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The almost nine and a half foot tall blonde amazon shook the floor every step she took, in her right hand she had Tom wrapped up in her clutches. "Ooh I feel it coming again…" - Christ! Christie put me down!" She was holding him by the wrist like a toy, his feet were dangling several feet off the floor. Suddenly she reached out and grabbed Ann by her head shoving it towards her aching wet pussy. “Auch! Christie stop!” Ann screamed, quickly engulfed by the two big wet lips of her vagina, she felt her lips and cheeks rubbing up and down methodically over her massive clit, she roared in pleasure using Ann like a sex toy. “Ooh...yeah…mmm...fuuuck...” - “Mmph!” Ann struggled feeling her massive hands squeezing her head like it was a big melon in her clutches. “Christie! Stop! Please I’m begging you!” Tom dangled off the ground seeing his feet beneath him waving back at forth as he tried to wriggle his way free, Christie felt her arms strengthen and bulge with rippling muscle, her grip tightened and got stronger as Tom winced in pain,  her body began to pack on muscle becoming fit and toned, rounding out her body increasing in mass, growing into luscious curves and toned biceps, her hips widened to the extreme as her ass bubbled up and up, growing to match her new wide hourglass figure. “Christie! Please!” Christie suddenly opened her eyes wide as they shot off streaks of red energy, her body was emitting a bright red glow as she felt power coarse through her mini giantess body. “MORE!” Christie screamed as her voice echoed through the lab, her muscles grew again as her body started to engulf the two of them more as red energy began to pour out of both Tom and Ann and into Christie’s already titanic nine and a half foot tall frame.

“Oh...GOD YES...moooore….aaah....”. Her titanic body began to fluctuate in size again as she continued growing larger, now passing 9’7, and then rapidly to 9’9 tall. Christie’s body boomed larger as Ann felt the world around her get bigger and bigger, face to face with her vagina which had now grown again, now a quarter of the length of her body now, her red throbbing clit was the size and shape of a round mound of chocolate candy, her pussy twitched and let loose cum over her thighs that trembled with each motion in and out. Ann felt the giant vagina slowly engulfing her as she began to lose her breath, feeling Christie’s massive fingers pushing her deeper into her pussy, pushing harder on her lower back. Ann yelped in pain as she felt her body about to break from Christie's gigantic size. Christie stretched upwards, shoving her pussy into Ann’s face as she grew taller and taller to 9’10 and then rapidly to 9’11 tall. Tom noticed it again, he was shrinking, an inch at first down to 6’4, as Ann shrunk down again joining him, now 5’11, Christie could feel her muscles wrapping around their shrinking bodies, they slowly shrunk down becoming more malleable and soft as her flesh engulfed them.“Oh fuck yes...I’m so powerful...you feel...so small...I’m so fucking wet...awhn!” - “Mmph! Mmph!” Ann’s muffled screams were completely overtaken by Christie’s loud moans and immense desire to orgasm, “Hey! Christie put me down! Please!” Tom yelled, starting to feel her hands getting tighter. “You stay quiet little man...Oh yes! Don’t stop!”

Christie’s grip only grew tighter and stronger as she boomed upwards several inches at once as her breasts began growing even faster, absorbing Ann’s breast size, height and strength, as well as Tom’s strength and height at the same time as they both shrunk down to 6’2 tall, and 5’9 tall. “Impossible…” Tom mumbled seeing her absorbing their size and strength. Tom and Ann both shrunk down again drastically an entire half foot at once, Ann shrunk down to 5’3, as her breasts deflated into small B cups adjusting to her new smaller petite physique. Ann started to shake, noticing Christie’s breasts now passing an insane J cup as she moaned loudly completely dwarfing them in her giantess physique. Tom shrunk down further to 5’8, feeling his arms starting to bruise as Christie boomed larger, growing from absorbing their size. “Tom?!” Ann screamed, feeling her head start to move away from her clutches for a moment as Christie loosened her grip around Ann, moving her fingers methodically as she slowly escaped,  she laughed toying with her, letting her run,  but not for long. “Hah...hah...holy fuck...oh my god…aww you’re so tiny...and weak...I can feel your tiny little arms...trying to struggle...mmm...oh it’s turning me on so much.” - “Get away from me!”

Ann turned and tried to cut tail, running, but she was so huge she simply bent over shoving her massive booty and the air and grabbed her by the wrist and picked her up off the ground and spun her around, placing Tom back on the ground for a moment. “Honey! Do something!” - “Oh god! Ann! Christie please stop this!” Christie hoisted him up as she adjusted her  hands, now wrapping completely around his torso, “I’m so close...watch me Tom...watch me blow up and get fucking huge.” - “This is way too far Christie…” Tom tried to act heroic as she tightened her grip. Christie groaned and moaned, grabbing her entire head, engulfing it with her humongous hand, shoving Ann’s face back into her pussy, she felt it start to engulf her head. “OH FUCK!” Christie screamed in devilish glee as she felt her head penetrate. Ann was suffocating inside her pussy, her massive lips sucked her head in and out as her face became completely drenched in her cum. Ann thought as she tried to calm herself down a bit, feeling her breath slowly fading, becoming woozy and tired. “Ugh...this is fucking gross...I’m stuck inside a giant woman’s vagina...wow...I didn’t think it would come to this…” She giggled as Christie moaned feeling the vibrations of her throat echoing through her aching pussy.

Christie motioned up and down over her head as she started using her as a dildo, her eyes beamed outwards as her head slipped inside her again and again, she screamed, roaring with pleasure as she coarse with red energy. Tom watched in horror as Christie's entire body grew bigger and bigger, completely encompassing their lower halves as she readjusted, growing bigger and bigger, past 10 and a half feet tall, every squat she went up and down her legs and thighs expanded, growing longer and larger as she grew taller. She moaned, looking down at her engorged nipples at the end of her titanic breasts that took up most of her lower perspective now. Her body boomed with growth as she continued growing rapidly over and past 11 feet tall, closing in on the twelve foot tall ceiling. Tom struggled trying to loosen her vice grip around his chest, but it was no use, he watched her fingers start to touch as her hands became the size of his lower body, only getting bigger as she was sapping both of their size, he reached over trying to grab Ann, when he felt her arm go limp. “Christie! Stop! She’s unconscious!” - “I’m gonna cum!” Christie screamed and shook her titanic body reaching orgasm, “Keep going...I’m so close...nngh...aaah….aaaaaaaaaaah!”  she suddenly let go of both of them, reaching up to latch on her nipples and breasts, squeezing them and moaning as her eyes rolled back. Tom cascaded to the floor, seeing the tiled ground before plummeting into it.

He felt his legs crack on the tiled floor, yelling in pain as he got up off the floor and held his right leg. “Argh...might be a fracture...fucking...giant...argh.” Tom didn’t have a bad bone in his body, he had trouble finding the words to explain his frustration with the experiment. “Oh...that was...amazing...Ann...honey you did such a good --eep!” Christie was beat red, she perked up as he felt a motion coming from beneath her, Ann’s head popped out of her pussy, as she grew taller as she suddenly shifted in size, becoming too small for her giantess body, her body boomed larger and larger from eleven and a half feet tall, another half foot upwards as she grew and grew, she shot upwards becoming a giantess. “I’m getting so big! I’m going to become an invincible g- Ow! Oh…I feel...nngh.” She grew taller and taller when suddenly she passed 12 feet tall as her head bumped the metal rafters below the stone ceiling. She plummeted backwards down onto a nearby workstation, crashing into it. Christie was out cold, she had a bruise and a lump on her forehead the size of a coffee table. She slept in a pile of destroyed science equipment, slowly breathing as her twelve foot long giantess frame rested over the other tables.

Ann coughed as she tried to wipe the cum coating her head, “Ugh...so fucking gross...what the fuck.” Ann found a nearby lab coat and started wiping herself off as she slowly acclimated to her new size, now standing at a meager 5'3. Ann panicked looking around her the flannel shirt she had originally tied around her breasts, now laid on the floor, she sighed and picked it up wrapping it around her average sized womanly frame, and started to button it up, seeing the ends of the shirt hanging over her petite, yet round butt.“Honey…argh…” - “Tom? Are you ok? Oh god! Tom!” She saw Tom crawling on the floor in front of the sea of flesh behind him, jostling every now and then in her slumber. She crossed her arms, pressing her absolutely enormous J cup breasts together as she mumbled, turning over as they heard the shattering of glass, and bending of metal echoing. Her two mountainous mammaries were like two giant boulders of squishy soft flesh, with two huge erect nipples squeezing together as her two big arms rested over top of them, they were roughly fifty pounds each and over two feet wide, she moaned in her sleep as her nipples started to get hard as she squished her massive breasts together. Her humongous ass was extremely round and plump, it stuck out more than a foot from her torso and consumed anything around it, leaving a huge metallic dent in the workstation table, when she first landed on it, now being crumbled up like a newspaper under her 7 foot wide ass was about the size of a couch and twice as soft.

Ann scrambled towards Tom, as she strode forward adjusting to her surroundings she felt a gust of air and a massive object cross her path as she tried to stop, bumping into it. She looked up in horror as the shape of a curvaceous woman began to form in her vision, Miya’s short black bob cut hair was longer now, slightly covering her nipples now past her shoulders, she blushed, pressing her chest together showing off her cleavage before lightly grabbing Ann’s arms and blushing hard. “She feels so small...I could break these tiny arms…” Miya thought to herself, starting to get wet. Miya stared down at her, she had been growing slowly into a tall and busty 6'3 Asian bombshell, she was smirking, and then trying to act serious, towering over her now over a head taller. She leaned in and craned her head down as her arms reached up and felt her shoulders, “Aww...is that you Ann? Looks like you're smaller than me...that’s too bad.” Miya laughed as Ann looked forward, seeing her eye level beneath her bigger double D cup breasts somewhere near the middle of her torso. Her cleavage was more than ample sticking out of her tight lab coat now hanging beside her upper thighs at its full length on her tall curvy frame. Miya thought to herself starting to get wet as her nipples began to get hard. "She's so...small and flat chested. I'm going to enjoy this…" Miya tilted her head slightly, toying with her, placing her hand on her smaller head, she measured her height as she motioned her hand flat towards her cleavage noticing the top of her head didn't even reach the top of her two large breasts.

"M-miya...you...got bigger again…" - "Mhm. Looks like you're not even as tall as my tits." She giggled as she watched her breasts jiggle as she cackled wickedly and grinned looking down at her. “Please Miya...help Tom, I think he’s hurt!” Ann begged her as Miya became serious for a moment. “Tom shrunk me down into a little inch long worm...no way...plus I still don’t believe him from before, Brandon was totally making fun of me...” - ”Please...Miya…I’ll do anything...argh.” Tom winced in pain, offering himself up. Miya smiled a long grin and turned away from Ann, looking at her slightly moist face and distressed look, she motioned towards Tom’s workstation, ruffling through things and grabbing his journal. “Anything…?” Miya smiled devilishly, starting to open it slowly. “Miya...that’s…” - “This...is exactly the price of your failures Mr. Verdas. We can help each other out...hmm this is very interesting…” Miya began reading through his notes, listening to him wince in pain as Ann rushed to his side and started helping him onto his feet, when they both collapsed to the ground. “I’m sorry honey...you’re too heavy for me...now…” Ann started to tear up and Tom looked up at Miya still looking through his notes. “Listen...Miya...you can have all the time you want to read through my notes later...please can you bring me to medical.” - “Ugh! Fine.” Miya put the notes into her small lab coat that tightly wrapped around her chest like a vest. She stomped towards them and leaned down, as her breasts hung down in front of Tom’s face she smirked, then changed her mood when she heard more shuffling from the giantess behind them. “What about her…” - “Don’t worry about her, we need to move.” - “Ok.” Miya started to feel more assertive, but she felt she understood the situation well enough to take advantage of it.

They moved out into the hallway as they slowly held Tom up together moving him down towards the infirmary. Miya smiled, feeling strong as she held him up easily, she blushed remembering her powerful orgasm and growth session watching Christie abuse Ann and Tom, thinking to herself, “Did they both get smaller? This is perfect...” Miya felt warm as her body grew taller to 6’4, she blushed feeling her muscles tighten and expand, she felt stronger and stronger as she watched her perspective rise again as she inched taller to 6’5. “Looks like I’m not done growing...good.” Miya thought as she bit her lip feeling her clothes about to shred off at any second. Tom noticed a stronger grip as he turned to his left he saw her shoulders nearly at his eye level now. “Is she...growing?” Tom thought, getting nervous. Miya looked up, seeing the ceiling only a few inches away from her height now, she smirked, seeing over most things under her vision as they got closer, she saw the infirmary sign down the hall. “Just a bit further now.” Tom smiled nervously, as they traveled down the hallway and closed in on the doorway. A nurse opened the door and ran to their aid, she leaned down and grabbed him from the both of them. “I’ll take him from here, what happened?” The cute long-haired nurse, Laura, had charcoal colored hair, with bright blue eyes. She gulped as she started looking up first to see Miya towering over her, and then down at Ann seeing her a bit shorter than her in height, she was only 5’6. “Holy shit...she’s huge!” Laura thought with her mouth wide open and then shook her head looking back at the crew arriving quickly. Two men rushed up with an emergency relief bed, snapping it into a locking position and moving it down towards the floor. Tom grunted as they lifted him bringing him onto the bed as they quickly rushed him off into the medical rooms.

Ann tried to keep up with them, but was stopped by Laura, standing in front of her way. “Please Miss, stay in the waiting room while they begin the procedure.” - “I’m-” - “That’s fine, we need to get back to work. Isn’t that right?” Miya looked smiling, reaching her hand onto her shoulder and tightening it around her, pulling her close by as Ann felt her breasts squeeze against the side of her head. “Y-yeah.” Ann hesitated at first, but she felt her lungs begin to squeeze together, feeling her shoulders start to strain as Miya held her tighter, smiling with a menacing grin. “Ok then. I’ll let you know as soon as we have any news. We have a great medical response team.” Ann nodded quietly as Miya let go of her, feeling her feet fall back on their heels, she gulped starting to realize how much bigger Miya was than her now. They turned leaving, moving outside as Miya grabbed Ann’s wrist. “Hey! Get off of me.” Ann commanded, suddenly met by Miya puffing out her chest and looking down at her, trying to intimidate her, “Come on. We’re going back to the lab.” Ann’s eyes widened quickly recalling Christie's new giantess body starting to feel her heart beating faster. “Are you crazy? No way! Christie is in there, what happens if we wake her up?”

Miya smiled coyly and grabbed both her wrists pulling her body towards her and lifting her wrists closer and pulling them around her torso. “What the! Get off of me!” Miya pressed her body against hers, feeling her power overwhelming her and closed her eyes, starting to feel a tingling sensation running from her arms, that were tensing up and slightly bulging. “Get off! Get-” - “Shh...mmm….yeah….that’s it.” Miya’s heart started beating faster as she felt her body coursing with energy, she felt a wave pulse through her fingertips and then her palms, feeling them getting warmer as she started growing taller again now 6’6, six and a half feet tall. Ann’s body shrunk again down to 5’2, feeling dizzy as her wrists began to get red from the tension of Miya’s aggressive hold on them. - “What are you...doing…” - “Just...relax...and I won’t hurt you.” - “S-stop...it hurts…you’re hurting me...” Miya tried to contain her growing lust as a drop of her cum trickled down her thighs as she started to tremble feeling her body grow again another 2 inches to 6’8. Ann mumbled as her vision started to get blurry, she shunted down 2 more inches to 5 feet tall. Miya thought to herself, “If I get any bigger...I’m not going to be able to work or use any of the equipment...fuck...I better stop now.” Miya let go as Ann nearly fell to the ground, not before Miya caught her, her eyes slowly opened again as she batted away her hand aggressively.

Ann pushed and shoved Miya, quickly realizing she had no chance now, she trembled in fear holding her hand up against Miya’s seeing it was unbelievable at first, the difference was tremendous. The top of Ann’s head was now way under Miya’s boobs, she looked up seeing her gigantic shoulders blocking the lights from above, she couldn’t help but stare at the straining lab coat around her upper chest like a small sized vest, the buttons to hold it together were under her arms at this point from her massive growth spurts. “How did you-” She quickly stepped up to her again and grasped her entire head with one of her massive arms, pressing her down towards the floor, her knees immediately bent as she felt a force push her down. “Augh! Stop Miya!” Ann called out, feeling her head being forced downwards, as she felt gigantic fingers ruffle through her long hair, messing it up and making it frizzy.

“You’re going to help me make another gun...or I’m going to keep absorbing your size until you’re as small as... a little pea...haha...hahahahaha!” Miya cackled madly when suddenly her eyes turned a bright red as the energy from before came back in full force without any control, Miya felt her hand growing in size as Ann began to shrink again, she shunted downwards 3 inches down to a short 4’9. Miya couldn’t help, but continued to toy with Ann, her pussy was aching, dripping down her exposed thighs as her eyes rolled back having a short intense orgasm. “Oh...wait...I should stop...mmm...but it feels...so good…” She thought to herself, starting to feel her pussy throbbing. Miya absorbed her height, growing taller rapidly to 6’11 tall. She felt her knees stop bending as she realized she had shrunk again as Miya let go of her head and straightened herself out, she looked down hovering her hand over her head as she measured it against her growing body. Her hand landed above her belly, she smiled and blushed hard, trying to resist the urge to finger herself. “Oh my god...she’s so small now...I feel like a parent next to her kid...god she's like a little girl in comparison to me, she's like half my size!” Miya thought to herself trying to contain her excitement as she cleared her throat and spoke in a lower,  more intimidating tone, trying to assert her dominance. “There’s work to be done...let’s get going.”

Ann started to shake from fear and dizziness, she yelped in shock as she suddenly noticed her eye level all the way down now at her belly button, she gulped as she felt large rough fingers brushing her hair away from her face. Miya felt her palm against her tiny head as she trembled with pleasure, feeling immensely powerful as she moved her hair aside and smiled devilishly. "I'm going to have to start calling you little Annie, you're so...small in my hands." Ann craned her head all the way up to see Miya’s tall statue-like physique towering above her as her eyes slowly panned towards her face, now covered up mostly by her bountiful bust line, her arm was like a long power line leading up to the top of her height. Ann stammered, seeing Miya’s height in her perspective made her feel much larger than she actually was, she continued on trying to pass her as Miya lifted her arm and saw her trying to weave her way past her new tall height. “Y-yeah sure...whatever...” Ann blushed, trying to pass by as Miya suddenly reached down and slapped the entire expanse of her tiny butt with her huge hand as she yelped. “Eep!” - “Haha! You’re so cute, come on let’s go.” Ann ran forward towards the lab as Miya stomped behind her, bending down to avoid the lights in the hallway from her now nearly seven foot tall body. They made their way back into the lab, Ann strode in seeing the door frame almost twice her height in her perspective, Miya ducked in, seeing the door frame several inches below her height, she looked down seeing Ann beneath her like a little kid in comparison, she smirked thinking to herself, “I can’t wait to get even bigger.”

They entered, welcomed by the sound of a slumbering beauty of epic proportions, Christie the busty blonde giantess, still knocked out from her injury laid breathing deep breaths slowly in and out, they quietly and made their way towards the back of the storage area. Miya looked at the small storage room and the door only six feet tall under her by almost a foot. She leaned over and pushed her aside easily, starting to type the password into the door code lock. Miya was getting frustrated quickly, her fingers mashed against the keyboard smashing different numbers as her new fingers were over double the size of the pad’s numbers,  she rolled her eyes and turned to Ann. “Ugh...Ann, can you go in there and get the substrate?” - “The what…?” Ann didn’t know what she was talking about. “The growth substrate, it should be a vial, inside one of the containment cells, the code is 1889. Just be very careful with it...I can’t risk damaging it with my new...enhanced size...”Miya motioned her hands and rested them on the top of the container casually as Ann beneath her craned her head up to see the top of the six foot tall storage container.

“Right...1889…” Ann nodded and motioned towards the door punching in the code and looking back at Miya, she smiled coyly, as she gulped and nodded entering the storage container. making her way down the short hallway towards four containment cells, two were already opened, she turned to the right seeing just two more of them were sealed tight. She looked around her, everything seemed so big, the walls of the massive metallic box felt more like a small home. “I’m back to being a short little hobbit again...this is crazy...and Miya’s like...a fucking amazon...I don’t even want to think about how big Christie is...” Ann giggled to herself and heard Miya bark an order, echoing loudly, “What are you giggling about!? Get the substrate and get back here!” Miya poked her head into the box, as she barely could see her trying to open the small container. “Sorry! I’m not a scientist.” - “Ok just hurry up!” Miya turned as she heard a loud rustling coming from the western side of the lab. She got up and turned to right as she watched Christie stretch out, feeling the front side wall grazing her fingertips.

She slowly opened her eyes and tossed aside several desks and furniture as her arms smashed against the floor and pathway. “Mmm…” Christie cooed as she got up slowly onto her butt as she pushed another workstation over smashing everything on top of it. Miya’s eyes darted and widened as she slowly moved away from the container, “Christie, you’re awake...Hi.” - “Miya? What happened...my head...hurts like hell...and oh my god...you’re so fucking small! You look like...you’re what 4 feet tall?! Haha!” Christie rubbed the bruise on her head and winced after she stopped laughing, starting to get a bit sad, “Where’s Tom and Ann? I wasn’t done playing with them yet...” - “Tom’s working on another prototype, we’re here to start the process. Are you ok?” Miya was lying through her teeth, but she kept up a good poker face and started moving towards Christie without any hesitation or fear. She approached her, starting to get a really good look of her true size as she slowly locked eyes with her at her eye level, of course Christie was sitting down, her pussy was on full display before she crossed her legs comfortably. Miya crawled up the debris to meet her, “Wow I don’t have to move my neck at all to see your pretty eyes Miya.” - “You’re sitting...you must be...at least...ten...maybe twelve feet tall now....” - “Yeah...I can’t stand up anymore...kinda learned my lesson once already...haha.”

Christie giggled feeling her nipples touching her thighs as she felt her gigantic breasts tickling her legs. “Ann! Hurry up!” Miya called out, yelling backwards as she suddenly heard a loud moan from Christie. She turned back blushed looking down at her nipples as Christie started massaging them. “What do you think…?” - “Hmm?” - “Do you think...they’re...big enough...awhn!” A squirt of milk shot out of her breasts splashing on her legs as they bubbled up growing bigger and bigger, her massive breasts began to form a longer line of cleavage spilling over her thick thighs growing into titanic K cups. “Oh...god I didn’t expect that...oooh….mmm…” Her body began to grow as well, as she slowly started to crane her neck downwards as she grew taller to 12’4, she moaned stretching her arms over her head growing another two inches to 12’6, twelve and a half feet tall. Ann craned her head down a bit to meet her eyes again, “I guess...I spoke to soon.” Her K cup monsters jiggled on her chest as she began shaking them back and forth, then whisking them up in her arms and yelling, “I’m growing again, my tits got even bigger...” - “Yeah...they’re...really beautiful.” Miya’s eyes were wide as she was practically drooling watching her milky monster sized mammaries get tossed around, she bit her lip as her eyes started getting glossy from envy, she looked up at Christie as she let out a long audible cooing noise. “Aww! You’re sooo cute...come here.” she cooed again, grabbing Miya, who didn’t offer any resistance, felt her massive hands reach under her arms like she was a big baby, hoisting her in the air with ease. Miya was speechless as Christie held her, bringing her lips close to hers, her massive mouth reached forward and kissed her entire face, leaving it slightly wet. Miya laughed out loud as Christie joined in, as the two girls started getting more intimate Ann continued trying to retrieve the growth substrate.

Ann fiddled with the tube shaped container, trying to twist, pull, and turn it, when she looked down and saw a small button on the bottom of the container. “Duh…” she pressed it, releasing gas around the area as a light inside the tube shined brightly revealing a long glass vial full of red liquid. “Whoa...it’s so...pretty.” She reached forward, struggling slightly due to her small four foot nine body as she retrieved the vial and brought it close to her face. She looked at the plastic cork on the top and moved it around, upside down, whisking it about without much caution to its contents. She opened it and smelled it, it smelled strange, like a sweet flower scented fragrance, she shrugged and dipped her finger in it, it was extremely thick, but not very sticky, she smelled it again as her mouth started to water, then placed a dab of it on her tongue. It was sweet and began to dissolve as she licked her lips, they began to tingle and not shortly after they puffed up bigger. “Mmph. My lips feel swollen...if this stuff is used in the matter enhancer...I wonder why they never tried using it like this...just...taking some and…*gulp gulp gulp*” she pursed her lips and began taking long swigs, letting the thick red growth extract pour into her mouth, she felt it fill her cheeks as she gagged slightly. "It's so thick...mmph." The goo was hard to swallow, but she managed and then gasped for air as she felt a warm tingling sensation travel down her throat. "Mmmph...so good...mmmm…so sweet and delicious."

She smacked her bigger lips together again as they puffed up even larger into a big luscious set of pouty lips, she looked back at the vial now halfway empty and then quickly saw a small set of containers next to the storage apparatus. She started to giggle when she saw a set of notes nearby with information pertaining to the usage of the growth substrate; “1 oz for every test.” Ann gulped nervously looking at the vial again and seeing the eyedropper used for extraction. “Shit...I just drank like...fifty times that much...oh well...at least I didn’t drink the whole- erp!” Ann burped as she felt tingly, her joints started to feel warm as her fingers and toes started to feel strange, her body started to feel flush as she began panting. “Whoa...I feel...really weird.” Ann’s body started to gain mass slowly, she inched upwards to 4’10 tall. Her ass began to bubble up a bit, as her breasts began to join in on the sensations starting to tingle and get warm. "I gotta be careful with this…" She looked at the eyedropper, slowly extracting a single ounce of the growth substrate and squirting it into a tiny jar. “Just for...another enhancer...I feel really dizzy.” 

She put the dropper down carefully as she held onto the side of the apparatus, she leaned up against it and looked down back to the vial in her hands, “Should I have some more...hmm...I know I shouldn’t but...I can’t let either of those bimbos get their hands on this stuff plus...I kinda want to grow as big as a lake again...fuck that was so hot...mmph…maybe a little more can’t hurt…just a sip..or two...or maybe the rest...mmm...mmph...*gulp gulp gulp*” Ann tilted the vial back and started chugging it down, she felt the thick sticky substance filling her throat and stomach. Her whole body tingled as she felt even hotter as she burped again, her body suddenly pulsed up and up as she grew to 4’11 and then taller to 5 feet tall as she felt her perspective shift slightly again. She guzzled down the final bit of thick red goo, sucking it down as she coughed slightly as then looked back at the vial, completely clean of any stains. She said sarcastically, “Whoops...I guess I drank the whole thing...but...it’s better than anyone else getting bigger...mmm...I feel warm...guess it’s already working...I should get moving.” She smiled and grabbed the tiny one ounce of growth substrate as the rest of the ninety nine dosages started to take root.

“Erp...ugh...my stomach.” Ann strode out of the container with less confidence as she turned back to the door. “I gotta get to Tom…” She turned the corner to see Christie kissing and laughing with Miya, a completely different environment from before, they had become comfortable in their dominance and size, as they played with each other softly, giggling to themselves until they noticed her passing by, Christie called out, “There she is!” - “Finally! Place the sample on the table please Ann. I’ll get to it in...a minute.” - “What...table…oh...” Ann slowly spoke as they panned over the destroyed room, at the end of the far side stood a single workstation that remained unharmed. She nodded and strode over to it as Miya laid in Christie’s lap, between her thighs and with her head against her huge breasts. Ann was nervous, she continued moving to the workstation as she placed down the sample, she moved back to them and quietly asked, “Can I go see Tom...please?” Ann stared at the two of them with big puppy dog eyes, It looked like Miya was about to say otherwise, until Christie nudged her, looking down at her, "Aww you've been such a good little assistant. Go on...go see your hubby wubby...aww isn't she so cute down there?" Christie was patronizing her, forgetting quickly that she was the reason she had to go check up on him in the first place. “Ugh...fine.” Miya rolled her eyes as Ann quickly made her way outside, she felt another wave of dizziness hit her as she rounded the door, slamming it shut. She was out of the lab now scrambling down the hall when she suddenly collapsed, panting harder as her body was coated in sweat.

Her heart was beating faster than ever, the feeling of growth had never been this intense before, her whole body was rippling with growth, her legs started to pack on thickness as her ass bulged out, growing bigger and more bodacious. “My body is on fire...argh….awhn...yesss….I feel it again...it’s working...mmm...pump me up...nnngh…more...I wanna get really big...” She was on all fours as she stuck her ass out as she moaned, feeling everything around her getting smaller. “I wanna get twice the size of that dumb bimbo blonde Christie…and that crazy bitch Miya...” She let out a yelp, followed by a long sensual moan as she spread her arms out feeling them tensing up as her muscles began to ripple and grow larger, packing on weight, she pumped up, growing muscle all over her arms, legs, thighs, and torso, growing thicker and stronger every second. Her hands were fanned out on the cold tiled floor as she felt her skin stretching and her body increasing in size and mass, she trembled as her body billowed up and up, growing past the size of an average woman.

“Mmph….nngh...so...fucking horny...I feel it in my tits...awhn!” Ann got up off the floor lifting herself up, leaning against the wall as she felt her breasts pumping up and up as they grew larger and larger. Her fingers ran down the length of her bust, she felt her breasts filling up as she pinched her nipples feeling them expanding faster from small B cups into C cups and then again as they filled up into D cups, double D’s, and then finally into triple D cups as they bursted out of her bra. “Holy fuck!” she yelped, feeling herself tingling again. “That’s more like it...I’m busting out all over.” She was biting her lip as she slowly tore off her top and looked down to see her huge breasts busting out of her tiny bra, she started to get extremely turned on, panting furiously as she pinched her nipples and started squeezing them. “Oh my god...it’s so intense this time...I can feel my skin stretching...mmm...more...bigger...more...awhn!” Ann moaned, chanting loudly as her body stretched outwards in all directions growing rapidly from 5’1 to 5’2, suddenly rising upwards faster as she passed 5’3 tall, her ass bubbled up growing larger as she felt the wall pushing away from her, feeling her ass smashing against the wall as she continued bouncing up again to 5’4 tall as her nipples started to tingle, growing 4 inches taller in a matter of seconds.

“It’s still coming on so strong...nngh...more...” Ann cooed feeling her body growing even larger, her body inched upwards as she felt her ass skidding on the cold smooth paneled wall, she inched upwards growing in size, growing taller to 5’5 and then 5’6, as she moaned again growing another inch upwards to 5’7 tall, she heard a snap as her panties fell to the floor, sopping wet with her cum. “I need Tom...where is he…” She drooled, sticking out her tongue as it crossed her huge lips, she trembled, moaning softly as she started to massage her growing, fresh new bigger breasts, biting her big juicy lips and feeling her body ready to expand and grow.  She strutted forward bouncing down the hallway as she looked down seeing her breasts bouncing rhythmically up and down, slapping on her chest as her nipples started to get hard, she tried to resist and continued pressing on as her pussy throbbed harder, feeling her huge tits bouncing aggressively on her torso with each step of her mature body. “They’re so big...god I’m so fucking wet…” Ann pinched her nipples and moaned softly before forcing herself to stop, she leaned over onto the wall and began fingering herself, suddenly unable to control herself again. “I’m getting so sexy...look at these legs...and my juicy ass...fuck…” She moaned again and again as her fingers rode over her clit, she squealed as she felt herself cum lightly down her legs as her entire body trembled.

She opened her eyes, realizing she was in the hallway, growing bigger and touching herself, “Oh...this is so embarrassing…I need to find Tom and see if he’s doing ok...”  She calmed down a bit, feeling her pussy a bit raw from the continued prodding and resisting the urge for so long. She pulled herself together and awkwardly walked down the hall, feeling her legs trembling slightly and made her way to the medical area to see Tom in crutches, signing some final paperwork. Ann quickly bounced in and hugged him from behind, he felt two large balloons press up against his back, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek, “Hi honey!” - “Whoa Ann!?” - “Oh Ann! Welcome...back… oh wow...um…” Laura’s eyes widened in shock seeing Ann an inch taller than her now, but what was more concerning now was her large triple D cup breasts busting out of a tight flannel shirt and her huge dump truck of a booty hanging out of her pants.

“Ann, you got bigger...again? How?” - “Yeah...hey listen are you done here, can we head home...I’m not feeling so good...nngh.” - “Go…? I thought-” - “Please...Tom honey I need you...awhn...” - “Yeah, let me just-” Tom stopped short when Ann let out a long burp and blushed, she trembled with pleasure, she bounced upwards growing to 5’8, matching Tom’s eye level. "Ooh...awhn…" Ann moaned in pleasure feeling her pussy throbbing, her pussy was soaked, dripping cum onto her thighs with every movement. “Wow...you’re still growing.” - “Tom...honey please...nngh…there’s no time...” her body twitched as her growth continued again as her head rose over Tom’s slightly to 5’9 tall. He noticed her shoulders rising over his as her head rose taller, her bright brown hair grew longer covering her bubbly breasts and growing chest, she blushed seeing his height now under hers as she thought, “God I’m growing so fast...he’s already looking smaller than me...I wonder how big I’m going to get...I think I had enough to outgrow this entire building...hahaha...” - “Is she…” Laura stammered watching her body grow slowly again to 5’10, and then taller as she grew bigger her body passed 5’11, inch after inch, she grew taller to 6 feet tall. Laura looked forward at Ann’s height now over four inches taller than her, seeing her eye level go down her curvaceous expanding body, craning her neck up more every time she had a growth spurt to see her full height as she grew taller and taller. Ann loomed over both of them now by more than a couple inches, she started to blush and moan as her nipples began tingling, grabbing them and squeezing them as they started expanding in size again. “Yeah...I’m growing...can we get this...moving faster...oh god...they’re so sensitive...awhn!” They heard an audible snap from her bra as the flannel shirt slowly began to buckle against her chest, her breasts grew and grew bubbling up bigger into E cups, as the buttons began popping off showing off her massive cleavage. “Augh! Fuck...sorry.” - “Wait...how are you growing…so fast...” - “I guess...nngh...nnnngh. we don't have to leave...just this second...Aawww….yessss….oh god….yesssss.”

Tom slowly craned his head back seeing his perspective rapidly dropping down his wife’s body as she grew bigger and bigger. Tom stared at her nose, and then suddenly her big bouncy lips, before dropping again under her face down her neck towards her bountiful cleavage. She was filled with euphoric pleasure as the raw growth substrate began to effect her body exponentially, her head rose taller and taller as her whole body bulged bigger and then bigger to 6’1 tall and then even more to 6’2 tall, her legs started getting even thicker packing on more muscle and weight as her ass bubbled outwards, growing wider, her hips were getting extremely wide and luscious, her hourglass figure was becoming legendary at this point as she bounced up another inch to 6’3 and then 6’4 tall, she panted harder, starting to sweat as her body trembled with growth. “I’m so sorry…” Ann towered over them now, she craned her head down, trying to see over her two big breasts. “What? What did you do?” "Nngh...ooh...more...yesss...bigger...and bigger…" She grew again, seeing her shoulders half a foot farther above his now as she grew past 6’5, to 6’6 and then again to 6’7 tall as she slowly started to be able to see over the medical curtains around the room from her massive increase in height. Tom tried to see past her massive bust line, staring up at her, Ann loomed over him, looking down past her huge bust at his smaller body beneath her towering height, she giggled placing her hand on his head, she looked down noticing the top of his head lining up against her big breasts, almost underneath them standing against him with her tall statuesque height. She softly spoke up feeling embarrassed as her eyes moved from side to side and then back at Tom and she hugged him, “I...sorta...drank it.” - “Drank what...oh god...you don’t mean…” Tom's eyes went wide thinking of the consequences of her actions. “Uh huh...nngh! My titties feel like...so full...awhn! Ann stuck her tongue out as her eyes rolled back, her hands wrapped around her massive tits, and started squeezing them while pinching her nipples, another squirt of milk splashed onto the floor as she squeezed harder starting to moan loudly. “Ooooh...fuuuck…” Her breasts began doubling in size, expanding rapidly as the growth substrate enhanced every physical attribute of Annabelle’s body, they grew into F cups, and then bigger into G cups as she nearly came from intense pleasure.

Ann’s breasts doubled in size again, growing into H cups, they started spraying milk out in longer squirts, slowly trickling down her body. He felt her huge breasts growing against his body, trapping him between her growing melon sized mammaries, he felt her physique becoming softer and larger, consuming the space around him, filling it with muscle and her tremendous size. Her huge nipples were rock hard and engorged, spilling milk over her chest, Tom wiped the milk off his face as he begun to make his own hypothesis, “There was 100 oz of the growth substrate in that containment cell...mother of god...I’ve never seen any more than a few drops used at once, and those experiments and always spiraled out of control.”  Her body continued expanding to 6’8 and then 6’9 as her head bumped one of the long fluorescent lights on the ceiling. “Ow...Oh god...I’m getting way too big honey...mmmm…..oooh….I can’t help it...it feels so good…I just want to grow...more...and more...” Ann’s body continued gaining mass as she started to slowly bend, pushing her ass out and upwards as she grew taller to 6’10, then 6’11, growing past 7 feet tall when she suddenly boomed upwards even more in another sudden growth spurt from 7’1 to 7’2, growing even faster to 7’3, Ann stared down at the two of them now, with the back of her head ruffling against the ceiling feeling her hanging breasts growing larger again as she moaned, grabbing them and slowly massaging them, feeling her palms and fingers grazing her nipples.  “H-how much of the raw growth substrate did you ingest exactly...?” Laura spoke softly, stammering as her palms sweat trying to write down some notes, motioning towards the doorway as Tom started moving with her, hobbling along in his crutches. “Um...the whole bottle...I feel really warm...and dizzy…and...kinda...horny...I’m starting to get really cramped in here...can we...nngh...ooooh….mmm….” Ann giggled as she felt an intense wave of pleasure shoot through her body, her pussy started to throb as she suddenly grew several inches at once, at first her head started moving again as she passed 7’4, and then grew taller to 7’5 as her bottom half trembled about to orgasm.

“Auuugh…..fuuuuck….ooh...god I can’t...hold it anymore...awhn!” Ann’s body groaned bulging outwards as she expanded and grew taller at the same time, her body inched larger and larger as she passed 7’6, rapidly to 7’7, and then 7’8 as her back hit the ceiling light as she started bending farther and farther over. “We have to get her out of here Tom...” - “O-ok…make some room...I can feel myself...awhn...still growing...getting bigger...and bigger...and...bigger…"” Ann giggled as the two of them watched her body jiggle all over, she struggled against the ceiling as she craned her head lower trying to avoid the smoke alarm and other objects protruding from the ceiling in the medical room, she climbed out into the hallway as she moved onto all fours, her body was relentless as she grew bigger growing past 7’9 and then 7’10, without stopping to 7’11 and then 8 feet tall, she grew and grew turning her dripping wet pussy faced the other two, watching her ass rise as her two legs bulged bigger, her body continued becoming a mini giantess as she grew past 8’1 to 8’2 and rapidly to 8’4 and her growth started to speed up they witnessed her thighs becoming insanely erotic in thickness and size as they began rising up to their eye level. She turned and looked at the end of the hallway and the entrance where they came from, looking up at the ceiling, wondering if it’s safe to stand up at all.

“Tom? Honey? Is the hallway getting smaller or...am I still growing?” Ann giggled watching the long hallway begin to shrink smaller and smaller as her body grew exponentially larger still, passing 8 and a half feet tall and then 8’9 as she started growing in larger spurts. “Ann, you gotta get outside or else you’re going to get stuck.” - “Ok! I’m going!” Ann excitedly ran on all fours towards the exit, smashing through anything in her path, doors swung wide open as Ann’s giant hands and arms bashed through them passing down the hallway. A giant hand swung open the doors to the entrance way where they first entered into the lobby,  followed by a scream. Ann crawled forwards, looking at the desk clerk, who began trembling as Ann smashed the floor beneath her, she grew bigger and bigger, passing 9 feet tall and then rapidly to 9’3, and then 9’6, nine and a half feet tall within seconds. Ann’s titanic ass was now taller than most people, as she crawled by on all fours, she smiled at the desk clerk and moved towards the glass doorway. “Please! Be careful!” The clerk called out, nervously as she pressed the emergency button on the bottom of her desk, signaling the silent alarm for the security staff.

Christie smiled and bounced Miya up and down on her juicy thighs, “Hey so...what’s that growth substrate anyways?” - “Well...it’s an unstable compound...that the enhancement ray catalyzes into controllable size manipulation.” - “Can you like...use it without the gun?” - “Well...yes...last time that happened we had to dispatch the GTS team.” - “The what?” - “Nevermind...I wouldn’t use it without the gun...it can lead to some...rather unpredictable results.” - “Unpredictable...huh.” Christie started to blush staring at the container near the end of the room as Miya yawned, starting to get bored in the lab sitting in Christie's lap when she heard some noise coming from the hallway. “Hey, let me down.” - “Aww...ok.” Christie lifted by waist like a doll and placed her down in front of her, she quickly motioned towards the door as Christie turned, smashing some things around beneath her as she moved her massive body. “Christie! Please, stay here, you’re not going to fit through the door at that size.” - “Damn...I think you’re right…” - “I need to see what’s going on, wait here.” Christie pouted and laid down beside the doorway barely able to see anything, trying to get a good angle as Miya sighed looking at the door frame several inches under her, lining up with her belly button. She smirked and looked down, bending under it.

Tom tried to keep up as he rounded the hallway corner, he slowly made his towards the end of the hallway when suddenly, two arms reached out under the door frame to the lab as Miya crawled out from under it, she was ducking her head slightly in the long hallway, her almost seven foot tall frame was looking down at Tom as her lips twisted in a knot looking upset. “Tom! Where’s Ann? We have to get to work.” Tom looked up barely able to stand and crane his head all the way up towards the ceiling to see her large face above him. “Work…? She’s not a scientist…” - “Don’t you think I know that?! Clearly you’re in no state now to work, now tell me where she is or-” A crash suddenly is heard down the hallway echoing throughout the building as Ann’s titanic body boomed larger and larger, she couldn’t be contained any longer, her body groaned growing to 9’10 as she started to smash through the glass paneled doorways to the building. “Dear god…” Tom muttered as he passed slowly hobbling around Miya who offered no resistance as she quickly surpassed him in speed, taking long jaunts to the door to the main lobby. Miya’s heart started to race as she saw the giant ass growing in the doorway as she struggled to move past the gaps of the door frame and surrounding metal beams. Her ass bubbled outwards growing bigger and bigger, bending the door frame as she grew taller again to 10’2, passing 10 feet tall in seconds. “I’m getting stuck...nngh!” Ann yelled, struggling against the metal slowly creaking around her growing assets.

The desk clerk started screaming, hiding under her desk as shards of glass flew towards the floor, scattering about the floor all over the lobby. Ann rattled moving forward as flecks of glass failed to penetrate her several thousands of layers of skin now as she crawled out of the building unscathed, the same couldn’t be said for the entrance to the science division building lobby. The path was completely destroyed in her wake, her tremendous ass had bent and smashed all the glass panels, leaving only shards of glass and twisted, tangled metal in the debris. The clerk looked up from where she was, peeking out of her safe spot, seeing the largest ass in the world crawling out of the building, she hid underneath her desk when she heard movement coming from down the hall. Ann climbed out of the building and started standing up on her legs now she finally stretched looking down at the destroyed glass entry way beneath her titanic ten foot tall frame. Ann blushed and started to burst out laughing as she looked down seeing the massive hole in front of the building she had made. “Holy shit...was that me? I’m so sorry...I just got so big so fast...I’ve never grown this fast...oh no...I feel it again…” Ann started to pant as her body began to pump up again, she tried to contain it as she grew five inches in a huge growth spurt to 10’7 tall. “F-fuck holy shit...I can’t...control it...nngh.” Her body pulsed with growth again growing past 11 feet tall to 11’4 as she winced feeling her feet digging into the grass, she saw the stone walkway becoming smaller and smaller as her legs and thighs spread out wider as she boomed taller now passing 12 feet tall, to 12’4 tall. “Hah...hah...oh my god...that was so intense…I feel amazing...” Ann groped herself and started to begin playing with her wet pussy until she heard the rubble moving around in the debris underneath her towering size.

“Tom…honey is that you?” Ann scanned the entrance way, looking through the debris as Tom struggled to move through it, falling over and then getting back up and Miya strode past him confidently outside. Miya’s wall of bravado was immediately shattered as she looked in the distance, seeing Ann’s head now reaching over the first story ceilings near the second floor windows, Ann was so tall now she was over half the height of the flagpole near the parking lot. She waited until they left the debris and moved towards the circular driveway, Ann’s two feet left massive cracks in the pavement as she stomped over towards them. The two of them gulped, feeling their feet leave the surface of the ground slightly with every step she took towards them, her two large feet made loud thumps as she looked down at them now, seeing Tom’s head barely reaching the upper section of her wide thighs, he was minuscule now to say the least. Miya didn’t make much of an impact height wise either, her head was resting near the upper half of her immensely wide hips, her mouth was getting dry as she started to get nervous seeing one of her legs the size of her entire body, any shift or movement would send a cascade of jiggles through her thighs into her titanic ass that was several feet wide, about the size of a soft fleshy sofa. Ann started to blush hard as she nearly reached orgasm seeing her size in comparison to the two “tiny” people beneath her towering statuesque height. “Tom! You’re so small! Aww…” - “Ann! Holy hell...you grew so fast…you’re so beautiful.” - “Oh my god...I think I’m bigger than Christie now...look at these big...beautiful...fucking tits...awhn.” She hoisted up her giant breasts close to her face, kissing them, and letting them slap onto her chest, bouncing, sending waves of cascading jiggles throughout her giantess body. She squealed feeling her giantess physique coursing with latent growth, Miya was absolutely furious she screamed, calling out to her under her, “What the fuck Ann!? How are you growing? Did you have another gun?! Answer me right now!”

Miya was furious, completely fueled by jealous rage, she started to get red in the face, screaming like a child looking down slightly at Tom and then craning her head way up to barely see Ann’s two gleaming eyes on her face, covered by her humongous H cup breasts, she laid her two massive hands over them, trying to cover her nipples, struggling to contain the urge to squeeze and massage them. Miya stared up at her under boob, getting even more upset seeing them begin to grow again, Ann blushed as she saw her perspective rising along with her breasts expanding, she rose taller to 12’9, closing in on thirteen feet tall as her breasts passed a J cup in size, it became even harder to see and hear Miya shouting underneath her tremendous assets. Miya watched her body expand and grow taking up more space as her perspective shrunk lower and lower, it was like she was in a nightmare, watching her nemesis growing bigger and bigger as the sky and clouds behind her shrunk in comparison. Ann bent over slightly, placing her giant hand on Miya’s head cutely, she shivered as she engulfed it and laughed, watching her fingers travel all the way down her neck towards her cleavage, she ruffled her hair making it messy as Miya pouted and blushed hard, turning bright red seeing her vagina dripping with cum, only a few inches below her eye level. Ann’s wide hips and crotch had entirely consumed Miya’s vision with her mini giantess size, she laughed and looked down, moving her head under her chin, pushing it up all the way to meet her eye level as she moved her breasts to meet her eyes. “I want you to see how big I am...get a really good look...before saying anything else...you tiny little bitch.” Miya’s face turned to a vitriolic stare, shooting dagger at her about to erupt when suddenly she was interrupted.

Miya immediately fell silent as her eyes beamed wide open hearing the sound of screeching tires as several black SUVs pulled into the parking lot. Ann suddenly swung around as Miya felt her ass slap her across the face as she turned to see the oncoming trucks. “Augh!” Miya plummeted to the ground and fell on her ass, as a few tears rolled down her cheeks, she dusted herself off and got up, looking back down at Tom who was speechless, watching his giantess wife approach the trucks beneath her towering size. “Oh come on...I was just starting to have fun.” Ann scoffed, still holding her two massive breasts in one arm, and the other over her crotch. Men dressed in black suits began pouring out of the SUVs, six men formed up around Ann in a circle as they pulled out small guns all with the same strange design. A large metallic bulb stuck out pointing towards her as she giggled and looked down at them, underneath her legs. “Guys...can we relax with the guns? I’m not going to hurt anyone I just want to-” - “We have a GTS situation, copy, that’s a Giantess alert on the premises.” said a tall six foot two man standing behind the group of six armed agents, holding strange guns. Tom peered over seeing the gun’s design and called out, “Hey! Where did you get those guns? Those look really similar to the pocket enhancer I’ve designed.” - “We know, we work for your company idiot.” - “Wait...she’s mass producing a prototype I developed…I didn’t even know she was working on it.” - “Listen, just stand back and let us do our job, boys set your guns to blue, we’re going to make this lady back to her old size.” - “Aww...well it was fun while it lasted...I guess.”

Tom’s mind began to race, thinking about the formula for the growth substrate and it’s previous reactions to increased radiation, he quickly called out, “Wait stop!” - “Too late, Men! Fire!” Six enhancing rays fired out thin blue beams towards Ann, the guns fired in spurts blasting her with blue energy. As the beams collided against her skin suddenly she shifted in size, but even more strangely enough the lasers began to shift in color, slowly turning from purple back to a bright red as the raw growth substrate within her began absorbing the radiation turning it into raw energy. “Wait...what’s happening...I’m supposed to be...wait a second...I feel really...GOOD...mmm….oooh...” She cooed at her pussy began throbbing harder as her heart began to beat out of her chest. “Eep!” she squealed as her perspective shot upwards even farther away from the ground. Her body suddenly boomed upwards an entire foot at once to 13’9, closing in on fourteen feet tall, her legs were like massive trees as her head coasted above the second story floor in height. Her breasts tingled immensely as she couldn’t hold in the feeling any longer, her fingers started to slowly dance around her crotch, as her finger strode over her aching clit. Her arm holding up her massive J cup breasts began expanding, absorbing more and more of the energy, her hand started to rub around her nipples as they got rock hard, expanding larger. Her breasts suddenly bubbled up again, growing bigger and bigger to a K cup as she squealed, lifting her nipple close to her mouth and leaning over to lick and suck on them. The second burst of growth occurred almost right after the first as the rays intensified in heat, the men holding the guns began to hesitate to continue to hold down on the trigger. “Mmm….mmmph...more...bigger...more…” she mumbled as her own breast milk trickled down her throat, her breasts grew even heavier as her left breast fell back onto her chest and then bubbled up into L cups, becoming absolutely titanic in size.

Ann’s body jumped upwards again in size to 15’4, over fifteen feet tall, this time she saw the ground under her suddenly shift in size as she fell forward getting disoriented, the agents felt a wave of her colossal body that weighed a few tons at this point, slam into the ground with the force of a truck, sending the agents onto the ground as their guns stopped firing. Ann’s body trembled as she stuck her ass outwards, pushing her palms against the warm asphalt, she groaned as she looked to her arms as they began pulsing with muscle like never before. Her fingers immediately raced to her throbbing clit, she started fingering herself, moaning loudly, shaking the ground as she held herself up with her muscular, bulging left arm. She stretched out as her arms and body lengthened her muscles bulged on her body, growing bigger and bigger, becoming even more muscular as she crossed the line between incredible curvaceous and the biceps of a bodybuilder. “Awhn! Awhn! Awhn!” Ann’s fingers penetrated her pussy as she started to orgasm, Tom and Miya watched the waterfall of cum spray down her long pillar sized thighs down to her built legs, a shadow cast over them as her ass rose far over their heads, twitching and moving still feeling her orgasm slowly fading.

Her body was enhanced beyond belief at this point, her breasts billowed outwards growing bigger and bigger without stopping, her breasts grew cup size after cup size as she grew bigger and bigger as her growth continued doubling, she grew four more feet as her hands pushed aside an SUV, growing taller to 17’8, nearly twenty feet tall as the soles of her feet started to get near the hole in front of the main lobby. Ann opened her eyes looking down at her hands panning over the agents as they stumbled back and forth trying to get away from the rapidly growing giantess and then suddenly trembled growing again to 20 feet and 3 inches tall, every movement of her body began to create visible craters in the ground. She smirked, gripping the asphalt as her fingers began digging into it like soft dirt, she felt the rough rock grinding against her massive fingers as she tore a chunk out of the road with her bare hands. “Finally...back to a good size.” She giggled and lifted herself up, sending a gust of air around her, the agents made their way back behind their trucks as the commander of the squad stood triumphantly beneath Ann’s absolutely towering size. He was staring at her knees at his eye level, looking all the way up at her now was like staring at a small tower, her head looked smaller in comparison to the rest of her huge thighs and gigantic legs dwarfing him.

Ann knelt down next to him, sending a shock wave towards him, sending him flying back onto the ground onto his butt. “Christ lady! Careful.” - “Haha...hold still...I’m just trying to get down to your little size...tiny man.” Ann giggled and adjusted herself to kneel down in front of him, she looked down at him and couldn’t help but giggle at his size at her new giantess perspective. Her two truck sized breasts hung in front of her torso down her two bridge length thighs, she was as tall as a two story building and built like a goddess. She thought to herself, “He’s like a little plastic toy FBI agent...so cute! Look at his little uniform…” - “What the fuck is going on?!” He yelled looking over to Tom and Miya hiding among the rubble. Miya stuck her head out, showing her cleavage over some destroyed furniture, “Get away from her! She’s still growing you fucking moron, she’s going to squash you any second.” - “I’m not gonna hurt him...he’s so cute.” - “I’m not cute! And this whole operation is over Missy!” - “Missy?” Tom interjected and started explaining, “Listen, The enhancement ray doesn’t work when it’s targeted against someone who has ingested the raw growth substrate it seems...in fact it’s having an opposite effect, her body is absorbing any form of the substrate shot at her already massive body. If I were you sir, I’d find a way to get another lab up and running so we can figure out a solution to this whole problem.” Ann burped as they heard her stomach gurgle, she blushed and felt her body become warm. “You guys better hurry up...I feel it coming again…” Miya looked at Tom and turned back to the building behind them and heard a rumbling for a moment coming from within the hallways inside.