehow?" Naomi thought to herself frantically, she shot a quick stare up at Kate as she shrugged and shook her head. "Ok! I won't take up anymore of your time girls…unless you want…breakfast!" She laughed looking back at the two of them. Kate's stomach loudly growled in response looking back at Naomi who began to roll her eyes. "Alright, but let me at least measure you two." - "Ok." - "Oh, alright, no problem! You two, go downstairs, I'll start cooking in a moment." They nodded, going back down the steps and into the kitchen. Lisa smirked looking down at the other three bottles turning to go look for something in her dresser.

A few moments later Lisa bounded down the steps feeling her new curvy body jiggle and bounce with every step downwards turning herself on as she got closer to the bottom. "So bouncy…nngh."  She sighed, turning the corner into the kitchen still holding back the urge to touch her new body. Her head tread a few inches away from the entranceway going into the kitchen holding a big water bottle. "Hey girls." She said innocuously getting out different ingredients, like eggs, sugar, flour, water, along with measuring cups and other utensils. "Hi." - "Ok. Hold still." Naomi pulled out her measuring tape, loosening it and holding it far above her head just an inch away from her head. She struggled and Kate giggled, taking the tape from her and placing it next to the wall with a bit of adhesive tape. Naomi sighed looking up next to it as Kate turned around seeing her height. "7'9." - "What?!" - "Holy shit." - "Oh my god." The three of them were shocked as Naomi quickly butted in trying to measure herself. "Wait. Hold on, how tall am I?" - "Oh, you're taller too…5'10." - "Yeah I had a little bit of that bottle I gave you, remember? I can't believe I actually grew a little off that small bit that I had, this is crazy." - "Yeah. It's nothing compared to…two feet and…three inches? I mean that's fucking crazy. I had no idea I was growing this much until my head bumped into the ceiling last night, haha!" - "I should've never given you that much of the supplement…I'm so sorry." - "Oh. Don't worry, I actually love it! Having grown this big has a lot of advantages." Kate smiled back at Naomi who was totally beaten red blushing in the cheeks feeling her giant body smothering her, squeezing her between her giant breasts.

Lisa bit her lip trying to keep quiet as the growth enzymes started to affect her body rapidly starting in her chest, she moaned softly feeling her breasts rise up expanding a bit larger, filling up into juicy K cups the size of two huge jiggly volleyballs. She could feel every inch of her thick body bulge growing larger again, tingling all over as she played it off like nothing was wrong. Her body bounced up, growing bigger and larger, feeling the loose sweater wrapped around her luscious body begin to strain with every growth spurt onwards. Her perspective jumped up as she started to gain height, climbing up the cabinets growing bigger and rising up taller. She grew up and up every few seconds or so trying to keep calm as she mixed together the pancakes. She thought to herself, "I wonder if…it works as a substitute…I'll make sure to add lots of the special ingredient." She couldn't help herself, she started giggling softly lifting up the container. Her hands fiddled with the water bottle taking off the lid and pouring in more of Kate's special milk instead of water into the mix. She happily poured it all in without them suspecting anything grinning devilishly as the mixture began to thicken into a smooth consistency.

Naomi felt her feet touch back onto the floor as Kate let go of her tight hug around her smaller body. Kate continued to duck lower trying to avoid the ceiling as she crawled over toward the table sitting down taking up the entire left side of the dining room space. Naomi turned to Lisa and asked, "Hey, Lisa come over, let me measure you." - "Oh…just a second dear…nngh!" Her body jostled growing even larger as she rose up another inch taller blushing as her blanket began to constrict around her chest rising up above her bubbly booty as it began to get smaller around her expanding body. Naomi started to get nervous seeing her walk up beside her no longer reaching her chest, she had grown a whole head and shoulders taller than her now dwarfing her size. "Whoa…she's definitely growing bigger…she was a lot smaller just a minute ago." Naomi thought to herself looking at her line up against the measuring tape. "6'7…holy shit." - "There's no way you're growing that fast." - "My goodness…I didn't think I was that big already." She gulped looking over at the door frame watching it match her height and then suddenly sank lower again and again as she moaned growing even taller. "Wait…hold on…she's growing again!" - "Mom!" - "Awhn!" - "6'8…6'9…Umm…she's really getting big now…" - "Sorry…I drank another bottle…it tasted so good…" Lisa moaned looking down at Naomi as she bounced up another inch taller, now an entire foot larger towering over her seeing her head now under her tremendous chest. "Mom!" - "Drank…what?" - "Well…maybe you should tell her sweetie." Lisa smiled seeing her eyes now lining up over the top of the entranceway into the kitchen. She smirked feeling warm again as she rose up another few inches taller looking down at Naomi getting even smaller now dwarfing her size as she easily was now far past head and shoulders down by her belly. Kate pouted seeing Lisa now only half a foot away from the kitchen ceiling, barely able to keep her sweater from flying off her giant chest. She looked down at her bare ass now sticking out from under her tied up sweater unable to keep her cheeks covered up.

Kate rolled her eyes seeing Naomi's pensive gaze piercing through her as she scoffed. "She keeps drinking my breast milk…ever since I had that second packet of the super supplement my tits have been growing like crazy. It must have growth hormones or something in it because I just keep getting bigger." - "Oh…that's…" Naomi's words trailed off looking at her two bulging nipples hard and leaking with milk dripping down her chest as she gave it a light squeeze. "Look…they're so full…maybe…you could…suck on them a little?" Kate blushed looking down at Naomi who immediately responded with a face of shock. "Are you serious?!" - "Nngh…sorry they're just so swollen…I'm not sure, but maybe you'll grow too…" - "Uhh…" Naomi was speechless seeing her leaking breasts hanging over her like two massive globes of jiggly breast meat. "Ok…if it will help then…yeah…plus, I wouldn't mind getting a bit taller." Naomi was quickly hypnotized seeing her massive breasts jiggling above her as she lowered her towering body down to her level. She hoisted up her humongous titty holding her big milky nipple the size of a golf ball. She approached her pushing her lips around it as she licked tasting it for the first time. She let out an affirming moan muffled by the milk now flooding into her mouth. She tasted its juicy sweetness before draining it down her throat. She was enjoying herself, unable to resist her soft and squishy breasts squeezing them to release more sweet milk past her luscious lips.

Lisa started to get jealous seeing her suck on her big juicy breasts drinking down her potent milk about to transform into something much bigger. Her luscious lips latched onto her huge jiggly soft breast sucking more and more as she began to dribble down her chin dripping onto her open cleavage in her sports jacket. The warm tingling feeling flowed throughout her entire body begging to build up and up as she moaned again. She began to grow again as she drank down more of her potent milk growing inch after inch taller and thicker. Her previously busty athletic body began to shape into something more erotic. Her ass bubbled up becoming giant and juicy as she quickly passed six feet tall in height bulging with growth all over her body. Her cleavage joined in and expanded bigger and bigger rising up and out of her top growing several cup sizes bigger growing from two juicy cantaloupes into massive milky melons, filling up into huge G cups. Her hand reached down grabbing onto one of her own breasts moaning louder, muffled by a mouthful of her big milky nipple and juicy breast smothering her mouth and around her cheeks. She blushed, feeling overwhelmed by how much milk she was producing as she gasped opening her mouth to get some air. "Mmph. Aah…wow…that tastes really good." - "You too, huh?" - "I told you, dear." Lisa grinned, making her special pancakes, pouring out the batter onto the wide square pan.

Kate smiled still blushing hard as she looked down at Naomi's cute face wet with her milk around her mouth and cheeks. "I wonder how much you're going to grow." - "Yeah…I'm already growing, I can feel it, you want to measure me?" - "Yeah, but first…can you suck the other one…?" - "Oh…right, yeah." Naomi blushed leaning over and opened her mouth immediately shoving her titty into it. She moaned sucking and latching her tongue and lips onto her right breast now having a second wind. Lisa started to really get envious now, assuming Kate would've offered her the other since Naomi appeared to be struggling. "She's going to get really big…are you sure this is a good idea?" Lisa rolled her eyes finishing plating the pancakes as she started putting them onto the table and getting everything ready. "Aww…I doubt she'll get any bigger than me." Kate slowly put her fingers through her hair stroking it softly as she released her mouth for a moment catching her breath. "Ugh…it's so much…sorry Kate." Naomi coughed and started to feel sick starting to reel back away from her. Kate reached back out and grabbed the back of her head and squeezed the other around her breast letting loose a powerful squirt from her nipple directly into her mouth. "It's ok…just…keep going…mhm…just like that." Kate held her there pushing her wet breast into her face shoving her swollen nipple into her mouth forcing her to take even more.

Naomi started to have a second wind biting down gently as she released more of her potent milk past her now swollen juicy lips. Her body grew even more tremendous getting taller an inch every so often bumping up in her chair growing larger and larger. She quickly grew up and up as Kate began to adjust to her head rising up every so often. It wasn't long until she started to get closer to six and a half feet still growing rapidly straining her jacket against her burgeoning chest. Her breasts began to double in size growing several cup sizes larger forcing the zipper down her chest to make room for their incredible size. She grew and grew becoming thicker and heavier bursting through the delicate seams of her tight gym shorts. The fabric tightened across her waist stretching it out to its limit as her big booty grew into a massive jiggly mountain. The wooden chair under her huge growing booty began to creak and crack as her body grew even bigger with every growth spurt bouncing up inch after inch rising taller becoming a busty amazon now far over six and a half feet climbing closer to the seven foot tall mark. Her clothes couldn't take the strain anymore, ripping down her tremendous thighs and huge legs bursting through the seams. "Oh my god!" - "Mmph!" - "My goodness…she's growing so fast." The other two ladies gasped hearing her body outgrowing her own clothes tearing open the sleeves in her jacket as her arms grew longer and stronger.

Her large lips popped off her nipple leaving a trail of milky saliva as she cleans herself off still trembling with pleasure. "Ahh…hah…that was a lot." Naomi looked down at her massive ass now spilling over the sides of the small chair beneath her getting up and giggling. "Holy shit, I'm so tall now!'' She rose up to her full height looking up at her, meeting her eye level at her upper chest staring into her endless ocean of cleavage. "See? I'm still bigger…haha." Kate giggled, placing her hand onto her head, measuring it back now above her shoulders slightly. "Wow! You really grew a lot though, let's get an accurate measurement." - "Wow…" Lisa looked over at her newly grown body, basically at eye level with Naomi who was only a few inches shorter than her now.

She blushed looking over back at her meeting her gaze with glimmering eyes filled with envy. "You're almost as tall as me…" Lisa stepped closer, her chest bouncing out of control as she placed a large pile of special pancakes on the table. Naomi blushed feeling another wave of growth begin to surge throughout her body making her tingle. "Oh…" She rose up again taller, growing bigger and bigger, matching her height and size. Lisa immediately noticed the difference stepping up to her as she watched her jump up again another inch taller rising over her size. She continued her sentence trying to resist moaning loudly, feeling her body tingle intensely. "I think I'm bigger than you now…" Lisa gulped seeing her body rise up again growing past seven feet tall. "Looks like it…" - "I can't believe my tits are doing this." Kate grinned looking down at Naomi starting to grow taller than the doorway getting closer to the ceiling. "Let me measure you now." - "Mmm…ok." Naomi stood up beside the measuring tape giggling as Kate's eyes widened seeing her height now treading past seven feet tall. "Holy shit, you grew so much!" - "How tall am I?" - "A little over seven feet…7'2!" Lisa said, mumbling to herself seeing the pancakes on the table. Kate smiled looking down at both of them looking at Lisa standing up beside the measuring tape. "Wow, yeah you're 6'10, Naomi's taller." - "Holy shit, it's no wonder none of my clothes fit! I can't believe this is happening…this is crazy." Naomi said, looking at the rest of the room at her new perspective. "Ok! Let's eat." Lisa eagerly said down hearing the chair creak under her huge ass.

The other two large ladies joined her at the table, Kate sat down on the far end looking at the small chairs compared to her huge nearly eight-foot-tall body. She blushed, feeling embarrassed thinking back to last night when her giant body crushed the previous chair. She shrugged off the feeling looking down at her soft pillowy pancakes waiting to be eaten. They began devouring the special pancakes, eating happily as they looked over at each other. "So…when is the race?" - "Oh! It's Friday." - "That's tomorrow!" - "I know we have to train." - "After this big breakfast I'm going to blaze down that track." - "That's the spirit! We're going to crush the competition!" Naomi cheered as her body jumped up another inch taller feeling her chair begin to strain. Lisa felt a similar surge as she too began growing again slowly catching up to Naomi's height. Kate on the other hand was already passing eight feet tall growing larger and larger as her body expanded out taking up even more space around the kitchen table. They quickly finished up their places smiling and laughing, "Well, I hope you enjoyed breakfast!" Lisa chuckled knowing she put several cups of her potent hormonal milk into them feeling the warm tingling sensations building up inside them. They stood up immediately noticing their sudden shift in height.

Lisa grinned devilishly looking back at Naomi as she rose an inch taller to meet her height and then some as she began to have a growth spurt again. "Wait…we're still growing." Naomi thought as her chest began to fill up growing heavier and juicer grabbing them with her hands and feeling them overflow her palms. Lisa began to pout seeing Naomi bubble up with growth rising up several inches moaning loudly watching her eye level sink down her face toward her neck. Naomi gave in massaging her massive breasts as she rose taller and taller reaching several inches above Lisa's powerful size. "Goodness gracious! You're already taller than me." - "Yeah, she's catching up to me." - "Yeah? Measure me…nngh." Naomi rose up again another few inches leaving Lisa to slowly sink down to her chest at eye level. Naomi was getting huge her body began bulging with muscle and thickness. "Awhn! Oh…oh…OH! Fuck!" Noami roared with pleasure as she settled into her new size and shape, grabbing onto her giant ass as she felt it bulge with immense thickness and roundness jiggling it in her hand firmly. "I'm getting gigantic! Ow!" She immediately bumped her head on the seven-and-a-half-foot tall ceiling, suddenly unable to fit inside the kitchen.

"Oh, my god…" Kate blushed to see her rapidly catch up to her own height and size stopping short just a few inches. She watched her curves grow wider and more pronounced, expanding into a luscious amazonian goddess. "Wait a minute…why do I feel it again…" Kate blushed, feeling her stomach grumble after eating two stacks of pancakes. Her whole body began to get warm and tingly, remembering the warm inviting feeling of growth washed over her tremendous body. Her massive body jiggled shifting as she grew even larger, expanding outwards and becoming even more ludicrously luscious. Her giant ass bubbled up growing even more tremendously juicy, she moaned trying to stand up feeling dizzy from inadvertently drinking her own potent milk. Her hormones started to race to pant harder as Naomi held onto her arm worried. "Kate…are you ok?" - "Yeah…I'm alright. I think I just got bigger." - "Really? I think we're going to need to go outside, we're running out of room here. Haha!" Naomi laughed, shaking her massive breasts up and down as she turned looking down at Lisa several inches below her towering height. Kate snatched the measuring tape off the wall and pushed aside the other two amazons making her way out the back door.

The massive women ducked under the sliding door and made their way outside to the backyard finally able to stretch out to their full heights. Kate reached her arms to the sky yawning and moaning softly looking down at the other two measuring up to her tremendous eight-foot-tall body. She smiled, feeling the grass between her bare feet stepping into the backyard and looking at the trees around her now much shorter than before. "Everything is so…small." She blushed looking down at the lawn chair beside her huge legs as she looked back at the other two measuring each other. "You're just barely seven feet tall, Lisa!" She giggled looking back up as she stepped over to get her measurements. "Wow…you're 7'9, you're almost eight feet tall!" - "Ok now me!" Kate laughed, stomping over as she reached all the way up to measure her again, "Oh my god, you're 8'3!" - "Holy shit." - "Wow. Really?" Kate turned to look at her small finger above the eight-foot mark. She started to blush, getting turned on and looking down at the two of them. "Awhn…god I'm so much bigger now…" She grabbed onto her massive breasts squeezing and toying with them. "We should really get going." Naomi blushed to crane her head up only a little bit less than before at her new height. "Yeah…" - "How are you two going to fit?" Lisa looked way up craning her head up to the towering amazons still a bit jealous she didn't grow any bigger. "Uh…" - "I could maybe squeeze into the back, but I don't think either of us can fit into the driver's seat anymore." - "Oh. I can call someone. Hold on." - "Who?" - "Vincent, works as a field maintenance guy. He's got a pickup truck he uses for work." - "Great idea!" - "Um…we're all still very naked…we need to find something to wear. I'll be right back." Lisa stomped toward the sliding door ducking under it and going inside looking for anything to cover them up. - "Ok.- "Oh my god…I almost didn't realize I was standing here showing everything off." - "You look amazing." - "Ugh. Stop…you look even better." Kate leaned over grabbing onto Naomi's newly grown assets with a seductive stare. "What are you looking at?" Naomi said excitedly, moving her hands up and down her huge breasts. "You…" Naomi hugged her tightly gripping her hands and squishing her breasts harder. Kate could feel her heart pounding as her pussy began to throb with pleasure making her thighs tremble. Kate held onto her even tighter smothering her between her luscious curves. Her head poked out between her huge breasts meeting her for a soft kiss.

Chapter 6

Somewhere far away the wind whistled through a forest of tall pine trees surrounding a small building tucked away into a private estate. The building wasn't that big however it was of laboratory equipment, The giant-sized Russian superwoman, Ivanka, ducked under the entrance into a small laboratory filled with different tubes and glassware spread throughout its short walls. She quickly caught the attention of the guards outside, unable to take their gaze off her tremendously voluptuous body. Her amazonian body had grown again since last night, now to an enormous eight-foot-six monster of a woman. She was towering over everyone, most people were about as tall as her wide hips and she loved it, having grown over two feet taller and tripled her breast size still somehow wasn't enough though. She wanted more, she wanted to tower over buildings even though she could barely fit into her custom clothing that had been designed to be quite stretchy and was now nearly transparent, showing off her two couch cushion-sized breasts bouncing up and down as she stomped toward a Russian man. He stood only about 5'7 tinkering with his tools as he lifted his mask before turning around. "Hey, Boris. I am back." His rough grizzled face turned into an angry scowl tossing his hands up to his face, running his fingers through his hair anxiously as he approached her seeing his eye level down near her belly way lower under her huge bountiful breasts. His eyes slowly panned up her giant amazonian physique only to be met by her gigantic breasts blocking most of her face. "Damn it woman, what did I tell you about overusing the supplements? You're fucking huge!" - "Hey…you said I could take as much as Natasha has…it's not my fault it's transforming me into a big beautiful giantess…aww…you aren't afraid of me now, are you?" She stepped up to him, putting her large hands on his small head, shorter than her huge and tall thighs.

Each of her legs were the entire size of his body reaching up to his shoulders, he gulped nervously struggling to maintain his composure as she ran her huge fingers through his hair laughing before shoving him deep into her massive curves. "Aww…come here." He felt her entire body jiggle at once as she held him closer, smothering him with her tremendous curves. "Mmph! Mmph!" She smashed her giant breasts into his face mashing his head between them. "Hm? What's wrong…am I too big for you now?" She continued to bully him, leaning over and smothering him with her breasts each double the size of his head. "Where's the new supplement…you said it would be ready..." - "Let me go! Argh!" He struggled to even make her move even slightly; her giant breasts held him together sandwiched between them as she giggled watching him struggle fruitlessly against her magnificent new size. "Alright…fine." She rolled her eyes pushing him out of her titty hold standing back up to her full height dwarfing him in size. "God damn it, woman…I was busy synthesizing the new formula…since the first one had some strange side effects." - "Da, so?" He cleared his throat nervously explaining, "Well, I managed to remove the bad side effects, but I'm not sure how effective it is until I test it." - "Oh? Let me see…I'd like to try some." - "No! You're way too big now! I haven't tested it on anyone yet, we need a clean test subject." - "Are you calling me…dirty?" - "No…that's not what I meant." - "I can be dirty…" Ivanka lifted up one of her huge breasts bouncing up and down as she moaned, twisting her hard nipples. "Come on…look at how beautiful I've become because of you..." She licked her large luscious lips as she lifted her other breast squeezing it against the other. "Awhn…don't you want to see just how much more beautiful I'll get?" - "You know I want to see…results…" He began to look serious looking back at his lab station for the final product.

Ivanka sighed stepping over to the other side of the small room sitting down and spreading her legs wide. She blushed, motioning her hands down to her wet pussy stroking it softly as she watched him work. He kept hearing the occasional moan followed by a shake of glass equipment next to her as she trembled with delight. He started to get annoyed hearing her moaning and groaning behind him as he finalized synthesizing the new super serum. He lifted up a vial of the bright blue super serum looking at the crystal clear color and examining it for any trace contamination. "It's done." He said confidently looking back at her giant jiggly body still fingering her raw aching vagina. "Excellent…" She cooed standing back up to her gigantic height towering over him as she leaned down and smiled before taking the vial from his small hands. "I can't believe I'm doing this…you're going to become a giant." Boris gulped watching her quickly suck down the vial looking down at his small body compared to her overhead and shoulders tall goddess-like figure. "Giantess…" - "What?" - "I hope I grow that big…" She stood over him giggling as her body began to tingle all over. "I feel it…"

Her body began to tingle all over as she got giddy, jumping up and down and jiggling her huge body in excitement. Her mood shifted completely as the effects of the serum had been altered. The whole room began to twist slightly as she sunk down half a foot feeling everything around her get bigger. The room around her warped, getting larger and larger as she sunk down seeing his head getting closer to her head. "What the?!" - "I'm sorry…my love." - "Ahh!" Her body shrunk down again and again feeling her clothes loosen around her massive melons seeing her perceptive suddenly drop half a foot down shrinking down to seven feet tall in a matter of seconds. "What have you done!?" He smirked watching her giant breasts slowly come down into his view as his eye level raced up her shrinking body. She screamed, feeling her body shrinking down even further to six and a half feet tall, lowering down closer to his height, still a foot or so taller. "You should be ashamed of yourself for what you and our sweet Natasha did to Dimitri." She screeched like a banshee suddenly shrinking all the way back down another half a foot down to her original size, her clothes started to loosen around her arms, and her legs slowly got way too small for them to slip out and become nude in a matter of seconds. She looked down at him with a fury still standing at her six-foot-tall stature down at him nearly half a foot below her head. "Change me back now!" She screamed latching onto him, starting to squeeze his arms tightly. "Argh!" He grunted feeling her hands dig into his arms suddenly becoming weaker and weaker as she shrunk down again suddenly dropping all the way down to his eye level. "No…no…no!" - "You will be much easier to handle now…sorry…I cannot trust you after what you have done." - "You can't do this!" Her body continued to shrink smaller and smaller until she finally stopped around five feet tall, still boasting incredible juicy curves and massive bowling ball-sized breasts, just shrunk down to the short height of five feet tall, a bit shorter than the average woman.

She started to panic looking forward and seeing her eye level now just an inch or so above his shoulders looking up at him over half a foot taller than her new short height. Just moments ago she was absolutely towering over him with a goddess-like amazon-sized body and now she had shrunken down to a fairly average five feet tall in comparison. She looked furious, having to crane her head up to see her husband's head now over half a foot above her own. "I want to be bigger! This isn't how I was before, change me back to normal at least!" - "I'm sorry, I can't do that my love…plus look at how cute you are at this new size." He smirked cupping her huge breast in his hand and twisting her big swollen nipples between his fingers. She moaned reluctantly, suddenly falling over onto his broad chest feeling the intensity of how sensitive they had become. Her mind started to feel dull as she was overcome with erotic sensations starting to crave sex, she ran her fingers down to her throbbing pussy. She started rubbing herself harder and harder and stuck out her tongue whimpering seductively as her cherry-red clit started to pulsate again and again. "Why…am I so horny…awhn!" - "A little something I added into your special mix." - "Fuck you…awhn!" She couldn't resist plunging her delicate fingers into her tiny tight vagina.

He let go of her breast letting it drop back on her chest with a resounding slap listening to her moan moving her other hand up to her chest squeezing her nipples and groaning. He smiled watching her quiver with pleasure looking down at her cute, short, and still incredibly busty body jiggle with every motion of her fingertips. Her small fingers danced on her swollen clit unable to stop pleasuring herself. “Awhn…what about…Natasha…? Did you give her another dose?” She questioned him, worried about her performance in the competition. “Ahh…do not worry my dear…I’ve made her an extra special blend of the super serum, there’s no way she could possibly lose…she’s going to be a whole leg above the competition!” - “Oh…no…awhn…” Ivanka couldn’t help herself continuing to toy with her wet pussy feeling her fingers starting to get soaked and at the same time worried about Natasha growing into the monstrous giantess of her own dreams looking back up at her husband who was taller than her now feeling intimidated and dwarfed by his size.

She continued to moan still sounding a bit distressed starting to whine to him, “Awhn…Boris…please…fuck me…” She started rubbing his cock under his tight black dress pants squeezing together her enormous chest staring at his package longingly. “Should I…you’ve been such a bad girl.” He reached over her short busty body and grabbed onto her big bubbly ass grunting loudly squeezing it tight. “Awhn! Please!” She shouted as his rough hands passed by her wet pussy grabbing the sides and spreading them wide from behind. “Wow…this is a powerful aphrodisiac after all...I’ve never seen you this wet before.” - “Please, I can’t take it anymore! I feel like it’s on fire…fuck me…please…fuck me…I need your big fucking cock right now!” She begged him oozing with pleasure rubbing her huge ass on his erection hidden beneath his pants, humping his crotch over and over as she began to drool with immense lust.

Her heart began beating out of her chest as her inhibitions lowered unable to control her sexual desires. Her big bubble booty bounced on and off his dick as he quickly unzipped his pants and let them fall to the ground. She laid down spreading her legs as he slammed his cock inside her oozing vagina nearly screaming with every thrust into her incredibly wet pussy. He thrust back and forth over and over as she screamed “Awhn…your cock feels amazing, so big!” - “You’re so small and cute now…I need to be careful not to hurt you.” He jammed his big dick inside her going even deeper as she roared in immense pleasure, quivering as he latched onto her huge juicy ass pounding her wet pussy harder. "Yes, yes, yes! FUCK! I'm gonna…AWHN!"" She screamed again and again writhing in pleasure as he plunged deep into her wetness with his hard throbbing cock, she could barely take it about to climax shaking with incredible delight.

She shook with pleasure finally cumming he felt her body trembling with joy and hate at the same time clenching her teeth as her wet pussy came over his dick finally squirting out all over her thighs and legs. She moaned panting as she fell onto the desk barely able to move as the orgasm left her breathless. She moaned softly, turning back over toward him to thank him, but then she felt it again. Her pussy began to throb again feeling the tingling sensation returning again. "Aww…no more…please." She begged as her body slowly began to shrink even smaller watching her perspective drop down from under his neck even farther down his broad muscular chest. Her body shrunk exponentially still keeping most of her thickness and curvy assets, especially her breasts still remaining about the relative size of two huge squishy bowling balls in her arms. "No…no…no please, I don't want to get any smaller!" She begged as her body shrunk down to around four and a half feet tall into a tiny yet incredibly voluptuous woman. "I can't stop it now…I'm sorry it seems the formula wasn't done affecting you." - "What am I supposed to do now?!" She was only getting more upset, fuming with rage until she started to feel horny again.

The cycle began to repeat as she felt her heart beating faster and faster, inching her fingers down to her tiny aching pussy. "Damn it, Boris! I'm still so fucking horny! Mmph!" He grabbed onto her head and pushed her down forcing her to drop to her knees. She moaned and grabbed onto his thick cock starting to feel intimidated by his size. He grunted latching onto her hair, shoving his throbbing erection into her mouth. She couldn't even fit his whole dick into her small mouth anymore, it only seemed to turn her on more, craving his big dick inside her tiny raw aching wet pussy. "Just relax…and enjoy yourself." He laughed pumping his big dick between her thick lips and holding onto her long black hair as she let out muffled moans sucking him off vigorously. Her long wet tongue lapped the tip of his hard cock, letting out a hot breath before taking it back into her mouth sucking harder. He felt himself getting close pulling on her hair as he thrust into her soft wet mouth. "I'm going to…" - "Mmph!" She felt his seed spurt into her mouth as she eagerly gulped down his cum sucking him dry. Her pussy quaked with pleasure hearing him and groaned loudly as she finished him off.

She wiped off her cute luscious lips got off the tiled floor and stood back up to her new tiny-sized body next to him. Her mood shifted again as he ruffled her hair measuring it against his body barely reaching his torso now. "Ugh! I'm so tiny! Can you change me back now…please?" She looked up at him smiling coyly as he responded by holding onto her breasts. She yelped, feeling his large hands handle them aggressively, twisting her nipples and pulling on them. "You're so cute at this size though…" - "Awhn…your hands are so big." His lips twisted into a knot as he looked down at her tiny size thinking to himself. "I can't make her bigger…not yet." She gave him the cutest glimmering look she possibly could squeezing together her giant tits and pushing them further into his big hands. "Come on…I've given you so much already…can you get me back to normal? Please?" - "Ok…but under one condition." - "Anything baby…"

He turned, retrieving a small and smooth metal ball off the desk, handing it to her a little bigger than her palm. "Put this in…" He gestured his hands down toward her vagina and she immediately blushed. "Oh…very kinky." - "If you don't behave…I have a device that will send a pulse to it which will calm you down." - "Mmm…ok, but you'll make me grow again? At least six feet tall…that's how tall I was…please Boris..." - "Fine. Put it in first." - "Mmm…ok…nngh." She moaned, feeling the ball slide into her pussy with a sudden pop as it slid between the folds of her swollen red vagina. "Oh! It's…kind of big." - "It will be a bit more comfortable once you're back to your original size." - "You know this was pretty fun…I wish you didn't trick me." She frowned looking up at him as he took a small remote out of his pocket turning it on she immediately felt a pulse shoot through her vagina. It rocked her world, vibrating as she nearly fell over from pleasure. "Sorry. Just testing." - "Fuck…" She felt a trickle of her own juices run down her thighs trembling as the metal vibrator sent another pulse through her forcing her to lose her balance. "Awhn!" She moaned loudly landing on his chest and grabbing her to prevent her from falling on the floor. "Wow. This thing is powerful." - "Please…no more…it's too much." She was breathing hard feeling her heart beating out of her chest as her breasts jiggled in unison holding her in his big arms.

"Ok…ok…here…drink just a little bit to counteract the reduction serum, I don’t want you getting any smaller." Opening his lab coat, he took out a vial of thick white creamy liquid holding it up to her small lips. Her heart started to pound out of her chest in excitement as she parted them tasting the concentrated super serum for the first time. "Mmph! *gulp…gulp…gulp…" She was in love with its taste drinking down a few big gulps before Boris tugged at it trying to take it away. She held on as tight as she could with her short arms, sucking down harder as he struggled to take it away without hurting her. "Ok, that's enough…Ivanka…let go!" She quickly sucked down most of it before he pulled the vial out aggressively, spilling all of the leftover serum all over her huge bountiful breasts. He looked back in horror at the empty vial watching her skin absorb the rest of the growth serum rapidly as she licked her large luscious lips clean. "Damn it, woman! You weren't supposed to have that much!" - "Oops…" She giggled devilishly looking back up at him as he went to grab the remote. "No, please!" She moaned loudly feeling the vibrations rumble in her raw aching vagina rolling her eyes back and falling onto her knees writhing in immense pleasure.

Letting out long heavy breaths she vigorously masturbated, fingering her tight little pussy harder and harder, feeling her vagina about to erupt again. She trembled oozing with endless sexual desire as her libido only grew stronger with every orgasm. Her fingers were soaking wet from her luscious swollen pussy dripping down her thighs feeling the metal ball pulse and shake sending her over the edge. It wasn't long until she began to grow again, inching up larger and thicker as she moaned even louder. Her vagina quivered with immense pleasure and desire, feeling another major growth spurt about to run its course. Her body suddenly shifted back up a couple of inches taller, starting to grow back to her old height and stature. He stepped forward helping her off the floor and he immediately noticed her change in height as she slowly inched up past five feet tall. She pushed her voluptuous body onto him bulging with growth as her body began to expand, becoming heavier and becoming even more ludicrously voluptuous. "Ivanka…are you alright?" He muttered as she panted harder, completely overwhelmed by both the reduction serum colliding with the extra strength super serum feeling light-headed and incredibly horny. Warm and hot sensations rolled over her body as she squeezed him tightly trying to get closer to him, slowly rising up taller, gaining size as she continued to grow bigger. "You're burning up." He felt her huge breasts pressed up against his chest slide up his as she started to rub her nipples against his chest. "You did this to me…this feeling…so intense…it's coming on again…" She mumbled as her body shot up again, growing another few inches nearly reaching his eye level around five and a half feet tall, now a bit taller than average and bubbling with intense sexual desire.

He gulped nervously knowing that giving her another dose of the reduction formula would have no effect paired with such a strong growth serum. He was starting to get afraid of calculating how much height and weight she would soon gain, barely able to process what was happening again as she moaned, interrupting his train of thought. “Y-you’re growing so fast.” - “It feels…AMAZING!” She shouted as her body began to grow all over becoming even more juicy and curvaceous, growing bigger and bigger until she rose over him and back to her original height of six feet tall. “Ah…you look like you're close to your normal height now.” - “Yes! Thank you, baby.” She leaned down kissing him as she let out a muffled moan letting her tongue lash around his feeling horny as ever, he struggled against her size looking up almost half a foot to her rising face. “Ivanka- Mmph!” He tried to resist pushing her away, but she had outgrown his size again forcing her mouth onto his as he struggled relentlessly against her six-foot-tall height. “Mmm!" She smooched him a few times giving him big juicy kisses as he reached for the remote pressing it a few times and hearing her roar with pleasure muffled by her bouncy lips. Her juicy lips snapped off his moaning loudly as the remote vibrator rumbled inside her aching pussy. She sighed, whining with pleasure, letting him go as she felt her body getting warm again.

Her body trembled, growing even larger, becoming another couple of inches taller, rising way over his head, rising past her normal height quickly becoming an amazon again. “Oh no…shit.” - “Awhn…am I getting bigger?” She moaned growing up a few more inches and becoming even more ludicrously luscious. “I knew this was going to happen…” He started to really get nervous watching her jiggle towards him, smothering him with her giant breasts that were now the size of huge watermelons. "Mmm…that's ok…I like being bigger…" -  'I knew I shouldn't have given you more- mmph!" - "Shh…everything will be fine. I'm still growing…so…hold on tight." She cooed in pleasure as the new super serum began to make her grow bigger and bigger, he could hardly breathe being totally encompassed in between her huge growing breasts as she rose up and up quickly passing six foot three as she began to speed up in her growth spurts. "Mmm…yes…I love getting bigger!" - "Mmph! Mmph!" She giggled feeling her body now rising rapidly she looked down seeing her perspective jump up as he dropped even lower past her humongous cleavage.

"Mmm…yes…I want to be back to my real size…bigger…more…" Another pulse shot through her entire body packing on thick sultry curves all over as she transformed into a busty amazonian goddess. She rose taller and taller as her growth spurts began to get faster and stronger she blasted back up past six and a half feet tall. The reduction serum was quickly counteracted by being absorbed by the rapidly multiplying growth enzymes fueling her massive body to become a giantess. She surged with growth transforming into a luscious goddess again rising up taller and taller until she passed six foot nine and then climbed up to a towering seven feet tall. "Now this is what I'm talking about, look at this figure! It's becoming absolutely marvelous!" She moaned looking down at his head barely reaching over her giant breasts oozing with cleavage. "Now you're the small one!" She was ecstatic, filled with energy and excitement as she jiggled her giant breasts between his face, shaking them side to side as his feet suddenly left the floor. She felt another rush run through her huge jiggly body making her grow even more tremendous in size. She expanded all over, lifting him off the ground as she quickly ascended all the way back up to her old size, a little over eight foot six. "Yes! Yes! YES!" She smirked, grabbing onto him, lifting him up and out of her cleavage, holding him under his arms like a child starting to giggle. "Haha! You're so small now!" - "No, you're getting huge! Shit, this wasn't the point of the punishment, now you're a giant again!" - "It's called a GIANTESS!" Her voice boomed as her body suddenly surged with growth, feeling her entire body tingle.

She bit her lip and moaned as her hands and arms grew larger and stronger around his body. She rose up several inches again growing way beyond her biggest growth spurt transforming into a towering ten-foot-tall amazon goddess now totally dwarfing him in size. She laughed looking up at the ceiling above her head, barely able to fit inside and stand up straight. "Oh my…I'm even bigger than I was before…this is…AMAZING!" She shouted again hearing her voice booming throughout the small laboratory still clutching onto her husband totally powerless against her giant size. "Argh…please be careful Ivanka!" He shouted starting to feel his chest and arms getting sore from her tight grasp around them. "Aww…you're getting tiny now compared to my huge body…let me put you down so I can get a better look." She finally leaned down all the way down to his level letting him go as he rubbed his back and arms. His face quickly turned to shock as she stood back up to her full height seeing his eye level now resting at her huge aching red dripping vagina. "Ivanka, you're…massive." He was nearly speechless seeing her towering body above him posing with seductive curves and tremendous jiggling assets. "Boris! Look at what you've created, I'm probably the tallest woman in the world now! Hahaha!" Her voice boomed through the lab as he watched her giant thighs jiggle and shake with ecstasy. She looked down seeing his minuscule body in comparison, looking at his tiny head about the size of her hand now, laughing to herself as she placed her giant palm on the back of it. He gulped nervously watching her begin to break the floor tiles with every step of her gigantic feet, she let go of his small head starting to move to the other side of the laboratory stepping over and onto a workstation and smashing it to pieces with her incredible weight. “Ivanka! Be careful!” - “Da. Sorry about that…everything looks…so tiny…” She smirked stomping down toward the doorframe barely reaching up to her huge and wide hips. She sighed ducking her head down trying to fit outside as she quickly realized she was too big for it now.

“Boris…I’m too big for the doorway, hahaha!” She started to laugh, trying to force her way through the doorway as her humongous bubble butt couldn’t fit through the space. Her two gigantic breasts rested on the floor squishing up around her chest and the doorframe as she squeezed them through with an aggressive push. “Nngh! Oh! There we go…mmm…oh yes…” She blushed feeling her body start to tingle again as her pussy continued to ooze down her incredible thighs giggling to herself. She felt her massive breasts begin to fill up even more, together they began taking up the space of an ocean of squishy and bouncy flesh the size of a loveseat spreading out even more as she continued to expand even larger. Her huge nipples protruded from each of her luscious breasts growing into engorged cola-can-sized milky monsters dripping luscious white-infused milk all over her chest and the floor shaking in ecstasy. He watched in horror as her gigantic ass began to spread out expanding even more ludicrously large bulging with growth becoming bigger and bigger. Her entire body was packed on with more and more weight growing bigger and larger than anyone before her, reaching eleven feet tall in a matter of minutes. "I'm stuck!" She screamed as she turned to her right seeing the doors down the hallway begin to shrink even smaller as she continued to grow even larger. "Ivanka!" - "Bring me more! I need to get bigger!" - "No! You're crazy!" - "I said…I WANT MORE!!!" Her back arched down, sticking her ass out toward him pushing herself off the side of the front-facing wall outside the room in the hallway, forcing her massive body to crash through the door frame buckling back into the laboratory onto her giant bubbly ass. The doorway collapsed leaving a pile of rubble in her wake she turned looking down at him giggling to herself as she quickly snatched him up with just a hand. "Hey! Put me down!" He struggled against her giant closed fist feeling his ribs begin to crack wincing in pain. "Auch! Stop! You're hurting me!" She giggled letting loose a bouncy set of jiggling jumps across the ocean of her now couch-sized breasts holding him above her lengthy river of bountiful cleavage. She smiled devilishly dropping him down between her giant breasts, squishing him between them as she cooed listening to him struggle. "Stop! Argh! You'll break the vial!" - "The what?!" She immediately plucked him out of her cleavage rustling his body and searching him when she found it, a glass vial containing the same milky white serum she took earlier. She held it up in her huge fingers holding it delicately about the size of a lighter in her giant hands.

"Ahh…yes. I'm going to become a real giantess." - "Wait! Ivanka…my love. Please listen to me…if you take this you will alert all of the authorities to this location and you will never get to grow again." - "Oh…and why do you think that?" - "They will take everything! Everything!" - "Da. I understand. You need to make more…" - "What?!" - "This little potion will only make me a little bit bigger…you need to make more…I need to become a true Giantess!" - "Oh no…please Ivanka…" - "Do it! Make as much as you can with what is here and I'll drink every last drop…and then we will see who's really the queen of this world!" Boris started to sweat nervously, feeling her grip tighten as her body began to grow around him, making him feel even smaller and smaller as she grew another foot taller. She was gigantic, far exceeding any expectations he had for doubling the potency. "It seems to have a multiplicative effect on future growth spurts based on…how much she had taken before…so she should be…twelve feet tall…my god, she's not done growing yet." Boris gulped as she giggled hearing her voice echo across the entire building patting his head and lifting him close to her face. She pinched the vial between her fingers and placed it back into his tiny little pocket carefully loosening her grip around his entire torso. "Look at my little Boris…take this before I break it…I need a little favor from you, my love." She blushed looking down at her absolutely raw vagina, oozing down onto the floor as she moaned pleasuring herself feeling it cause her entire body to shake. She blushed to feel a rush of sensations warm her entire body up making her heart beat faster and faster, the side effects of the formula suddenly returned at triple the strength sending her into a coma of sexual pleasure. "I need you now!" She shouted, tearing off his pants with a thrust of her hand and wrist pulling them off his legs and snapping the belt buckle off with ease.

Luscious lips oozing with saliva licked and sucked his long dick engulfing it with warm wetness and making him twitch with immense pleasure. “Ivanka! Oh!” - “Mmph! Sshhh!” She scolded him forcing him to get immensely hard as her giant tongue lapped all over his stiff erection. She was relentlessly sucking him as hard as she could, enveloping his over six-inch cock inside her massive mouth wrapping it around her tremendously juicy lips. He couldn’t handle it about to erupt inside her, as she released him and plunged his entire body toward her vagina. He rocked his small body in her giant hands back and forth on her huge engorged clitoris, rubbing his dick over and over again. “Auch! Ivanka, you’re being too rough!” - “I’m…so close!” She roared with pleasure erupting as they both suddenly came, his throbbing cock spurting thick gooey loads all over her giant aching vagina as she shook with immense erotic sensations. The shiny metallic ball finally revealed itself from her giant wet vagina landing on the floor with a dull thud still vibrating as it slowly turned off. She sighed letting her giant body collapse crashing onto the rest of the lab as Boris felt her huge luscious curves smother him in a soft jiggly pocket of safety crashing down onto the other tables at the other end of the laboratory. He couldn’t believe his wife had grown to such an immense size, a staggering twelve feet tall, boasting two gigantic breasts taking up the space of a small sedan spilling out all over the sides of her chest as she laid down stretching herself out over the wreckage. She was colossal weighing in over half a ton over a thousand six hundred pounds of her massive body could crush most cars underneath her gigantic legs.

Boris felt her giant ocean of breasts trying to get out of the line of cleavage holding him down, he got onto his feet suddenly feeling his entire body smushed together. “Auch!” - “Where are you going, my little lover?” She cooed, smashing him between her breasts giggling as she rubbed her huge tits all over his smaller body between them. “Be careful! I still have the vial in my pocket!” - “Oh…come now…these big breasts are so soft…and big and bouncy.” She cooed blushing hard as she rubbed her nipples together moaning still flowing with sexual energy. “Please…let me go…I need to bring the serum to Natasha so she can win today.” - “Oh…I thought it was tomorrow…what happened?” - “They rescheduled the game, it’s happening in the next hour, you have to let me get over there…please.” - “I have a better idea…” Her huge hand plucked him out of her huge chest carefully holding him tightly. “Wait!” - “I’m going to take you there…haha…I mean come on I can probably outrun a little car now…don’t you think?” - “You will destroy the street! You’re crazy!” - “We need to get there fast, come on baby!” She giggled latching onto him and turning around toward the massive hole she left earlier that used to be the doorway out to the main hallway. He gripped on tight feeling his body being squished between her huge fingers still feeling the vial pressing up against his chest in his lab coat pocket as she bounded outside smashing through everything in her path.

Chapter 7

Kate stood outside the house patiently buzzing with energy and for once genuine happiness. Her massively tall and busty eight-foot-three amazon bodice shook from side to side making her big bubble butt jiggle in unison as she heard the door open behind her big round ass. Naomi stepped outside ducking under the doorframe now over a foot taller at her towering height of seven-foot-nine, she had grown bigger than most doorways. She was jiggling all over barely able to be contained underneath a loose layer of wrapped-together curtains looking like a toga skirt giving little support to her giant breasts that began to bounce chaotically on her chest as she approached Kate's even more tremendous size. She was basically spilling out of her makeshift dress made from her own wrapped-together bed sheets. "Oh…you look cute!" Kate blushed to see Naomi's head just about half a foot under hers a whole head taller than her. Still, Naomi was an amazon as well, now almost two feet taller than most people."Yeah? I feel…kind of chilly, I guess the Greeks didn't really have much winter weather, huh." They both laughed in unison jiggling and shifting their tremendous breasts with their powerful laughs.

A young man appeared by the sidewalk pedaling furiously on his bike as he quickly approached them. He got off his bike suddenly in shock as he looked up at the two tall busty amazons over two feet taller than him, he was beyond a whole head and shoulders shorter than both of them now barely able to focus seeing their huge breasts above his eye level panning back down to her long thick legs. "Whoa…you're just like her…but bigger…way bigger!" He gulped seeing Naomi get closer to him forcing him to crane his head all the way up to barely be able to see past her giant breasts. "Oh…you must be her coach-" - "Yeah. It's Naomi…what's it to you…shortie?" She interrupted him giggling at her new size difference. "Oh…I just wanted to…tell Kate-" - "Tell her what…hmm?" She intimidated him again, starting to turn herself on, asserting her dominance over him obsessing over her new towering size. "Naomi…come on you're scaring him…" Kate stepped forward looking down at his head barely reaching up to her enormous chest now eye level with her belly. "You're even bigger than her…holy shit…" His hands started to shake as he got even more afraid looking at the biggest set of breasts he's ever seen. "Bigger than who…?" - "That tall Russian chick." - "Natasha…" - "Hey, what's your name, little guy?" Naomi scoffed at her as he responded. "It's Jake. Listen, Kate, you got to get to the race track, they're starting the race in an hour because tomorrow is going to rain." - "No way." - "What?!" The two of them looked shocked together before immediately looking back down at him. "Is Natasha there?" - "Yeah, everyone is, you have to get there now if you want to race in the finals." - "Shit." - "Ok! It's no problem Vincent is on his way." - "Who's Vincent?" - "A friend of mine…" - "Oh…ok." - "Thanks for coming here and telling us!" Kate leaned all the way down to his level and laid a big wet kiss on his cheek. "Kate!" - "Oh…t-thanks…I gotta go, good luck today!" He quickly got on his bike and pedaled back to the college quickly as Naomi looked at Kate blushing to herself. "What the hell was that?" - "What…he looked so cute at his tiny little size." - "Jake's almost six feet tall, I don't think you don't realize how big you are now. You've really grown…a lot...you’re like at least a whole three feet taller than most women…hell most people barely reach up to your chest now." - "I know…but seriously he looked like four feet tall to me, he was so cute, haha!" Kate blushed imagining her on top of Jake slamming her wet vagina on top of his throbbing cock suddenly getting extremely horny. "Oh, here he comes!" - "Oh! Yay!" She shook off the feeling looking down at her rock-hard nipples continuing to turn red as the pickup truck roared up the driveway. The two girls waited as the pickup truck rode up alongside them immediately eyeing their giant lines of cleavage and towering size.

Vincent gulped nervously composing himself as his hand spread across his short black hair. He was fit and muscular, with a shadowy light beard covering most of his face. His bright blue eyes shimmered as he looked over at them still admiring their incredible bodies unlike he's ever seen before. "Hey, Naomi!" He called out parking his truck and looking over as they approached his window. His jaw dropped as he looked forward, seeing both of them far above the height of his driver-side window. "What the hell?! What happened to you two, you're both huge!" Naomi grinned lowering herself down into the window and showing off all of her majestic cleavage taking up most of the view. "Yeah, we started having some of these super growth spurts." She smiled wide trying not to giggle seeing him totally stunned by her gigantic breasts squished up against his window. "How tall are you now?" - "I'm seven foot nine…and we both took these growth supplements from this other Russian coach who started dosing her daughter with it. I struck a deal so we'd both be even during the race since you know…the bigger you are the faster you are, the more ground you can cover." - "My god…and how big is she?" Kate blushed looking down at the pickup truck barely reaching her chest seeing the window hardly reach her tall and wide hips near the bottom. "Oh, hi! I'm Kate, I'm eight foot three, last I checked. Haha!" She giggled sending waves of jiggles across her chest trying to push her way into the window ducking all the way down to its level. The truck suddenly slanted downwards to the right as the two amazons laid onto it hearing it creak loudly. "Naomi! Move over!" - "Ugh. OK hold on Vince." She blushed, lifting herself up as the truck readjusted to the weight, suddenly slumping back down again as Kate rested her absolutely gigantic breasts onto the window barely able to see past them. "Whoa…sorry I'm not quite used to my new size yet. I can barely see you in there, come on out for a second." She smiled looking past her enormous bust and seeing him slowly crack a nervous smile back. He unmatched his seat belt and watched her giant mammaries jiggle and settle again as she stood back up to her full height hearing the truck readjust as well with a loud creak. He gulped again trying to put aside his fears, opening the door and stepping down from the guard rail and onto the driveway.

He was in disbelief, they were absolutely massive, both a head and shoulders taller than him. By far the two biggest women he had ever seen, barely able to keep his jaw off the floor. They were tremendous both bursting with curves and luscious assets he could barely utter a word before they both started laughing looking down at him. His tall six-foot frame was way under both of their powerful bodies. His eye level was almost always met by either Naomi's giant bowling ball-sized breasts or a half foot higher up Kate's nearly beach ball-sized monsters looming over him. "Wow…" He said nearly speechless as they smiled down at him looking back at each other and starting to laugh louder. "God, you're so cute down there!" - "Ugh! Come on Kate, we're going to be late." - "Hey, you rhymed! Hahaha!" Kate giggled sending waves of bounces across her cleavage as he tried his best not to get turned on watching their incredible voluptuous bodies jiggle and shake over him. "Y-yeah so…I guess I can take you both in the back." - "Oh yeah? Do you think you're big enough? Hahaha!" Kate couldn't stop laughing, making sexual comments looking down at his small body beside hers and began to turn her on like crazy. "Kate!" - "Ugh. Relax Naomi, you're starting to sound like my mom." - "Ok…let's just go." She said sheepishly moving toward the back of the pickup truck.

Kate and Naomi looked down at him took out his keys and unlocked the hatch on the back. "So, how do you know Naomi?" Kate pried seeing his head turn back toward her huge chest as she looked down blushing. "Haha…well…" - "We used to date." Naomi rolled her eyes looking back down at him before stepping onto the back of the pickup hearing it creak and shunt downwards from her weight. "Christ, Naomi," Vincent uttered seeing her giant ass and pussy on full display as she made her way to the top of the truck bed sitting down. "What…?" - "Nothing…you're just heavy as hell now." - "Are you calling me fat?" - "No…I just…goddamn." Vincent sucked his teeth looking back over at Kate who has grown even bigger than Naomi. She motioned on next and dragged the entire truck down even further to the ground as she climbed onto it. She sprawled out on the other side of the truck bed seeing her long legs nearly touching the door on the other side. "Alright, let me just close the door and get us moving." - "Hey, Vince?" He looked over with anticipation as she smiled, "Thanks for doing this." - "Oh, it's no big deal! Really, anything I can do to help." - "Thanks, Vince." Kate blushed to feel the familiar sensation of horniness start to pulse in her pussy. "Of course…no problem." He cleared his throat seeing her begin to bite her lip as Naomi looked over and scoffed. Vincent went in the front sitting inside the driver's seat he plunged the key into the ignition and turned it on.

The girls laughed and talked in the back of the truck bed feeling every bump on the road making their giant busty bodies shake and jiggle, jostling around without anything holding them down beside their incredible weight which was astronomically higher than before. They both had grown quite heavy since taking the super supplement and had gained over double their own weight in pounds from growing over a foot taller. Naomi was over four hundred and forty pounds and Kate was an astonishing six hundred and sixty pounds, both of their giant amazon bodies together weighed over half a ton. Needless to say, the truck bed was struggling to maintain its weight as it creaked over every little dip and bump in the road toward the college campus. The two huge ladies started to shiver slightly, feeling the wind whipping over their amazonian bodies as the truck roared over into the campus parking lot. All eyes were on them as he drove them up to the sidewalk near the entrance to the auditorium. The truck creaked loudly again as they both got up and stepped off back onto the sidewalk. "Thanks again!: Kate called out to Vincent, feeling her heart beating out of her chest awaiting his reply with bated breath. "Anytime!" She shouted as he pulled off back onto the road. The two girls looked back at each other letting out a long sigh as they both looked over to the track and field course behind the large gymnasium building already packed with students.

Out on the field things were getting tense, everyone was making arrangements for the race. Athletic, toned, and muscular girls of all shapes and sizes began to fill out the field, some stretching out their lean and beautiful bodies while others hydrated, squirting long streams of icy cold water from their sports bottle past their delicate lips. A sports coordinator looked up at Ivanka and her two gigantic feet planted into the grass beside the race track. He approached cautiously adjusting his shirt as he nervously watched his eyes level far beneath her towering thighs. "Coach Ivanka…how did you grow this much…I mean this is insane, you must be over ten feet tall!" - "You're off by about two feet, tiny man. You are much smaller than the last time we met, your head was about as tall as my chest and now…well…one of my legs is taller than you!" - "Holy mother of god…I didn't think I would ever meet a twelve-foot-tall woman. This is amazing." He couldn't stop fawning over her, unable to see past her gigantic breasts on full display casting their own shadow over him blocking the bright sunlight shining down onto the field.

Inside the locker room and showers the long raven-haired Russian amazon, Natasha towered over everyone around her making her way into the showers in the locker room. She bounded past the other girls an entire head and shoulders taller than them now at her incredible seven-and-a-half foot tall. She passed by sending slight tremors across the lockers over a foot and a half taller beside them, smirking as she could see across the entire room no matter where she looked. Her huge juicy body jostled shifting side to side attracting attention from the other contestants. A tall athletic American girl gulped nervously staring at her gigantic breasts bouncing in her stretchy custom black top dripping with envy and biting her lip. One of her big bouncy breasts was nearly double the size of someone's head. She was huge, to say the least, struggling to fit in the shower room as she looked up seeing the ceiling above her just a little over half a foot away. "I'm…so big…" She smirked looking down at the shower head sticking off of the wall way down by her giant breasts. "So tiny…" She giggled starting to wash herself off cooing as the warm water slowly trickled down her incredibly luscious curves. She leaned all the way down far past her hips to grab a big bottle of body washes much smaller in her large hands. She lathered herself up taking more than a few generous pumps of soap before being able to completely cover her now thick amazonian physique. Some time went by as she massaged her large watermelon-sized mammaries she heard the sound of footsteps entering the locker room.

A tall buxom blonde athlete, Jessica, made her way toward the lockers stretching out her taller than the average height of five foot nine. She stretched before fiddling with the latch on her locker, opening it to reveal her change of clothes, a gym bag, and a couple of spare sets of underwear. She began to strip, taking off her bra and revealing her supple C-cup breasts as she motioned down to them caressing them for a moment before taking off her panties tightly bound around her tight shapely butt. Her cute blonde ponytail swung around as she continued to get nude looking back over at the showers and hearing it turn on. "Hmm…I waited just so I would be alone…who's in here?" Jessica sighed walking over casually to the shower area immediately shocked at what she saw. H-hi…" She stammered walking on the blue and white tiled floor and up to her own shower a few drains away from hers. Natasha turned still ducking her head down slightly looking over at her over a foot below her towering height. "Hello." She said, coddling her giant soap-covered breasts in her big hands and looking down at her head somewhere down below her seven-and-a-half-foot tall body. "Wait…holy shit! Natasha?!" She suddenly realized it was the Russian girl she had seen on the field before crushing record times. "Mhm…" - "You're huge! What the fuck! Weren't you like a little over six feet tall yesterday? Are you taking growth hormones or something?  you're fucking huge!" She immediately got envious looking down at her giant tits and feeling embarrassed and also jealous at the same time. Natasha grinned devilishly and approached her slowly lining her wet body over hers, dwarfing her in size as she pushed out her huge tits. "Something like that…do you want to…grow? I can make you…bigger." She smiled looking down at her as she couldn't take her eyes off her huge breasts, big, soft, round, and sopping wet, just above her eye level, nearly hypnotized by their immense size and shape. "Um. Yes! Hahaha! Of course, I'd love to get even close to your size, that would be awesome!" Her eyes twinkled with naivete as the Russian amazon girl smirked, squeezing her giant nipple and letting out a stream of her potent breast milk. "Mmm…go ahead…get a taste." - "Uhhh…that's not what I expected." She hesitated to look up at her as she grabbed the back of her head shoving her face into it. "Mmph! God, they're dripping…are you sure about this?" - "Mhm…you want to grow, yes?" She moaned, opening her mouth as she put her big gumball-sized nipple between her lips. "Well…yeah…ok….mmph!" She sucked on her big milky nipple, biting down and immediately tasting her potent hormonal milk, getting hooked on its flavor.

"Mmph…this is so weird…why do you taste so good?" White streams of her potent hormonal milk dribbled down her cheeks squeezing her breast and biting down on her engorged nipples releasing more into her mouth. She started to feel something swallowing her down more and more starting to feel tingly and warm. The sensation began to intensify the more she drank compounding in her body as it began to tremble with growth. It started around her thighs becoming plump, growing thicker as her ass began to inflate larger. Natasha moaned holding on to her head feeling her big soft lips becoming larger suck down on her nipple pulsating with sensitivity. "Yes…that's it…drink more…awhn." The huge Russian girl moaned as her thighs began to tremble, motioning her hands down to her throbbing clit. Jessica was too busy focused on her huge nipple squirting out sweet warm milk she continues to swallow down to notice Natasha's fingers begin to penetrate her pussy. They both moaned in unison, turning each other on as Jessica's head slowly began to rise upwards growing in spades.

Natasha felt her head resting under her huge breasts bump up higher as her entire body began to grow rapidly. Jessica only grew bigger, heavier, and exponentially larger, gaining size rather quickly as her legs grew longer and more curvaceous. Her toned legs began to grow more as they plumped up becoming much more voluptuous. Her lips became heart-shaped, puffing up, growing large and luscious. Her big bouncy lips continued to suck down on her huge milky nipple releasing more of her potent growth hormones into her system. It wasn't long until the hormones began to affect her two moderately sized breasts suddenly filling up, growing heavier and juicer, gaining cup sizes rapidly filling up past D-cups and then DDs and even more as they plumped up bigger and bigger growing rapidly into huge DDD cups. They were enormous and incredibly sensitive, sending her into a sexual trance unable to control herself. She started to let out muffled moans, feeling a pressure building inside of her chest again, feeling the sensation spread around her thighs and down to her vagina. She immediately felt it increase in sensitivity starting to make her horny, her pussy got wet motioning her other hand down to start touching it as it began to drip. Jessica's body was on fire feeling the constant tug of an aching throb within her soaking pussy began to make her entire luscious body tremble with growth. She rose taller still attached to her big swollen nipple sucking down more as her body overdeveloped becoming increasingly voluptuous gaining weight and size exponentially. She grew bigger, gaining inch after inch and sucking down on her precious milk. It wasn't long until Jessica had grown three inches taller, rising past six feet tall. Her mouth popped off her nipple, swallowing the last bit before stopping and looking back up at her towering body shaking with excitement. She cooed, shoving her head back between her breasts, feeling her entire body trembling about to reach a climax. They both suddenly came unable to control themselves screaming with pleasure as the showers continued to pour down on them.

"What in the hell is going on here?" An authoritative voice called out past the steam coming off the hot showers. There was nothing, but silence in response as Natasha looked down with a stoic face at Jessica as she started to feel her potent growth hormones begin to dance inside her body. A seductive sultry body began to emerge as a foggy silhouette until finally getting close enough to her as she smiled looking down at her. "Jessica? I thought you were out in the field…wait for a second…are you…taller than me?" Jessica smiled now two whole inches taller than her coach Maxine who was five foot ten. "Um…I think so…mmm…you look smaller…nngh." Jessica held back a seductive moan as her body continued to grow taller being rapidly affected by Natasha's potent growth hormones. Her breast milk was causing her body to release growth hormones like crazy transforming her into a voluptuous goddess. She rose over her coach growing taller and taller until she grew over an astonishing six foot five feet tall. Her eyes dropped below her face and down under her chin nearly growing half of a foot taller in one big growth spurt. "Oh my god…" - "Uhh…" She was speechless as Jessica giggled feeling her breasts begin to tingle and get warm. "You're…a lot shorter than I remember, haha!" She moaned watching her breasts continue to expand, growing even bigger, filling up and out her chest into juicy melons growing into huge G cups. "Did you take some of that stuff Natasha has been using? She's fucking huge! Are you going to get that big?" Maxine started to panic seeing her tall busty body beside her giggle mischievously. She looked down and patted her on the head starting to speak in a condescending tone. "Aww…Max don't worry, at this rate, I'm going to grow so big and tall, I'm totally going to win! Hahaha!" She laughed hugging her tightly as she felt her newly grown body smother her with her newfound strength and size.

They both suddenly heard a voice call out from the fog, "Win? That is my job, little ones." They both heard her big feet slap on the wet tile floor as she approached creating a massive over seven-foot tall silhouette appearing before them as she towered above them both with her amazonian size. "Holy shit…Natasha…?" She could barely comprehend her new body oozing with luscious overly thick curves all over her tremendous seven-and-a-half-foot tall body. She stepped forward sending a wave of jiggles through her whole bodice as she looked down at the coach's head barely lining up under her massive mammaries each double the size of her head. "Da. Coach Maxine, you are looking so cute down there today…" Natasha giggled seeing her eyes locked on her titanic tits seeing her large hands begin to knead and massage them. "Ah. Do you like them? They have grown so big." - "They're beautiful…" - "Do you want to taste?" She pushed out her chest, shoving her giant breast and nipple in her face. "Oh! I'm flattered…but…I…" - "Come on Maxine! Don't you want to grow big and strong, like me?" - "You drank her…Jess…what the hell." - "Are you kidding me? Have you seen my new body? Her milk worked wonders on my legs, and my ass, I mean would you look at my tits? I think they just grew again, you should try some if you…don't want to be…shorter than me…I'm only going to grow more….in fact…I want more right now…mmph!" Jessica attacked her chomping down on her other nipple and sucking on it. "Greedy girl…mmm…ok have some more…you won't get bigger than me." - "Jess…stop…" Maxine bit her lip looking up at her luscious lips wrapped around her huge nipple dripping milk down her cheeks. She protested again pulling on her arm tightly tugging at her and asking her to stop. "Come on, Jess! That's enough!" She felt her arm unable to make her budge at her new size granting her more strength than ever before. "You're so big! I can't even stop you even if I wanted to…" Maxine pouted craning her head up to see Natasha grinning devilishly while biting her lip feeding her an excess of her rapidly developing growth hormones. Jessica started to let out our muffled moans while she began to rise exponentially larger, gaining an inch every so often as she rose over and above the lockers surrounding them.

Maxine couldn't believe what she was witnessing seeing her body grow into a massive amazonian goddess. She plumped up even thicker as each of her tremendous thighs grew bigger than her chest bulging with curves. Her now huge luscious lips popped off her big milky nipples taking one last big gulp as she watched her perspective rise up again growing up and up until she nearly was seven feet tall, now a staggering six foot nine-foot tall amazon. She looked up at Natasha now closer than before reaching her shoulders. "Aww…I thought I would get bigger." - "Bigger?! How are you going to fit into your uniform now? Oh my god, and what are we going to do about those monstrous tits? They're fucking huge Jess!" Maxine lost it, she went berserk oozing with envy as her eyes darted back and forth looking at her new size and closely examining it. "Sorry, Max…I told you I was going to get bigger." She giggled seeing her head almost a foot shorter than her now a whole head and shoulders taller than her coach. "I must go, sorry ladies." Natasha smiled, stomping by them as she made her way to her locker. The two of them watched her head look all the way down at the top of the lockers meeting just under her chest below her huge monster tits. She started to get dressed wearing the stretchy uniform material custom-made for her huge body. She smiled looking back down at the two ladies passing by beneath her. Jessica now just a foot or so away from her height stomped by with Maxine in tow behind her looking up to give her a mean glare before leaving.

Natasha cooed seeing them leave as she started to lace on her massive custom running sneakers, black and purple with white laces to match the rest of her tight black yoga pants and even tighter black tank top showing off her huge line of incredible cleavage. She sighed hearing the door open again followed by a scream echoing through the locker room. Natasha jumped looking back at the entrance hearing the two ladies leave then another two very familiar voices. A large arm with an outstretched hand reached out and tried to make it inside. Natasha's eyes widened making note of both of their voices suddenly saw her father make his entrance looking over at her and smiling. "Natasha! My girl, come here." - "Auch! Boris! It's too small for me." - "Mother?!" Natasha called out getting closer as she saw Ivanka bending over on all fours completely nude and gigantic in size. Her twelve-foot-tall body jiggled and shifted around as she tried to fit her humongous ocean of breasts through the front door getting stuck. "Just wait outside!" - "I want to see my baby grow!" - "Well, you're way too big to fit inside here, please go outside! We will join you in a moment! Please my dear…" - "Auch. Fine." She pushed herself out hearing the sides of the doorframe begin to crack and struggle to hold together as her huge body rattled the framework of the building motioning back onto her giant sedan sized ass. She sat down in the doorway moving back as she laid back onto the sides of the white brick wall watching it kick off dust and crumble slightly as she sat down by it.

Boris approached sweating profusely passing by the large cracks in the wall as he made his way close to Natasha taking out a vial. His eye level was already down by her belly way under her breasts close to her wide hips at his rather average size. "My dear Natasha, I brought you a special formula this time, it will ensure your victory. Please drink it." - "Are you sure about this? Have I not grown enough?" - "No. You must win my dear, Kate has already outgrown you, and this will ensure your victory…even though it may make you grow a lot more…I'm not quite sure how much. It will begin to affect your new big and strong body quickly, you will need to get out of this room after drinking it." - "I want to win…I don't mind growing some more…thank you father…mmph." She craned her head down to his level, plucking the vial from his hands and sinking it down. "I'm so proud of you for making it this far my dear." Boris listened to her large luscious lips suck down the entire vial hearing her take down several mouthfuls of the extra strength growth supplement finishing it off in a few big gulps before handing it back to him. 'Ah…mmm…tastes even better than I remember." - "Alright you need to get outside quickly, or you might get stuck…your mother just did an hour ago, she could barely fit through the front entrance of the lab." - "Mmm…are you afraid of her now that she's…double your size?" - "No, she would never truly hurt me…besides she needs me if she wants to get bigger." - "Please don't make her any bigger." Natasha’s face turned into worry as she started to feel warm and tingly all over her body.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. That was the last of the growth formula, I gave you three times as much of the super supplement this time. We collected the hormones from the strongest and tallest Russian woman in the world, Nadia Giganta, a true Russian superwoman, who was measured at seven foot six when she fully matured." - "Oh my…that's how tall I am now." - "Exactly! That tall superwoman and her super-growth hormones are working just as I planned! The version of the super supplement I just administered to you is what she would've grown into if she had five times as many super-growth hormones! The combination of the triple dose of the super supplement and the increase of distribution on your powerful physique will allow you to grow into the first real Russian Giantess!" - "Are you serious…father, did I really need that much? It seems a bit excessive." - "Nonsense! This is science! You're about to become the biggest woman in the world! You will have strength, unlike anything anyone has seen before!" Natasha gulped as she felt her heart begin to beat faster pumping out of her chest as her huge tits began to shake slightly. "Ugh. I'm already feeling hot…nngh…" Her body trembled, starting to sweat as she looked down, starting to feel euphoric. "Come on dear…let's go outside, your mother wants to see you grow." Natasha began to blush to look down at his head suddenly getting lower down as she already began to grow taller. Her body shifted just an inch to a seven-foot-seven. "Aah…I think it's already started…your head just dropped down a little bit." - "I saw it! Come on, outside quickly." - "Ok." Natasha cooed, stepping by him as she approached the door looking over all the lockers as her bountiful bouncy breasts jiggled on her chest growing even bigger. She continued to move forward watching everything begin to get smaller she ducked under the doorway and made her way outside.

Meanwhile, Kate and Naomi made their way to the start of the track going to the bleachers to put down their bags and prepare for the race. However, all eyes were on Jessica for the moment, her towering six-foot-nine body shook and jiggled as she waltzed by casually towering over all the other contestants hearing them scoff and get startled seeing her tall and voluptuous newly grown amazon-sized body. She stomped by completely nude smirking as Maxine came out of the locker room chasing after her, "Jess! Hold on, you aren't wearing any clothes!" Maxine raced up next to her now a whole head and shoulders shorter than her new towering size having trouble keeping up with her long luscious legs. She laughed making her way toward the track starting area and looking over at the short race coordinator unable to take his eyes off of her huge luscious body. "Yoohoo! Mr. Mackay! Do you have any extra-extra-extra large clothes for me to wear? I just had a growth spurt in the shower." - "You too?! Ok…I'll try and find you something, but there are way too many of these sudden growth spurts happening. I'll need to contact the superintendent." - "Ok! Don't mind me…I'll just be here…training…and growing…I guess…maybe we'll see." The race coordinator started to sweat hearing her talking about growing again. What the hell is with all these growing girls? I haven't seen anything like this in the last twenty years on the job. John is really not going to like this…" He mumbled to himself taking out his phone, his heart racing, feeling extremely nervous about the situation trying to avoid looking at her giant jiggling tits as she began to stretch out her huge long body.

Loud stomping sounds echoed through the campus grounds accompanied by tremors making the ground shake slightly with every motion. The dull thumping sound began to ring out louder as she made her way onto the grass. Her giant feet began to leave huge three-foot-deep sinkholes in the dirt disturbing the neatly mowed grass as her feet dug into the soil beneath with every step closer to the track. The towering Russian mother, Ivanka stomped over to them towering over everything and everyone immediately intimidated them both by looking down as she began to bellow out a powerful laugh stepping over the tall fence surrounding the field. "Look at who it is, Naomi, how are you on this amazing day?" Both of them were in shock looking past her two long luscious legs leading up past her powerful wide chest with her two huge massive couch-sized mammaries hanging off of it. Naomi's eyes began to glisten, getting extremely nervous seeing her eye level now directly on her giant soaking vagina. "Ivanka?! How did you…get so big…this wasn't part of our deal…" - "Well you see…my husband hand a hand in it, Boris! Come out here!" She shouted her voice booming across the field as the rest of the contestants began to get anxious, still staring at the massive Russian mini-giantess standing like a statue over them. Boris sheepishly made his way outside quickly following after Natasha. She bit her lip feeling the highly potent growth supplement surging through her body making her way closer to the rest of them. Naomi and Kate both scoffed seeing Natasha approaching looking around her tight body suit surrounding her giant breasts wrapping all over her body down to her huge bubble butt. "Oh…hello Naomi, how did you get so big?" She spoke softly as her perspective began to rise up closer to her eye level growing another inch to seven-foot-eight feet tall. "Uh…well…I should say the same about yourself, you look a lot bigger than the last time I saw you…" Naomi began to feel nervous seeing her suddenly begin growing up taller, not knowing what to say about the few liters of Kate's breast milk she drank earlier to reach the size she was now.

"Da. You would be right…actually…soon I'll be bigger than you…" She let out a moan as her body bounced up another few inches meeting her eyes at her level before continuing upwards. "Oh fuck." - "Da. Just wait…and…awhn!" She moaned as she trembled, growing again over and above her head as she quickly grew to past seven foot ten. You see now…I'm already bigger…and soon I'll outgrow you too little Kate.” - “We’ll see about that...” She said confidently, looking down at both of them still more than a few inches below her tall eight-foot-three frame. "Attention competitors! Please make your way to the race track, anyone who needs a specialized uniform please come over here before we begin!" Kate, Naomi, Natasha, Jessica, and even Maxine made their way over to them along with a couple of other curious girls looking for official college merchandise. The superintendent wrapped up a conversation with the race coordinator as he sighed being handed two large boxes filled with uniforms. "And if they outgrow these ones I don't know what else to do, I'll have to contact the manufacturer." - "O-ok…girls…here's your…um…clothes." - "Wait…what size are these…?" The average-sized girls looked at the gigantic clothes in shock. "Yeah, sorry girls, these are for them." As they turned, the amazons approached jiggling and bouncing in succession. “Oh…my…god…” The girls were baffled seeing their huge bodies bounce over and begin to dig into the box full of gigantic stretchy clothing. Kate could barely fit into hers, bulging out of every pocket and opening as she stretched on the bottom pants tightly over her ass. “Ugh. So tight!” Naomi had a good bit of trouble as well trying to fit her giant tits in between the stretchy body suit. “Yeah seriously!” Natasha on the other hand fit in quickly but soon began to struggle as she started to grow again quickly rising over eight feet tall. She grinned devilishly watching her already tremendous body pack on more weight. They both met face to face as she smiled back seeing Kate's face turn to shock. "You see…I'm still…growing…nngh." She rose taller quickly meeting Kate's height as she giggled looking at her. "You see? I'm already as big as your powerful size." - "You should get to the race before it starts…" Kate gulped seeing her suddenly jump up again listening to her body suit stretch and tighten around her growing curves as she rose up past her head growing nearly half a foot taller in one huge growth spurt. "Look at me! Hahaha!" She cackled, placing her hand on her head as she continued to grow even bigger, shifting upwards past eight and a half feet, rising over and above nine feet tall. "Ahh…that's much better. Look at you now little Kate. You don't even reach the bottom of my chin anymore." She grinned devilishly, feeling another growth spurt stirring through her body as she looked down at the race coordinator that was as tall as her wide hips now. "We're ready." - "Oh! Uh…yeah of course. Competitors! Please make your way to the race track we are about to begin!" Kate glared at Natasha viciously starting to get annoyed seeing her eye level now fixated on her two massive breasts huffing and puffing as she let out a long sigh stretching out her long legs beside two other competitors that were so small in comparison they both could hardly avoiding staring at her two gigantic breasts looming over them. Kate focused herself starting to breathe slowly and calmly trying to avoid getting more upset seeing Natasha on the other side of a tall blonde Swedish girl looking up every now and then blushing hard as she tried to ignore the two busty amazons she was sandwiched between.

The women all lined up on the race track dressed in tight athletic shorts and low-cut tank tops. You could cut the tension with a knife, the competitors all stretched, doing lunges and over-the-arm exercises as they all stood in their starting places. Kate couldn't stop staring at Natasha's tall luscious physique now standing taller than her, she blushed to peer back over at Jessica down the lane and smiling to herself with a smug smirk looking down at the other shorter women underneath her amazonian size. The girls all focused on looking at the timer above the bleachers and then back at the coordinator as he slowly raised his hand and put the whistle in his mouth ready to fire off at any moment. Kate's eyes darted over at Jessica who immediately winked back at her, she smiled nodding to herself as she bent down into the starting position. The rest of the girls joined in bending over and throwing their tight asses back before everything began. The whistle finally sounded off and everyone began running. Jessica easily bounded past several other women racing ahead with her newly grown long legs and bountiful physique, she could feel her huge breasts bouncing with force on her chest creating a bouncy impact jiggling across her chest with every motion forward as she neared the white and red hurdles ahead. Natasha leaped forward getting ahead of the other girls in an instant closing into the hurdles when she suddenly slowed down clutching her stomach and stopping for a moment. Her body quaked with growth suddenly growing several inches taller past nine and a half feet tall feeling the stretchy fabric around her amazonian body begin to tear around her hips and humongous ass. She grew and grew trying to move forward, but instead started to tremble with erotic sensations.

Along came Kate rushing by her taking a quick glance at her as growing again. She smiled bounding forward taking advantage of the situation with extreme momentum as the other girls beside her felt a gust of wind fly by. She was fast, incredibly quick, and swift even with her giant tits bouncing on her chest, the new outfit she had been given was giving her a lot of the support she needed to continue. Her feet dug into the red-painted track racing down faster and faster as she quickly approached the hurdles. Kate leaped dramatically over them without any problem passing by Jessica as she pouted in response. Kate was ahead of everyone and she was absolutely savoring the moment, her long luscious legs pounded onto the track as she continued her powerful momentum down, turning slightly to adjust to the oncoming bend in the lane. Natasha's tongue lapped across her huge lips as she continued to tremble growing bigger and bigger rapidly passing over ten feet tall as her clothing finally buckled around the curves of her giant voluptuous ass tearing open revealing pockets of her beautiful body. She clenched her teeth trying to get back onto the race and start running again as she began walking slowly. Her body bulged out of her tight bodysuit slowly stretching out to its limit before snapping and releasing her giant breasts onto her wide chest. She jiggled shifting up larger as she grew and grew quickly ascending past eleven feet, as she rapidly expanded, growing absolutely towering in height. Ivanka gasped seeing her daughter falling behind as she began screaming over to her to get moving, meanwhile, Kate rushed by underneath her giant size smiling up at her as she began to reach the halfway mark in the track with a hoard of athletes several meters behind her trying desperately to catch up to the amazing amazon. Natasha moaned, grabbing onto her huge breasts as they spilled over her hands growing even bigger, still rising taller as the rest of her body continued to expand and grow bigger and bigger, quickly outgrowing even her own titanic mother as she rose over twelve feet seven feet tall. She was monstrously stomping over the hurdles hearing them crunch under her giant feet she giggled devilishly watching the other girls under her try to keep up with the pave jumping with momentum. Jagged shards and misplaced pieces of Natasha's destroyed hurdles began to intrude into the other lanes forcing some competitors to stop and go around the debris, they struggled against the vibrations of Natasha's now mini-giantess body stomp by them as some of them fell to the ground and other simply lost their balance crashing into hurdles. She laughed maniacally simply walking by them sending tremors rippling through the ground that even their running speed could try to outrun. Jessica raced underneath, less affected by her giant body and the wake of destruction it was leaving, she smiled and raced forward seeing Kate a bit farther ahead getting closer to the finish line. It wasn't the end of her rampage however, Natasha's giant body only grew larger and stronger, bigger and heavier gaining mass and size rapidly as she ascended to a colossal fourteen-foot giantess. Her feet now easily crushed the ground under her forcing the other competitors to use each other's lanes to avoid the foot-shaped craters she began to leave across the race track. Jessica panicked trying to run faster as Natasha quickly caught up to her smashing into the ground with force immediately casting her aside as a wave of force sent her a couple of lanes to the right crashing into two other girls. She smirked devilishly looking back at the shock and horror in the small crowd of people surrounding the race track. She smugly kept her head and started to pick up the pace toward Kate starting to get angry seeing her getting closer and closer to the finish line.

Jessica let out a long sigh getting off the other two girls and helping them off the ground as they started to jog in place quickly getting back into their lanes. They nodded at each other and then they raced off together, until Jessica of course began to outrun them without much effort, still feeling a bit bruised from Natasha's giant body knocking them over. Up ahead Kate was nearly basking in her victory, looking down at the finish line after turning the fourth bend down the track, quickly glancing over at the other side of the track over the field, seeing the complete wake of destruction across the lanes. She was shocked, slowing down a bit worried about the other girls as she noticed Jessica helping them up and getting back onto the track to continue the race. Her heart sank into her chest suddenly feeling the pressure of winning and her pride began to swell up inside of her, starting to go even slower. She could cry, nearly bursting with emotion when the moment was interrupted by the sound of loud stomping behind her, she turned around with horror written across her face craning her head all the way up to see Natasha's fourteen-foot tall mini giantess body quickly catching up to her just by walking at a brisk pace at her new colossal size. Kate panicked looking back at the rest of the long track ahead of her, starting to jog and then run as fast as she could toward the finish line. She could feel her heart beating like crazy as her breasts bounced up and down, up and down, getting closer and closer to the end of the race track. The pounding sound behind her resonated in her ears feeling the intensity of the situation burning her up as large droplets of sweat poured from her huge swollen breasts. She inched closer to the finish line seeing it closing in about to tread under it with her huge sneakers when suddenly she felt it. A wave of rumbling curves rushed up beside her smashing against her seeing its massive thickness bounce against her body barely able to comprehend the size of her titanic thighs. Her huge juicy hips and massive ass pushed Kate aside as she passed the finish line with her nearly at the same time. Natasha stomped by beside her passing through the long banner several feet above the finish line taking the metal rods, tight rope, and cord with her as she stomped forward and slowly stopped looking back at Kate getting up off the track.

Distant shouts and cries echoed through the field and bleachers, some people worried and others were even outraged at the situation. "Hahaha! I won!" Natasha basked in her victory raising her hands above her head and reaching far above the field letting her titanic breasts each the size of a huge bean bag chair letting them jiggle and jostle on her wide chest laughing to herself. Kate dusted herself off and looked over at the towering giantess and then back at the race coordinator hiding behind the bleachers. "Hey! Call the race! She cheated!" - "Huh?! Yes! Of course, she nearly killed those girls! Besides I saw you pass the line first, You're the winner, Kate, congratulations!" He quickly raced up to her hiding under her giant breasts as he held onto the trophy clutching it tightly. "Thank you! Oh my god…" He nodded, holding it up to her as she picked it up, expecting it to be big and heavy, but at her new size, it was quite cute and small. "Aww…it's so cute. Thank you. It's an honor." - "Ok! Now we should go! Before anyone else gets hurt." - "Hmph. You go, I'll take care of this." - "Oh! Ok! Please be careful! And congrats again superstar!" He raced off quickly trying to gather the rest of the people out of harm's way getting them to safety. Kate jumped as she suddenly heard a loud boom echo across the field, she looked back and her jaw dropped, Natasha looked down with her hands on her wide hips seeing the trophy in her hands snuggly hugging it between her giant breasts. "Hey! Little Kate, you know I won. Right?" She pouted looking down at her barely reaching her hips now at her absolutely gigantic size. "Just because you're outgrowing the whole fucking field doesn't mean you have to act like a gigantic bitch!" Kate screamed up at her her face turning red clutching tightly onto the trophy between her big bosom. "Give me that! I am the winner!" - "No! Get away!" Kate turned and ran immediately ducking under the bleachers as she heard the crunching sounds of grinding metal rings in her ears as Natasha began to tear off sections of the seating with her bare hands. She had gained immense strength and weight after growing so large and powerful, her body was stirring with another growth spurt as she began to get more upset trying to find her between the stands. Naomi ran up seeing Natasha crushing the bleachers like aluminum in her strong hands suddenly stopping as she heard her shouting. "Hey! Stop that!" Naomi shouted seeing her turn and stood up to her full towering size looking down at her from above. "I won! Obviously, she is jealous and now the race coordinator has gone and cannot verify which of us has won!" -  "That's because you grew into a colossal bitch and started terrorizing the other competitors! You have to show respect to everyone else around here!" Naomi was furious looking up at her barely even able to see her face between her two massive sofa-sized breasts.

Natasha cooed looking up and massaging her breasts as she began to tremble. "You shouldn't win either…you took the super supplement too, look at your new sexy body, do you think you grew that big and busty on your own? It's not my fault that my father decided to give me the rest of the extra strength formula. Speaking of which…I should be growing soon…mmm…there it is…yes…make me bigger…I want to be HUGE!" Kate and Naomi backed up seeing her legs begin to grow longer and thicker as she rose taller and grew even larger. They began to worry looking back at each other watching her body pulse and expand, growing bigger and bigger digging her giant feet into the grass deeper and deeper as she gained more and more weight. The two girls watched in awe as her body transformed into a giantess in size bulging with growth quickly rising up and up passing twenty feet tall in a matter of moments. Kate turned to Naomi again as they both turned and began running back to the college campus. Kate was exhausted, barely able to run as her legs started jiggling more and more as she slowed down to a halt. "Kate!" - "I'm so tired…hah…hah…take the trophy…I'll deal with her." - "I don't know how you're going to handle a giantess, but ok! I'll be in the auditorium. Be careful!" Naomi turned back and grabbed the trophy from her arms and started running back to the campus with haste hearing Natasha begin to roar with pleasure still growing in size and strength she boomed with size growing even bigger passing an absolutely titanic thirty feet tall. Her giant feet stomped through the grass looking down at Naomi rushing off into the distance as Kate held onto her knees tired from all the running trying to catch her breath feeling droplets of her sweat pouring down her bodacious body and luscious curves. She could feel the tremors sending strong vibrations through the ground beneath her shaking legs trying to recover when she suddenly looked down seeing a giant hand wrapped around her chest. "Augh! Hey!" - "Come here little one…hahahaha…." Natasha giggled, snatching her off the ground like a small toy in her gigantic hands at her new growing size of thirty-five foot five feet tall. Kate looked down seeing her long legs leave the grass and soar into the air as Natasha lifted her up over thirty feet up to her giant face. "Auch! Put me down!" - "Hmmm…where is the trophy, little one?" Natasha raised a brow and pouted her huge bountiful lips starting to look annoyed. "You didn't win! Come on Natasha!" - "Says who? We both landed on that finish line at the same time!" She shouted, making her ears ring as she screamed in response. "Quiet tiny girl!" The Russian Giantess squeezed her tightly in her hands hearing her scream trying to struggle.

"I said put me down, NOW!" Kate suddenly felt a rush of endorphins building up inside of her bubbling up and up as she began to generate her own powerful growth enzymes through her raging hormones. Natasha felt her grip loosen, and then again and again as Kate began to grow exponentially bigger and bigger and even bigger feeling her hands begin to wrap around her belly and then waist, even more as she felt her body grow and shape in her hands quickly feeling her waistline bulging out as her body grew massive faster than anyone before. Her stretchy tracksuit began to tear and rip around her growing body filling up and out of everything she was wearing. Her feet burst out of her sneakers tearing through her socks as the seams of her tight bodysuit tore open revealing her giant jiggly body. She rose over ten feet, then twelve then fifteen feet tall, racing up to about half of the towering height of the Russian Giantess. "Stop! How are you growing?! You didn't even take anything!" - "I don't know…but I fucking LOVE IT!" She shouted, feeling her hands start to hold onto her huge breasts as they grew from little peas in the hands of her rival quickly into massive balloons as Kate's body rose over twenty feet tall. "MORE! BIGGER!" Her head rose up and up quickly catching up to her rival's size, having to hold onto under her arms to try and control her growth. She could feel her gaining weight getting heavier and heavier as she grew even bigger filling out the space in front of her rapidly. It was no use Kate rapidly transformed into a towering tall busty giantess reaching thirty-five feet tall matching Natasha's giantess body as she laughed looking at her now meeting her at eye level. Kate reached down grabbing her hands and tearing them off her hips now able to challenge her strength. "Auch!" - "How?! Tell me!" - "I don't know…you just annoy the hell out of me. I'm done playing games with you." Kate latched her arms onto her shoulders jiggling her massive breasts and body around as she began to wrestle with her holding into her arms with force as she returned equal power holding her back. "Argh! You bitch! - "You ruined the competition!" - "No, you did!" They argued pushing back and forth brushing up against each other's giant body's smashing their naked breasts together, mashing their wet bouncy breasts against each other covered in sweat from head to toe over thirty feet still fighting above the now torn-up grass revealing huge feet shaped holes in a circle around them as they continued to destroy the field with their giant legs. Their humongous feet and thick thighs quickly got coated in dirt sliding over and out pushing each other and getting filthy. "Nngh!" - "Hey!" Natasha felt her body suddenly waver falling onto the ground feeling her back smash into the mud with a resounding splash. Kate mounted her placing her humongous ass on her lower half as she held her arms down above her head. "Get off me!" - "Huh? Guess I'm not so little after all, don't worry you won't have to try and compete with me anymore after I do this." - "Do what- OH!" Natasha blushed watching Kate lean over moving her head toward her giant breasts still holding her down as she latched onto her nipple. " "Auch! Hey! Stop…awhn…"

Natasha blushed feeling her tongue and luscious lips suck down on her potent breast milk drinking as hard as she could feeling her nipple begin to ache with sensitivity. "Mmph!" Kate drank her milk immediately recognizing the same flavor as before, but much sweeter than she had anticipated. In fact, the flavor was sickly sweet and almost made her nauseous drinking down more and more until she let go gasping for air feeling slightly sick to her stomach. "Ugh…" - "How dare you!" Natasha tried to push her off but instead was met by a sudden increase of weight on her lower half as Kate's body began to grow exponentially larger surging in a single growth spurt. Her ass bulged growing humongous within seconds filling up and up into a gigantic mass of jiggly booty as Natasha felt her body growing even more as Kate quickly passed forty feet tall. "Auch! Get off of me!" - "Why? So you can go terrorize more students? Mmm…hahaha…your milk is so strong…it's making me dizzy." Kate giggled feeling everything get a bit smaller again as she continued to expand like crazy growing another ten feet taller to a colossal fifty feet tall crushing her beneath her burgeoning curves. She crushed her outgrowing her size in volume, smashing her deeper into the dirt as she continued to surge bigger and bigger and bigger until she looked down, seeing her body now basically half her entire size. Natasha was completely smothered, unable to move as her body grew into a powerful sixty-foot-tall goddess. She smashed her titanic ass onto her smaller giantess sized body giggling and laughing as Natasha was totally powerless to her big bullying bounces on her waist and chest. She started to whimper feeling her giant body begin to bruise and crush hers until suddenly she felt it again within her thickness, the powerful sensation of growth began once again and Natasha started to bubble up growing larger. She grew lifting Kate's humongous body up and off of her as she suddenly rose over sixty feet tall throwing her onto her back instead reversing their positions. Natasha held her down with her newly grown size still rising up larger as she reached her height slightly rising over it by a few inches. Her humongous blimp-sized breasts hung down spilling onto her giant chest laughing to herself maniacally while holding Kate against the ground now.

Naomi raced up to the coordinator who had been sitting in his car nervously this whole time listening to the tremors shake the interior listening to his keys jingle with every loud stomping of their arms and feet into the ground. "Hey! Open up! You have to go announce the winners of the race!" - "Naomi? No way! You're crazy if you think I'm getting near those gigantic women again!" - "You have to or else they're going to keep fighting!" -Have you seen them? They're enormous! They'll crush me if I make them upset." He said sheepishly looking up at Naomi's powerful nearly eight-foot-tall physique and began to roll his eyes meeting hers emblazoned with passion and anger. "Ugh! Fine! Hold on…" He quickly grabbed his keys turned off the car and got out seeing Naomi looming over him crossing her arms across her huge breasts. "I'm going, ok?" - "Mhm." She nodded following him as they both wandered back onto the grass toward the field. They both felt the ground shaking beneath them hearing their gigantic bodies wrestling in the mud. Kate felt a burst of growth again as she quickly pushed the Russian Giantess off of her, throwing her up and into the ground. She lifted herself off the wet ground watching her rival rise up as well lining up against her giant body. "Ladies! Please stop fighting! Kate is the winner, the decision has been made!" The coordinator shouted running up under them as they barely heard his tiny body shouting up to their titanic size. "I can barely hear you down there tiny little man." - "Oh my god, he's so cute! He's like a tiny little lego man." She giggled barely able to hear him as she reached down and picked him up lifting him into the air over fifty feet off the ground. "Jesus Christ! Put me down, please! I'm afraid of heights!" - "Aww, he's so cute…" Natasha cooed, lifting his tiny body close to her huge lips as she softly spoke again with confidence. "What were you saying…all the way down there?" - "Uhh…Kate hit the finish line first…please don't hurt me… Kate hesitated at first but quickly snatched him out of her hands as he screamed being thrust into her chest Natasha screamed trying to claw at him for a moment before realizing she began to push and caress her humongous breasts. "AHH!" The coordinator screamed seeing her huge hands trying to dig between her giant breasts and her huge hands shielding him from her advances as she began to squeeze him between her cleavage smashing him and playing with her tits pressing them together and squeezing harder. "Stop! Awhn! You're crushing him!" Kate pushed her off letting go of him as he began to fall quickly being caught by her as she bent down and snatched him out of the air. "Hey! You're OK! Oh no…" Kate blushed to see him now passed out from fear in her hands darting her eyes back over at Natasha giggling to herself. "What's so funny? Look at what you did! He passed out…" Kate looked down at him cradling him by her towering titanic breasts as she sighed. "He is a funny little man. So what now, hmm?" - "You heard him! I won, so like…you can leave us alone now." - "Haha, you may have won this time, but I'll see you next year Kate." Kate angrily scowled back at her as she looked back down at the race coordinator snoring in her hands as she smiled and nodded triumphantly as she stomped off with hatred in every step.

Kate held onto him tightly looking down at Naomi as she ran up to her holding out her arms, "Kate! Hey!." She smiled as Kate looked down barely hearing Naomi's scratchy voice run over by her giant feet under her towering thirty-foot-tall legs. "You're fucking HUGE! Oh my GOD!" Naomi couldn't believe just how big she had gotten staring all the way up to her giant vagina and tall cliff-shaped thighs. Her ass was like a small mountainside made of gigantic jiggly booty, she giggled looking up at her, and changed her tune almost instantly as she saw the race coordinator soaked with sweat stuffed between her mountainous cleavage. "What happened?!" She shouted out to her as she turned to duck and leaned all the way down to her level handing him off to Naomi leaving his limp unconscious body in her strong arms. "I'll take care of him." - "Thank you, Naomi…" She blushed looking down at her and she tried to pat her on the head seeing her fingers nearly half the length of her entire body. They both jumped suddenly hearing a shout come from a few meters away. Natasha pouted, turning to the field and suddenly stopped in her tracks, seeing a man dressed in a lab coat underneath her towering humongous legs. Boris about the size of one of her toes looking up at her holding a hose pointing it up at her as her eyes widened. "Father?" - "My dear, please hold still!" A constant stream of gushing red liquid shot out and began coating her hips and chest blasting it all over her giant naked body coating her in the red syrupy anti-serum sending her body into shock as she trembled to bring her wet-coated arms up to her chest and face. "What are you doing? Argh!" - "I am so sorry my child, you've grown out of control, I've already shrunk your mother, please hold still so I don't overcoat you in the reduction serum." - "No! Stop! I don't want to go back to my normal size!' Her body suddenly began shrinking rapidly as the red liquid covered her giant breasts coating them in the red sticky shrinking formula she suddenly shunted down several feet shorter looking at Kate's perspective rise up and up as she continued to shrink down even lower past her towering shoulders and titanic breasts. "No! STOP! She shouted in vain, turning her head to look up at Kate as she shrunk down and down. She turned back to her father, letting loose a surging torrent of the reduction formula all over her body. By the time she got close enough to take the hose away from her, she had shrunk all the way down to ten feet tall. She latched onto the hose as he struggled to hold onto it fighting her for control.

Kate was frozen in fear looking down at them as the hose suddenly whipped around splashing bright red serum across her towering legs. "Ugh! No! Don't hit me! I don't wanna get any smaller!" It was too late Kate began shrinking smaller as well, suddenly shunting downwards several feet, backing away from them as the brightly coated her legs more trying to get far enough away from them. Natasha ripped the hose away from him turning to aim it at Kate now as Boris watched her body get coated in the shrinking formula and continued to shrink her down to seven feet tall and shorter, still much larger than her father unfortunately. Boris was powerless for the moment standing under Natasha as she continued to cover Kate's giant nude body in the shrinking formula watching her lose about half her entire size at once down to thirty feet tall She didn't hesitate to lean down and snatch the hose from her pointing it back down at Natasha. "Augh! No!" She screamed as Boris jumped out of the way quickly getting up and back on his feet and he ran to the large container in the back of the fields. Kate grinned devilishly finally getting her revenge as she reduced her tall body down to a short busty girl. She shrunk down several feet to six feet and then even shorter down to her original height of 5'10 absolutely covered in the sticky shrinking formula. "There we go…now you're all back to normal." She let go of the hose looking down as her body shrunk down again another foot to nine feet tall. "Aww…I'm still getting smaller, but I'm still pretty big though…and look at you! You're so fucking cute all the way down there, haha!" Kate looked down seeing her crawl out of the sticky liquid coated from head to toe as she crawled onto a dry side of the grass falling to her knees. She shrunk further as Kate began to feel the effects of the reduction formula begin to make her tired and woozy body down onto the grass beside her shrinking body. She panted hard feeling dizzy as she shrunk again down smaller as her breasts began to lose a little bit of volume and shape. Kate shrunk down to eight feet and then smaller to seven feet as she continued to shrink down smaller and smaller crossing back down under the amazon-sized threshold. It didn't stop there however both of them began to feel sleepy and tired passing out as the fumes from the formula began to make them tired knocking them out. "Damn that girl…I used it all." Boris sighed, holding onto the off switch to his machine, seeing the clear glass container completely empty of his secret reduction formula.

Meanwhile, Naomi rushed up looking for them, trudging her long amazonian legs into the mud. She ran until she spotted massive splotches of red syrupy colored liquid all over a section of the field that was completely flooded. Kate slowly crawled out coated in the sticky substance as she finally stood up to her now much shorter height of six feet tall, a serious downgrade from sixty feet tall, she had previously grown to over ten times her original size. She was shell-shocked watching Naomi rush up to her and instantly want to give her a big hug stopping right before the edges of the red pool of reduction solution. Kate gulped making her way out of the pool and onto the dry grass slowly getting up as she shivered feeling cold. "Naomi…whoa you look so big." She said sheepishly as her eye level lined up under her huge chest. "I want to hug you so bad right now!" - "Aww…it's OK! Just…let me get a towel and dry myself off first…whoa…nngh." She shivered as her body shrunk again another half a foot slowly losing her height and assets shrinking back down to her original height of 5'6. "Kate! You just shrunk again." - "I know…you look so tall…" She looked up at her huge tits blocking her view to her face and then back down seeing her eye level meeting with her belly beneath her chest. "Come on, let's go find them and some towels." Naomi looked down with concern as Kate nodded and turned to the track. The two girls ran back out to the locker room looking for some towels, and clothes, and where the Russian scientist had gone.

Chapter 8

Her long red hair ruffled between her delicate fingers as the hot water from the shower streamed down onto her now much more manageable, cute, and sticky body. She sighed looking at her two little B-cup breasts washing herself off remembering how small everything was when she was a super-sized sexy sixty-foot-tall giantess. Her hands continued to wash her red hair squeezing out the serum and looking down at the red liquid wash off her body trickling down past her slender hips and athletic legs into the drain. She blushed, ringing out the rest of the reduction serum from her hair and body as she started to think about what had happened. Her mind wandered thinking back to Natasha's huge nipple oozing out that potent and intensely sweet hormonal milk and how interesting it tasted. She started to massage her small breasts imagining herself on top of her outgrowing her again and how much power she had, getting a bit turned on as she felt the same warm tingling feeling from before slowly beginning to return as her skin finally flushed the rest of the reduction serum. Naomi on the other hand was hanging outside on the other wall leaning against it seeing the top of the entranceway into the showers almost a foot beneath her head reaching her huge breasts at her still large Amazonian size. Kate strode out drying her hair as she looked up at Naomi leaning against the wall barely reaching over her hips by her head. Kate was envious to say the least, blushing a deep crimson as she strode by glancing at her thick thighs and powerful long legs. She bit down on her lower lip starting to feel her pussy begin to itch and throb with sensitivity.

Kate sighed looking down at her two small titties with her pretty pink nipples now rock hard. She patted them dry moving her hands under them feeling their small B-cup size in her hands seeing them barely make an impact against her fingertips. "They're so small now…" She continued blushing as she frowned looking back at Naomi enviously panning her perspective all the way from the top of her towering head down past her giant breasts, incredibly wide hips, and thick thighs each bigger than her torso holding up her even more tremendous ass. Her massive nearly eight-foot-tall body stood over her a whole head and shoulders above her slightly taller than an average five-and-a-half-foot tall frame. Her eyes now lined up under her massive breasts made hers seem tiny in comparison, looming above her each bigger than her head in size. "I'm sorry…you're just so…big compared to me now…like…ugh." Kate frowned looking up at her as she immediately responded with an anxious sigh. "Kate…I'm so sorry he did this to you." - "It's ok…I just can't believe how big I was…it's crazy to think that I was so big I could've easily destroyed entire houses just by stepping on them." - "How did you get so big anyways? I thought we ran out of the super supplement." - "Well…I don't know really…I got really mad…and I started to wrestle with Natasha…and then I got really…horny. Before I knew it I was as big as her and then I kept growing and growing until i was twice her size. It was totally insane, I was able to see miles over the trees and the campus, I was fucking gigantic." She blushed recalling her lips attached to her giant nipple and the sickly sweet taste of the super-sized Russian's breast milk. "Hmm…I wonder if I got angry and if I could grow again. Maybe…hey, you think I could get a little…boost of confidence?" - "Like…how?" Kate stared at her nipples and bit her lip starting to get horny imagining herself getting bigger again when her dreams were quickly crushed. "Oh! You mean…yeah…so unfortunately these big tits don't lactate like yours did…I don't know why." - "Aww…I guess you didn't have enough of the original supplement or something." - "Yeah…well let's try and find Boris or Natasha, I'm sure they can help us." - "Are you crazy? There's no way he would help us grow again. Especially since I'm back to my old size." She grabbed her small breasts and sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. If anything he would try to shrink me too." - "That's a good point…maybe we should call my mom, she's got access to most of the school as an assistant to the administrator." - "Oh yeah! I totally forgot she works here, I wonder if they have seen her since her vacation." - "I don't know if she's even going to fit in the front desk." - "I'm sure they will make accommodations for all of us…bigger ladies." The two girls looked around after getting dressed, Kate was in her old basic school attire; a pair of dark blue jeans, gray sneakers, and a loose-fitting white tank top. Naomi on the other hand was barely able to fit into a stretchy black tank top along with her now bulging and tight yoga pants each sized at a quadruple extra large size and still buckling around her knees and nearly about to tear open around her thick thighs. Her big feet slipped into a pair of a size fourteen slide-on slippers, struggling to stay comfortable in them. She grunted a few times, adjusting her big body inside them as she looked down at Kate's head bobbing underneath her huge breasts as she shuffled toward the office door in the locker room. Kate jiggled the doorknob feeling it tighten as she gripped it. "Ugh. It's locked." She looked over at the window and a desk inside, a red phone sat atop it beside a few containers and some little tools. "Here, stand back." Naomi said as she pushed her aside stepping in front of her and forcing Kate to look at her huge bulging ass nearly twice the width of her body. Naomi latched onto the doorknob and yanked it as hard as she could, forcing the metal bearings and wood screws to burst through the wooden door around it. She pulled off the doorknob without any trouble exerting a small bit of her incredible Amazonian strength. "Holy fuck." - "I'm pretty strong at this size." - "I'm definitely jealous." She blushed looking back down at her as she nonchalantly pushed the door in hearing the know on the other side drop to the floor with a resounding clack leaving nothing, but a small hole. She ducked heading inside trying to avoid bumping into anything as Kate strode by underneath her and sat in the office chair rolling it up to the phone on the desk. She quickly dialed her number, listening to the dial tone patiently waiting for her to pick up.

Meanwhile, back at home, Lisa had been sprawled out on her queen bed, her tremendous thighs were spread apart rubbing her soaking hot vagina that had already begun staining her sheets. She was relentlessly plunging her fingers into her large wet pussy for the past hour oozing her own juices down her huge thighs and on her bed sheets making a mess. She groaned feeling her big fingers slip in and out of her soaking pussy as she jiggled back and forth drooling from her two luscious lips licking them as she sucked on her sticky wet fingers. "So…horny…drinking all that magic milk supercharged my hormones, I feel like a horny teenager again. It feels so good though…awhn…I can't stop…" She thought to herself looking down at her two massive bulging watermelon-sized breasts with wet weary eyes motioning her fingers down to them to squeeze her engorged gumball-sized nipples. "So full and so hard…but still no milk…nngh…so much pressure." She moaned, feeling her other hand still penetrating her throbbing wet vagina over and over about to reach what was her third climax when she was suddenly interrupted by the phone ringing loudly through the hallway. "Awhn! Oh my god…awhn!" She screamed trembling and shaking with pleasure as her pussy quaked with intensity squirting out her feminine juices all over her bed sheets. She sighed panting hard as the phone continued to ring out echoing upstairs. "God…I can't stop touching myself...I’m still so fucking horny…that felt so good though…damn it… I need to get that..." She heard the bed loudly creak as she lifted her six hundred pounds of lusciousness up and started bouncing toward the doorway with her giant jiggly body. “Oh! Almost forgot how tall I am now.” She looked down seeing the top of the doorframe reaching her neck having to duck underneath it as she quickly raced downstairs. 

Her giant bare breasts bounced on her chest like crazy reaching her hands up to catch and hold them as she stomped down the steps and into the foyer. “Ugh. They’re enormous. I’m bouncing all over the place, I can’t keep them still.” She sighed moving down the hallway and ducking under the archway into the kitchen as she quickly whipped her long arm around the wall to pick up the phone with her big hand. "Hello?" - "Hey Mom, it's Kate, I need your help." - "Oh! Honey, what's wrong?" - "Well…it's a bit of a long story, but we could use your help finding out where Natasha's dad went." - "What happened?" - "Well…she was bullying the race coordinator…and then she kept growing and growing until she was taller than the whole college, it was scary." - "Who grew that big?!" - "Oh! Natasha did, and then I did too…" - "What?!" - "Mom…- "I'm sorry sweetie…so how are you doing now? What happened?" - "Well, her dad, that scientist, came out of nowhere and sprayed us both down with some sort of shrinking serum because we're both back to our normal sizes." - "Wait! You're…back to your old self? Five foot six?" - "Yeah…I'm pretty bummed out about it…" - "Aww. It's ok sweetheart. Well, figure something out!" - "Ugh. I hope so." - "So, do you need me to come to get you two?" - "Yeah…and can you help us get into the science wing? I bet you there's something weird going on down there. I just have a feeling…" - "Hmm…I don't know honey, I'm not sure we should be making such big decisions on just a feeling…I'll be there soon though my little sugar bug!" - "Ugh…mom…" - "See you soon!" Lisa hung up the phone looking down at her tremendous body giggling softly to herself watching her big tits jiggle in unison. "My little girl is back to her normal size…thank god! She was acting like a giant spoiled brat! I can't wait to see how tiny she looks, I'm probably so much bigger in comparison now, I could literally pick her up without any problem…she's probably about as tall as one of my long legs. Hmm…I wonder how strong I've gotten." Her body jiggled some more standing back up to her full seven-foot tall height stretching out her legs as she grinned devilishly.

"And these two monster mammaries, they've grown so much…they feel so heavy now, I could crush something with them." She smiled wide, almost comically grabbing her two enormous jiggly breasts, feeling her nipples still growing larger and harder, becoming red and sore poking out from her chest. "Nngh…I really wish they would stop filling up though there's just so much pressure." She moaned holding onto them again as she began to feel them tingle and get increasingly warm. “Wait…what’s…going on?” She squeezed them starting to caress and massage them moaning softly as she began to bite her lip. "Awhn…" Lisa started to pant harder as she strangely felt an aftershock of her previous orgasm letting out a squirt of her own juices down onto the floor as she moaned suddenly bulging out her chest as it grew larger. “Awhn…more…?” She groaned as her humongous breasts grew absolutely gigantic forcing her to hold out both her arms to contain them. They expanded, growing several cup sizes larger, filling up and spilling into her hands and arms, quickly consuming more space, getting heavier and heavier, sticking her tongue out, and drooling slightly leaving a trail dripping onto her tremendous cleavage. The pressure began to build inside them getting stronger and stronger when suddenly she felt an intense shock of pulsating power within her chest. Her rock-hard nipples began to tense up and twitch about to release, she let out a loud cry of exasperation as her nipples finally erupted with milk squirting onto her hands and down her cleavage. She squeezed them letting loose a blast of her milk all over her hands, spraying her chest and the floor with her special milk. "Awhn! Yes! Finally! I shouldn't waste it! Mmph…mmph…mmph…" She hoisted her breast up to her mouth getting a taste for herself immediately letting out a muffled moan as her big juicy lips bit down on her engorged gumball-sized nipple. A milky stream poured into her mouth past her lips feeling her cheeks begin to fill up as she took a big gulp going back more and more unable to stop herself from tasting her own special milk. She sucked down hard tasting her own potent hormonal breast milk happily lapping it up feeling her hard nipple against her long wet tongue. Her two large breasts had grown tremendously into bouncy beach ball-sized boobs jostling around on her chest as she fondled her left in between her hands, the other shoved into her face and smashed against her cheeks.

Her mouth was wrapped around her huge engorged nipple as she couldn't get enough her entire body began to tingle intensely being affected by her own super supplement starting an endless cycle of expansion and trembling growth. Her body quickly responded shaking and trembling with anticipation as her eyes suddenly opened wide letting out a muffled moan. She began gaining mass rather quickly as she had already begun growing another few inches taller and nearly another hundred pounds heavier as her body expanded even larger growing bigger and bigger. She couldn't get enough of its incredible sweet taste, drinking down as much as she possibly could bear before finally taking a breath letting her huge tits slap back onto her chest moaning and rubbing her now tender wet nipples. "Mmm! Delicious…that was so good…mmm…I can't believe it…I haven't been able to make milk in years." She smiled wide looking over at her reflection on the metallic fridge and seeing her long legs now much taller than the height of the door beneath her thick thighs. "Wait a second. I think I'm growing again too…I can feel it, my milk is pumping me up, I’m getting taller again..." She spoke softly to herself starting to get horny feeling her already-soaked pussy drip onto the tiled floor beneath her tremendous thighs. "Awhn…yeah…pump me up. I want to be huge!" She braced herself trembling before her body jumped again another inch taller as she let out another satisfied moan. "I knew it…looks like I'll be outgrowing the girls after all." She giggled devilishly looking back down at her two enormous breasts that had grown so big, they were each double the size of her own head. "Still so full…there's no time though, I have to go pick up Kate…nngh!" Her body trembled again and rose taller as she passed seven and a half feet tall now nearly Naomi's size. "Still growing too…I suppose…she can wait a couple more minutes…" She spoke softly trying to hold back giggling as she ducked under the kitchen archway now half a foot lower than before just about level now with her giant bouncy breasts. "Everything looks smaller…If I grow any bigger I'm not going to be able to stand up here soon, I’m only a couple of inches away from the ceiling. Oh, man. What am I going to do?" She giggled making her way to the staircase, her entire body jiggled and shook with every step she took bounding up the stairs.

She quickly made her way into her bedroom ducking under the doorframe and stepping inside to find the pump resting on her personal nightstand beside several empty bottles. "There it is…come to mama…" She scooped it up planting her huge bubble butt onto the bed hearing it loudly creak in response. "Oh! Gotta be careful not to break anything...growing at this rate my bed isn’t going to last…I wonder how much the floors can handle…gosh…I never had to think about any of this…I don’t even know how much heavier I’ve gotten…" She looked slightly worried trying to put less weight on her bedside as she sat up and placed the suction cup onto her breast. “Oh well…it’s not like I can stop growing…might as well…” She let out a satisfied sigh as she clicked the machine on listening to it rumble as her milk began to trickle out of her huge nipples pouring into the plastic bottle quickly filling it up within a few seconds as she turned it off suddenly. "Whoa…it filled up so fast…let me just…get a…little taste…mmph." She brought the full bottle up to her large luscious lips taking a big gulp before licking them clean. "So delicious…I want more…I don't care if it makes me grow…mmph…mmph…mmph!" She gripped the small bottle in her big hands tightly letting out long muffled moans after each gulp as she dribbled down her cheeks quickly finishing the entire bottle. "Mmph- so good." She swallowed down the last little bit left in her throat before letting out another satisfied sigh seeing her nipple still leaking out glorious golden growth milk.

"I hope I have enough bottles…that should help a little bit at least…alright…here we go again." She bit her lip attaching the bottle and suction cup again turning on the machine with a loud whirl. She felt the vibrations tremble across her chest jiggling slightly as the second bottle filled up rather quickly again. She smiled, putting it close to her lips again, taking another big sip and licking her lips clean again before placing it on the nightstand. "Mmph…I can't help myself! It tastes so good. OK! Focus." She said to herself trying to avoid the temptation of drinking another bottle. She blushed, placing the suction cup back on feeling her swollen nipples begin to tingle. "Nngh…it feels…so good!" She moaned loudly as the milk suddenly shot out like a hose causing the bottle to overflow. "Oh god! I don’t want to waste a single drop!” She quickly twisted off the bottle splashing golden milk all over her hands and thighs dripping onto the carpet. She quickly raised the wet bottle to her big juicy lips and began drinking it down as fast as she could getting even more turned on by the sound of her throat gulping down the rest. She finished it letting out a long breath as she gasped looking down at the mess her massive milky mammaries had caused. "Oh gosh…I made a mess…and I still have to pick up Kate, how am I going to fit in the car?' Her mind raced to jump to conclusions as her body began bulging with growth. “Awhn…here it comes again…” She shot up an inch taller, suddenly gaining more size as her ass began to blow up in size and shape gaining weight rapidly. It expanded growing against the soft plushy surface of the pillow top mattress weighing it down more and more as she continued to grow larger. She quickly outgrew her daughter’s previously Amazonian size, rising taller and taller, growing heavier and bustier, motioning her hands down to her gigantic breasts again massaging their incredible size, mashing them up and down, in and out, and squirting her precious milk out onto her chest. “Mmph…more…mmph…” Her luscious lips parted opening wide to suck on her big juicy tits again drinking in deep of more of her special potent growth hormones fueled by her own special blend of the super supplement. Her eyes rolled back as she lost herself in the process motioning her other hand down to her wet aching pussy completely soaked from the constant tugging and toying of her huge nipples.

Her hips began to rock back and forth as her fingers penetrated into her slippery vagina moaning loudly as the rest of her body began to quake with power and immense sexual energy. Her pussy began to tremble with desire unable to concentrate any more on anything besides getting herself off, her mind raced to find something to masturbate to immediately think of how big she could become, she was already a head and shoulders taller than all the doors in the house as most doorframes now we're at the same height as her magnificent breasts. "Bigger…mmph! More-mmph!" She drank down more and more of her endless stream of gushing milk fueling her body to ascend and become a true Amazonian goddess in size. She expanded outwards growing larger as her vagina finally erupts in a powerful orgasm, it sent her into a flurry of emotions squirting milk and juices all down her chest and legs shaking and moaning loudly as the bed suddenly shunted downwards unable to support her burgeoning bodice. It cracked and snapped breaking across the bed frame and wooden panels as her body grew even more enormous crashing down beneath her towering size. "Oh!" Her ass bubbled up bigger, growing and consuming the space around her as the bed frame finally collapsed into the carpet, sending her down another foot again as she sunk into the mattress and broken bedframe. "My god…I just broke the bed…shit…" She stood up off the bed bumping into the ceiling with an audible thud. "Ow! Damn it. Oh my god…that's the ceiling!" It began to sink in upon the realization she had begun to outgrow the house, no longer able to stand up properly in her own bedroom.

"I'm HUGE! I must be as tall as Kate now! Oh…I mean well before she got shrunk back down to her old size. God, I cannot wait to see the look on her face when she sees me!" Lisa was excited quickly forgetting how much energy she had been exerting feeling an aftershock of growth pulse through her legs and up her thighs barely able to stand up as she held onto the wall feeling it slide down and under her growing body as she rose up another few inches over eight feet to a staggering 8'2 feet tall. "There it was again, I really shouldn't have had so much milk…there's no way I'm fitting in the car now. What am I going to do?" She nervously looked down at the nightstand and the bed seeing the partially full bottle of her milk and the pump beside it, feeling her breasts still very much brimming with more of her magnificent mammary milk. "They're still so full…I need to ask Larry to take me to his pickup now...Oh goodness, gracious, he's going to lose his little bald head when he sees me and my big new assets." She giggled to herself looking down at her bountiful breasts blocking her vantage point to anything underneath their gigantic size. She let out a long sigh grabbed onto her bottle cap-sized nipple and squeezed and squirted out more of her precious milk, lifting her finger up to her big luscious lips and licking it off the tip to get another taste. "Mmph…so good. I need to pump out some more and call him." She got up grabbed the pump and suction cup along with another few bottles all up in her wide arms and headed downstairs. She had to duck even farther down, feeling her head touching the ceiling as she shuffled toward the now much smaller doorway.

Her big plump ass nearly got stuck between the door frame as she forced herself through feeling her booty squeezing between it as she gasped standing back up to the height of the hallway ceiling. "Oh goodness…if I get any bigger I won't be able to fit into my bedroom, or any other room really for that matter." She blushed looking down at the rest of the hallway towering over several feet above the carpet as she stomped toward the staircase with her huge jiggling legs watching her thighs shift and move with every loud step she took. Her giant jiggly body slowly came to a stop before she stomped down each step of the stairs, bouncing and shifting with every motion began to make things difficult. Her huge tits immediately bounced up and down with so much force it nearly sent her falling forwards. Her hands began to scramble to hold the little bottles on her bouncy chest moving around and shaking up and down every time her tremendous thighs quaked moving down the steps. “Oh my god, these things are a real hassle, I can barely keep them still.” She managed to hold onto everything still ducking her head down about a foot lower from the ceiling struggling to move around as she felt the sides of her huge hips slide by the edges of the now short archway. She climbed inside tucking in her shoulders like she was trying to enter a playground tunnel barely able to squeeze into her small kitchen. "Oh god! I've gotten too big for everything now." She quickly looked over at the missing chair at the table recalling when Kate had crushed them just by trying to sit down. "Ugh…and I must be at least a foot taller than she was, I feel like a giant! This is crazy, I need to call Larry before I get too big for his truck." She rolled her eyes, placing all the bottles and the pump on the countertop now about as tall as her thighs a couple of inches away from her knees.

"There we go…so…should I bring a few bottles with me?" She smiled, placing the suction cup onto her other breast as she turned the machine on, sucking out her precious golden milk rapidly filling up a few bottles. "Nngh…my nipples are sore…" She sighed, placing down the sixth full bottle of her potent hormonal milk, and looked over at the top of the cabinets close to the ceiling. "Oh gosh, I'm so tall and…busty…these tits could crush someone…like Larry…mmm…where is he…I need him…right now!" She roared with pleasure as she latched onto her giant tits squeezing and massaging them. "Awhn…not again." Her luscious lips quivered as she felt her body begin to build pressure in her throbbing nipples and aching vagina still dripping from her several orgasms. She couldn't help but giggle to herself mischievously as her thighs began to grow and thicken even further looking down at them as she motioned her big hands down her big curvaceous body. Her legs grew longer and stronger as she began to rise again moving upwards moving her head up and pushing onto the ceiling forcing her to bend over further shoving out her bubble booty. Her giant jiggly ass grew and grew becoming even more gigantic in size bulging several feet toward the refrigerator behind her behind. "Bigger…and…bigger…I shouldn't have had so much…of my own…special milk…" Her body bulged bubbling up bigger and bigger still growing against the fridge smashing her humongous ass cheeks against it as she jumped feeling the cold metal touch against its width. She started to panic, feeling her body filling up the space of her now much smaller kitchen in perspective as she climbed in height and size, still gaining mass rapidly when suddenly she heard the doorbell ring out loudly in the air.

“Coming!” She yelled back trying to lift her humongous bulging ass off the refrigerator door and struggling to move around the kitchen with her rapidly expanding body quickly reaching up and over everything as she grew and grew far past eight and a half feet tall rising quickly and transforming into a tall and busty amazon. She fell onto her knees suddenly surging in size as her ass bulged out pushing against the fridge lifting it off the tiled floor slightly. “Oh god…I’m still growing bigger…oh no…I need to get out here!” She motioned toward the archway into the kitchen lifting herself off the floor slightly as she reached out to the other side of the doorway latching onto the doorframe. Her arms grew longer and larger as her hands and the rest of her huge body pulsed with size suddenly growing again as her rapidly developing super hormones sent surges of growth to her now transformed pituitary gland firing off synapses and surging her body full of estrogen and growth hormones. She tried to push her way towards the front door squeezing her gigantic ass into the foyer feeling her hips brush against the sides of the doorway nearly getting stuck before finally landing on the long hallway carpet. Her entire body jiggled all over finally settling slowly swaying back and forth as she began to crawl up to the front door reaching out towards the doorknob watching her perspective rise up even more as she got closer.

Outside the door, a tall bald man stood beside a short pale redheaded girl waiting as they heard loud banging and crashes coming from inside. “Sheesh. I hope everything is alright in there.” The short flat-chested redhead with bright green eyes chirped up at her father a whole foot taller than her, she was a little taller than his shoulders. “I’m sure everything is fine, I’m going to knock again.” He shrugged and went to knock when suddenly the door swung open with a resounding snap and crack from the hinges breaking off splintering into the pieces. “Jesus!” - “Holy shit!” The two of them screamed jumping back as the door lifted up into the air and into the foyer being held by two massive hands. “Whoa! I didn’t mean to- Oh shoot!” Lisa giggled placing the torn-off door onto the wall beside her before latching onto the outside wall and pushing her way through the front door feeling her hips and giant ass once again get stuck feeling her jiggly curves slip by before hearing a pop as they released jiggling again before she stood up to her truly towering size. Larry and Hailey were dumbfounded and completely speechless as they watched her humongous body rise past their heads and up into the air several feet taller than them, nearly double their size.

Lisa was enormous, she had grown over ten feet tall towering over the both of them at 10’4 feet tall, one of her thighs was the size and height of Larry’s entire body, and the top of his shiny head just about reached the height of her massive hips that were double the width of his entire torso. His eyes wandered up past her huge juicy vagina, you could see her wet throbbing clitoris pulsating with sexual heat just below at his eye level struggling to push past its majestic size. He continued on panning up past her huge hips above his head all the way up to her mountainous breasts blocking any form of vision to her face. She laughed loudly as her entire body shook blushing hard as her vagina began to drip down her thighs and onto the concrete. She nearly came just looking down at the two of them shorter than her wide hips. “Goodness! I am so sorry, I’ve been growing like crazy!” - “Christ…” Larry couldn’t take his eyes off her gigantic breasts basically hypnotized, he had never seen tits so large, bouncy, and jiggly like an ocean of cleavage jiggled and jostled completely mesmerized by them as she smiled coyly tossing them around. She leaned over slightly to see his face of shock in response squeezing them together and sighing. “Mmm…and these have gotten so big and juicy I can’t even walk down my stairs without bouncing all over the place.” Lisa was dripping at this point she could hardly believe how much she had grown in such a short time starting to realize the effects of her own rapidly reproducing growth hormones could easily affect any other woman looking down at little Hailey who was about as tall as half of the height of her giant bubble butt.

She gulped nervously seeing her easily entrance her father who was imagining her giant ass squashing her and smothering her. I mean she was miniscule in comparison. She felt totally intimidated by her huge breasts alone, each of which could easily crush her cute little body. “I-I…” She stuttered looking up at her as Lisa turned looking down at her and seeing her eyes lock onto her engorged milky nipples dripping onto the ground every so often. “Oh! Hailey, It’s such a pleasure to meet you!” - “Y-yeah…H-hi…Mrs…uhh…” - “You can just call me Lisa! Haha!” She laughed sending more waves through her chest as she leaned in further smiling. “Are you thirsty? I have lots of fresh milk inside.” - “Uhh…sure…” She nodded nervously looking over at Larry as he shrugged in response. “Well…we just came over to see if everything is ok, there was a lot of noise and-” - “Oh! I’m so sorry! I’ve just been growing and growing…and growing…really just growing all day.” - “Yeah…you’re huge.” Larry sighed looking up at her as she placed her hand on both of their shoulders. “I know! Isn’t it great? I was pretty big before, but now I’m gigantic!” - “You’re like… super-sized…” Hailey looked nervously turning bright red as she felt her huge hand on her shoulder covering nearly her entire upper arm. “I’m so glad you two showed up, I started to grow and I got so big I couldn’t use my phone anymore, haha! I need to help my daughter and her coach, they’re stuck at the campus without a ride, could you help us, Larry?” She smiled, putting on her charm as he nodded slowly, still staring at her long line of cleavage and her two bare hanging breasts dripping her precious golden milk from her nipples. “S-sure…that’s no problem…” - “Awesome! I knew I could count on you.” Lisa smiled suggestively looking down at his throbbing erection trying to avoid making any more eye contact with her tremendous jiggly nude body towering over him was basically impossible. She giggled looking down at Hailey and how little she was as she stood back up to her full towering height feeling her throbbing vagina about to erupt again with another orgasm just from comparing her giant size to theirs was turning her on like crazy.

Lisa bit her lip starting to feel the same feeling from before as she began to tremble to feel her aching vagina about to erupt with passion as she bit her lip and held herself back as much as she could feeling little spurts of her own cum begin to leak out of her aching pussy. “Nngh…we should get inside!” She said confidently as she bent down and crawled into her now much smaller house. The two of them looked at each other with confused faces following her giant bubble booty inside through the front door immediately greeted by her deep swollen red vagina oozing with her own feminine juices as she bent all the way over. The both of them turned bright red embarrassed seeing her soaking wet pussy spread out in front of them as she began to moan to herself knowing they were watching her giant wet pussy on full display. She moaned louder feeling the familiar feeling of growth begin to fill her up again. “Oh god…not now…awhn!” She let out another exasperated groan as she suddenly bulged outwards growing larger several inches passing ten and a half feet tall, now double the size of most people.

She was growing colossal, passing an entire ton in weight and muscle as she gained mass growing bigger and bigger growing roughly past a thousand four hundred pounds and growing into a behemoth of a woman. Her ass and thighs rippled with growth getting bigger and bigger filling up the sides of the front entrance way even rivaling its taller and bulkier size with her sudden growth spurt sending her hips straddling against the sides of the wide door frame starting to buckle. She struggled to push her way inside slowly giving into her urges as her fingers motioned back down to her vagina as began to get herself off. “I’m sorry…I need to…right now! AWHN! I’M GONNA CUM!” With just a few strokes across her clit which had swollen to the size of a clementine finally sent her body into a powerful trembling orgasm squirting all over. “Auch!” - “Fuck!” The two of them yelled as she sprayed them with her feminine juices growing another half a foot in one massive orgasmic growth spurt as she quickly ascended upwards to eleven feet tall. Her giant hips crushed the doorframe warping it inwards as she forced her way inside smashing her way through the wood and glass, and crawling her way into the foyer. The two of them were soaked looking at each other in disgust as they slowly entered carefully avoiding the sharp glass and wooden debris, also making sure not to bump into the unhinged door sitting by the doorway. They watched her huge bubble booty sway and jiggle around as she crawled into the kitchen archway now even smaller than before at her new perspective. “Oh my goodness…I don’t think I’m going to be able to fit inside anymore…Oh gosh! I broke the front door! Shit…” She looked back at the two curved indentations against the cracked wooden door frame in the shape of her immensely wide hips sitting on her truly hourglass shaped incredibly fertile physique.

She huffed out a long breath, turning toward the living room as she crawled onto the couch hearing it creak loudly and immediately break apart as she placed her weight onto it. “Oh fuck! Come on…I can’t sit on any of my own furniture anymore either…” She pouted turning around and sitting on the middle of the floor with her arms stretched back behind her pushing her huge chest forward into the air. “Mmm…nngh…it feels so good to stretch…oh! Go ahead and help yourself to anything in the kitchen my dear, I need to talk to your father for just a minute.” She smiled devilishly as Hailey was fixated on her giant breasts swaying from side to side as she continued to stretch out on the living room rug. “Y-yeah…sure…” Hailey nodded turning toward Larry looking up at his tall frame beside hers feeling truly dwarved in size by Lisa, even sitting down she was over a head and shoulders taller than each of them. She nodded sheepishly walking into the kitchen leaving the two of them alone. Larry turned looking back at her body like a delicious treat starting to feel his erection about to blast off in his pants, but he kept himself together holding himself back as he approached her giant body sprawled out on the long indian rug with orange and red tesselated designs. “So…what did you want to talk about?” - “Mmm…come closer…I can’t really hear you…” You could hear the seductive lilt in every sentence she spoke, softly pulling him closer to her as her huge hands gently began to caress his chest. “Oh…of course…” He felt her begin to rub his shoulders with her powerful hands like the best chiropractor he could buy couldn’t give him the pressure and strength like Lisa had gained now at her new towering over eleven foot tall had the strength of a small burgeoning mini-giantess. “Auch! Whoa! Easy there.” - “Oh I’m being so gentle, I’m sorry I guess I don’t know my own strength…” She said softly as she began to imagine his cock deep inside her huge aching vagina feeling it throbbing still extremely wet and oozing from the many orgasms she had already had today. “Feels great though…nngh. Damn you have great hands…” Larry began to relax a bit as she drug him closer into her busty cleavage as her giant tits began to rub against his back she felt her huge now soda can sized nipples touch the fabric of his back. “Ah! Oh…sorry…really sensitive.” She said sheepishly blushing looking down and he turned to see her huge dripping wet nipple throbbing with sensitivity.

“They’re huge…” Larry mumbled moving in closer as she lifted them closer to his head seeing them over twice the size of his entire chest. “They’re still so full too…they just keep growing…and growing…I filled up over six bottles today.” - “Bottles of…” Larry stuttered seeing her squeeze one of her enormous breasts squirting out her fresh milk splashing directly onto his face. “Auch! Lisa-” - “Shh…do you want to taste them? Mmm…come on it tastes amazing, I drank a bunch today myself, I couldn’t stop it was so delicious and sweet. Please they’re so fucking full…I can’t stand it any longer…I need to…release…all this precious milk…and if I drink anymore I’m going to outgrow the entire house!” - “Yeah…you’re big enough as it is…ok…uhh…”  Larry hesitated at first, but she grew even closer to his body sitting up beside him lining her huge nipples up to her face as soon as he opened his mouth she shoved it toward his lips wedging it into his mouth. “Mmph!” - “That’s it…mmm…yeah…” She moaned loudly trembled slightly as she felt his little mouth struggle to wrap around it as she released a stream of her potent milk into his mouth. A big shot of her milk filled up his mouth instantly gagging as milk spilled out from the sides of his cheeks getting all over the floor and carpet. “Nngh! Sorry…there’s a lot of pressure built up in each one of milky monsters.” He gulped down more and more as he started to feel nauseous drinking so much of her sweet milk, but then the strangest thing began to happen. Larry’s mind and thoughts slowly began to fade replaced by absolute lust driven by only his desire to fuck with every gulp of her special hormonal blend he became more and more into Lisa and her body becoming entranced by her size, her potent feminine scent, and even desired to taste her soaking wet vagina dripping with anticipation.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Hailey reached up to the counter picking up a full bottle of her milk seeing the six bottles all scattered about the countertop each filled to the brim with Lisa's own special hormonal blend of breast milk, still a bit warm sitting out on the counter. Her mind quickly thought back to when she met Lisa earlier, recalling her scary gigantic towering size mainly, but also her humongous breasts, giant nipples, incredible curves, wide powerful chest, her strong bulging muscles, and even her big juicy ass was an absolute masterpiece. Her huge big bountiful and beautiful body was a work of art in her mind, but more importantly, she had grown an entire building story tall, over ten feet tall in size, now taller than the first floor of the house by an entire foot and she was still growing even bigger. Her mind raced thinking of how much she was going to change starting to feel her heart pounding harder. “So…if I drink this…I could get as big as her…or maybe even bigger if I drink enough…" She pondered for a moment, starting to feel her little heart beating out of her chest in anticipation. "I’ve been short and flat-chested for my entire life…it’s finally time to grow up…I’m gonna drink as much as I can…mmph…” A glint shined in her eye as she lifted the bottle to her lips taking her first sip to get a taste.

She couldn’t believe it, it was delicious. It was incomprehensibly flavorful and incredibly sweet, she fell in love with it like the other girls within seconds and went back for more and more. Her throat bulged, drinking down the entire bottle chugging it at once finishing it, and letting out a cute burp. “Oof. That stuff is so fucking tasty! It’s like a sweet vanilla cream…I want more…” She placed the empty one down with her delicate hands and picked up another lifting it up to her perky lips and starting to chug it down. “Mmph…mmm…*gulp gulp gulp…*” With just a few sips of her second bottle her cute short little body began to flood with potent fresh growth enzymes charging her entire body at once. She drank down more and her body began to tingle with warmth and sensitivity sending signals all across her arms and legs, ass and breasts, to start growing, start increasing length and size, and to start becoming bigger. It began down by her feet and ankles starting to show a bit more as her legs grew longer and a bit stronger, gaining muscle and thickness. She rose an inch taller to 5’4 within a few moments feeling her body stretching and adapting to its new size rapidly almost felt cathartic. She could feel the edges of her jeans begin to dig into the sides of her waist and down near her shins up her legs to her slender thighs began becoming more plump and curvy. And then a slight touch of air on her belly as it slowly began to get more and more noticeable that she was increasing in size and weight showing more skin across her clothing that began getting much tighter as she continued to increase in size.

She didn't seem to mind making a mess, dripping milk from the sides of her cheeks onto her yellow flowery blouse and flat chest spilling onto her barely noticeable A-cup breasts drinking down her second bottle about halfway before struggling a bit with the volume and the thickness of her milk was starting to make her feel strange. The milk was intensely sweet, syrupy, and quite thick and the sensation of growth slowly started to make her want to moan and massage her tingling body sending waves of increasingly erotic sensations across her skin and into her throbbing vagina. She motioned her hand up to her chest feeling the moisture of the droplets of potent hormonal milk touch her fingertips moving them across her chest. She got a second wind closing her eyes focusing and drinking down the rest gulping down a second bottle as her waistline only grew wider, expanding as her once cute apple-bottom butt now plumped up into a big round juicy ass. The other parts of her body joined in, starting to swell even larger as she passed 5’5 tall, becoming voluptuous in shape and more pronounced. Her big round ass continued bubbling up bigger, becoming larger and larger as her two ass cheeks filled up into a giant juicy bubble butt.

Her loose blouse began to lift up a bit as her body grew bigger and taller, having already grown a few inches taller her body began to pass Kate's old height of 5'6 feet tall, feeling all of her clothing getting tight. It wasn't long until her chest finally began to transform, first growing from small budding pears into larger soft orange-sized titties feeling her chest begin to tingle intensely finishing the last little bit in the bottle before looking down at her new body. "Oh my god! It fucking works, I'm growing! YES! I've always wanted a body like this…look at these little babies, come on keep growing, these aren't even a handful, I want them to grow into big juicy melons." She shook her now ample C-cup bust watching them shake around a little bit still barely making an impact on her top. "Ugh. I need more…I'll just have another bottle…mmph…I'm sure she won't mind…mhm…mmm…so delicious...*gulp gulp gulp…" She nodded affirming herself as she began to suck down the third bottle of her potent hormonal breast milk with vigor. She wanted to grow, she needed to, and it started to consume her every thought and desire, becoming obsessed with growing big juicy tits had become her passion at that very moment.

"Mmm…bigger…mmph…mhm..more…" Her cute little pussy had started to get wet feeling her pretty pink panties straining to stay around her rapidly expanding ass that had now grown into a huge beautiful and bouncy booty of magnanimous proportions. It was ridiculously juicy and jiggled bouncing around anytime she motioned in any direction, the more she grabbed and played with it, the more her clothes seemed to shrink and tighten. Her panties at this point were wrapped around her two huge bubble booty cheeks sliding between them looking more like a thong as she continued to swell larger struggling to keep the folds of her underwear covering her ass now easily visible from under her mini-skirt. The rest of her body followed suit, she rose taller growing over 5’7 and inching upwards taller and taller as she continued to suck down on the bottle listening to the sound of her throat gulping down more seemingly began to turn her on even further knowing that drinking this much would guarantee some serious results. It wasn’t long until she grew past 5’8 in height, now as tall as most men, a couple of inches shy from the powerful six feet in size that she had desired her entire life.

However, the third bottle was perhaps too much for her previously little and petite body, she had already begun to tread past 5’9 with the first two bottles, and this next bottle would prove to send her soaring into true Amazonian status in size. Her hardly filled-out physique began to explode with curves and sexy voluptuousness, she began to feel her clit begin to pulse and throb swelling up forcing her to let go of the bottle with a loud resounding pop off her now swollen heart-shaped pouting lips as she let out a powerful moan. "Awhn! Fuck! My whole body is tingling like crazy…nngh!" Her knees trembled, nearly falling over as she caught herself on the countertop struggling to hold herself up she felt a powerful heat begin to build up in both of her nipples and breasts building up and up until finally, it released expanding her breasts bigger and bigger growing far past large mature breasts into pornstar sized boobs. “They’re growing so big! Nngh! I can’t move though…nngh!” She mumbled to herself as she began to expand even more rapidly, pockets of her pale strawberry-speckled skin began to pop open between openings in her clothing that began to tear open one by one until finally; “Shrrrip!” Her tight jeans burst open revealing her humongous ass around her widening hips growing bigger and bigger and bigger.. She started to realize how fast she had just grown almost triple the speed of growth looking down at her bubbling breasts growing into bouncy boobies, they quickly surpassed DDs growing into juicy cantaloupes in size blowing up into DDDs and then even more expanding into huge F cups. “Oh YES! They’re perfect…mmm…” Her hands massaged them, and running her fingers across her delicate sensitive nipples started to make her incredibly horny. "Oh! My fucking god…they're so sensitive." She trembled and tried to lift them off the countertop, feeling them continue to fill up and expand as they quickly outgrow their previously large size, filling up again and graduating into luscious G cups now the size of two graciously squishy honeydew watermelons.

“Fuck…they’re enormous…I can’t even lift them off the counter…and my ass feels so jiggly and gigantic now…is that growing too…oh my god, my pants and my blouse, they’re both ruined! I’m outgrowing all my clothes! And I’m still growing bigger!” She stuck out her big booty as it expanded rapidly bulging outwards as the button on her jeans buckled before another growth spurt ran through her already mature hourglass-shaped body. Her gigantic ass only grew larger as her small and cute flowered blue jeans could barely stay on her burgeoning body, they were now wrapped around her thick thighs like shorts unable to contain her bubbling booty from expanding past its limits. The shoulder straps of her yellow blouse finally snapped off as her chest grew wider and more pronounced, becoming luscious and voluminous in shape and size, gaining another few cup sizes of growth filling up into humongous H-cups. "They're so fucking BIG!" She exclaimed latching onto them and massaging them moaning louder and louder as her titanic breasts spilled out of her arms and onto her chest. She couldn't take it any longer, she was overwhelmed by her own rapidly developing hormones, she started to shake and tremble with more intensity, unable to stop touching, prodding, squeezing, and stroking her sensitive spots all over her body as she felt them growing increasingly sensitive and even larger in size.

She started to pant heavy like an animal in heat gyrating her hips and humping the air as her throbbing vagina finally let loose a powerful orgasm. "Awhn…fuck…I'm so HOT…I’m cumming! Awhn!" Her thighs shook, growing thicker along with the rest of her body rumbling with growth as her aching pussy leaked her precious feminine juices all over her long luscious legs and onto the tiled floor. She came all over herself shaking and trembling as she started to giggle and jiggle feeling the intense euphoria wash over her now luscious form. "Haha…phew…that was so intense…hah…mmm…still…so horny…" She clenched her tremendous thighs together with a resounding slap trying to stop her soaked vagina from dripping any more onto the floor as she slowly felt another wave of euphoria begin to consume her again giggling to herself and licking her luscious lips before biting down on them and moaning loudly. "Awhn…more? Mmm…nngh…fuck…my fucking pussy won’t stop aching…oh my god…nngh…" Her big booty bounced as she hit the floor unable to resist the urge to touch herself, her fingers plunged into her wet aching vagina, she passed over her throbbing red clit a few times before reaching another orgasm within seconds trembling and shaking as she continued to grow even more tremendous tearing off the rest of her torn jeans, beautiful dress now slid up her torso wearing it like a low-cut shirt. Her body had gained a few inches in the process now standing just shy of six feet tall at a strong 5’11 with humongous H-cup breasts the size of volleyballs hanging off her wide pronounced chest, with a big juicy bubble booty to compliment the rest of her tall hourglass figure. Hailey lifted her soaking wet fingers up to her huge luscious lips licking them and sucking on them tasting her own wetness as she slowly let out a long satisfied sigh.

In the living room, Lisa's moans echoed throughout the space feeling Larry plunging his cock deep inside her giant pussy. Her huge body shook and jostled over on top of his dick bouncing on it like crazy. His big dick pumped back and forth inside her wet vagina penetrating her deeply with his throbbing erection. He went as hard and as fast as he could, maintaining a constant thrusting motion as he entered a sexual trance. "GOD! YES! FUCK ME!" She roared demanding his dick to penetrate her huge vagina as he obliged instantly trying to go deeper inside with every thrust. Larry was totally absorbed in this sexual rhythm pumping her back and forth over and over filling her vagina up with his big throbbing cock. Beads of sweat trickled down his brow holding back his urge to finish inside her warm ocean of pussy that was hugging his dick tightly with every forward motion deeper inside her. "YES! YES! YES! JUST LIKE THAT! HARDER! MORE! YES! AWHN!" Larry couldn't hold back any longer hearing her cheer him on and finally reached his limit as he was about to explode. "Are you gonna cum?! Cum for me! AWHN!" He grunted loudly, grabbing two huge handfuls of her incredible ass twice the size of his body, finally sending a massive cumshot inside of her, filling her up as she felt his warm throbbing cock inside. "OH GOD YESSSSS!" She screamed, feeling him cum inside her was exhilarating feeling her giant jiggling body trembling with pleasure as her huge form began to rumble with growth yet again. He felt her entire body rumble and then suddenly grow taking up more space as he slowly removed his dripping wet cock from her pussy he could see her incredibly large and bulging thighs grow even bigger around him. Lisa grew and grew rising up and filling out the space around her even more as she grew and expanded into an absolutely gigantic twelve-foot-tall behemoth of a woman. She seemed to finally be satisfied letting out a huge moan and feeling his hot cum trickling out of her sopping wet sticky vagina.

Lisa was finally satisfied, she let out a long sigh laying back as the wall began to crack and break, Larry panicked screaming up at her, “Hey Lisa! You’re about to break the goddamn wall!” - “Oh! My goodness!” She screamed suddenly moving her whole body forward sending Larry onto the floor and pushing the couch and other objects away toward the rest of the living room floor. She was gigantic, there was nothing they could do besides watch her destroy everything around her, she couldn’t stand up in her own house, let alone sit or lay on any of her own furniture anymore, she was far too colossal for this suburban home. The low seven-foot tall ceilings were really causing her some serious issues now that she was nearly double their height of them. She squeezed down, twisting her body onto all fours trying to crawl toward the front door when Larry heard a noise coming from the kitchen. “Just stay here Lisa! Don’t try to get out on your own, trust me, you’re too big now, girl!” - “Girl?! I’m not a girl, I’m a GIANTESS! Don’t tell me what to do little man!” Lisa pouted moving her huge head down toward Larry just to scowl at him before she started to push her way towards the front door. He extricated himself from the situation quickly dodging under the kitchen archway as her gigantic body motioned past him.

Larry went into the kitchen starting to regret his decision to enter Lisa’s house today when he saw his daughter’s ass now inflated into a massive pornstar-sized booty on full display in the kitchen. “What the hell…you too?” He spoke out loud softly as he heard her drinking down something a bit out of his view as he approached. A beautiful hourglass figure, wide powerful hips holding up a big juicy bubble booty was glistening under the ambient light in the kitchen. “Mmph…more…mmph…" Hailey couldn’t resist, her big juicy lips were wrapped around a fourth bottle of Lisa’s magical milk holding it up with her right hand, the other slowly kneading her huge bubbling breast, pinching her nipples and squeezing them while letting out moans muffled by the bottle in her mouth. “Oh no…Hailey…come on now, you don’t need to be drinking any of that stuff…didn’t you see how big…she…” Larry could barely comprehend what he was seeing as he finally got near her immediately noticing her taller frame, close to six feet tall now and still growing even more tremendous by the second. "Mmph…mmph…aah…all gone! Oh, hey Dad, what's up?" She tried to play it cool crossing her arms over to hide her huge swollen breasts and rock-hard nipples feeling them against her forearms and biting her lower lip in response. She placed the empty bottle on the countertop looking at the now three other clear dirty bottles she previously finished looking back at Larry as she bumped up another inch taller now eye level with him. She quickly realized she had now outgrown him by half an inch already as she felt the fourth bottle of her precious magic milk begin to affect Hailey once more making her feel increasingly horny. His eyes wandered over toward her and the empty bottles on the counter laughing and giggling as he began to get nervous watching her body suddenly shift and jump up another inch now over six feet tall. "Oh shit, Hailey, why did you drink so much? Oh my god…you're already as tall as me!" His eyes widened as he watched her begin to smirk feeling another wave of growth begin to stir within her already busty bombshell body.

"Well…actually…" She giggled as her body suddenly began to rumble before rising up again another inch to 6’2. "I'm bigger than you! By an inch or maybe two actually, haha!" - “Are you kidding me…” - “No! And oh FUCK! Here it comes again…nngh!” She shouted as she started to moan, feeling her already gigantic tits grow absolutely monstrous in size swelling up into juicy J-cups the size of bowling balls. "You're getting huge, god damn it, Hailey, how are you going to fit in the truck?" She laughed again looking down at him from her now 6'3 tall bodice oozing with curves and sexuality. "You're getting so much shorter than me…I love it!" Hailey giggled turning back toward the other two bottles briskly picking a fifth one up and popping off the cap. “Ooh…I’m gonna have some more, so you keep getting smaller and smaller haha!” - "Hailey! That's enough!" Larry tried to put his foot down, reaching up and snatching it from her hands before she got a chance to get another sweet taste of growth formula-infused milk. "Aww…you're no fun." Hailey pouted looking down at him in disappointment as he reached over and closed the lid. "Didn't you see how big Lisa is? You’ve already drank four whole bottles of her breast milk! Who knows how much she’s drunk her own super titty milk.” - “Super titty milk…dad…” - “Come on, we have to get to the campus, you're going to be late for your night class." - "Ugh! Fine." She started acting bratty, stomping past him and noticing her head close to the top of the door frame only shy a couple of inches away from it. "Whoa…I'm really tall now, the doors look so small." - "Yeah, and if you get any bigger, you aren't going to fit in the car, that's what I've been trying to tell you." - "Aww…are you just jealous you aren't growing bigger and stronger too? I'm sorry…not all of us can become goddesses." - "No…I just… never mind." The two of them made their way down the hallway stopping immediately to see two huge ass cheeks protruding from the front doorway blocking their way out.

Outside Lisa was pushing as hard as she could trying to use the ground as leverage as she started to pull the stone tiles off the lawn at her huge size. "Ugh! I'm so big I can't hold onto anything…shit! What am I going to do?" She looked back at her huge naked body stuck inside her doorway, her humongous ass bulging out from the sides of the doorframe trying to push her way out. “Hey, Lisa! Can you hear us?” Larry shouted looking at her humongous ass suddenly plumping up more and becoming bigger getting even more stuck around the edges of the doorframe. She could hear muffled sounds coming from behind her ass wedged in the doorway looking back behind her as she felt small warm hands touching it. Lisa blushed smiling as she felt Larry’s small hands trying his best to push her butt out of the doorway. It was no use, she was too big, over double his size and her big bubble butt was just swelling larger and larger starting to make cracks appear across the doorframe and wall surrounding it. His hands sunk deep inside her flesh, sinking in at least half a foot before taking his hand back out, he gasped seeing her body surge again as she began to grow several feet larger exponentially in huge growth spurts. Her body rumbled each time growing an entire foot larger, she expanded growing against the walls of the doorframe struggling to contain her giant growing body as she grew and grew into a powerful fifteen-foot tall giantess mother. “Mother of god.” - “Holy fuck.” The two of them exclaimed as her ass grew bigger and bigger before them expanding out into the foyer several feet before finally bursting through the front doorway, snapping the doorframe apart and sending the doors off it’s hinges within seconds as she created a wake of destruction in her rampaging growth. Pieces of wood and splinters fell onto the floor now covered in drywall dust as the two of them went outside using the hole now replacing the one quaint front door leaving a fifteen-foot wide hole in the entrance to her home. They stepped aside avoiding stepping directly on the front door now facing the stone pathway littered with giant footsteps leading off into the grass in the yard. Lisa looked down smiling and waving at a cute couple walking their dog now over fifteen feet tall, nude, and incredibly busty.

“Hey! Nice to see you, Henry!” She smiled blushing looking down at the man now about halfway up one of her gigantic thighs in height. “Uhh…h-hi…Lisa…” He said shakily looking all the way up her humongous tree-like legs, past her huge wet vagina between her thunderous thighs, up her vast belly and chest all the way up to her humongous monstrous breasts blocking most of his vision to her two glimmering eyes over a story in height away from his head. Lisa was a giantess, clearly completely dwarfing regular humans now, roughly three times the size of most men and even further beyond any average woman, she was monstrous in size and had attained quite a lot of power in a short time. She leaned down with one of her huge hands placing it on his head, now about the size of a baseball in her palm, she ruffled his hair laughing and giggling a bit menacingly as his girlfriend stood there in complete shock. “My my! Henry, you’re all grown up, but not as much as me I’m afraid, hahaha!” She let out a bellowing laugh down at the two of them starting to look terrified glancing up at her tremendous tits hanging down like two huge punching bags above them. She finally let him loose, standing back up to her full height as she stomped off turning back to her house, sending tremors through the ground as the two of them held onto each other to avoid falling over from her gigantic size sending waves through the earth just from her sheer weight and mass colliding with the ground.

Hailey stood beside Larry watching the exchange happen before them, smiling to herself as she felt another wave of growth passing over her feeling warm and horny, slowly increasing in strength as she noticed her father slowly shrinking beside her. “She’s…gigantic.” Hailey bit her lip growing an inch taller to 6’4 filling up with envy and watching Lisa leave giant footprints in her front yard simply by walking over it, each footprint was like a three-foot-deep crater at her magnificent size. The ground shook as the newly grown giantess approached, sending waves of tremors across her front yard as she bounced and jiggled all over finally stopping and looking down at them smiling. “Gosh! I’ve really grown so much BIGGER! You both look so cute down there!” The two of them were speechless looking at her long legs and giant body towering over everything, the truck just about reached her knees no far beneath her giant wet pussy and thunderous thighs each now big enough to crush anything under their tremendous size. “Shit Lisa…you’re a giant now.” Larry gulped looking up at her and starting to stare at her soaked pussy, seeing it throbbing and aching the more he gazed at its giant beauty the more he fell in love. Hailey on the other hand was in her own world feeling the effects of her supercharged super supplement powered hormones firing up again as she rose taller growing larger breasts filling up into absolutely giant K-cups, and a more plump ass growing to twice the width it was before as she grew another inch taller as well to a powerful 6’5, growing bigger and bigger beside her father unaware of her still gaining size next to him. She blushed harder seeing that she was now a whole head taller than him and that she had been slowly gaining inches added to her size this whole time.

“We should probably get going- Hailey!” Larry turned to see Hailey now even taller than before moving his eyes all the way up to her new nearly six-and-a-half-foot tall height. “What…?” She played it off like nothing was going on feeling warm and tingly as she blushed looking down at her braless breasts hanging down in her tight green sweater now wearing it like a small halter top, barely able to cover up most of her bubbling breasts. “You’re still getting bigger…damn it, girl, I told you not to drink so much, there’s no way you’re gonna fit in the truck now.” Larry sighed as she only grinned more devilishly in response as her body began to rumble again before rising up another inch taller finally passing the six-and-a-half-foot tall threshold and growing into a powerful 6’6 red-haired goddess. “Nngh…” She tried to hide it as she continued to grow and grow watching his face become more anxious beading with sweat and nervousness as she rose even taller trembling before growing again to 6’7 gaining size and shape with goddess-like attributes sending his vision even further down closer to her two bountiful breasts each twice the size of his little bald head. He wanted her to stop, but it was no use, Hailey had guzzled down four whole bottles of her potent super supplement-infused breast milk and she was surging with growth now, she tried to hold it back, but her body only rumbled again with more growth as she reached 6’8 she began to really realize how much she had grown seeing her surroundings start to get much smaller than before. She was starting to get closer and closer to being an entire foot taller than most men, now easily towering over a foot taller than most women, besides the growing giantesses on Belview Boulevard, where Lisa’s home was situated. Although now her front door was a huge hole surrounded by rubble and her front yard grass was filled with several deep foot-shaped holes made by her new giantess body.

Larry was dumbfounded looking up at her once petite and tiny daughter now the size and shape of a busty bodacious bombshell of an Amazon. She was already incredibly beautiful, but now she was divine, bubbling with curves and luscious voluptuousness all over with a pair of breasts that could crush a person’s will with a few sultry shakes, and an ass to make anyone crumble emotionally with a few good squeezes. She smiled still blushing looking down at him as she started to try and persuade him. “Don’t look at me like that…mmm…not my fault I’m growing this much…nngh…how was I supposed to know that milk was going to make me grow this big…haha…nngh…mmm…” She tried to play it off some more feeling her body still growing in size as she passed 6’9 feeling her ass finally break free of her torn jean shorts bursting off her giant bubbly ass and falling onto the walkway stones. “Oh…awhn!” She moaned as her breasts finally tore free from her tattered clothing finally completely free from any fabrics totally nude on the front lawn and now the size of a small Amazon. “Maybe…you should stay here…I’ll go pick up your daughter, don’t worry Lisa.” Larry shrugged looking over at Hailey’s breasts that were now basically at his eye level, having grown over seven inches taller than him, far beyond her old petite barely five-foot tall frame had now graduated into several feet of pure seduction and power oozing with luscious curves and strong muscles. “Ooh! Yay! More milk for me then!” Hailey cheered stomping off as she rushed past him inadvertently knocking him over onto the grass at her new size. “Shit! Hailey! Stop! I said no more of that fucking milk!” He yelled as he watched her bubbly butt squeeze into the house past the wreckage and debris. “God damn it…that girl is going to get as big as– Whoa!” Larry got off the grass and started making his way inside when he felt himself suddenly whisk off the ground and into the air.

“Mmm…don’t worry about her…” A voice boomed above his shiny bald head as he felt his shirt tighten around his chest being lifted off the ground by Lisa’s new towering size, plucked off the side of the walkway with just one of her gigantic hands. He lifted him way up above the first story of their house over ten feet into the air as he saw her huge face in front of him being held aloft by just the back of his shirt. “Jesus Christ! Put me down, Lisa! Fuck!” He screamed, finally letting out a few obscenities as she giggled clicking her tongue against her front teeth. “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Didn’t anyone teach you any manners?” She smiled motioning her humongous lips toward him giving him a giant wet kiss leaving most of his face covered in her saliva. “Auch! Lisa!” He yelled again trying to fight back fruitlessly swinging his arms around in her hands as she just laughed seeing his small body unable to do anything against her incredible size, over three times as big as he was himself. “You aren’t in any position to argue with me, little man…now please…go to the campus and pick up Kate, she’s been waiting for over an hour now.” She looked serious pouting her lips out slightly just to make a point as he gulped feeling her entire body begin to rumble. Lisa couldn’t help, but imagine her daughter’s size beside her new and terrifying body, it started to turn her on like crazy, filling her with the same familiar primal urge to grow and pleasure herself as she felt her vagina twitch and pulse, throbbing with sensitivity as the thought raced through her intense adrenaline filled mind.  “Awhn…sorry…Larry…mmm….nngh!” Her entire body shook and trembled suddenly, growing several feet taller into a powerful eighteen-foot tall giantess, feeling her hands and arms growing larger around his small body as his eyes only widened in shock totally speechless watching her ascend into an even larger big breasted behemoth. “Yes mam’” He said confidently, but also in fear as she slowly cracked a smile opening her eyes after the immense pleasure of growth began to fade away. “Good. See you in a little bit then, handsome.” She finally lowered him down motioning way past her titanic breasts each the size of a four-seater sedan with nipples the size of fire hydrants, continued down the incredible expanse of her huge frame down past her wet soaking vagina leaving droplets onto the concrete beneath her and finally back onto the stone walkway. Larry sighed looking back up at her vagina teeming with her own wetness watching her throbbing clitoris ache and turn red only to release more of her juices onto the grass beside him making small splashes onto the walkway. “Come on go…before I get too big…haha…mmm…” Lisa cooed looking down at him unable to take his lustful gaze off of her wet dripping vagina that was now big enough to fit basically his entire body inside of, looking up at her mountainous breasts that had grown large enough now they could crush an entire car beneath them.

Height & Size Tracker

Kate - Irish, Red-head Athlete

5’6 (167 cm) 40DDD

Naomi - Asian, Fitness Instructor, Kate's Coach

7’9 (240 cm), 46J

Lisa - Irish, Brunette, Kate's Mom

18'1 (551 cm), 60O

Natasha - Russian, Raven-haired Competitor

5'10 (155 cm), 42F cup

Jessica - American, Blonde-haired competitor

6'10 (185 cm), 42G

Maxine - Italian American, Jessica's Coach

5'10 (155 cm) 40DDD cup 

Ivanka, Russian, Raven-haired, Natasha's Mom

6'0ft (182 cm) 50L

Hailey - Swedish - Redhead - Larry’s Daughter

6’9 (210 cm) K-cup


Dimitri - Russian, Black Hair, Natasha's Half-Brother

10 inches (5'10)

Boris - Russian, Black Hair, Natasha's Stepfather


Larry - Lisa’s Neighbor




Added more to Chapter 8, Enjoy :)


Finally finishing Chapter 8! Enjoy <3