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Fertility Hormones

"God, they're enormous." She said looking down at her double GG cup breasts hanging down into her loose pink tank top.

“I just started taking those fertility pills on Friday…and my tits got huge!”

She had outgrown all of her bras, from a meager B cup now boasting giant cantaloupe-sized breasts.

"The warning on the label said I would go up a cup size or two…but this is getting ridiculous."

She flinched feeling a tingling sensation running through her giant tits into her nipples.

“I’m going to need to buy more bras…again…oh…awhn.”

She moaned as they bubbled up bigger, growing into H cups slowly building up a long line of cleavage.

“Oh god…not again…oh no…mmm…”

She whimpered, motioning her hands down to her breasts, starting to massage them and moaning softly.

She looked down, seeing a large wet stain on her crotch, gasping slightly before starting to breathe heavily.

"Nngh. Every time I take them…it makes me…so…horny!"

Her fingers motioned toward her aching vagina feeling it completely soaked from arousal.

What she didn’t know was her husband had been adding another two crushed-up pills into her coffee every morning effectively tripling her dose every day.

Another small detail he didn’t take into consideration was that having so much of the drug in her body at once would begin to create some rather interesting side effects.

She was growing all over becoming thicker and heavier with every pill she ingested.

Monday morning was when you first noticed it.

She had grown again, not only in her chest and ass, but her whole body began to change.

It started with just a few inches in height, growing taller throughout the night.

Her ass started to become huge and bouncy,

She couldn't fit into any of her jeans or tight pants anymore.


She looked up at you trying to gauge your reaction as she closed in on you.

"Do I look…bigger to you?"

She felt strange after measuring herself seeing her height now at a strong 5'6 feet tall.

You assured her, comforting her as she hugged you tightly, pressing her huge breasts against your chest.

"Yeah…I just hope I don't grow anymore, I need to buy a bunch of new bras and panties already…and I don't think they even have my size now."

It wasn't long however until she had another big growth spurt,

You decided to go out together, visiting the boardwalk in the early afternoon,

She blushed feeling horny as the massive dosage of hormones began to race through her system.

Her pink tank top was slowly sliding up her torso past her belly and up to her chest which was building up bigger and fuller as the night went by.

Her huge breasts only grew more massive,

They started to spill out of her tightening bra as her summer dress started to strain to stay on her growing body.

She was getting bigger at an alarming rate,

Growing taller up and up, nearly reaching your height as the day went on,

Gaining five more inches before you both headed home for the night.

By the time you arrived she had outgrown all of her clothing holding her huge basketball-sized breasts in her hands to try and cover her huge swollen nipples,

She raced to the bathroom to measure herself again, shocked seeing her height now treading six feet at 5'11 feet tall.

"Honey! I grew like half a foot…haha! And my tits…well…there's no way I'm going to find anything in this size."

She held up her giant breasts pushing them against your body suddenly feeling her weight on yours hardly able to keep her off you.

She goaded you into bed following her into your bedroom,

Seeing her head just an inch below yours before she bent over and showed him her aching wet pussy.

"Fuck me…please…I need you right now."

She demanded and you fucked her until you came inside her pussy.

She kisses you goodnight, seeing both of your eyes at the same level.

She had grown another inch but had become much heavier.

Her lower half was immensely juicy and thick and her ass was bulging out of her tight pajamas riding up to her knees and starting to tear.

You went to sleep knowing that she probably wasn't done growing yet, hoping the effects wouldn't be too drastic.

You weren't prepared.

The next morning she had outgrown you,

You looked forward to seeing your eye level somewhere at the top of her neck.

Although she was taller by a couple of inches, you didn't feel afraid of her size,

She measured herself at 6'5 tall, she was nearing amazon size.

She looked down at the bottle of fertility pills wondering if she should skip her dosage today.

"I'll just wait it out today and see if I grow any bigger."

That didn't stop you though,

Crushing up another three pills into her coffee, knowing she hadn't taken any today.

"Hmm…does your coffee taste funny today?"

She drank it all down anyways telling you how much sweeter it tasted than usual.

This wasn't your first mistake.

She started growing rapidly again,

Quickly rising far past your height, growing nearly seven feet tall by lunchtime.

"Oh god…I'm so big…why am I still growing?"

You didn't want to spoil the fun but,

She was gaining an inch every hour,

Her breasts expanded out of control growing into giant J cup monsters in the first hour.

"Ugh! I'm not gonna be able to fit into anything at this rate."

You went out to lunch at her favorite Mexican restaurant.

You watched her gorge on her favorite dishes, eating an incredible amount as you examined her every so often for growth.

By the time you arrived at home, she was closing in on 7'4 tall.

"I don't understand. I stopped taking the pills, why am I still growing?"

She pouted, motioning her hand over your head and measuring it up to the top of her huge breasts.

"I mean look at you…you look so short next to me."

She blushed when you mentioned you had still been giving her more after she stopped taking it.

"Wait…you like it when I…grow?"

She was getting so turned on looking at your body so willing to please her as she smiled with love.

She suddenly jumped on top of you, pushing you back into the bedroom and onto the bed,

She continued to make incredibly seductive sounds as she kissed you passionately with her vast lips.

You could feel her body trembling with extreme sensitivity as she began to increase in size again.

You quickly began to pleasure her, amplifying the drug's effect,

As she began to get turned on you noticed her body trembled a bit harder than usual growing with every sexual motion.

You watched her giant ass become humongous tearing at the seams of the pants she was wearing when they suddenly ripped.

"Fuck. That was my last pair of good pants."

She giggled as she jumped in size suddenly growing to 8' feet tall.

"Oh my god. You're…tiny…no I'm like she hulk now."

Her breasts continued growing into ludicrously big L cups.

She laughed again sending waves through her bare breasts each the size of beach balls.

They blew up into humongous couch cushion-sized boobs, passing an incredible O cup in size.

She looked down and blushed to measure the top of your head now barely reaching her belly button.

You looked up seeing your vision almost entirely blocked by her huge tits, hovering over you as she giggled in response.

"I hope you're ready my little man, I'm feeling extra fertile tonight."

She winked and grabbed you under your arms, hoisting you up and squeezing you in between her gigantic breasts.

She carried you with ease at her newly grown size and dropped you on the bed, bracing yourself for the most intense sex you've ever had.


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