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The Growing Girl Next Door

You heard it again, an exasperated feminine voice sounded out in the hallway just outside your door.

Your next-door neighbor Tara had gotten friendly over the course of a few short months living beside each other.

Short, brown-haired, and tiny was how you would describe her, you weren't sure whether she was even five feet tall.

You heard a loud moan coming from next door as you approached at the end of your shift.

You heard it again, an exasperated feminine voice sounded out in the hallway just outside your door.

Your next-door neighbor Tara had gotten friendly over the course of a few short months living beside each other.

Short, brown-haired, and tiny was how you would describe her, you weren't sure whether she was even five feet tall.

She gave you the key to her place, to get her mail and feed her dog, but I don't think she would want you to intrude.

Just as you begin to pass by her door you hear her call out to you, quickly panning over to her door to notice it was slightly open.

"Hey, can you help me for just a…second?" She called out to you again as you entered her place, remembering to take off your shoes and put them by the door.

You looked down noticing several different sizes of shoes and heels all scattered about in an assorted pile.

As you made your way past her living room you couldn't help noticing all the different articles of clothing strewn about all over the place.

You don't recall her being so disorganized, you continued onto her bedroom hearing occasional grunts and moans as you opened the door to see her struggling.

You immediately were shocked by what you saw.

You thought you were hallucinating seeing her newly grown body for the first time.

Your eyes wandered over her new curvaceous physique, getting mesmerized by her thickness with every ounce of her beautiful figure.

Her breasts had quadrupled in size and had grown into large grapefruit-sized DD cups, tightly bound into her small sports bra under her even tighter extra small white t-shirt that was now riding up near her belly tearing the fabric around her shoulders.

Your vision raced back down to her giant bulbous ass that had grown into a thick bubble butt, bulging over her dark swimsuit bottom looking more like panties wedged into the lower half of her huge booty.

Her huge ass couldn't fit into her dark blue swimsuit bottom as she tried to force them on, feeling the tight waistband stretching to the extreme unable to squeeze over her huge ass, which you don't remember being so bubbly or bodacious even in the slightest.

You were more than shocked at this point, hardly able to contain yourself as you held your breath feeling your heart beating out of your chest.

Tara had grown over half a foot taller and had become a totally different woman, full and voluptuous, bursting with feminine curves.

In fact, Tara had always been petite, short, and practically boyish in figure, she had always been just an inch below five feet tall and had barely any breasts to speak of making this change in your mind even more radical.

"Oh! Hey, perfect timing! Come on in, I'm just…getting dressed…well, I’m trying to at least." She huffed and puffed trying to pull on her shorts as she grunted pulling on it harder you hear the fabric begin to tear, watching her try to squeeze her massive bubble butt into them.

“Nngh…come on…hey, you think you could help me out?” She looked up at you turning her large bubble booty toward you and sticking it out.

You latch onto the sides of her swimsuit bottom looking down at the massive bubble booty bending over in front of you as you begin to get horny.

She lets out a soft moan as you pull her closer toward your body, gripping tightly onto her bottom as you pull upwards listening to her butt slide into them with force.

“Oh! Holy fuck…you’re strong.” She blushed looking down at her huge booty as it jiggled for a moment at your hips, suddenly pulsing with growth as it expanded sliding her bottom between her massive ass cheeks looking like a thong.

“Oh! Damn it…sorry…guess I’m not done growing yet. It’s been a couple of hours since the growth treatment. Sorry, I should've mentioned…my dad got me into the program as the first human test subject for a new human growth hormone formula." You scanned her luscious body for a moment before she continued starting to blush to see your gaze meet with her bright blue eyes.

"He gave me a double dose of the stuff so I’ve been growing like crazy, my boobs got huge, I went up five cup sizes.” She blushed holding her large breasts together to show you their size that was like two softballs tightly bound in her shirt.

She walked toward a long line of measuring tape beside her dresser, it measured all the way up to nine feet stopping before the ceiling.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t measured myself in a while, last I checked I was 5’2, that was like an hour ago.” She waltzed toward the height measuring device as you stepped forward looking at it as you told her how much she had grown you began to get excited.

“Holy…there’s no way. Are you sure? 5’6 seems like a lot to grow in an hour, looks like its speeding up.” She couldn't stop blushing as she smiled, wrapping her arms around you as she pressed her huge chest onto yours.

"That means I've grown seven inches taller in three hours…that's pretty fast…I used to be such a short little dork." She squeezed you tighter, starting to breathe heavily as she laughed and then began to moan and tremble.

"I also grew bigger in…other areas…do you wanna see…?" You got worried seeing her fall into a sexual trance as she began humping you, jiggling slightly with light thrusts, opening her long legs and mounting you with her thick thighs.

You let her have her way, grinding her luscious body against yours, you latched onto her huge bubbly booty as she moaned.

Her whole body trembled as you felt her get heavier hearing her nearly screamed with pleasure while suddenly growing bigger and taller.

You heard the waistband on her swimsuit bottom finally snap as they fell to the floor, her huge bodacious ass continued to pulse with size and shape growing rounder and more pronounced.

"Awhn! Oh my god…that was a big growth spurt. None of my clothes fit anymore, even my poor little A cup bra couldn't handle my huge growing titties from snapping them off." She looked up at you only moving her eyes slightly as she was now even closer to your height.

"I should measure myself again…come on, I wonder how big my breasts have gotten. They feel huge." She pulled on your arm with much more strength this time, unable to resist her dragging you back to the measuring tape, lining up against it and smiling eagerly waiting for your response.

"Wow! 5'11?! I'm almost as tall as you, make that twelve inches of growth, I've grown an entire foot taller!"

"Gosh…how much more am I going to grow?" She smiled, holding up her breasts and blushing a deep red, starting to massage them.

"They feel so heavy, I think they're like triple Ds now…maybe bigger…can you help me measure them?" She hoisted her big tits up as she turned her back to you and handed you the measuring tape.

"Mmm…your hands feel soft." She responded as you held them, squeezing them softly as you ran the measuring tape across to both her nipples and behind her back.

She turned to look at you with a devious grin as she eagerly waited for the results, you slowly massaged her breasts listening to her whine, and begin to open her puffed-up lips to moan softly letting out a hot breath.

"Oh my god…they're seven inches, that means they got even bigger! That's like a G cup…they feel so heavy." She wrapped her hands around yours starting to really moan louder as you kneaded her huge breasts in your hands.

She started to tremble, panting faster and faster until suddenly you felt her breasts get heavier, filling out larger as the measuring tape started to slip you quickly took a look seeing her breasts now even larger.

"Awhn…I guess I'm an H cup actually…oh my fucking god it feels so good to grow." She uttered as her body rumbled, growing upwards becoming larger.

She moaned loudly as you watched her head rise up to meet yours and then continue on up and up as she grew almost half a foot taller in one massive growth spurt.

"Did I just…grow again? Oh my god!" She gasped, turning around to see you several inches below her height, now over six feet tall.

"You're shorter than me now…measure me again!" She grinned devilishly, craning her head down to see her huge breasts getting closer to your eye level.

"There's no fucking way…6'5?! That's so tall…Oh my god, I'm taller than all my friends now, and my mom…and…you look so cute down there." She giggled sending waves of jiggles into her chest as she smiled blushing a deep crimson as she stared into your eyes with lust.

"Ooh…looking down at you is making me feel…a little horny." She blushed, motioning her arms around your shoulders, caressing the back of your head as she pushed her chest toward your face.

Her body trembled as she hugged you tighter, smashing her huge boobs onto the top of your torso when she suddenly rose taller again.

"It feels so…amazing…" She cooed in pleasure as her body progressively grew thicker and more curvaceous to the extreme.

Her huge hips widened, her bubbly ass became more pronounced and jiggly and her breasts matched them growing into huge melon-sized J cups.

She grew taller and taller reaching almost half a foot in height when you felt her breasts touch your face now at your eye level.

"Oh…sorry I guess I'm still growing! Hey, can you measure me? Here, I'll help." Her hands reached under your arms lifting you up to her face now an entire foot taller than you.

You read out the number starting to get nervous as she responded with a terrifying maniacal laugh.

"Hahaha! Oh my god! I'm 7 feet tall now, that's insane!" A wide smile stretched across her face, blushing and giggling as she smothered you with her humongous chest.

"Mmm…you're so small next to me now. I feel like a real amazon, I can't believe I grew this much off that double dosage." Breathing started to get difficult as she continued to smother your head between her massive mammaries.

"I've grown like two feet taller in a couple of hours…I wonder how much more I'm going to grow…how much bigger I'm going to get…oh god it turns me on so much!" She moaned, massaging herself out of pure power and lust, stroking her pussy with vigor as her body started to rumble again.

You felt your head sink deeper into her ocean of breasts, growing larger and expanding around your upper half as they filled up bigger and bigger, growing another cup size larger into humongous K cups.

"Oh…I think my sex drive is acting like a catalyst for more growth, my dad warned me not to have any sex…hah…hah…hah…I should stop, but it feels so good, I want more..." You could hear her heartbeat getting faster and stronger as she increased in size and weight.

Her body rumbled with growth surging with hormones throughout her system as she began to rise taller again becoming bigger.

"Oh fuck…it's happening again…awhn…measure me." She whispered as you spoke the measurement out loud she trembled with delight.

"7'6…I'm getting so big…awhn…" She massaged her huge breasts as you started to suffocate between their soft jiggly size.

"I'm so wet…I want you to fuck me…please…I need it." She begged you as she released your head out of her humongous breasts and began kissing you with her huge juicy lips.

You simply nodded as she bent over the desk pushing out her big wet vagina toward your crotch, her two fingers reaching down and spreading it apart as a long trickle of her cum dripped down her thighs.

You were hard as a rock, more than usual as you leaned into her huge bubble butt grabbing a large handful before slapping it with enough force to leave a mark.

"Awhn, fuck yeah! Fuck me!" She roared moving her wet pussy closer to your dick, teasing her outside her pleasure center, massaging your erect cock on her wetness before thrusting inside.

“Oh fuck!” She roared again with pleasure as she latched onto your back, digging her fingers into you with strength.

You rocked back and forth penetrating her large and wet vagina feeling your cock throbbing inside her warm pussy continually slamming your dick in and out.

"Just like that…yeah…awhn…fuck…feels so good…yes…yes…YES!" She chanted louder as you felt her body begin to tremble.

Her amazon body rumbled with growth as you thrust into her wet vagina harder, you could feel her thighs and body growing thicker and becoming bigger around you.

She rose up and up fueling her newly enhanced hormones with intense sexual desires, bulging out all over her immensely voluptuous amazon physique.

"I'm gonna cum!" She shouted, shaking with pleasure as she continued to rise up taller and grow bigger.

The sound of the desk creaking got louder as her huge amazon booty slammed on top of it a few more times, making hairline cracks along the surface starting to be unable to withstand her growing body.

"God…that was incredible…thanks for the fun." She said nonchalantly as she stood back onto her tall legs and gasped immediately seeing your head barely reaching her belly button.

"Oh my god…you're so…tiny. I must have grown some more, everything looks so small now." She blushed petting your head and giggling softly as she leaned forward having trouble seeing your face now blocked by her tremendous chest.

"Can you measure me? I feel like a giant…" She smirked waiting for your reply calmly when you spoke it out loud she trembled with glee, moaning softly in response as she got horny.

"8'2. God, it just sounds amazing to say that I'm over eight feet tall now, I feel so strong!" She hollered laughing to herself as her hands massaged her hips and thick thighs up and down making suggestive moans.

She reached down, hugging you and lifting you up to her face to give you the biggest wet kisses you've ever received.

By the time she was done, your mouth and lower jaw were sopping wet, she giggled planting you back down beside her tall amazon body.

"You are so cute…I guess I need to get some new clothes, haha!" She exclaimed looking down at your head barely reaching over her hips.

She giggled looking down at your small size in comparison to her new amazon physique, you blushed knowing that this exchange you just had wouldn't be the last.


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