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Day 4


The two tall models stood outside the large mansion door, knocking and ringing the doorbell, waiting for a response. They waved their long hair aside, feeling the brash summer heat begin to make them sweat in their tight revealing outfits, frequently fanning themselves and sighing. "You think she's home?" - "Probably…rich people never leave their house for anything." The grounds were still for a moment, interrupted by a tremor, rumbling through the ground beneath them. "Whoa…did you feel that?" Chelsey raised an eyebrow pouting slightly before opening her rosy red lips to gasp out loud. "Feel what? Oh!" Another loud rumble rode under their feet as they heard something getting closer from inside. The two tall women stood there, feeling their curvaceous thick bodies jiggle and bounce with every thundering sound that grew closer toward them, feeling the ground shake more and more suddenly it stopped for a second. It became apparent when they saw the doorknob twisting open. The rumbling finally stopped for a chilling moment when suddenly the front door flung open revealing a colossal set of powerful legs as tall as the height of the door frame.

They were face to face with her immensely wide hips, thick thighs, and her newly grown statuesque body. It was truly towering and massive, oozing with luscious curves from her powerful feet all the way up her gigantic legs and thighs toward her wide sofa length hips. Her body only became more intimidating as their eyes panned up her absolutely tantalizing hourglass figure rising into her toned muscles and abs at her midsection and then further up her towering chest and humongous breasts. They were ludicrously sized, like two couch cushions in width and like two incredibly soft and squishy beach balls in shape. As she turned her towering body they quickly noticed her truly tremendous ass, quaking in its size, it was the length of a loveseat, protruding from her backside several feet. It was incredibly round and unbelievable in size and weight, it wiggled and bounced with every step and motion she took. Their eyes then traced back up to her equally titanic tits hanging off her chest like two engorged watermelons closer to M cups in proportion. Victoria grinned wide looking down at the girls fawning over her goddess-like physique, she giggled noticing how neither of the girls were taller than her, they didn't even come close, both of them now over three feet smaller than her mini giantess body. "Hey girls! I'm so glad you decided to come over." Laura chimed in brightly, bowing down cutely as her G cups bounced together happily craning her head up to see her towering size looming over her nearly seven-foot-tall body. "Hey Victoria!" Chelsey on the other hand blushed to see her eyes meet with her belly button, starting to get nervous under her massive size noticing her head about three whole feet away from her towering height. "Hi…" - "Aww…don't be shy…come on inside, I'll make us some drinks." She smiled sweetly craning her head and body down to their level.

Although Laura and Chelsey had grown into powerful and tall almost amazon-sized women they were quite dwarfed by Victoria's towering ten foot tall true amazon physique, making them slightly uneasy with every trembling step she took. "She's fucking huge! What the hell, how did she grow so much? She's bigger than Tiffany!" Laura thought to herself starting to panic slightly as she followed along behind her gigantic ass wobbling side to side just below her eye level. They passed the front entrance toward the many hallways of the mansion, passing by the large black stallion statue in the room now shorter than all of them. Laura looked down, seeing the sculpture almost a foot under her almost seven-foot tall body just shy a couple inches, the horse's head was as tall as her strong shoulders. Chelsey then noticed her new height, several inches higher up than hers, now over a foot taller than the statue, she smirked for a moment before looking back at Victoria nervously. She began calculating her size beside the statue, seeing her gigantic ass wobble alongside it. Victoria grinned seeing the height of the horse's head barely reach her incredibly wide hips, noticing the size of her humongous breasts now larger than the horse's head.

They continued out of the main foyer, toward a makeshift lab door beneath them all, sounds of bubbling and tapping against glass could be heard slightly from beyond the door. Victoria sighed craning her head down past her giant bust pushing the door open with her huge hand now double the size of the handle, "Hmmm…I'm too big for the doorway now. Honey! How is the new formula?” - “It’s great, almost finished this new blend, it’s going to be at least three times as potent as the last mixture...I'm not quite sure how much size you will gain though.” He gulped nervously seeing her huge head behind the doorframe. “Excellent! I can’t wait to try it.” They both nodded nervously as she stood all the way back up to her towering height and continued after, “You two go ahead inside though I'll be out in the garden." They both nodded seeing her smile and turn, stomping off as waves of tremors sounding from her massive feet began to slowly leave them as she left.

"Fuck!" Laura exclaimed looking back at Chelsey who began to pout and cross her arms pushing up her huge breasts. "We need to get bigger!" Chelsey responded enviously before she looked away, watching Victoria in the distance get down on all fours and crawl outside, blushing red and pouting even more. Laura bit her lip seeing her giant ass and legs leave the backyard doorway stomping out past their vision. "Totally, we need to grow again." The two of them lined up against the doorway seeing it several inches below their heads and they looked at each other sighing. They made their way inside, Laura just ducking her head slightly and making her way in with ease, whereas Chelsey was craning her head down to get inside, having trouble as her over seven-foot tall body jiggled in succession. Howard was focused, slowly pouring a concentrated dark purple mixture into a massive 5000 ml beaker, it flowed slowly shimmering under the fluorescent light. The neon violet-colored mixture was almost glowing throughout the glass, it slowly melted into the glass and finally settled as he placed it into a rack. He turned to the two of them taking off his scientific goggles, and resting them on his forehead. "Laura? What are you two doing here?"

Laura blushed looking at Chelsey who began to pout, she quickly spoke up before she could start ranting. "Tiffany stole another dosage and shared it with Holly, splitting in half instead of giving it back. She's…really big now dad…and Holly is like my size now too and…I don't know what to do." - "How big…is Tiffany?" - "I don't know…she's not as tall as Victoria, but kind of close…maybe like nine feet…how tall is Victoria?." She began to look nervous as her father turned and looked at the beaker sitting on the lab table. "I don't know…at least nine feet…if not ten…" He picked it up, grunting slightly, lifting it toward the light, seeing the liquid barely moving inside as its thick and syrupy structure oozed around behind the glass. "New formula?" Chelsey asked, blushing as she started to mentally drool thinking about growing. "Yeah, I used all three strains of the Godessa flower…it strangely turned purple." Their eyes widened, feeling their bodies begin to pulse with sensitivity. "It's pretty…" Chelsey tried to contain her urges as her heart began to race her nipples got hard, quickly showing beneath her top. "Victoria asked me to make it as strong as I could…she wants to grow even bigger." His hand lowered, holding the large beaker close to his chest watching the swirling purple formula tilt slightly inside. "I don't…want her to grow any bigger…" - "Then don't give her anymore." Laura quickly chimed in seeing his face turn from concern to raising an eyebrow. “Can you give us a minute?” He craned his head up to Chelsey’s large tits blocking most of her face in his perspective over a foot of height difference between them, she loomed over his shoulders pouting and blushing even more before responding. “Hmph. Fine…” She blushed and then sighed, almost sounding defeated as she bounced out of the lab, closing the door behind her as she ducked under it and left.

“I want you to take some now, I’m worried about Victoria taking any more of the growth serum, especially one so potent. I’ve never used all three strains of the Godessa flower before at once…I have to admit I’m also curious to see the results.” Howard quickly spoke up and tapped his finger on the glass of the main beaker full to the brim with the new bright purple formula, a whopping 5,000 ml, about a third over a gallon of the growth formula, over five-hundred times as much as a single vial. She gulped starting to get nervous and horny at the same time, she looked at it slightly drooling before she responded. “Ok…” Her nipples got hard poking out of her sexy bikini top, as she bit her lip and approached him, placing her larger hands around the glass. “You’re going to get…huge…to put it bluntly, but it’s better than Victoria getting too much bigger…I can’t imagine what would happen if she drank the entire beaker at once…she would be…absolutely…gigantic.”

She looked down at his head over half a foot underneath her own as she lifted the beaker out of his hands, he quickly continued to explain. “Laura…I don’t know how this new blend is going to interact with your current growth cycle, it could…make you into a giantess...just take it slow and only drink as much as you can handle.” - “Ok…I understand…cheers! *mmph*” She pressed her bouncy lips against the rim, tilting it as she started to drink down the growth formula, taking big gulps. “Oh…I was going to suggest…maybe you should…drink it outside…” She was ravenous gulping down the hundreds of liters of the triple-strength growth serum without abating. Her throat bulged sucking down about 1500ml off the top of the beaker before stopping to take a breath. "Mmm…tastes so good…" - "There's still a lot left…maybe just take another few sips." Howard nodded, turning back to his lab station examining the rest of the filled vials, counting them out slowly inspecting them.

Laura shrugged looking at the big beaker in both her hands as she tilted it back drinking more, feeling her mouth and throat bulge with every long gulp. The taste was uniquely intoxicating, sweet and savory, yet fragrant, she was addicted, unable to stop herself from chugging down more of the triple strength Godessa growth formula. She tried to conceal her soft muffled moans as she started to daydream and form a devilish scheme to outgrow the entire neighborhood. Her mind quickly conjured up fantasies of stomping down the road leaving giant foot-shaped prints on the asphalt, losing herself in the intense moment and flavor all at once. She softly moaned, feeling the gentle trickle of the formula passing her lips followed by a loud sucking sound as she drank more and more out of the beaker, draining it down her throat in increasing volume. Gulp after gulp she moaned a bit louder feeling the formula drain down past her juicy lips and into her throat until finally, she opened her mouth, she coughed slightly burping a little before realizing she had emptied the entire beaker, she had drunk the entire five thousand liter dosage of the triple strength growth formula. “Oh! Whoops…*erp!* Excuse me! Haha.” She giggled acting dumb as the formula began to make her stomach churn, she bent over in pain for a moment, trying to stand up. "Oh…I feel weird…nngh." Her body pulsed with growth, trembling slightly before he noticed her doubled over. “Laura!?” Howard rushed to her side seeing his eyes meet with her long brown hair scattered about her face as she continued to double over. "I'm fine…I'm OK, dad."

She rose back up and handed back the empty glass as he gasped in response. "You weren't supposed to drink the entire thing!" Howard looked at her body trying to examine any changes as she looked back down at him in disappointment. "I'm sorry! I got carried away…it tasted so good and I was so thirsty." Laura giggled again, as she spotted the rest of the vials sitting on the counter, starting to feel warm and horny. "Don't even think about it, you should go out to the garden before you get stuck in here. Fucking hell Laura… I don't know how big you're going to get, you need to get out of here fast." Howard stepped in front of his station defensively looking up at Laura protecting the vials behind him. "Aww…I wouldn't push you aside even if I am bigger and stronger than you already…nngh!" A rumbling began to build inside her, surging through her body for a moment sending waves of jiggles through her curvaceous figure. She began growing slowly at first, an inch taller at once to 6'10."Laura!" Howard saw her rise an inch taller, watching his perspective shrink even lower, starting to begin to sweat, getting nervous attempting to calculate her growth cycle reaching ludicrous numbers in his mind, he panicked trying to formulate an exit plan.

"I'm fine…I'm not even growing yet. Are you sure this formula is not a dud? I don't feel like I'm growing at all." Laura said lying through her teeth as she felt immense waves of warm pleasure wash through her arms and legs, slowly building up and up another inch of height growth to 6'11. She bit her lip and turned to the doorway, before turning back to softly speak, feeling the rising pressure building inside of her rapidly. "Ah…mmm…I feel it now…sorry…mmm…" He watched her body expand, growing thicker and more luscious as the formula pumped her system full of powerful growth. Her ass bubbled outwards, nearly tearing off her bikini bottom as it bulged outwards into a massive booty. "It seems to be affecting you rapidly…hmm…I'll join you and the other ladies in a moment." Howard furrowed his brow seriously, trying to cover up his fears and immense anxiety. "Ok!" She said sweetly moving toward him and giving him a massive hug, she squeezed him tightly wrapping her arms around his back. He felt her immense strength for a moment before letting go, standing back up to her nearly seven-foot tall height. She smiled, noticing his head was even lower than before. "Yep…it's definitely working…nngh…ok…see out in the garden." She felt another rush of hormones flood her bodacious body as she giggled before turning around. The trembling came back again, this time much stronger as she concealed her muffled moans trying to resist the feeling making her way towards the door. She ducked her head under the door making her way back out through the hallway, passing through the two double glass doors.

Her body tingled, sending shivers down her back and into her bubble booty. "Fuck…its coming on so strong…awhn." She quivered passing down the hallway making her way to find Chelsey and Victoria chatting in the pool together. She held onto the side of the doorframe feeling dizzy for a moment. Her body trembled, growing another inch taller to 7’0 tall as she approached, trying to hide her growth from the two of them. Chelsey crossed her arms again, looking back at Laura approaching beside her as she pouted looking back at Victoria’s towering body sprawled out in the pool, taking up almost all the space in the water. “Laura! How great of you to join us, come on in, the water is just fine.” She giggled looking back at her as Chelsey turned to her, noticing her sudden shift in size, noticing she was only two inches shorter than her now. “Hey…did you start growing without me?” - “Uhh…I don’t think I did?” Laura blushed, lying to her when another burst of growth shot through her, sending her up another inch. "Oh! Mmm…" - “You’re lying! I can tell, you always blush when you lie.” Chelsey pouted harder, listening to her friend’s moans get a bit louder and more pronounced as she rose up another inch leveling out to the same size as her, as Victoria chimed in, “How cute, you two look like twins.” She gasped and stepped back slightly, raising her arm over her head and seeing it line up with the top of her own. “Oh my god. You’re as tall as me now! What the fuck Laura!” - "We've always been the same size, silly…right?" Laura's lies got progressively worse as Chelsey grew impatient staring her in the eyes.

She moaned feeling the rush of energy flowing through her even faster as she looked into Chelsey's eyes. She grew jumping up a couple of inches taller as she saw her perspective drop down to her nose. "Laura!" - "Whoa! I guess…I am growing…haha…mmm…"  She only grew larger and larger, now craning her head down to see Chelsey’s head now almost half a foot beneath hers. Her perceptive dropped lower down to her neck toward her immense cleavage. “Stop! Come on! I wanna grow too!” - "I can't make it stop now…haha…mmm…it feels really good." Chelsey was acting bratty, making whining noises and pouting watching her grow bigger and bigger when they all heard a voice call out near the glass double doors. “Hey ladies…the new formula is complete, I brought some samples.” Howard stepped out from the house holding a rack on a tray full of vials filled with the growth serum. A building tempest of growth surged inside Laura as she struggled to contain herself, still rising up taller and taller, nearly reaching eight feet tall. Chelsey rolled her eyes, seeing her vantage point now all the way down at her breasts. “Seems you’ve already given Laura some…before us.” - "Yeah…she said Tiffany stole the formula from Holly and now she's almost as big as you." - "Oh…it won't stop, oh fuck!" Laura moaned continually growing upwards passing eight and then closing in on eight and a half feet tall booming in size in a large growth spurt.

Chelsey craned her head further past her giant breasts, trying to keep herself from losing her mind, seeing her eye level now treading closer to her belly button and even further down as Laura continued moaning even louder as she grew bigger and bigger. Her breasts continued becoming more massive, slowly taking up more space and expanding larger into luscious K cups blocking most of her face as she tried to look up. "Oh fuck…you're getting so fucking big…what the hell, how much did your dad give you this time?" Chelsey pouted harder, getting extremely jealous listening to her moan and groan as she grew larger. "Like…so much…a lot…S-sorry…god! It feels amazing! Awhn!” They watched in awe as she expanded and grew even more colossal, growing into a nine-foot-tall amazon, finishing her first of many growth spurts to come as she grew and grew closing in on ten feet tall, quickly getting close to Victoria's towering size. "Wow…she's really growing fast." Victoria began to twist her lips enviously seeing her rise too quickly to her size. "Oh god! It won't stop! Awhn!" Laura blushed harder, clutching onto her thighs as the growth hormones raced through her system.

Her legs trembled with growth as she clutched onto them, shaking and starting to trickle her own sexual juices from her oozing vagina. The massive dosage of the growth formula surged through her making her legs and hips grow much bigger and wider, her ass only grew more titanic bulging outwards over half a foot out of her backside. It grew and grew rounder and wider as it expanded into a luscious booty the size of a small sofa. She couldn't help but moan and touch her burgeoning backside, squeezing it tightly before moving down and, fingering herself softly and grabbing onto her basketball-sized tits getting a good feeling of her growing body. Chelsey was annoyed to say the least, she was now dwarfed by her friend's giant growing body, over three feet taller than her, pouting looking at her eyes that now met with her giant hands kneading her even bigger breasts. "Sorry…I don’t think it's going to stop anytime soon…" Suddenly they began filling up again, growing bigger and fuller, she watched them expand and become even more ludicrously round growing into massive watermelons in her hands overflowing with an ocean of breast meat. "Awhn! Fuck! They're getting huge!" - "Ugh. Whatever." Chelsey rolled her eyes, listening to her hot moans as she rose taller again growing bigger. Her perceptive continued to lower as her body took up even more space, growing into a towering busty amazon, nearly as tall as Victoria now. "Whoa…" Chelsey felt her body get bumped by her huge hips, she quickly backed up in fear as she heard a scoff come from Victoria sitting in the pool impatiently.

Victoria’s body cascaded water all over the pool, lifting herself out of it sending waves across the surface of the water, splashing all over the area beneath her towering size. She stomped over toward him and snatched the large vial out of the tray looking at it for a moment responding, “What a beautiful color…mmph. *gulp…gulp…gulp*" Her large lips latched onto the glass, sucking it down in a few long gulps. She let her long tongue lick the glass, trying to suck out any last drop of the formula she could before taking a long breath. "Delicious….mmm…thank you dear, that was great…let's see how it affects me." Howard was nervous watching her lick her lips and stomp over to Laura treading even closer to her size now as she approached. "Mmm…you got really big." Victoria cooed as she closed in, stroking her arms and hugging her close.

"Yeah…mmm…nngh." Laura blushed to hear the sounds of her feet cracking into the stone tile work as she grew even bigger, biting her lip harder with every inch as she watched her eyes level with Victoria's smiling and blushing a deep red. "You don't look so big anymore, haha!" Laura giggled as she felt horny seeing her body now the same size and proportions as hers, mashing her breasts against hers seeing that her own size was actually slightly larger. "You…really filled out." Victoria quietly responded as her eyes widened, noticing Laura's breasts begin to grow and rise up overtaking hers as she began to grow again. "It's fun…being your size…but I want more…I want to be…bigger…" Laura blushed as her body trembled and bounced upwards suddenly rising in size. Victoria gasped seeing her perspective drop down her neck and then drop even lower as she grew past her size another half a foot taller immediately smothered by her chest. Victoria blushed slowly watching her ascend past her size, seeing her chest rise up closer to her face. "Oh, you're still growing…mmm…I feel it coming on now too…haha…mmm…awhn!" Victoria moaned as her body grew taller, racing all the way up her chest past her neck to meet her eye level again as she grew just big enough to meet her height. "There we go…that's much better." Victoria grinned devilishly staring her in the eyes as she held her closer, mashing their massive breasts together when suddenly she felt her body trembling in her arms. "Laura…? Oh!" Victoria felt her body suddenly get heavier, quickly noticing her expanding body at work again, growing in her arms becoming even more luscious and tremendously thick. Her tan body began to surge with growth, trying desperately to contain her extreme horniness as she failed, her body continued rising, growing taller and becoming even bigger and bigger as she ascended to new heights unlike any other woman had reached before.

Her pussy quivered in immense pleasure as she watched Victoria become smaller beside her rapidly increasing size, motioning one of her hands down to her crotch to start pleasuring herself. “You’re…getting smaller…awhn!” She watched her head slowly move below her perspective, rising taller and bigger, she watched Victoria shrink beside her growing body. Her vagina throbbed out of control as she saw her body rise up and up taking over Victoria’s grasp on her shoulders.."Awhn…oh fuck…it feels like I'm…ah…ah…ah…awhn!" Victoria felt her arms push away from her increasing size, trying to hold her as her perspective dropped down from her bright eyes down her face past her neck, and into her huge cleavage within mere moments. Her hands immediately let go of her body as she felt her outgrow her grasp, unable to wrap her arms around her with ease. Her vision fell far down past her chest down to her belly as she ascended rapidly to twelve feet tall.

"Oh my…Howard…why is she getting so big?" - "God…that was amazing…sorry I sort of lost control there for a second…oh my god!" Laura suddenly noticed her full size seeing the rest of the garden in comparison. Her massive legs crushed the tiles like a cracker as she grabbed onto Victoria’s shoulders, whose eye level was now buried in her humongous breasts like two soft squishy beach balls in size. "My goodness…I grew a lot. I feel so heavy. This is amazing!" As she laughed Victoria watched her gigantic breasts bounce and jiggle in front of her vision, starting to get jealous quickly. "Yes, my girl, you've grown so much more than I expected. Just be glad it's over, if you got any bigger you would start having some trouble staying here in the garden, sweetie." Victoria looked concerned, craning her head up two feet up to see her wide grin and satisfied sighs. Laura giggled softly, blushing as she felt another building growth begin to stir again. "Mmm…so…about that…I sort of…drank the entire beaker of the new formula. I don't think I'm going to stop growing…mmm…anytime soon." She heard her breathing become more labored looking at her nipples begin to double in size as they got extremely hard. "You…what?" Victoria started to sweat feeling her hot breath on her head above her towering tits.

She began breathing harder as the next wave of growth hit her, her body expanding to the extreme, she held her close to her chest, lifting her off the floor as her feet sunk into the tiles deeper revealing dirt underneath. "Hey! Whoa!" Victoria yelled trying to struggle against her powerful grasp, unable to resist her growing strength. She rose taller, passing thirteen feet tall and then bigger as she grew past fourteen feet, barely able to contain her excitement as she neared climax. "I'm getting gigantic! YES! BIGGER!" Her moans echoed across the estate and into the fields beyond as her body rose up past a colossal fifteen feet tall and then even bigger as she quaked in power becoming a towering titanic sixteen feet tall, now growing rapidly in huge growth spurts sending her up an entire foot taller with every surge. She could feel the fragments of the garden tiles between her toes completely shattered into pieces under her feet as they quickly doubled in size. "Oh…wow…everything is so small now." - "You have got to be kidding…" Chelsey looked all the way up at the now over sixteen-foot tall Laura in front of her, barely reaching her hips. She gasped watching a ten-and-a-half-foot tall Victoria intently now dangling in her giant arms.

"How is she still growing? Howard?!" Her facade broke, starting to get nervous as she tried to move, unable to escape her tight grasp around her body. Chelsey scoffed, suddenly changing her attitude, she walked toward Howard seeing two vials sitting on the tray, snatching them up, starting to drink them down at the same time. "Sure…you can take both…I guess…" He lowered the tray, not responding in any sort of big way as he backed up listening to her suck down the vials. "*Gulp…gulp…gulp* Ahh…thanks Howie…hopefully, that will catch me up to their size…erp!" She burped, giggling as she started to feel warm, before popping the other in her mouth and sucking that one down as well. "Mmm…*gulp gulp gulp!*" "You're welcome, ladies. That's all the formula for now. I'll be back to record your growth, just need to find a clipboard…hmm…." He walked off, slowly cracking a smile as he heard Victoria struggling in her arms, unable to free herself from her expanding size. "Howard! Wait! Put me down! Mmph!" She screamed as Laura motioned her up and down in her arms laughing before smashing her against her mountainous breasts that were giant bouncy and soft, smothering her head between them as she got engulfed in her tremendous cleavage.

She was trapped in an ocean of Laura's breasts feeling powerless against her growing body that soon would ascend into a real giantess in size. She finally let her go, grabbing her and lifting her up in front of her as she stomped toward the pool. "Auch! Put me down!" Victoria hollered trying to get her attention as she looked over at her grinning devilishly feeling another wave of growth building inside of her. She smirked, biting her lip, rolling her eyes back, and then sticking out her tongue as she felt a massive wave of pleasure and growth surge through her body. She grew and grew, rising up another few feet taller getting close to eighteen feet tall, planting her feet into the side of the pool as cascading cracks started to form across the edge of the concrete.

She plunged her vast legs into the water, sending cascading waves all across the surface. Her huge bodacious booty pushed through as she sat down, splashing water all over the garden space as she let go of Victoria. "Hey!" She landed on the water sending more liquid everywhere as her ten-foot-tall body slammed into her bouncy breasts now hanging down over her entire chest covered by the water up to her waist sitting down. "Hey…come back here…haha." Her legs spread across as her one hand latched back onto Victoria lifting her up again out of the water. "No! Stop! Nnngh!" She struggled as a slow wave of growth overtook her psyche, becoming horny and wet. She placed her hands over her breasts feeling them begin to fill out and become even bigger, bubbling up larger and larger. Victoria began surging upward in size, suddenly rising up an entire foot taller, passing eleven feet tall as she moaned in response, still struggling against Laura's absolutely titanic surges of size. "Awhn…finally growing bigger…soon you won't be able to stop me." - "Aww…you actually think you're going to keep up with me…I'm probably going to grow at least double or maybe even triple this size!" Laura's voice boomed as she continued expanding and growing more titanic, she boomed bigger growing into a twenty-foot-tall giantess, and her ass began engulfing the pool under her bulging godlike body.

The two girls watched in awe as Laura's gigantic body grew bigger and bigger, sending the rest of the pool water onto the garden floor, growing rapidly becoming more gigantic with every passing moment as she grew into a titanic behemoth of a woman. Rushing waves cascaded across the grounds, destroying plants and ruining the irrigation system in seconds by flooding it. She only made matters worse by lifting her massive leg and readjusting it onto the curb of the pool, crunching the stone tiles between her toes as she broke through the side of the stone, destroying more of the garden space. Her foot smashed into the concrete, breaking it to pieces like a wafer, increasing in height until she reached a towering thirty feet tall. Her hands instinctively reached down to start to finger herself as she moaned louder, Victoria backed up, looking behind her as she gasped seeing Chelsey doing the same, fingering her aching wet pussy with vigor. "Ladies! Control yourselves…nngh….oh my goodness…awhn!" The raven-haired amazon, Victoria shouted at the two growing girls as she suddenly moaned feeling her body begin to tremble.

Not even she could withstand the powerful side effects of the triple-strength growth formula. Her body shook and jiggled as the dosage fully activated, sending her curves outwards and upwards and equally powerful erotic sensations to her oozing vagina. Chelsey looked up at her towering tall body as she began giggling to herself, louder and louder as it turned into a sinister laugh. “Haha…here it comes…oh my GOD!” She suddenly jolted upwards growing past eight feet tall, quickly catching up to Victoria's towering size, until she too began to expand rapidly growing past twelve feet tall. It was no use though, Chelsey grew faster, growing up and up passing nine feet and then ten feet squealing in glee. “Oh FUCK! I’m growing so fucking fast! It feels so good! More! More! MORE!” She grew and grew rapidly to her size within seconds, latching onto her shoulders and laughing as she looked all around her equally twelve feet tall body swaying around above everything. The now two twelve-foot-tall amazons smashed and cracked the stone tiles beneath their growing bodies, stomping and groaning around the garden creating debris wherever they stepped. Everything started to shake and tremble, rumbling and shattering as their mini-giantess bodies crushed everything in sight, breaking tiles, knocking over plants, and even breaking irrigation lines as they continued to push and latch onto each other sending waves of water all over the garden.

Chelsey suddenly came, juices flowed down her legs as the formula reached its peak in her system, as she rose to a towering height of thirteen feet tall. Her feet grew and grew to dig past the concrete titles until they made their way into the dirt beneath as her body increased in size and weight dramatically. She felt her chest bubbling up and up rapidly growing several cup sizes as they filled her hands and then her arms were barely able to hold their immense weight, growing into full and juicy beachball-sized breasts. "Awhn…fuck…they're fucking growing again…god they’re getting so big…awhn!." Victoria on the other hand appeared to still be gaining growth from the triple strength formula, gaining size rapidly. Chelsey watched in horror as her head and body rose taller and taller and taller still as she matched her size and then began to outgrow her all the way up to fifteen tall. “Oh…sorry. Looks like I finally outgrew you.” She cooed in pleasure seeing her body and breasts slowly raise up to the height of her head and then settle as they also expanded larger in her face, growing into giant balloons filling up and up into humongous melons. “God. They’re getting huge!” She massaged them, over and over as she felt a rush of erotic sensations build inside her, starting to send her into a sexual trance until she was interrupted by another even more titanic goddess.

Laura’s goddess-like body was absolutely towering in height, already stuck in a sexual trance, she couldn't seem to stop touching her sensitive regions, stroking herself, twitching with devilish glee. Her echoing moans sounded through the destroyed garden, littered with cracks and debris all over the stonework and pathway toward the mansion. Fingering herself with one giant hand, the other on her unnaturally massive breasts, her large hand sunk into her supple soft flesh. She was bigger than a few stories tall now at thirty-six feet tall in height, absolutely crushing anything her massive body came in contact with, still pleasuring herself and crushing concrete under her with every aching thrust and twist of her vagina and nipple. She came again, sending loud echoes throughout the entire mansion as she trembled, releasing all of her juices across her soaking wet vagina and thighs. Although it didn’t seem to stop there, her body surged with growth suddenly booming with larger and larger growth spurts, she grew another foot taller, and then two feet, then three, bigger and bigger, skyrocketing up to around sixty feet tall in rapid powerful growth spurts. Her legs grew longer and wider, crushing everything in their path, knocking aside the rest of the garden tools, pots, and planters, and destroying the rest of the irrigation as she continued to grow to a colossal size. “Awhn! Holy fuck…it isn’t stopping…I need…to help Jon. I need to get up and get back to the studio.” She grunted lifting herself up, digging her hands into the stone tilework, uprooting everything in her path as she watched her perspective rise all the way up all three stories of the mansion, past all the windows on the second and third floor, and then over it above the roof several feet higher above the building. Her face turned bright red realizing she was now bigger than the entire mansion by about fifteen feet, including the roof, she stared off into the sunset now able to scan over several miles over all the houses in the neighborhood at her titanic height. "Wow…this is amazing…" She heard some noise happening near the bottom of her legs, she looked down seeing her two amazon friends beneath her incredible height, now barely reaching the bottom of her knees.

Laura began to laugh, her voice boomed sending loud giggles sounding through the entire neighborhood, she quickly covered her mouth hearing the echo of her own laughter rolling through the streets of the local suburb. "Oh fuck…" She whispered, "Everyone is going to be able to see and hear me now…damn it." She blushed, getting nervous feeling small sensations at her feet as Chelsey and Victoria craned their heads all the way up to see her sixty-foot tall body blocking the dim sunset now starting to set in the distance. "Look at what you've done!" Victoria cried, scanning her garden for any trace of untouched plants, only to see debris and waterlogged pots scattered all over the premises. "You destroyed everything, with your jealously! I can't believe Howard would give you that much formula!" She was fuming, clearly feeling intense mixed emotions as she started to poke her ankle with her finger, still upset and pouting. "You drank all of the new formulae and turned you into…into…a  giantess…that was supposed to be me! I was supposed to grow into a goddess!" She pouted and scoffed, still angry and thoroughly upset, unable to do anything about the sixty-foot tall giantess standing beside her mansion. Laura rolled her eyes barely able to hear her tiny squeaks below her immense giantess size. She laughed, bending over and picking her entire body up with a simple grasp of her right hand. "Hey! Whoa! Stop!" She wrapped her hands entirely around her body and lifted her up and up until she was face to face with her titanic head, her feet dangling over fifty feet off the ground. "I said…put me down! Right now, young lady!" Victoria was furious, but it was no use now, Laura was titanic, there was nothing she could do or say to resist her new giantess strength and size. "Or…what…?" She smirked, staring at Victoria who was completely at a loss for words. "I don't…-" - " That's right…you don't…have any power over me anymore. You're like a toy doll to me at my new size, you looked so small all the way down past my legs, and you're so light now too!" She giggled, interrupting her and asserting her dominance by tightening her grip ever so slightly. Victoria screamed feeling her body begin to squish together, squeezing her curvy body like a finger trap. “Ugh! Stop! Auch!” - “You’re so cute! Hahaha!” Laura couldn’t help it, she continued to toy with her, opening her palm to move her huge finger across her small luscious body in comparison.

At sixty feet tall, she could do anything, she giggled softly, trying to avoid making too much noise as she motioned one of her giant fingers down the length of Victoria's amazon body. Victoria squealed as her finger traced over her wet vagina, feeling it ache with intense sensitivity. "S-stop…" She started to yell, but then softened her tone feeling her giant finger close to her pussy, throbbing with intense sexual energy. "You're so wet…I just wanna stick my finger inside…is that ok…?" - "N-no! Don't touch me…" She blushed feeling her finger covering her entire chest, she thrust it between her giant breasts like a big pole, squeezing them around her index finger as they both moaned loudly. "You seem to like it…haha…you're so cute." - "No…I'm not…stop this…ah…ah…ah…at once…" She protested, but started to hump her finger each time it passed by her legs, starting to get extremely turned on by the giantess toying with her smaller body. "See…I knew you liked it…so naughty…I can't believe my dad is dating you…you horny bitch." Her finger immediately plunged into her vagina, barely able to fit inside as she screamed in shock feeling her giant finger fill her up. "Oh my GOD!" She roared in pleasure feeling the back of her soft palm cushioning the force of her other hand, pushing her down into her other hand as she squealed in delight. "I've never felt anything this big before! Awhn!" She moaned loudly, feeling her finger penetrating her like a giant dildo, smashing inside her extra sensitive vagina as she started to close in on a climax. "Don't stop! Ah…ah…ah…fuck!" She screamed as she squirts her juices all over her hand and finger making everything around her mini giantess pussy wet and sticky.

They were interrupted by the sounds of a frantic man squeaking below her, the butler came rushing outside with speed. He carefully avoided tripping over the giant shards of rock and debris now scattered all over the ruined garden space. He looked even more panicked seeing Laura's new giantess body accompanied by the destruction of the garden surrounding her gigantic crater made by her huge ass beneath her giant feet and toes sunk into the dirt under the broken stone tiles. He was about as tall as her ankle at his height of six feet, she was ten times his size at sixty feet tall, and could easily just squash him with one of her massive feet. She could never be so cruel however, still holding Victoria in her left hand, she giggled as soon as she heard her start to speak softly. "Put me down…please…nngh…" She sounded off acting submissive as she felt another squirt of her cum trickle down her thick thighs. "Of course! That was fun…mmm…there you go." She bent down all the way down to the ground as she stuck her huge ass into the clouds, letting her out of her tight grasp. She patted her head like a dog, giggling as she turned her huge body back toward the sky, sending buffets of wind toward them as she stood back up to her statuesque size.

Victoria looked down, still recovering from her intense orgasm, noticing her butler's head now barely as tall as one of her amazonian thighs that now dwarves his entire body. He gulped nervously seeing her wet thighs and soaked cherry red vagina close to half a foot above his eye level. Her confidence began to rise again, reminding herself that she had grown to over double the size of most men, and even more colossal to anyone shorter than that at her height of fifteen tall. She sighed, gathering herself mentally before looking back up to Laura's face bobbing by the clouds. She stretched her arms out up into the sky, feeling the warm summer breeze whipping her nude giantess body, blowing past her engorged nipples each the size of highway safety columns. "Aah…the view is so amazing up here! Hehe…" Her voice boomed as she giggled, sounding off into the distance. She blushed in response as the rest of them below started to widen their eyes seeing her gigantic vagina pulsating and dripping massive puddles of her own cum onto the debris and garden grounds. Her face turned a deep red as she noticed her big puddles of giantess juices splashing under her making everything wet and sticky. "S-sorry…it's just…I've never been this big before…it's really turning me on." - "Auch!" A splash landed next to them coating the butler in her wetness. Victoria felt her long legs get coated from the waist down feeling sticky. "Ugh! Laura!" She scoffed seeing everything getting covered with her womanly fluids. "God…I'm so fucking wet…I'm sorry…nngh…" Her fingers spread down across her own vagina, penetrating herself slowly and then faster as she listened to the sounds of her cum slowly trickling down and then splashing under her, echoing through the backyard. "Ugh! I've had enough! I'm leaving, wait…where's that other girl?" They both looked off, trying to find Chelsey noticing she was gone. "Huh…I was so absorbed in my transformation I didn't hear her leave…oh well! I'm sure she's OK." Laura shrugged looking around the premises for her thirteen-foot-tall friend to no avail. "I'm going to go see what's going on," Victoria said triumphantly as Laura sighed thinking to herself. "I really need to get back to the studio…I don't think I'm going to be able to fit inside anymore though…I'm definitely bigger than Tiffany now, that's for sure." Laura giggled to herself as she looked down seeing her stomp off back into the house, seeing down at the doorway now somewhere beneath her hips in height. Victoria sighed, getting down on all fours and crawling inside as the door creaked and snapped trying to fit her humongous ass past the door frame, finally squeezing by as she tore the doors off their hinges.

A loud scoff echoed through the laboratory as Chelsey looked down at the doorway now barely the height of her wide hips. She looked down, craning her head a foot down from the tall ceilings trying to fit inside, she ducked lower seeing the top of the doorframe and smirked to herself devilishly. "Maybe…I could…force my way inside…I think I'm big enough now, I can probably pick up a fucking car now too, i feel so strong…I can't imagine how Laura feels now…she really grew into a giantess…without me…" She suddenly started to get upset, motioning her hands toward the wooden panels on the wall above the door frame. "That bitch!" She lifted her hand and then slammed it back into the wall smashing a huge hole through it with ease. "Oh, fuck…" She regretted her decision for a moment, before looking into the lab through the opening to find him. "Howard!" She pondered for a moment before she heard a noise coming from the back door to the garden, or what was left of it at this point. She stopped caring about consequences, twisting her hand into a ball and smashing through the top of the doorframe, crunching her way inside. "Hey…Chelsey." He backed up feeling his hands touch the desk behind him, starting to get nervous watching her get down on all fours and start crawling towards him.

"Hey Howie…awhn…could you give me some more formula? I feel so small next to Laura now." She pouted, acting sexy as she approached him like a hungry tigress, slowly prowling towards him as her breasts touched the floor with every motion closer. "You don't seem very small to me…" He jumped hearing her begin to whine loudly echoing through the lab. "I'm not even half her size! Come on…just a little bit more…please?" She started begging him as she got closer, craning her larger body down to his level. "Well…actually I was packing up this lab and moving it, before any of the equipment gets damaged." He cleared his throat turning away from her and back to his work, moving dry containers back into storage spots. "Come on! It's not fair, she's bigger than the entire mansion!" She yelled hearing her voice bounce off the walls and all around them, covering his ears as he felt them vibrate with the intense sound at his size. "Christ…Chelsey you're going to make me deaf." - "Make me BIGGER! I wanna GROW!" She pounded her hands into the floor immediately smashing up the floor tiles with her humongous thirteen foot tall body. Howard covered his ears again listening to the rumbling of her huge body crushing the floor around her fists. They both heard a stomping sound approaching, she stopped to turn around only to find Victoria forcing her way inside, even bigger than Chelsey almost able to fit through.

She grunted blasting down the rest of the wall, smashing it to pieces as she crawled inside and sat down on her humongous car sized butt. "Hey what's going on in here?" She said nonchalantly as she motioned her arms toward him, starting to caress his body with just one of her huge fingers. "Just packing up…" He said nervously as the both of them stared him down, making him feel incredibly small looking back up at their sitting height far above his head. "Oh…honey, I was actually thinking you could…make me grow some more…you don't have to pack up yet." Her large hands caressed his entire body, massaging his lower half as she cooed watching him squirm. "I can wait…a little while longer…mmm…awhn." Chelsey scanned her movements getting turned on, she motioned her hands over her gigantic breasts squeezing them together as she moaned softly. "Yeah…why don't you get started honey, we'll be waiting." Victoria moved toward Chelsey grabbing onto her thighs near her bubbly booty, rubbing them as she motioned toward her huge breasts. He sighed, turning back to his table and looked at the triple-strength growth extract ready to be synthesized.

Howard was trapped, gulping nervously as he felt a bead of sweat roll down his cheek. "Damn it, This is going to be way too much for them at their current size, they might even grow bigger than Laura." He thought to himself as he began pouring the extract into the solution watching it fill another 5000ml beaker about halfway and then another halfway, noticing there was an uneven split he tried his best to divide it into two 3500ml dosages before the last drop emptied the container. He waited for a moment watching it run through the filtration process, hearing moans and sucking sounds echo through the laboratory. He turned around waiting for the machine to finish, looking up at the two titanic amazons kissing each other. They teased each other, moaning and seductively massaging each other's gigantic breasts. Victoria started to motion her hands down to her soaking vagina, moving her fingers over her engorged clit feeling her shaking with anticipation and pleasure. Howard turned back to his table, watching the last few drops of the formula line up in each beaker, before dropping the catalyst into each one and watching them change color from a deep dark green to a lighter violet shade. He sighed wiping his brow watching the formula finalize. Victoria quickly motioned toward both beakers, scooping them up with one hand as they splashed over her fingers rising through the air towards her mouth. "Whoa! Hey!" Howard hollered as loud as he could, but it was too late, her throat bulged slightly ducking it down with haste as she took it down in just a few long gulps. "Mmph…mmph…*gulp…gulp…gulp!* Chelsey was having trouble paying attention as Victoria thrusted in and out of her wet pussy, with the other hand quickly sucking down both beakers of the triple-strength growth formula with vigor. "Huh…wait…" Chelsey opened her eyes wider to watch her guzzle down over 7000ml of the formula, sucking on both beakers at once pursed between her massive lips. "Victoria! Are you insane?!" Howard finally snapped losing his temper, he slowly huffed out a large breath, exhaling his frustration as he heard Victoria sigh with a long breath and then giggled to herself feeling the warm sensation start to fill her entire body up.

Her long tongue licked her fingers, sucking off any leftover sticky growth formula, making sure to get every last drop inside her mouth before giggling again and looking down at the two of them. "Hmm…haha…this is going to be exhilarating." - "What have you done…" Howard felt defeated seeing her grinning devilishly as her body slowly began to tremble, she reached down placing the two empty beakers as soft as she could before retracting her hands back onto Chelsey’s big breasts. "You greedy bi- awhn!" Her words cut off as she penetrated her wet vagina, deeply massaging the inside of her soaking pussy as she moaned in response, rolling her eyes back. "Shh…you should be happy you have already grown so big…most women aren't so lucky…mmm…yes…I feel it coming on." Her titanic body began to tremble slightly, becoming even thicker, expanding larger and wider. She began to grow, rising bigger toward the tall ceiling, half a foot taller at first. Chelsey yelped feeling her fingers deep in her pussy begin to grow bigger. "Awhn! Fuck!" She screamed in pleasure feeling her vagina getting filled out, only getting more intense as she felt her hand pulse with growth again. "Mmm…YES!" She boomed with growth ascending up and up as she began to consume the entire lab space with her growing body. Chelsey screamed again, moaning out of control as her vagina reached its limits in size, taking in her humongous finger deep inside her wet pussy. "I'm cumming!" She moaned louder trembling in her arms as she began feeling her body being pushed aside by her growing ass, now starting to rise above her lower half visibility growing several feet bigger than her now closing in on twenty feet tall when she suddenly retracted her finger now sheathed her juices.

Chelsey laid there for a moment panting heavily and looking down at her raw aching pussy, shaking softly and licking her pouty lips. "That was…really good…but…I wanted to grow too…and now you're going to be even bigger than Laura." She pouted angrily, staring up at her as she giggled, rising up another foot as she slammed into the ceiling with her giant head. "Oof. This stupid little mansion, they should've built this place larger, these ten-foot ceilings are so low." She grinned devilishly as she grew past twenty feet tall, a little over an entire story tall, cramped inside the large space, her legs buckled against the other side of the wall as her knees began to rise with every growth spurt. “I’m sorry Chelsey…but that’s all the extract I had, I even synthesized it quickly so it’s at max potency. I didn’t expect you to stoop down to my daughter’s level, she’s practically a child.” Howard shook his head as he began to run towards the opening in the rubble Victoria quickly scooped him up and let go of Chelsey. “Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” She smirked easily snatching him up as she lifted him close to her head now starting to duck lower as she grew another few feet taller with another rumble of her rapidly ascending goddess-like body. Her hands latched onto his torso, squeezing him tightly as she boomed in size again, her hands enveloping him further unable to resist her towering strength. The ceiling finally buckled, collapsing on all of them as Victoria shielded Howard’s small body in comparison by wrapping her growing hands around him.

Her body pulsed with growth sending her long growing legs through the walls, breaking through them like crackers, crushing under her titanic expanding body. Her arms reached out into the hallway, pulsing with growth as her hand passed by the foyer, now growing bigger than the entire horse statue’s size, she fished around, feeling the spacious area of the room with her growing hand, turning herself on as she boomed with size. She laughed as her body doubled in size suddenly growing out of the entire mansion and growing into a massive giantess. Chelsey quickly crawled out of the debris of the entrance to the laboratory, making her way out the front door she turned to see a giant hand reach down and latch onto the horse statue breaking it, lifting up to her face as she witnessed the entire roof and structure begin to collapse. Chelsey managed to get outside seeing the butler shocked looking at the building begin to break and crumble, seeing Victoria’s massive growing body begin to sprout out of the windows, shattering them as her head and legs burst through the walls sending the entire building down onto her torso. The two of them backed up further seeing her body tremble for a moment and then start to grow, pushing the debris aside as she created a crater beneath her gigantic body. Her moans echoed through the neighborhood as her breasts grew bigger, expanding into a ridiculous size growing bigger and bigger until they spilled over her chest and onto the ground beside her quaking body. She oozed with erotic sensations still growing bigger and bigger as she ascended into a terrifying seventy-five-foot-tall behemoth.

She laid out on the grass on her back, uplifting dirt and crashing through bushes about the size of baseballs against her skin, she felt it tickle her before listening to the soft crunch of her titanic body crushing them to pieces. She yawned slowly unwrapping her hands around Howard as he panicked, falling onto her chest a few feet above her body. He fell head first into her mountainous cleavage, suddenly feeling off balance as he heard a giggle sending a wave across the ocean of bouncy flesh that was the surface of her massive giantess breasts. “Mmm…thank you, my dear. I feel much better now.” - “I can’t believe you- whoa!” He was immediately interrupted by her giant hand, pushing him to the ground with one of her massive fingers easily toying with his minuscule body in comparison. “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Calm down little man, I’m in charge now.” - “Ugh. Already developing a god complex?” - “ It’s easy when you grow into a goddess, sweetie, now start licking my nipple, I’m so horny, my vagina could erupt at any moment…mmm…fuck.” - “Whoa! Mmph!” She picked him up with two fingers, turning her body as the group felt the rumble through the ground sending cracks through the concrete beneath her, she pushed her chest up, revealing her nipple now the size of a vault door. "What do you…want me to do about it…Christ, Victoria you're almost twice the size of the mansion...what's left of it I guess…" Howard tried to keep his balance trying to stand up straight as he felt the wiggle of her ocean of breasts beneath his microscopic feet in comparison to her over seventy-foot tall giantess body. "I can barely hear you down there, here…let me help you." Her two fingers plucked him up gently whisking him to her lips as she began to lick his minuscule body with her giant tongue. "Victoria! Mmph!" - "Haha! Mmmm…mwah!" She pressed them together, sucking his entire body between the folds of her lips and kissing him before letting go of him back into her palms.

"Mmm…you taste so good, baby." - "Ugh. This experiment was a total disaster!" Howard shouted and then sighed, shaking her wet saliva-covered clothing off as she giggled hearing his ears reverberate from her huge mouth. "What? No! This is amazing, honey…I haven't had this much fun in years." She spoke softly so as to not hurt his ears, smiling, but still terrifying in size and strength. "Well, I'm glad you're having fun. I don't even know where Laura stormed off to, I'm sure she's going to wreck some of the city on the way…what are we going to do?" He sighed thinking to himself, "How could I have miscalculated this much? Was it because of other factors I'm not aware of? Will they ever shrink back down?" He got flustered, feeling anxious attacking his own mind with prying questions he didn't know the answers to. Victoria sighed seeing his face begin to furrow and get serious, she quickly latched onto him and lifted him close to her face. "Hey, honey…" - "Yes…sweetie?" - "Do you want me to…help you look for her?" Victoria smiled, looking concerned, but also strangely aloof twisting her nipple and feeling it tense up and get hard growing bigger and throbbing like it was a mountainous cock getting erect. 'No…it's fine…she's a big girl, she can take care of herself. We should probably be ready to deal with the local military though. I'm sure they're on their way." He started to feel nervous pacing around his chin as he looked over the massive stretch of miles across her giantess body. She sighed letting out a long breath as she blew him off her face down past her chin holding onto it like a cliff. "Hey! Help!" He called out to her as he heard her entire body giggle and tremble. She plucked him up between her fingers lifting him up to her giant lips, kissing his tiny little body enveloping him entirely as her titanic tongue lapped over him. "Whoa! Auch! Victoria!" - "Mmph…mwah! Haha…you're just so tiny, I love being this big!"


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