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Day 3


The sun was bright outside as noon rolled around, she opened her shimmering ocean blue eyes cascaded by long strands of her radiant brown hair. She yawned and stretched her arms, feeling the bed beneath her hugging her body snuggly. “What...happened last night...” Laura said slowly as she rubbed her eyes and yawned, pulling off the covers as she looked down at her body. “Whoa...did I shrink?” She scanned herself head to toe, feeling her curves and huge breasts, feeling much fuller than she had remembered having before. “I guess the antiserum didn’t really fully affect me...awesome!” She grinned, grabbing her full G cup breasts and feeling her hourglass curves down her taller body. “God they feel so big still...I’m going to need to buy some new bras...” She popped out of bed and walked toward the bathroom door, still yawning as she bumped her head into the doorframe. “Ow...whoops...whoa...I’m still really tall...oh my god...yes yes yes!” She rubbed her head and ducked into the bathroom looking at her much smaller, but still powerful body in the mirror. She ducked down to see the top of her head as she blushed, seeing her big bountiful lips pursing them together, she pouted and then smiled looking at her body kissing the air and giggling. “I must be like almost six and a half feet tall...mmm...I wonder what size these monsters are...Unf...I love them.” She blushed, grabbing their weight, and lifting them like two massive soft melons, jiggling in her hands as she turned red, feeling her nipples suddenly get rock hard. “Ooh...sensitive as usual.” - “Laura!”

She heard a squeaky voice call out from her bedroom door. Laura sighed, moving towards the doorway again, reaching out and ducking under it as she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her tall and curvaceous body. She swung her wide hips, swaying towards the doorway as she felt her ass bounce with every step. She blushed and looked forward to seeing the top of the frame just a few inches away from her eye level as she sighed smiling wide. She opened the door, holding the towel with one hand as she turned out looking right and left trying to find who was knocking to find nothing at first. Until she heard a tiny bark from under her, a short dirty blonde haired girl stood, wearing a bathrobe a few sizes too small for her as she looked up her eyes went wide, like a deer in headlights to see her sister had shrunk down far past her original size, now a short flat-chested pixie. Tiffany scoffed, totally speechless as Laura lifted her other hand slowly towards her juicy lips to find her sister standing at a tiny 4’11 feet tall barely reaching her breasts in height as she stared forward seeing her eye level lining up somewhere at the bottom of her massive cleavage. Her eyes wandered all the way up to her towering height, seeing her giant bustline covering most of her face as she saw her sister biting her lip, seeing her new size compared to her new bodacious body.

Laura finally burst out maniacally giggling as she wrapped her hands around her head, ruffling her hair and talking down to her, “Aww...how did you get so tiny Tiff...your head doesn’t even reach my chest anymore...oh my god.” - “I don’t know! Ugh! I hate it! Why did you stay so big? You look taller than the fucking doorframe!” Tiffany crossed her arms under her petite breasts when she heard her tall and voluptuous sister gasp seeing her sister’s tits now shrunken down into two tiny A cups, barely visible under her blue tank top pulled all the way down past her butt. “Oh my god...you’re adorable...are you even wearing panties right now?” Laura was beaten red giggling and laughing hard watching her now tiny-sized sister struggle to accept her fate. “No! Nothing fits!” - “Hey...there’s no need to yell-”  “You big bitch!” Laura stood up to her full height and stepped forward, pressing her boobs up against her face as she smothered her now much smaller sister between them. “Mmph! Mmph!” Laura lifted her off the floor easily, wrapping her strong arms under her sister’s arms as she hoisted her off the ground, she felt her feet kick off moving upwards about half a foot before meeting her giant breasts and getting sandwiched between them.  “Mmm...that’s better. You’re so light...it’s like picking up a backpack...mmm...I kinda like this.” - “Girls…?” They were interrupted by a familiar voice, Howard slowly called out to the stairwell as he made his way up Laura quickly let go of her. “Ugh! Bitch!” Tiffany fought back, slapping her hands on her bubbly chest and arms as she flailed to try and retaliate fruitlessly. “Hey are you two...okay...wow.” Howard stopped in his tracks seeing both of their new sizes, startled and a little speechless he cleared his throat and approached them trying to gauge their new heights in comparison to his own.

“Hey, dad!” Laura smiled beaming wide as she held Tiffany up, still giggling and watching her sister turn bright red in embarrassment. “Put me down!” She was powerless against her overpowering strength, flailing her arms fruitlessly trying to escape her amazon-sized sister. “Hey Laura, can you put her down?” Howard felt the back of his neck, feeling guilty as he gulped looking at them. “Oh...sorry.” Laura immediately released her softly, gently placing her on the ground bending over as she sighed letting her out of her strong arms. “Ugh. Thanks!” Tiffany said sarcastically as she folded her arms over her chest, feeling her arms against her flat chest only fueled her immense resentment. “I promise to get you both back to your old selves...I just need some time and more ingredients.” - “You said you wouldn’t shrink me at all! I’m way smaller than I was before, what the hell Howard?!” Tiffany screamed out of her tiny little body as they both jumped in surprise. “Calm down...” Howard spoke gently, trying to get her to relax as she pouted and stayed silent, quickly glancing up at her now oversized sister and her huge curvaceous body before turning red and scoffing.

“There’s something I have to tell you both.” - “Hmm?” - “Dad?” They both responded with kindness, turning their attention to him as he sighed and started walking down the stairs. “Come on, let’s go downstairs.” - “Ok.” They both nodded and followed suit, Tiffany watched her giant sister slam down her feet in front of her as she passed by she felt a slight breeze from her size as she gulped nervously. Her giant ass bounced and swayed side to side, jiggling and adjusting as her legs strained moving down the stairs ducking her head to avoid hitting the overhang above her towering frame. Tiffany couldn’t help, but continue staring at her giant bubbly butt as it bounced down the steps. She quickly started following the two of them, feeling her legs start to buckle as they landed on the next step. “What the fuck...I’m so small, my legs feel so short.” Her eyes began to water as she tried to hold back tears looking at her sister’s big-bodacious body again as she thought to herself nervously. “She’s...so big...this is weird...I can feel her body trembling near me...” She gulped again as they made their way into the kitchen.

It was a complete mess. Destroyed punched and kicked-in walls surrounded the hallways, ruined chairs and furniture were strewn all over the tiled kitchen floor. Broken shards of different types of chairs and chunks from the wall were littered about the premises. The three of them entered looking around, starting to feel incredibly embarrassed scanning the area for all the damage they had caused in their naivety. Howard stepped forward and rubbed the back of his head again, sighed, and then looked back at the two girls now completely ruby from embarrassment. “God I’m so sorry Dad!” Laura burst out as he quickly ran toward him and hugged him, smothering him with her curves and body. “Argh. Laura...it’s ok.” He grunted feeling her strength wrapping around his waist as he felt her incredible bust against the top of his chest as she leaned to his level hugging his torso. “I got carried away again...I promise I won’t get any bigger.” Howard sighed again, still feeling her tight grip holding him at bay as he started to resist slightly she let go, gasping and lining up in front of him as her eyes wandered down to his, starting to blush to see her head half a foot over above his. “That’s ok Laura...I’m more concerned about your sister.”

He frowned looking over at her as she turned her head and pouted in response. He looked back at Laura and then moved past her, and hugged Tiffany, kneeling down to her level and wrapping his arms softly around her tiny body. She wanted to turn and run, but she gave up, feeling his arms softly hug her and embrace her closely. “I’m so sorry sweetie, I didn’t have a choice, you two were going to break through the floor.” Laura almost laughed but held it back as she smirked, still blushing as Tiffany responded softly. “I know…I’m sorry.” -- “I’ll get you back to your old self. I promise.” - “Ok…” She sniffed, holding back tears as he let her go and stood back up and began to explain himself. “There’s something else too...we’re going to go live with a friend of mine temporarily until I figure out the situation here.” - “What do you mean?” - “Friend…?” They both perked up, trying to get as much information as they could. “Yeah, Victoria lives down the road a little bit, but she owns an estate and plenty of space for all of us for the time being.” - Wait...how long have you known her?” Tiffany butt in, acting authoritative and demanding as she crossed her arms.

Howard sighed and laughed, “Well...I’d say about a month now.” - “A month?!” - “And you’re moving in?!” They both responded in surprise, wide-eyed and staring blankly as Howard only smiled wider. “Yeah. I know it sounds strange, but we have a connection. She also supplies my workstation.” - “She's the one who...grew those flowers?” Laura softly spoke as Howard nodded in response as she glanced over at her huge bust line wrapped beneath her tightly bound towel. “I need new clothes…” - "She has some you can wear, she’s grown a bit too…” - “Really…” Laura bit her lip and blushed thinking of growing again as Tiffany quickly yelped in glee. “Oh my god...that means I can grow back! Yes! Ok. I’m going to go pack.” She quickly turned and ran down the hallway towards the stairs as the two turned back to each other and smiled. “Laura...I don’t want you to feel guilty...I shouldn’t have left out the serum.” - “I’m...kind of glad you did...gave me a lot of confidence.” Her arms landed on her hips against her hourglass frame as she triumphantly displayed her body. “Heh. Yeah Confidence, that’s what that is…” Howard blushed and looked at her breasts and then back up to her eyes as she blushed in response. “You can stay that size...just don’t bully your sister. Please.” - “Ok! I won’t I promise! Thank you, dad!” Laura hugged him tightly again, pressing her massive breasts against his chest as she blushed and giggled holding him tightly. “Argh. Ok….I can’t breathe.” - “Oh! Sorry…” She let go of him, letting him fall back onto his heels as he adjusted, clearing his throat and looking back at her large body barely covered up by her tightly wrapped towel. She mumbled, seeing his reaction and blushing, “I need to find some clothes....” Laura sighed and went upstairs, clearing two steps at a time with ease and she smirked, “I’m really big. I love this...mmm…” She moaned softly moving towards her doorway as she looked forward, ducking under it before closing it behind her big booty.

She stretched immediately feeling the ceiling as her hands touched it. “Whoa. I’m really tall...I gotta measure myself.” She treaded quickly over to her dresser, opening a few drawers as she filtered through her clothes, tossing them behind her as she lifted them up to her chest and scoffed. “None of these are going to fit...fuck.” She lifted up an extra-large v-neck, white and wrinkled near the bottom of the pile, dusting it off before unwrapping her tight towel around her chest, letting it fall to the floor. She struggled for a moment as she felt the shirt riding up her torso, above her belly button, adjusting it on her top half as she finally managed to fit somewhat comfortably into it. “Hmph. Must be one of Howard’s shirts that got mixed into the laundry...makes my boobies pop out...hehe…they’re practically about to rip this little thing.” She shook them a few times, watching them jiggle and bounce before slowly settling into her tightly wrapped up dress, barely able to contain her huge breasts.

She giggled looking into the mirror as she turned to see her wide hips and juicy ass sticking out from behind her. “My ass looks fucking enormous...how am I going to fit into anything…” She reached down for a handful softly sighing as she slowly cracked a smile feeling her pussy begin to tense up the closer her hands treaded to her inner thigh. “Mmm...I look good...I can’t wait to see little John today...he’s probably...barely as tall as my shoulders…” Her fingers slowly inched towards her pussy that only began to feel warmer as she moaned clutching her melon-sized breast in her other hand. She squealed in pleasure, letting her tongue drop onto her bountiful lips as she moaned again, squeezing harder, kneading her hard nipple in her fingers. She suddenly let go nearing a climax, holding it back as she panted hard trying her best to resist. “Fuck. So...goddamn horny...but I need to get my car from the movies...maybe...Tiffany will help me...I hope.” She sighed, looking down at her body again as she felt bittersweet, remembering her tiny sister below her towering physique.

She leaned over trying to bend down far enough to find her way into the lower drawers in the dresser now barely as tall as her wide hips. Her arms reached out and rummaged the contents, adding even more to the piles of clothing already strewn about behind her big bubbly butt. She finally found it, a thin silky ribbon of measuring tape colored with bright white and blue stripes interchanging in wonderful patterns. She leashed it towards her, smiling wide as she raced to the bathroom, ducking underneath the doorframe to fit inside. She turned and pinned the measuring tape ribbon near the top of the ceiling with ease, feeling her palm connect with the ceiling made her squeal in joy as she looked back at the tape and leaned back towards it, feeling her bubbly ass collide with the cold wall. “Ooh! I can barely lay against the wall, my ass is just so fucking big...and juicy...unf.” She bit her lip and then giggled, lining up against it as she held her finger near the top of her head trying to measure, before spinning around excitedly to see the mark now resting at six-foot-seven feet tall.

“Oh god...I’m even bigger than I thought...six-foot-seven...mmm...haha...hahaha...” She started to cackle almost maniacally, before stopping herself and stepping toward the mirror to see her eyes lining up with the top jagged edge of the polished long mirror. She sighed and turned to the doorway, ducking under it and moving towards her dress to find some pants she could fit into, rummaging through her clothing without much care for anything. Nothing fit. She tried everything; cut-offs, shorts, skirts, different pants, and stretchy fabrics, it all just simply wouldn’t fit. She felt defeated in her triumph, fully grown and filled with lust, but unable to fit into anything decent, when suddenly she spotted something near the bottom of the pile. Her eyes lit up finding some solace as a golden summer dress fit on her like a tight-fitting top, barely able to slide over her massive breasts and bountiful bodice. It was a cute dress on her before but now had been accentuated by her seductive and powerful curves. She smirked in the mirror, looking at her pussy slightly visible beneath her low dress, looking more like a skirt on her strong figure. “I guess...this works...nngh...It’s kind of tight.” She pulled on it, trying to keep it from sliding right off as she sighed, making her way out of the room. Her feet trod down the hall, looking for her sister, she felt confident, but nervous thinking about her fiery reaction. “I hope she doesn’t get pissed off again...here we go.” She clenched her teeth and knocked on the door, swallowing her pride as she blushed hearing the door open shortly after.

“Ugh. What do you want?” Tiffany scoffed seeing her eyes lining up beneath her giant erect nipples and her massive bustline, before scanning up her tremendous cleavage to find her two ocean blue eyes wracked with guilt. “Um...I sorta...left my car at the movies yesterday…” Tiffany folded her arms and scoffed another time, trying to avoid her gaze again. “You need me to drop you off?” She smiled and quickly responded, “Please…” Laura was almost begging as she tried to fold her arms behind her, pushing her chest out and looking off innocently. “Ugh...I really don’t want to go out twice today.” She crossed her arms acting bratty, holding them a bit tighter against her flat chest still looking away, trying to avoid her, even more, when she stepped forward and spoke louder. “Come on...I’ll help you...get back to your old size…” She smiled watching her face shift to surprise as she responded cautiously, “How…?” - “You’ll just have to trust me...please help me...all of my clothes don’t fit anymore…I need to get to the studio today too...ugh...” Laura blushed looking down at her breasts, practically spilling out of her dress that was barely covering the rest of her huge assets. “Ugh...fine…” - “Yay!” Laura snatched her up and lifted her off the ground, hoisting her into her massive chest as she recoiled, “Laura!!!” She giggled loudly, hugging her tightly, before putting her on the ground and patting her head down somewhere near her belly. “You’re so tiny! Hahaha! So cute!” - “Stop it! Ugh! I can’t believe I agreed to this.” Tiffany was red all over, she was thoroughly embarrassed being dwarfed by her tall and busty sister. “Hey...you wanna...grow a little before we head out…?” She goaded her, stretching her arms out towards the ceiling, touching them and giggling before looking back down at her sister now starting to stare at her sister’s massive boobs towering over her head. “You have some more of that stuff?!” She jumped forward letting her arms shoot by her hips as she pointed with the other intensely. “No, of course not silly...but I can show you...another way to get bigger...mmm...haha.” She rolled her eyes in response, “Ugh! Just tell me...you know I hate when you do that.” She laughed and then changed tone suddenly when her hand reached down, pulling her dress top under down, revealing her massive breasts.

She blushed, moving her hands down toward her nipples, hard and sensitive as she moved her finger around it, watching it pulse and suddenly begin to get bigger. She moaned, gently squeezing it before she trembled in pleasure. “Awhn...they’re so sensitive…” Tiffany turned red blushing hard as she watched her huge sister begin to toy with her bouncy G cups. “What are you...doing…” - “Mmm...just watch…” She was playing coy as she kneaded her breast, toying with her hard nipples as she moaned, feeling them begin to tense up when suddenly a burst of milk ran down her breast. “Awhn...look…mmph...” She said as she lifted her breast to her mouth and started to lick and suck on her nipple, she tasted it again, the sweetness of her milk combined with the powerful aroma of the growth serum. She couldn’t help, but drink down a few gulps before moaning louder again, letting her nipple and breast pop out of her mouth before landing back on her chest. “What the fuck Laura…” Tiffany was puzzled looking at the milk drip from the sides of her cheek as she wiped it off, licking and kissing the air with her huge wet lips. She giggled feeling the familiar trembling sensation begin to fire off all over her luscious body, she began breathing heavily, clutching her two oversized cantaloupes, squeezing them, and pulling on her milky nipples. “Just...wait...oh!” Her jiggling body suddenly bounced upwards, growing and thickening bigger and even more muscular. “Oh god...yes!” She roared with pleasure, trembling as she rose taller to 6’8 feet tall, feeling her nipples begin to leak more milk over her chest. Her hand hovered over her head, lining it up against her belly, closer down now as she giggled. “Mmm...yeah, I’m definitely taller…” She stepped forward and leaned over resting her two milky nipples near her mouth, blushing and waiting for her to make a move. Tiffany was stunned, she watched her fingers move toward her hard nipples, squeezing them as her milk trickled down her large soft breasts. “Uh...um…” - “Don’t be shy...come on Tiff...don’t you want to grow big and sexy like me...mmm...awhn…” Laura moaned as her breasts began to grow fuller, leaking more milk down her chest, she trembled growing larger again as her breasts passed two large double H cups. "They're getting even bigger…so heavy...and soft..." She cooed when her body shook again, growing another inch taller to 6’9 feet tall. “Mmm...it’s working...I’m getting bigger all over...it feels so good.” She moaned again, this time intentionally as her sister suddenly jumped forward and started sucking her nipples. Her tongue licked it, teasing it for a moment before biting down hard and sucking. “Oh! Tiff...awhn!” She became ravenous, having to tilt her head upwards and stand on her tippy toes just to reach them. “Mmph…*gulp gulp gulp*” Tiffany moaned, squeezing them harder to release more milk into her mouth as she bit down, sucking down more and roughly playing with the other with her small tender hands feeling the warm splashes of milk trickling down her throat.

Laura was in heaven feeling her tight and sore nipples finely kneaded and sucked on, rolling her eyes back and resisting the urge to finger her intensely raw pussy, dripping wetness down her thighs toward her legs as she trembled in pleasure. She couldn’t pay attention to the little pixie of a girl standing beneath her, starting to take shape into a much more bountiful beauty as her little cute butt began to plump up bigger and thicker. The growth began treading down toward her thighs and legs, filling out her lower half. It grew outwards, expanding and growing more bouncy as it began to lift her loose-fitting dress higher upwards as it hiked up her hips taking shape. Her old very athletic form was a whisper in comparison to the new muscular and incredibly curvy body that began to form around her torso, moving towards her arms and chest. She moaned softly muffled by the wet nipple in her mouth, still giving her delicious milk continually passing through her now puffed-up lips down her throat. Every gulp fed her lack of breasts, suddenly pumping them up, they filled up bigger and bigger, passing a B cup into the C category rapidly. They bounced up and upon her chest, making an impact out of her loose dress that began to take up space and hug her body tighter. During her breast growth, the rest of her body was slowly rising taller, she was 5’0 feet tall within seconds, rising several inches taller as she continued to suck down on her milk. She moaned, feeling her body start to heat up and tingle all over, her lips began to quiver, feeling the effects of the growth serum start to sink in deeper. “Hey...you ok down there…?” Laura giggled barely able to stand as her vagina continued pulsating with pleasure inching her hands closer towards it. A simple and cute moan was the only response she got as she spotted her sister’s body start to fill out even more and grow even larger breasts as they filled up to her old size passing D cups at her short size. She suddenly pushed her away, fearing that she would reach her size too quickly, feeling her nipple still trapped her tight little mouth, pulling it away as she screamed in intense pleasure as she let go, smirking devilishly. “Awhn! You’re too rough sis...that’s enough for now.” - “Thanks, sis.” She said coyly, feeling her body flaring up with sexual feelings as she began playing with her newly grown breasts. “Mmm...they’re back to their old size...oh!” She trembled, bouncing upwards to 5’1, feeling her ass starting to warm up and bubble up bigger, her legs stretched longer and more powerfully. She felt her legs growing muscular and stronger as she quickly looked at her perspective back at her sister, climbing up her tremendous body still seemed like a daunting task.

Laura smiled looking down at her as she suddenly jumped up another inch taller to 5’2, she twisted her lips and sucked her teeth as she exhaled in response. “We gotta go before you grow too big like me!” - “Oh...come on, I’m not even back to my old self yet...awhn…” She moaned again as her breasts grew past her original size, bubbling up into DD cups as they blew out her top, she kneaded them feeling her body bounce up again to 5’3 feet tall before she shook her body erotically, searching for every little bounce and jiggle of her new assets. “Oh god...it feels amazing...awhn!” A powerful sensation ran through her whole body as her nipples got hard, she squealed in glee, feeling horny and excitable. “Tiff!” Laura blushed, looking down at her less small sister, now near the middle of her chest in height, noticing her slow ascension back to her original size. “Ok ok...let’s get going.” Tiffany smiled, knowing she had taken more than she needed to reach her old size, excited about how much more she would grow. She looked forward to seeing Laura duck under her doorway and begin to stomp down the hallway, imagining herself at her size began to make her wet as she bounced her way out following her out.

The girls went downstairs, bouncing their way towards the kitchen as they met with Howard still cleaning up and looking up at them as they rounded the corner between the hallway and the staircase. “Hey girls.” Howard sighed and looked at the two of them, Laura entered the room ducking a bit further down as she lined up against him he raised an eyebrow. His eyes wandered towards her busty body, barely able to be contained in her golden flowery summer dress. “She looks...even bigger.” He thought to himself as he gulped and looked down to his other daughter, even more, shocked. “What the hell...Tiffany...you’ve grown.” Tiffany perked up and laughed, rubbing her breasts and body as she looked up and smiled. “Yeah! Looks like the antiserum doesn’t really work after all...haha.” She laughed nervously as Laura tried to act cool, feeling the rosy red tingling feeling still throbbing from her right nipple. She laughed nervously trying to hide the wet stains from her dripping breast milk. “You’ll be back to your old size in no time!” Laura giggled again looking back at her short sister when she smiled back. Her eyes began to get heavy as she moaned softly, bouncing up another inch taller suddenly to 5’4 feet tall. “I hope so…” She came back a bit mentally, trying to play it off as she felt her green dress begin to tighten around her ass that had now grown into a luscious bubble butt. Howard sighed looking at the two of them, first scanning downwards to see Tiffany growing into a bubble booty beauty, his eyes ran up Laura’s body towards her clear blue eyes as he began to explain. “I’m going to Victoria’s, you’re welcome to join me. I’ll leave the address on the counter.” Laura spoke up, “Ok! Tiff is going to help me get my car back first.” - “Yeah, it shouldn't take too long.” Tiffany nodded, still a bit distracted as her eyes motioned down towards her breasts, they began to itch and tingle becoming warmer and warmer before they began to bubble up larger, slowly growing larger and fuller. “Oh...bigger.” She mumbled as they continued bubbling up on her chest, growing an entire cup size as they grew into bouncy DDD cups.

She couldn’t help but play with her tight rock-hard nipples, barely able to fit into her dress as she kneaded them in her hands, nearly drooling feeling the powerful erotic sensations fill her again. “Tiffany…” Laura spoke softly trying to get her attention as she lowered her hands away from her massive bust and nodded still a bit dazed. “Ok. Well take care of your sister, be safe.” Howard nodded, feeling pensive as he looked toward Laura with a bit of concern. “We’ll be fine.” She smiled and hugged him, pressing her massive body against his, leaning down, and bending over to meet his size. She didn’t hug as hard this time, being gentle and soft as her body smashed against his chest. “Love you.” She said smiling before moving back and letting her sister move in and hug his chest. She reached wide, barely able to wrap her short arms around his taller body, he leaned down to her level and hugged her softly. “Love you, dad.” She spoke softly, feeling his embrace. Tiffany sighed as the both of them finally let go and began turning before smiling and heading out towards the front door. They began to look for something to wear, trying to filter through different shoes before leaving. Laura looked down and lifted up her sandals, noticing her feet absolutely dwarfing them now. She sighed looking back at her sister, having the opposite problem, her cute pink flip flops were now making her feet look tiny. “Trade…?” - “Um. Yeah.” They laughed and traded flip flops and sandals, before wrapping them on tightly Laura stood up and felt slightly uncomfortable, but managed to squeeze them on. Tiffany loosely wrapped on her old sandals, smiling as they fit nicely on her small feet. Laura sighed looking at her dress and then jumped, sending her breasts bouncing on her chest before turning and stomping up the stairs quickly. “Laura!” - “Forgot to call Chelsey!” - “Ugh. Ok!”

Tiffany scoffed again rolling her eyes and pouting, crossing her arms when she felt them press against her nipples, nearly making her faint. Her entire body trembled as she let out a hot breath, looking down at them. “Oh fuck…they’re so sensitive.” She bit her lip feeling her heart beating fast as she began to breathe heavily, almost rhythmically letting out longer more labored exhales. She looked down nervously seeing her two nipples hard as bullets sticking out from her chest, she gulped feeling the familiar feeling beginning to build inside her about to erupt in a cascade of erotic emotions. She tingled, quivering as she cautiously lifted her hand, moving her finger slowly towards her right nipple. She slowly wrapped her finger around it, moaning and panting harder as she squeezed down her eyes rolled back, sending her tongue out her mouth nearly drooling from pleasure. Her nipple twitched and then began to leak, white milk started as it trickled down her breasts. “I need...to sit down...for a second…” She slowly motioned towards the couch in the living room, moving towards the curtained double doors leading inside. Her hands quivered as she felt her pussy begin to throb, reaching down and palming it for a moment before letting out a soft moan. She was already so wet, trying to twist the handle of the door and push it inwards, before falling onto the sofa as she sighed, laying back onto the middle cushion. “Laura...and her stupid milk...is making me so fucking horny...awhn!” She moaned, stopping herself from going all out, embarrassed as she heard shuffling from the other room. “Oh god if he sees me like this…” She mumbled moving her fingers over her clit, stroking back and forth as she began to slowly inch a finger inside her incredibly wet pussy. “I can’t do this here...awhn...ah...ah...ah…” She panted rhythmically fingering herself, pushing deeper with every thrust coating her fingers in her wetness as her shimmering golden eyes rolled back. Her tongue rested on her big lips as she leaned her head back further losing herself in the sexual emotions smothering her mind. Her entire body shuddered as she started to get close to a climax, continuing to thrust and rub her pussy, nearly about to erupt when suddenly she felt an intense heat begin to build in her breasts.

“Awhn...oh...it feels...amazing…” Her voice was syrupy as she began to drool down her breasts, feeling them start to bulge and grow bigger again, this time with much more speed. She moaned again, moving her other hand to her breast to play and toy with it as it began expanding out of the size of her hand. They grew bigger and bigger as she felt them growing in her hand, bulging and becoming massive and filled up with potent milk of her own. She cooed, grabbing them as her nipples began expanding larger and larger until suddenly they both burst with milk, running down her chest. “Oh, fucking hell...nngh...looks so...delicious.” Her mouth moved down as she lifted her now F cup breasts closer as she struggled but managed to get a grip on them between her lips. “Mmph! Mmm…*gulp gulp gulp*” She drank it down, sucking down her breast milk, tasting the serum on her lips as she smiled, blushing, feeling her breasts only growing larger again. Every gulp sent her body into shock, sending shivers down her spine and into her tingling breasts, feeling them growing bigger, passing massive G cups and then past her own sister’s size to H cups. They only filled up more, feeling the milk trickle down her throat, she finally swallowed the last bit of it as she let her nipple out of her wet milky mouth, falling down to her chest again. “Mmm...that’s enough for now...oh...here it comes…” She blushed to feel the familiar feeling of growth begin to shoot through every bone in her body, she nearly came as she grew taller to 5’5, clutching onto her giant silky breasts as she entered her wet vagina again. She moaned trying to stop herself from being too loud, but it was no use. She was still growing and filled with lust as she only grew taller to 5’6, trying badly not to scream as she felt another kick in her body. Her entire physique bulged outwards becoming stronger and more voluptuous as she rose taller again to 5’7, finally sending her to her limit, nearly erupting. “Ah...ah….ah….awhn!” She moaned, loudly this time cascading emotions and pleasure ran through her luscious bouncy body as she shook on the couch letting out an intense orgasm. “Augh! God that felt so fucking good...mmm....where’s...that stupid girl…” She sighed letting her body weight sink into the couch deeper as she slid her dress further up her body and back over her milky nipples making two wet spots immediately on them. She sighed again and closed her eyes, moving her wet fingers into her mouth, sucking on them and letting out muffled moans.

Upstairs Laura played with her hair and held the small phone beside her large ear as she giggled waiting for the phone to pick up on the other side. “Hey…” A soft voice was heard from a familiar male voice. “Hey, who’s this?” - “Oh, Laura! It’s John.” - “Oh! Hey John!” - “Hey, how are you?” - “I’m great! Hey, can I ask you a favor?” - “Anything.” - “Can you help me get my car back to my place…? I’ll make it worth your while.” She said coyly as she could hear him clearing his throat accompanied by some background noise. “Uhh...Sure!” He said sharply. “Awesome! Can you meet up now? My sister wants to-” - “You have a sister?” John cut her off excitedly as she softly responded. “Yeah...ok, well I’ll see you soon! Thanks so much!” - “Yeah! See you soon Laura.” The phone dropped as she sighed, placing it back onto her dresser as she looked back at her dress, not seeing any space to put it. “I wish I had pockets...I really want to bring my phone...hmmm….” Laura looked around the room, heading to her closet as she opened the door revealing tons of different styles of dresses, tops, shirts, and other cute outerwear. She rolled her eyes in a strange relief as she looked at the low-hanging doorframe and tight space between her and the racks further inside the closet. “I’m too big...for my own closet...oh my god...hahaha!” She giggled, turning her cute laughs into stronger spurts of glee. She reached further in, trying to find a purse to place her belongings in, reaching farther until she loosened her hands toward a cute and sleek black purse. She lifted it, examining its much smaller size beside her, whipping the thin cord around her shoulder and feeling the bag riding above her hips. “Gosh. This bad used to dangle at my thighs, now it’s practically under my arm...oh well, it will have to do for now. She sighed, taking her bag, phone, and charger, tossing them in her purse before going back downstairs.

She turned the corner looking for her sister as she called out, “Tiff?”, hearing some shuffling coming from the door to the living room. She approached calmly, opening the door when she was greeted by her sister a few inches taller than before, now holding her slightly damp H cup breasts in her arms. “H-hey sis…” - “Hey...are you ready to...go?” - “Yeah...just wanted to relax a little...before we- Hey!” She was rudely interrupted by Laura as she quickly clutched onto both of her big juicy tits, squeezing them hard and giggling. “When did they get so big?!” She nearly shouted in joy, watching her sister begin to breathe heavily and turn red. “Laura...stop...awhn!” She moaned loudly this time, feeling her nipples begin to leak milk as she cooed, feeling her sister bouncing them up and down against the tightly wound fabric of her green patterned dress. She couldn’t help it, her hands continued to play with them, jiggling and bouncing wildly on her moderately sized chest. “Laura...awhn…” Her sister was begging her to stop as she let go her entire world shook mentally, feeling her sore and bright red nipples begin to ache and tense up waiting for more pleasure. “God they’re so nice! Ok, let’s go.” - “Ok…” She blushed, still feeling pretty small compared to her, her head was now treading above her shoulders, just slightly, but it was noticeable enough. She shifted her dress, trying to fit her huge mountains back onto their straps, but it was proving to be difficult, she felt the bottom of it already passing her ass, showing her pussy off to the world if she was ever to bend over. She sighed, following her even larger sister out the door as she looked back for a moment hearing shuffling coming from the kitchen. She kept about her devices, moving on, but couldn’t help feeling somewhat responsible, still, she continued, following Laura out the front door, greeted by the powerful sun beaming down on their front lawn.

They walked down the driveway watching the afternoon sun glowing above them, Laura sighed and felt her big body colliding with the pavement as she smiled looking back at her smaller sister and giggled to herself, trying to stay quiet looking at her bubble butt bounce side to side as she walked towards her SUV taking out her jingling keys. “Hmph.” Tiffany scoffed, looking at her towering size and then back at her vehicle. “What?” Laura acted cute, tilting her head and smiling. “You’re too fucking big. That’s what.” - “Aww...come on we were way bigger last night…” She rolled her eyes in response, looking back down at her now juicy H cup breasts barely able to be contained in her tightly wrapped dress. “Yeah...but like how are you going to fit inside?” Her eyes wandered looking up near the roof, seeing a bright sunlit reflection bouncing off the glass window. “Um...what about the sunroof?” - “Ugh. I guess that works.” She turned and opened the SUV as she motioned past the front and towards the driver’s side. She clicked the keys as the vehicle beeped twice and unlocked the doors. She sat inside, barely able to climb up the side realizing her height from before had set her feet several inches away from the gas pedal. Tiffany sighed as she felt the car tilt to the side feeling her sister’s weight immediately bear down on the SUV. She gulped feeling the car sway sideways as she nervously adjusted the mirror, peering back behind her to see her tall sister squeeze into the backseat. Her breasts squeezed together forming a long line of cleavage down her curvaceous upper half. She squirmed, pressing hard between the seat cushions and the limited space behind the passenger seat before finally sitting down in the middle beneath the sunroof. She tilted her head down, ducking under the soft panel covering the sunroof. The slow sliding glass panel finally opened to shine bright noon sunlight onto her bountiful body, she glowed in it, reaching her arms up and stretching them out to feel the wind kissing her hands and fingertips. She smiled as she inched up behind the driver’s side seat and giggled, looking down at her sister’s head just reaching the headrest above. She looked forward and smiled as they rode down the road to the theater.


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