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Part I

A bright glow from the outside morning sun shined in on the two lovebirds sitting at breakfast, Tom an above average sized European man, with black hair and blue eyes and tan skin, sat across the table from his wife, Annabelle. Tom lifted his coffee mug, clearing his throat, "To you my dear Annabelle." - "Aww, Tom stop you're making me blush." - "I love you." He smiled as they both blushed and raised their mugs up to each other. They toasted and looked around at their new house, they just bought only a few days ago after their honeymoon. Tom, an aristocratic man, dressed in casual business attire drenched his donut in his coffee cup and sighed, “Thanks so much for grabbing all of this, I was knocked out from the late night shipment.” as he popped a donut in his mouth and smiled back at her, she smiled back. “Oh, it’s nothing, I love you honey.” Annabelle responded casually, smiling and tearing off chunks of donut and nibbling on them, while casting her gaze outside among the deciduous forest surrounding them. The tall trees scaled from varying sizes of eight feet all the way to fifty feet tall, covering the landscape with shadows and carpets of moss and wild flora. “This place is beautiful…” she was captivated by the chirping of birds, and calm forest atmosphere, as she looked over at a small opening in the landscape. She looked as birds flew over by a large pond, only a couple square acres in size, shimmering under the shadowy light. She smiled, her radiant brown hair was cut into a delicate bob, her makeup wasn’t too distracting as the light cascaded over her lightly tanned skin. He wiped his hands clean and dropped the cloth next to his chair, moving behind Ann placing his larger hands over her shoulders. “Not as beautiful as you.” Ann smiled and looked back, her short, 4’8 frame barely filled out her chair, she was pretty small in comparison to Tom, standing at a decent height of 5’9, the top of her head met with his chest. Ann craned her head up, as he leaned in for a kiss, Tom returned with passion, she stopped as her lips snapped off of his, “What was that shipment anyways?” she spoke softly, but confidently. “Oh...Well it’s the project the team and I have been working on for the past year.” - “Oh…that's amazing honey. Can I see?” - “Of course, just promise you’ll be careful with the technology.” - “I’ll do anything you say.” - “Anything?” - “Haha...I love you.” she returned with another kiss, as they cleaned and finished up breakfast.

It wasn’t long as the two began to walk down the steps to the basement level of the three story wooden home. They moved downstairs with anticipation, hearing the creaks of the wooden panels beneath them begin to come to an end revealing long stone tiles, it was cold, and the chill seemed to linger in the air, making it feel heavier. “Sheesh...we need a heater down here or something Tom.” she shivered, as Tom quickly reached for a lab coat, wrapping it around her small shoulders, the coat dragged on the floor a bit as her hands barely made it out of the sleeves. “Oh..I’m sorry Ann, I don’t have any other sizes right now…” - “It’s ok! Let me see this thing!” - “Right. Be careful, stand back please.” - “Yes sir!” she giggled, blushing a bit, as Tom rolled his eyes, moving her aside a bit. She giggled again feeling him push her back towards the wall, as she shivered again, “Ok ok! I’ll stand back here.” - “Please, It’s for your own safety, honey.” - “Ok.” she frowned for a second and kissed him on the cheek as he saw her purse her lips and leaned down to her height again. Their lips met feeling warm, he spoke softly while staring at her gleaming eyes, “It will start to get warm, as soon as I turn on the machine.” - “I'm so excited for you honey.” - "I'm ready to see the results." Tom moved towards the machine, taking the large leathery plastic drapes covering it, whipping them off with a quick jerk, revealing a massive metal machine, it had a large metal bulb, with circular plates lined all the way around it towards it’s base. The bulb, or laser head was about the size of a volleyball, the rest of the machine itself seemed to take up most of the basement wall. Attached to the machine was a small computer and screen, with some parameters, along with a keyboard and large cylindrical containers, made of reflective steel.

Tom grabbed one of the cylinders barely able to move it himself and lugged it towards the machine, trying to load it into one of the compartments. The compartments for the said containers had room for three individual batteries, that were the size of four car batteries stacked on top of each other. Tom grunted as Ann leered from the right side of the room, away from the laser. “Need help honey?” she giggled as Tom continued to struggle to load the container into the machine. His muscles tightened as he grunted, lifting the battery and dropping it into the slot, finally hearing a metallic clang as the container locked into place and the machine whirred to life, lighting up the entire room with a red hum. "Phew...those things are heavy, where's Brandon when you need him…" The machine glowed a faint white color, as the bulb began to glow red slightly, humming as power began to run through the machine. "There we go." Tom nodded and moved towards the console and began typing. “So pretty!” - “Yeah, it’s an amazing machine, tonight is the first test. I’m so glad you’re here.” - “First test? What do you mean?” - “This machine, we call it, The Matter Enhancer.” - “Matter Enhancer?” - Yeah, it doesn’t roll off the tongue too well.” he shrugged. “I think it’s a great name.” - "Well it's supposed to enhance matter, well in layman's terms, it's supposed to make whatever the laser is exposed to stronger and well...enhanced...by increasing its density." - "Wow...so you think it will work?" - “Well...my colleagues don’t think the name is the best suited...erm...only one way to find out, let’s try it.” he shrugged again, and started to focus, he instructed Ann, “Go to that fridge in the corner, and bring me an apple.” - “Ok sir.” - “Ann…” - “Ok ok...you’re so cute when you get into this science stuff.” Ann smiled and made her way to the fridge, opening it she found a couple beers and a single apple sitting in the middle of the container.

She grabbed it and smiled walking back again, “Ok! I have the apple.” - “Please place the apple, subject: A, to the exposure area, that small metal pedestal over there.” Ann nodded and started to get serious looking at the large glowing red metal bulb now facing towards her, she placed the apple down and looked at the tip of the laser. “Come back over by me.” - “Oh-ok.” she quickly raced back towards him as the machine began to grumble loudly, a spinning red light coated the tip and length of the laser head as it shot a massive beam of red energy towards the apple. The beam passed over the apple at first, and then latched onto it, sending waves of it’s frequency and power into the fruit, as Tom watched the clock tick ten seconds. The machine died down as Tom quickly hit the kill switch, as the laser cut. "That was short." - "It's just a test, dear." She shrugged as he moved towards the apple with caution as Ann stood there in shock, the apple twitched for a moment and grew larger in size, now the size of an orange, and then again as it grew into the size of a grapefruit, and then again and it rounded out into a large cantaloupe in size. “Holy shit!” Ann called out. “My god…” Tom was speechless as he closed into it, he grabbed it and held it in his hands. “It’s so heavy.” he placed it back onto the pedestal. His hands started to shake in excitement as he grabbed his phone and started to rapidly pace over it. “Honey…?” Ann slowly approached him as Tom raced towards the stairs, looking back at Ann, “I gotta go! I’ll be right back, the division won’t believe me when they see this!” he raced upstairs as Ann pouted. He quickly ascended the stairs nearly falling over picking up his phone, “Yeah? It worked! I’m on my way! Yes! Ok! See you soon.” as he looked back and called out to her downstairs, “I love you! I’ll be back!” - “Bye…honey…”

She shivered as the door upstairs slammed, looking back at the apple, she shrugged and looked around the lab. She looked at the huge enhanced apple, starting to get hungry. "So big and juicy, I gotta try it." Looking for a knife, she eventually shrugs and walks upstairs and grabs a knife from the kitchen cupboard, listening to the car turn on outside and screech down the street. “God, I hope he’s going to drive carefully.” she thought, starting to get worried. She sighed and brought a big knife and a dinner plate downstairs, down the long creaky stairs again looking at the metal pedestal now, holding an even larger apple now the size of a watermelon, still growing larger. The stem began to grow as the skin of the apple shifted slightly making room for it’s growing size, she watched the leaf on the steam slowly take up more space as the veins in the leaf became more and more visible.“Oh my...is it still growing?” Ann’s eyebrow raised as she approached the apple, it bulged again, growing again in size slowly pulsing bigger and bigger, now bigger than a beachball. She approached it watching it bubble up in size, as it began to rattle and start to roll off the pedestal. The metal tray fell to the ground as the pedestal knocked over the massive apple, toppling it over towards her, it rolled and rolled towards the end of the room, gaining speed for it's increased size and density. She jumped out of the way, hearing it crashing into some leftover boxes, smashing apple juice all over the wall and floor. “Holy...fucking shit…” Ann laughed nervously as she walked towards the apple, or what remained of it. She measured herself against it, a single apple slice was half the length of her body, a little over three feet in length. ”Wow...this apple got huge." Ann looked towards the laser, seeing it hum quietly as she looked at the apple again, now trying to lift it. She moved her arms underneath one side and lifted, but she could barely make it move as it slipped back onto her foot, “Ow!” she cried as the apple slowly crushed her right foot. “This thing is so heavy!” She shoved and struggled against its weight again finally freeing herself.

She sighed and leaned up against the huge smashed fruit, and looking back at the laser, still shocked by the results. She thought to herself, “Wow...the laser made it grow so much bigger...” As she dug into the apple now with a knife and plate, taking huge chunks out of it, she humored herself eating the “big apple”, giggling to herself and laughing at her hands and arms covered in apple juice. “I didn’t realize if a fruit got this big, it would have this much juice inside.” she had a few more bites and started to feel full, thinking happily to herself, “This one apple could make like twenty apple pies...maybe even a hundred! I don’t know to be honest, there's so much of it, this thing is gigantic.” Her eyes began to wander back over to the machine again, eyeing the laser, she bit her lip, “Does it make...anything bigger?”  Ann thought to herself, rubbing her tender foot looking back at the laser, “I wonder if...it will work on...little old me...” she smiled devilishly, “I’ll only shoot myself...like once...besides I've always been short…nobody is gonna notice if I gain a couple inches.” She moved towards the computer, seeing the parameters already set, she leaned into the panel reading it, “(E)nhance, (I)ncrease, (D)ecrease, (S)top.” she clicked the E key on the keyboard and pressed enter, mimicking what Tom did before he ran out to tell the other scientists on his team the amazing news. “Starting Enhancement Sequence, Power set to 100%.”

"I'm so nervous...should I...oh I'm not gonna get any taller by just standing here, fuck it!" Ann quickly ran towards the middle of the exposure area as the laser began to warm up. "Come on baby...make momma bigger…" She closed her eyes and stood there waiting for the beam to strike in a few seconds that felt like a minute. The red light spiraled again as it warmed up blasting a red laser into her chest. The beam ran through her as her small body began to absorb the energy, the laser attached onto her filling her with power. "Ooh. It's warm and tingly." She thought as her skin felt warm and started to tingle all over, she started to feel dizzy as she held her eyes shut, the laser continued flowing into her small physique soaking up the energy, she twitched as her nipples began to get hard and increasingly sensitive. The warm red light washed over her as her body warmed up and began to feel horny. She felt her hands over her body as the laser rippled energy into her, suddenly the laser cut as the machine died down, seeing the lights start to dim and get cold once again.

“Noo…what the hell...come on...” Ann moved towards the machine as it displayed, “Battery Low! Cells Empty.” Ann bit her lip, "Needs another battery...how am I going to lift it…" she shrugged and made her way to the large containers she saw Tom fooling with before and approached one of the few lying around and tried to lift it. It was way heavier than she anticipated, starting to struggle to even lift it off the ground, when suddenly she felt a shift in her legs. Her body groaned growing an inch at first at once to 4'9, as she felt it get a little bit lighter. "Ugh...wait. second." She thought to herself. “I feel really weird...ugh...and hot.” She started to feel weird as her skin began to tingle all over, she pulled on the container again as her body grew bigger and bigger, another inch, as her growth began to speed up. Inch by inch, her body grew larger and larger, growing faster passing 4’10, and then 4’11. She reached down at her sleeves noticing they were fitting a bit nicer on her arms as she reached down again, now pulling on the container with a bit more ease, still struggling though, her body still growing bigger, now over 5 feet tall.  She sighed again reaching down further as she grunted pulling the container up her body jolted upwards, growing taller an inch to 5’1. “I feel something inside me, building up...” she breathed heavily, letting loose another long breath as she lifted the battery again. “Let’s try this again.” she grunted.

Her legs and arms started to pack on more muscle as her muscles started becoming a bit more toned and visible, now starting to constrict her clothes trying to make room for her growing physique. Her ass began to pulse a bit bigger as her legs grew longer, following suit, they became more muscular and a bit thicker as her body lengthened. She moved towards the machine, dragging the container on the floor as she felt another kick of growth pulse through her, growing up and up, her body tingled rapidly as she started to groan, letting go of the container. Her body pulsed again, this time two inches at once to 5’3. “Awhn...so warm.” she moaned like a tigress as her muscles bulged packing on a small layer of toned abs, and biceps. “Nngh! Feels so...good.” Her legs grew more muscular, growing longer and even more lofty, she groaned, stretching her growing legs, watching them push her vision farther upwards to 5’6 in another big growth spurt. “It’s getting...lighter.” she thought, breathing harder. Her breasts grew a bit larger, beginning to create a small line of cleavage between her lab coat as her breasts grew from small B cups to a larger end of a C cup. Her bra was getting tighter starting to pinch her under her arms, as a longer line of cleavage formed as her breasts bubbled up into two large C cups. She felt dizzy and straightened herself out, leaving the container on the floor, and placing her hands instinctively all over her tingling nipples.

Looking down at herself, her jaw dropped, feeling her fingers run across her new biceps began to make her extremely wet. She looked over her clothing about to burst at every seam, her bra overflowing with breast tissue was almost three sizes too small and about to snap. The rest of her clothes were nearly tearing, her top was riding up near her belly, showing skin, along with her pants that were struggling to keep up with the round booty growing wider beneath it.  “Holy...fucking...shit! I’m so tall!” She felt her muscles around her, tensing up and rippling with energy. “It worked! Holy fucking hell! Wow...I’m so much stronger now…” she moaned, grabbing her breasts and feeling her new arms and legs all over. Her fingers danced over her breasts as she twinged in pleasure, feeling her body ready to burst from anticipation. “Just wait until Tom sees me now, he’s going to go mental.” She lifted her breasts in each hand, “Are these...bigger?” feeling their new size and weight, “Oh my...my boobs got bigger too...and my ass...I’m in heaven...ugh!” She reached down and took two large handfuls of her apple bottom booty, feeling it’s incredible firm tightness. She looked over to the console and around her, over half a foot taller, but didn’t feel as excited anymore, she thought to herself, “Well...I guess I’m not that tall...I don’t think I’m even bigger than Tom…” The corner of her eye peaked towards the lab console seeing the dim console and the battery beneath her, and began wondering to herself, “I could get...even...bigger...bigger than Tom...hah...hahahaha...he's not going to be able to resist me.” she smirked, hatching a devious plot filled with growth and dreams of becoming a giantess. "I could make myself grow even bigger than that apple back there...mmm fuck...I'm starting to get wet." She thought to herself, feeling her pussy start throbbing. Her mind began to conjure up illusions of grandeur, imagining herself as big as a car smothering Tom with huge milky breasts each the size of a mini fridge. "Let's try this again...now that I'm stacked." She leaned over and grabbed the battery, she widened her eyes, feeling her muscles tense and lift the container with some struggle. “This isn’t as heavy anymore.” she laughed, lifting the battery above her and walked towards the machine. She grunted and placed the full tank into the machine with a resounding clunk, slapping her hands together acting tough.

The machine lit up again, displaying the same parameters from before as Ann looked down at her body. She was mesmerized by her athletic physique she had developed, growing over eight inches from the small amount of leftover energy from the first charge of the laser. She flexed her arms and watched her bicep contort and bulge, as she moved her hands over them she kept smiling and slowly becoming hornier and hornier, as her eyes danced between her toned body and the humming growth machine. Her hands reached behind her grabbing her ass close to her wet pussy, feeling the pants straining against it. “So fucking tight, ugh! Tom is going to want to fuck me so bad.” She twisted her lips again looking at the console and without thinking went to the corner of the room and grabbed a metal chair, and slammed it down, placing it in front of the laser. She clenched her teeth as she moved back towards the console, hovering her finger over the button. She looked down at her new C cup breasts and, small ass and sighed, “The laser barely touched me...I want more.” and clicked “E” again racing back to the chair, this time sprawling out. Her mouth started to get dry from anticipation as her vagina throbbed even harder, starting to hump the chair, “Awhn! Yes! Give it to me! Make me even bigger!” The laser boomed again as the beam blasted into Annabelle, this time with much more intensity, the red light shined over her curvaceous and muscular frame. Her skin got flush as the heat began to build up, watching the width and brightness of the laser growing even stronger. She started to pant heavily and sweat as the laser attached to her body and began pulsing energy into her, fueling her growth again. “Oh...it feels really hot this time...so hot...nngh…” Suddenly the machine whirred as the display read out, “ERROR! Increasing Power...Setting Power to 200%...300%...400%...500%...ERROR! Power Unknown!” The laser began to intensify in power shooting even more energy into her growing body.

Her body grew larger and larger, an inch at a time as she moaned louder, starting to feel her skin start to burn from the heat coming from the laser. “It’s worth the...ugh...pain...awhn!” she cried feeling her body jump up another inch, and then another to 5’8. Her skin started to itch as she stretched even larger, her body began packing on pounds of muscle and fat as the laser began to increase her volume and mass. Her ass grew larger and larger as it grew over, folding over the chair beneath her as her body started to outgrow it. Her now juicy bubble butt felt soft and bouncy beneath her body sprawled out on the metal chair, she gripped it tightly as she felt her arms start to creak against the metal. The beam radiated almost burning heat now as she winced in pleasure and pain, the red hot laser echoed powerful sensations of growth throughout her already muscular physique. She screamed in pain as her body bursted upwards several inches in small spurts, the first tearing off her panties, pants, and clothing underneath her lab coat as her body bulged outwards growing larger, now growing past 5’9, quickly surpassing her husband’s height and packing on weight along with more muscle growth. Her breasts ballooned outwards, bursting from her shirt, growing several cup sizes at once as the laser grew hotter in intensity. “Oh...fuck it’s so hot...ugh.” She felt her breasts growing and expanding bigger and bigger in her hands, bubbling over her fingers as she finally reached orgasm. The lab coat popped open as her bra, and shirt finally gave way and shredded off her top half.“Oh fuck!” she screamed as she squirted in her shredded pants as they tore off her lower half. “My boobs are...getting so big...fuck...oh my god...I’m gonna cum again.” her breasts grew larger and larger, passing C cups, then Ds, double D’s, and then passing even triple D cups, quickly into two lucious milky E cups as she moaned, her breasts fell onto her chest jiggling wildly.

“It’s starting to really hurt my skin...maybe I should turn it off...nngh!” She tried to get up, but felt another pulse of growth run through her as her eyes rolled back in pleasure. Her body groaned again growing larger to 5’10, now growing faster, her skin stretched and stretched as her height grew taller and taller, feeling the metal chair beneath her start to bend like aluminum under her now titanic growing assets increasing in density. “Nngh! I think I’m...even bigger than Tom...I guess...I can grow...a little...more...awhn!” She grew taller as she felt her legs reach farther apart, growing another inch to 5’11, almost six feet tall, “Still...growing...hah...hah...hah...that’s it...mmm...make me huge.” Her ass grew and grew until the metal under her creaked unable to support her weight as her breasts, ass, and body grew larger and taller with every second under this powerful matter enhancer. The chair started to bend a bit, as her body grew another inch to powerful 6 feet tall, her fingers were deep inside her pussy, unable to control herself as the laser shot more powerful erotic sensations throughout her body, she pulsed with another small wave of growth again, her body grew wider and more lucious as her arms, legs, thighs, and body grew more amazonian in physique. Ann fell back onto the chair, letting loose all her adrenaline as it finally snapped, sending her backwards onto the cold floor. With a loud zip, the laser finally cut power, after Annabelle’s now powerful over six foot tall physique was sprawled onto the floor, with a knocked over metal chain beneath her tangled legs. Her body quivered, feeling the cold chill surrounding her new body. “Brrr! So cold.” she giggled feeling her body jiggle all over for the first time, “Whoa…” she felt her hands push against the floor beneath her as she leveled herself out. She looked down and her jaw dropped, looking at the small metal chair between her long muscular and curvaceous legs. “Oh my god...I’m so tall now...”

She lifted herself up and bumped into the low hanging ceiling lamp, “Oh...I’m definitely taller than Tom...” she looked towards the center console now under her torso, having to lean over to see it now. “ERROR! Power Supply Critical! ERROR! Battery Empty.” She grinned devilishly, “I could...get even bigger...but…” she pressed her finger against the keyboard as it kept not responding with the same error message. “I hope I didn’t break it.” She itched one of her breasts feeling her red skin, suddenly jumping at feeling it’s burned surface “Ow! This laser really burned me up, I need some cream.” she quickly moved towards the stairs, looking at her feet line up against each of the stairs as she giggled to herself watching her stride easily make it to the top. She shivered, closing the door behind her and looking at the knob, now over a foot away from her, “Oh my god...I’m so much taller now. Mmm...It’s kinda...making me horny again.” she shuddered, trying to get a hold of herself starting to feel her heartbeat faster again. She moved towards the cabinets in the kitchen, looking for the medicine cabinet. She moved up to the cabinet door, seeing her size and height against it, she started to get wet biting her lip as she placed her larger hand on the door. “What if I was...bigger…” she whispered. She felt warm again as her height shifted upwards as she grew another inch to 6’1, she moaned feeling her hands growing larger around the knob, as she pulled it open. Her head hovered over the contents of the cabinet for the first time, “I love being this tall! I can see everything.” She placed her hand on the second highest cabinet shelf measuring it against her height, looking down to see her big tits and erect nipples. “I guess I don’t have to worry about reaching the dishes at the top of the cabinet anymore...haha.” She bent over and fished around in the cabinet looking around for different things as her ass bubbled up a bit larger, growing past a bubble butt now becoming more erotic and even more shapely. “My butt...feels tingly…oh here it is!” She finally found the bottle of burn cream, a nice blend of aloe and coconut butter, she opened it and smelled it faintly, “Mmm...let’s go upstairs and cover myself head to toe and wait for Tom…” she laughed to herself, walking into the main entrance to the house, closing in on the staircase. She turned and stomped upstairs, feeling her huge curvaceous assets bouncing with every step upstairs.

She finally made her way to the bedroom, with a king size bed, and beautiful woodland furniture, it was a sanctuary to the outdoors, with three large skylights and a massive balcony, this was a dream palace. She waltzed into the middle of the room, feeling the warm sun beaming onto her skin, she winced, feeling it get hot again as she quickly grabbed the tube of lotion and started massaging her new, still growing luscious body. “I can’t wait to get a better look at my new body.” she thought to herself making suggestive movements while popping open the tube of lotion. A few long squirts of the bottle now slid over her thick and juicy body, gliding over her curves and feeling her nipples and sensitive spots start to make her moan and groan again. Her pussy started throbbing again as cum ran down her thighs. She licked her lips feeling the lotion collide with her wet vagina as she rubbed in it deeper. “Ooh...feels so...good.” Her fingers treaded and glided over her clit sending waves of pleasure, shock through her body. “Ugh...awhn! I feel it happening again.” Her heart raced again as her body grew larger again another inch to 6’2 as she moaned even louder. Suddenly the door downstairs opened, hearing the door slam as several feet entered. “I’ve gotten so big...Tom’s going to freak out...mmm…haha.” She couldn’t help herself and continued reaching orgasm, her vagina pulsed and pulsed as her fingers dug deeper and deeper into it, “I’m gonna cum!” she screamed, finally about to burst her body shot upwards another inch to 6’3, now only a few inches away from six and a half feet tall, releasing another powerful orgasm and falling onto the bed. She crashed onto the bed, listening to the springs struggle against her tall and busty physique. She laid there, listening to the footsteps grow louder as she heard Tom call out to her, “Honey! I’m back!” She smiled devilishly feeling her body pulse and twitch, as she laid there sticky from her own cum, growing another inch to 6’4. “Hah...hah...hah...It won’t stop...haha! I keep getting bigger...and bigger...and bigger.” she laughed maniacally as her body surged even larger, growing even bigger, packing on more and more weight as the bed creaked underneath the growing amazon as her body bounced outwards another inch into a statuesque 6’5. Ann licked her lips and stretched herself out along the bed, waiting for her husband to see her titanic new physique.

The door was slightly ajar as Tom slowly opened it, his eyes widened as far as they could as they were met with a massive nearly six and half foot tall sized Annabelle, lifting herself off the bed, looking at the ceiling fan only a few inches away from the wooden rafters below the ceiling. Tom dropped his coat speechless as Ann stomped towards him, “Welcome home…honey...” she cooed now closing in on him, her huge curvaceous body was almost as tall as the doorframe, as she got close and lined her body up against his, his eye level was looking at the bottom of her neck now, a stark comparison to when the top of Ann’s head barely reached the top of Tom’s chest at her old height of 4’8, now standing at a dominating 6’5, Ann had grown a whole foot and nine inches, towering over him. “Whoa whoa whoa!” Tom held his hands out still in shock from her size and strength as she grabbed him and plunged his head between her two massive E cup breasts. She smiled looking down at his small head between her huge boobs, squished up between them as Tom started gasping for air she let go, “Oopsie! Sorry Honey!” - “Ugh! What the! How did you! You’re huge Ann!” - “Well...I kinda sorta got hit by your growth laser.” - “Kinda...sorta? You’re massive Ann…” - “I know! Look I’m super strong now too.” she flexes, moving her engorged biceps towards Tom, having trouble moving his vision away from her two enlarged breasts. “My eyes are up here…” - “I-I’m sorry, it’s just...you’ve always had erm...been on the more petite side.” - “Not anymore, I’ve been short my whole life, I can’t believe you created this machine, you’re a genius!” - “I can’t believe...you used it on yourself.” - “Aww what’s wrong, honey?” - “I just...the team...I don’t know what to do…” - “How tall are you even? You look like a bodybuilder now.” - “I don’t know actually, let me go check!” - “O-ok. Listen, honey can you stay up here, while I tell the team?” - “Tell them what?” - “Well I should tell them, you used the machine on yourself.” he said nervously, looking up at eyes past her huge bust. “Do you wanna perform some...experiments on me?”- “Oh...I-I just want to be safe...and sure you’re ok.” - “I feel amazing! I actually feel incredible, I've never felt this good in my life.” - “That’s great news. Ok so I’ll just record some data then.” - “Ask away...Doctor…” she said seductively while opening the bathroom door, and rifling through some cabinets.

Ann looked around the bathroom, pacing back and forth, stretching her huge jiggly ass out near the doorway, trying to distract Tom from taking his notes. He cleared his throat, starting to sweat from sexual frustration, feeling his cock jerking underneath his dress pants. “So tell me exactly what happened.” She wiggled her butt and moved back and forth, starting to feel warm and excited again, knowing his passionate gaze was on her titanic ass, watching it jiggle and bounce around as she continued fruitlessly looking for the measuring tape. “So... that apple you shot the first time, well it grew really big.” - “How...much bigger?” - “Like bigger than a beach ball, it was enormous and it rolled off the pedestal thingy.” - “That big...huh.” - “So I figured if...the apple got that big, then I would at least, get a little bigger.” - “And…?” - “I pressed E on the keyboard and ran in front of it and then it shut down after a few seconds.” he nodded, “A few seconds of exposure, so your growth should be slowing down soon. If my estimate is over six feet tall, I’m guessing you're about six and a half feet tall maybe.” - “Six and a half? I don’t know...that seems really tall. I think I found it hold on...it should...be down here somewhere…” she leaned over, feeling the warmth within her start to bubble up as her growth continued once again, her heart started beating as she held in her moans, feeling her body growing again. Her titanic ass bulged outwards, pulsing bigger and bigger, as Tom slowly raised an eyebrow watching her enormous ass grow larger. “Ann...you're. ..still growing.” She started to moan softly, as her body lengthened, growing another inch to 6’6, she placed her hands on the sink, turning her body to face the mirror. She gazed at him through the reflection, as he watched her head raise higher and higher as her body packed on more weight and muscle. She watched her eyes move out of the mirrors frame and over it as she grew taller.. Her long tongue slid over her lips, she bit her bottom lip as a burst of growth cascaded through her, jolting up an inch to 6’7, now as tall as the door frame. “Ann...it’s not possible, you shouldn’t be gaining this much growth from such a short amount of energy…” he flipped through his notes, trying to figure out the solution as she turned to him, moving toward the doorway. She giggled and watched her perspective raise again, growing another inch to 6’8, and then another to 6’9 as she watched her eyes line up with the top of the door frame. She looked down and giggled, starting to blush, “Well...so...I kinda...used the laser...twice.” - “Twice?!” - “Hey...don’t freak out...mmm….awhn!” she stopped as another growth spurt shot her upwards to 6’10, as her breasts started to grow larger, expanding a cup size into big juicy F cups. “Mmm...fuck...look at these.” - “H-how much?” he panicked watching her growing even larger, watching the top of her head getting closer to the ceiling. “H-how long were you exposed?” She looked down, leaning her entire body down to meet his and smiled, “Um...well I guess like...a minute...or two?” she looked down barely able to see his scowl over her giant tits, and leaned down, “Hey...I just wanted to grow a little.” - “A little…?” he scoffed as she smiled brightly and landed a huge kiss on his lips, he felt her massive mouth engulf his face and lips as she giggled and pushed him away with a quick nudge, ducking under the door frame and moving into the bedroom, now making loud stomps towards the bedroom dresser.

Tom’s mind raced watching the wooden paneled hardwood floor begin to crack with every step and movement of her amazon body, closing in on seven feet tall. He panicked trying to do the math of her growth rate, and expansion, density and looked at the numbers as he entered them into his phone calculator. “Um...honey?” - “Yes Dear?” - “You should get outside, before you outgrow this room.” - “No way, I’m gonna grow that much?” - “I have no idea, but we have to get you outside, now.” - “Who put you...in charge...little guy?” Ann stomped in front of him, now wearing a dining room table sheet around her breasts and lower section. Tom’s heart began beating faster, as her body bulged outwards again, her body grew larger another inch to 6 '11, as her head bumped the ceiling rafter, “Ow…” - “Please Honey, look at the floor...we just bought that floor…” Tom lamented as Ann looked around the room seeing her feet leaving large cracks in the wood along the way to the bathroom. “Holy...shit I’m really getting big now.” - “Please...Ann, I’ll bring the tape measure, and anything you need, please go out to the backyard.” - “Ok ok...but only because you look so cute down there!” she laughed and whisked him off the floor like a child with ease and giggled, “You’re so light now!” - “Hey! Whoa!” - “Come here...you sexy little man.” Ann’s heart began beating faster as her body grew larger, feeling her arms and hands grow around his smaller body. She giggled again, feeling her feet start to crush the floor under her titanic now seven foot tall body. She felt her head bump the ceiling this time, growing another inch taller and then again as her legs started to naturally bend trying to fit inside the room, now 7’2. Her “dress” essentially a massive dining room table mat slipped off as her body grew even more tremendous growing past the two inches of seven feet tall. “Ann!” Tom yelled as she snapped out of it, letting him down and looked at the doorway, “Ok, you’re right, I’m gonna get out of here.” - “Finally.” A large hand suddenly grabs his crotch, as Ann leans down and whispers, “Don’t be sassy...or I’ll crush your dick with my bare hands.” - “Kinky.” - “God I remember why I married you.” - “I love you, at any size.” - “Mmm...you’re so fucking sexy…” Ann blushed getting wet as her body groaned again growing larger to 7’3, as her growing ass slammed into the dressing cabinet. “Ok, but seriously, honey let’s go outside.” Ann fell to her knees, with a loud thump as the floor cracked around her, now moving on all fours as she crawled towards the doorway to the hallway.

Tom tried to guide her, but it wasn’t much help, her body groaned and continued growing bigger as they moved her towards the door frame, she lifted herself out in the hallway as her butt got stuck between the door and the frame. “Ugh! I’m stuck Tom.” - “I can see that.” - “Stop staring, and push!” - “Your wish is my command.” he said in a stark voice. She rolled her eyes as his hands dug into her ass flesh, she cooed, “Ooh...your hands are so...small...ugh.” her ass bulged again growing even more massive, as the door frame cracked. “Whoa! Ann stop! Your butt is about to break the wall.” - “I can’t...stop...growing.” she moaned as her body grew another inch to 7’4, and then again to 7’5, her body bulged outwards, packing on more muscle as her breasts filled up and up. Her upper half began to take up most of the hallway near the stairwell as Tom backed further and further backwards, he watched Ann grow larger and larger, her breasts swelled bigger, dragging along the hardwood floor, passing G cups, bigger and bigger still, into H cups, now like two massive large melons on her chest, pushing up against the floor. “Um...honey?” - “You’re doing great, Ann, just try and fit your big tushie through the door.” - “I feel...really warm…” Ann’s body flared up as her growth began to increase in speed, suddenly her ass burst through the door frame, cracking and snapping the wood, sending the door off its hinges and bouncing off her giant bubbly ass. Her body bulged growing bigger again and again as she continued growing longer throughout the hallway, to 7’6...increasingly faster, two more inches to 7' 8 as Tom ran down the stairs. “Hey where are you going...mmm…” she moaned as her body grew larger, she tried to move down the stairs, seeing her ass starting to line up with the width of the walls around her, she groaned and yawned, instinctively stretching the length of her amazon body over the hallway, feeling her body stretching over the long hallway, as her body grew larger three more inches to 7’11.

Tom raced downstairs, hearing the distant creaking and cracks of the wooden stairwell and hallway start to bend and take on more weight. The crew of scientists downstairs were examining the giant apple, and looking at the laser as Tom rounded the corner and opened the basement door, “Hey! Everything is fine, just have the housing crew doing some maintenance, if you could stay down here for now, that would be fantastic!” - “Tom! This is remarkable, you have to see this!” - “I’ll join you in just a second!” He shut the door and turned around as Ann started to make her way down the stairwell. She moved her body, trying to flip herself around, she struggled, moving her legs eventually over the balcony, and moving down the staircase backwards, feeling her arms and legs almost take up two stairs at a time, having trouble fitting her feet between them. “Oh my god. I’m too big for my stairs. I thought I would never get to say that.” she continued to struggle as Tom rounded the corner looking at her big sweaty face moving towards him. “Ok. Ok. Careful Ann, don’t break anything.” - “I’ll try...no promises though.” - “Ann…” - “Move aside...little Tommy.” - “Little Tommy…” - “Please...sweetie..it’s not the time to...ugh!” Ann felt warm again as she continued growing, her body grew larger another inch to eight feet tall as her ass and breasts bulged out on her chest. Her breasts grew bigger and heavier now proportionally J cups, although no average bra could contain such majestic mammaries. She tried to ignore the feeling reaching into the kitchen, as her right arm latched onto the walls feeling them crumbling slightly under her hands started to make her horny. Her massive power and strength was overwhelming now as she plunged her way through the kitchen her vagina began dripping down her leg as she started to get soaking wet. Her lower half got stuck in the doorway once again as she burst through it, tearing open massive gaps in the wall surrounding it. Her body bulged again growing larger and larger, as she grew another two inches to 8’2. “Ann...cmon.” - “I can’t help that...I’m still...growing...hah...hah...hah…” she panted heavily feeling her body stretch longer, looking at the chair she ate breakfast in, it was so tiny in comparison to her mini-giantess body, even her huge ass, could easily destroy it with some force. She felt her body growing again as the heat from before started building up hotter, her body pulsed larger growing three inches to 8’5 as her arms scattered some chairs as she moved back towards the backdoor. Tom fell over as the giant moved over him, her resounding thumps and stomps over him was scary at first, until he saw her dripping pussy, oozing with pleasure, he smelled the powerful sexual scent on her vagina and started to get horny.

He couldn’t resist placing his hands over her bigger clit, and starting to rub it, watching her cum drip onto his chest. She twinged in pleasure, as she cried out, “Oh fuck...Tom...I’m so horny.” - “Interesting side effect.” - “I just really...really love growing...I was always short, and everyone made fun of me for being a shorty...I wanna get even bigger...touch me...make me bigger…” she moaned loudly and slammed her chest and body onto his, as she struggled, she moved her vagina closer to his mouth and forced it on him. “Mmph! Oh fuck! Please...bigger...bigger...bigger…I want to grow fucking huge!” she chanted as her pussy juices clung to Tom’s face as he began licking and sucking on it. She moaned loudly again as the scientists downstairs heard, raising eyebrows towards each other. His head was almost small enough to fit inside her pussy as his hands met with it, he realized he could stick his entire hand in, so he did. Tom balled his hand into a fist and started fisting her wet vagina, she moaned even louder as her body grew bigger and bigger. She grew another inch to 8 and a half feet tall as Tom started feeling his hand constrict looser with each entry and exit, she moaned, “That’s it...I’m about to cum...nngh!” her body grew faster and larger as she chanted, “Bigger...mmm…bigger…” she bulged outwards another three inches to 8’9, as her head bumped into the backyard glass panel door. She gripped the handle as it snapped off, sending the door sliding to the left, “Oh...fucking hell.” Tom tried to gauge what was happening, but before he could move his eyes to see what happened, he was met by Ann’s giant pussy now moving towards his head and smashing him between her vagina’s lips. “Ooh! Fuck Tom...that’s it! I’m so close!” - “Mmph!” he mumbled, feeling her pussy gyrating on his head, until suddenly her body burst outwards, growing even larger, with every inch slowly growing, now 8’10, making it way around his head when his head popped inside her vagina, sucking it entirely whole. Ann’s eyes widened as a rush of cum flooded Tom’s head and upper body, she jiggled wildly and shot Tom outwards back onto the floor as she grew and grew feeling faint and landing between the backdoor frame and the backyard. She felt her body grow again as she passed nine feet tall, growing bigger and bigger to a colossal 9’4, hearing the door crack and break under her lower half, she crawled her way out and finally rose to her feet.

Tom gasped as he finally came back to reality, he wiped the cum from his eyes and face as he looked onward to Annabelle’s legs and feet, unable to see her titanic new height past the broken door frame. Behind him the sound of feet finally made their way upstairs as the two other scientists looked over to Tom and then the large gaping hole in the side of the house. “Dr. Bailey?” said a short female Asian scientist, Dr. Akasuki, she held a tightly wrapped bun on her head and rimmed black glasses, she stood at a short 4 '9, and barely had breasts. “Y-yes. Dr. Akasuki.” - “What exactly is going on here?” - “Well you see...I…” A head suddenly moved into the gap leaning over, Ann showed her two massive breasts hanging in the sunlight cascading over them in the destroyed house gap. “Hi! I’m Ann, Tom’s Wife, I love the outfit.” - “T-thank you?” her eyes widened seeing her massive breasts hanging over the rubble.- “Sorry...I used the laser...twice...Tom didn’t know, it’s not his fault.” - “Dr. Bailey...you know the matter enhancer isn’t ready for human testing yet.” - “Well...I tried to warn her…” - “I think it worked...really well actually… on me...a human...now I’m super strong and extremely tough.” said Ann again, giggling, louder this time as Brandon, a 6’3 young biologist with short gelled blonde hair, behind them began to get nervous. “S-she’s...enormous.” - “Quite large...I see…” said the asian scientist starting to clear her throat and start to sweat nervously. “Dr. Aka-” - “Please call me Miya.” - “Such a pretty name.” Ann smiled, looking at the rest of them as she placed her arms over her nipples. “Well...we should perform some tests.” said Tom nervously, “We should measure her exact height and calculate her growth so far.” - “Ooh! Sounds exciting. I can’t wait to get even bigger...” she smiled devilishly. - “O-ok we’ll meet you outside.” Miya nodded her head anxiously, trying to imagine her at an even bigger size than she was already.- “And...Miya, you can call me Tom.” Tom sighed, his face was riddled with regret. - “Tom. Right, good I’ll get the rest of the instruments from downstairs and make the preparations for the examination.” - “Excellent. Honey, could I get through there?” Tom looked at her, consuming the opening with her size and mass. “I don’t know...can you get past...the giantess?!” she roared playfully and grabbed Tom, lifting him up and kissing him on the cheek and neck several feet off the dusty kitchen floor. “Ahaha! Quit it Ann!” Tom nervously laughed. “Haha!” she laughed and placed him down next to him outside. She started moving her head and stomping around trying to level herself out, now lining up against his size, she absolutely dominated his size and presence now, she towered over him by three feet, his eye level was under her massive wide hips now, one of her juicy legs was bigger than his entire body.

Miya turned to Brandon and pushed him away downstairs, she had the strength of a small child against his towering over six foot tall frame, her eye level was at the middle of his torso, her head didn’t even reach under his shoulders. “Stop staring at her fucking breasts Brandon!” - “Ok Ok! Sheesh...jealous much?” he looked down at her, as she craned her entire head up to shoot a scowl,  “Pff...just let’s get the equipment ready.” - “Yes mam’.” Brandon moved ahead towards the basement, and headed downstairs as the two of them laughed together, she felt her reverberations through the ground and the panels every time she slammed into the ground and scoffed, following him downstairs. They assessed the machine together as they moved past the giant apple still smashed with sticky residue all over the wall next to it. “Pretty big right?” - “Oh shut up.” Brandon joked, looking at the apple. “No seriously, how much of a magnification is that?” Miya blushed, not thinking straight and ignored him moving towards the machine and assessed the damage. “Needs more power. Can you load the cells please?” - “Roger.” Brandon grabbed one feeling it’s weight on his right arm, and then moved to the machine. He placed it down as gently as he could, now reaching into grabbing the old battery and replacing it with the new one as the machine whirred it read a display message, “ERROR! Power unknown. Energy Level Critical!” she turned and sighed, “Going to need the other two…” She watched his muscles bulge grabbing the next battery, as he grunted she felt a twinge in her vagina looking at his body ripple, she bit her lip instinctively. Brandon looked up at her as she quickly turned away, looking back at the display and blushing. He moved towards the machine and slammed the two batteries in as the machine whirred again, now displaying, “ERROR! Power Unknown…” and then finally displaying the controls. Brandon leaned in against the desk and whispered to her, “You like what you see, doctor?” - “Ehm...try to be professional, you do want this job, don’t you?” - “You’re just so beautiful, I can’t help myself.” - “Ok hot shot, you want to impress me?” - “Yeah, anything.” - “Sit at the exposure area.” - “Wait...what?” - “Just do it. I need to perform an experiment to test the device.” - “Wait. I thought you said we don’t shoot this thing at humans.” - “Listen, Tom is gone, likely fucking his mythical amazon sized wife, I want to test this thing’s capabilities, we could change the world with this thing, we could end world hunger, think about it.” - “Ok, fine.” - “Excellent, now stand there and don’t move until I say so.” she smiled, looking back at the console as Brandon sighed moving towards the tip of the laser, he picked the chair up, slightly bent and mangled and hesitated at first, but sat down. He looked at the coil, now heating up with energy.

Brandon sat there as the machine whirred, making him a bit nervous, “Hurry up would ya...this thing is scary.” - “You built the machine with us...do you not remember?” - “Yeah, but like back then it wasn’t on and powered up.” - “Just relax.” Miya sighed and typed into the console, entering manual parameters, Pressing “D” and decreasing the percentage slowly down from 500% to -200%. After setting the parameters she pressed the E key and initiated the process. The beam slowly lit up as Miya tossed her goggles over to him, he quickly wrapped them around his eyes at the beam shot into him. His body felt cold as the laser whirred turning blue. “Hey...Hey! What’s happening, why is it turning blue?” - “I don’t know...hold on.” she lied, looking at his body start to become smaller suddenly shrinking two inches to 6’1 and then again down to six feet tall. He looked in front of him as his perspective shrunk and his lab coat started to move further up his arms. “Hey! Stop the machine!” he cried as the beam shot into him, he slowly started to feel sleepy as the laser drained him of his mass. He shrunk smaller and smaller, shrinking four more inches to 5’8, looking at his XL sized lab coat now beginning to grow over his shortening arms and legs. “Everything...is getting so...big…” - “Mmm...there you go...shh…” Miya smiled devilishly as the laser intensified, now latching onto his body entirely watching it shrink smaller and smaller, another four inches to 5’4, as his lab coat slipped off his body. His body went limp as he shrunk smaller and smaller fading into unconsciousness as the laser turned off with a zip. She let loose a long sigh, looking over at his body in the dimly lit room shrink smaller and smaller another six inches to 4’8, as she moved towards him.

She moved in front of him and woke him up with a few slaps on the cheek, feeling her hand against his face started to make her wet, seeing him smaller than her size, just an inch shorter now. Brandon slowly opened his eyes, feeling his arms weaker looking down at them, he barely had any muscle on them at all, and was woozy from all the laser’s draining his energy. “Hey...are you alright.?” - “W-what happened…” Brandon looked up at her as he was met with a kiss, “Mmph! Hey…” he felt her lips collide against his as she started to straddle him sitting on the chair. “Oof...you’re heavy.” - “Are you calling me fat?” - “N-no...I just..nngh.” he grunted as his body shrunk again another six inches slowly, feeling her body becoming heavier and heavier as he shrunk down to 4’2. He watched as his vision slowly lowered from her nose down to her lips and then even lower as she started to tower over him. He felt his back on the post of the chair slowly go under and meet the back of his neck as her body and ass slowly took up more and more space on his legs, watching them slowly engulfed by her size. “I’m still shrinking...help!” - “That’s why I wanted to test this thing out...look at you...you’re like a little child...I think you’re going to become a little baby soon.” - “This is fucked…” - “You shouldn’t have acted like such a dickhead.” - “Bitch.” She grabbed his crotch and started to squeeze as he winced in pain. “Argh!” - “Apologize.” - “Make me.” his body groaned as he shrunk again another eight inches, shrinking out of her grasp, slowly becoming smaller now to 3’6, as she pushed her bottom half further up and over his body. She crushed him as he felt more and more weight on top of him, “Argh! Please!” - “Alright...I need this chair anyways.” - “W-what?!” he screamed, as she lifted herself off of his tiny body, he scrambled, but not before she gripped his hand tightly, lifting him in the air as his body shrunk smaller, another ten inches smaller, becoming completely helplessly lifted off the floor with ease, being held by the wrist, now only 2’8. She lifted him up to her eye level and reached for some duct tape with her other hand. “Oh please, no don’t tie me up.” - “I have to...or else you’ll run away...my little test subject.” - “Nngh! Put me down.” - “You’d love to run back to your amazon goddess out back...tell her what I’ve done to you...that’s not going to happen.” she smiled devilishly, watching his body shrink again getting lighter, she giggled, watching his body shrink down an entire foot to only a meager 1’8. "Aww you're so cute! Now hold still…" She grabbed the duct tape and wrapped his little body up like a present, from head to toe, he tried squirming and struggling against her giant hands, but shrunk again another four inches to 1’4, now not even taller than her knees in comparison to him, she was a giant.

After being neatly wrapped up, she sticks him to a support beam nearby and walks off as she starts casually typing away at the keyboard. She set the parameters again, setting the I key and changing the enhancement power from -200% back to 100%, she giggled, and began typing a manual override into the console, setting the power to 999%. The console beeped and read, “ERROR! Power Level Unknown, WARNING! Power Set to 999%! Power Usage Level Critical!” she felt her panties get wet as she bit her lip and pressed the E key and moved towards the laser, starting to take off her glasses and lab coat. She rearranged herself on the chair looking at the laser as Brandon looked in shock, the laser turned a bright red, it shot forth blasting a massive amount of energy into Miya. She winced under it’s powerful blast as the laser attached to her quickly and began pumping her full of energy. Her blouse ripped off as her breasts suddenly doubled in size, spilling over her small B cup bra, into busty double D cups,”Oh god…it feels...so hot.” she cooed, watching her breasts spill over her top, “Stop Miya!” Brandon called over, but she was barely able to hear him as the machine roared, his tiny barely over a foot tall body screamed tiny sound bites unable to be heard. The machine roared again as an entire battery tank drained, blasting another powerful ray of energy at Miya, her body groaned as her pantyhose started to shred and rip, along with her bra as her body grew three inches at once to five feet tall in one big growth spurt. She moaned, now unable to control herself, starting to ravage her breasts, she moaned louder as the machine drained another entire battery charge, shooting her upwards another four inches at once to 5’4. “Ah...hahaha...I had no doubts of it’s success after seeing Ann...but she didn’t say...it felt...this good!” Her shirt tore off her growing body, as her pants strained and started to rip all over. Her panties got sucked up by her ass, becoming a thong as she moaned feeling it ride up against her pulsating wet pussy. The machine interrupted her as it blasted another full battery charge into her, now burning her skin, she winced in pain as she stretched even larger in one more spurt to 5’7. Her chest grew bigger and bigger as her bra snapped off her chest, she moaned louder and felt her breasts in her hands. "Oh...fuck...I've never had breasts like this...they feel so soft...awhn." She began playing with her nipples and grabbing them roughly squeezing them, feeling their soft pink nubs get rock hard as she twinged in pleasure. The machine dimmed as it ran out of power, Brandon called out, “Please! Get me down from here!.” he whined as he watched Miya lick her lips and lift herself off the chair, leaving a thin trail of cum from her soaked panties. He watched her bouncy body jiggle towards him as started to hear the sound of booming footsteps closing in on him. A massive face entered his vision, Miya now looked over at him a little longer and the size of a ruler stick and laughed, “Look at this tiny little bitch...” - “Miya...please…” - “Oh my god...you're so fucking cute right now...look at your tiny little head.” she giggled as Brandon's ears rang from her loud booming voice. “Please...it hurts Miya...get this tape off of me.” she sighed and frowned, “Ok ok...I’ll get the scissors hold on.” - “Scissors?! Oh jesus…” - “I’ll be gentle...relax.” she moved over to the desk as she started feeling the warm tingling sensation of growth return. Her pussy started throb as she rolled her eyes back, and she started to drool, overwhelmed by erotic sensations. She moaned feeling her body twitch and grow again another two inches at once to 5’9 her clothing now just shreds hanging over her nude slowly growing curvaceous physique, “I’m growing so fast…” she moaned feeling her body tremble, now even growing taller than Tom’s height.

Brandon stared at her body shifting and growing in size, she looked like a far away goddess growing bigger and bigger, he felt his erection poke the duct tape shell that surrounded his tiny body and winced in pain. Even though she was only a few feet away, to Brandon she looked like a tall mountain moving quickly sending gusts of wind towards his minuscule frame. She leaned down, placing her hands on the desk as she felt the warmth surround her small sized butt. "Ugh...I feel...kind of...dizzy…" She gripped the table tightly, feeling her body tightening and growing another three inches to six feet tall as her ass bubbled out growing larger and larger, quickly surpassing an apple bottom butt into a round wide ass. Her clothes tore off, along with her panties that snapped off flying across the room. She moaned, “It’s happening again...I can feel it surging through me...this machine is...really marvelous...mmm…” - “Y-you’re getting so big…” - “I’m so...glad you like it...I absorbed three whole battery charges… and I maxed the power levels...so I’ll be growing...for a long...long...time…” she smiled as he gulped in fear. She moaned, feeling her breasts start to get warm, he stared at her, watching her breasts grow again in size, now into E cups. “And...there it is again...awhn!” holding her breasts as they bubbled bigger. Her devilish smile only got wider, looking at her big breasts, growing even more massive in size, quickly growing into F cups. She leveled herself out after a long sigh adjusting to her larger breast size and weight, looking coyly at him. She bounced forward, holding the scissors between her fingers. "So why should I let you go?" She started to get even more turned on, asserting her dominance that she never had before. "I...I don't know...this duct tape really hurts…" he whined. Her eyes rolled back as she trembled with a short orgasm, biting her lip and moaning, Brandon thought to himself, "Is she...getting off to this…?" She panted heavily and then started to laugh, looking down at him. She reached forward and kissed his head, as his body entered her mouth. She sucked his head and licked it as she felt him in her mouth and moaned. Her lips popped off his head as she giggled. Brandon coughed and smiled, "Thanks babe." Miya raised an eyebrow and then smiled looking at his wet hair and face. "You are too cute." She smiled grabbing her scissors and snipped him free carefully not to damage him. He fell into her hands as she looked down at him and laughed. He felt her soft cool breath cascade over him as she grew another three inches, meanwhile he shrank and shrank down to only 1 feet tall, as she grew bigger and bigger to 6’3, growing bigger than Brandon’s original height and tall build. He watched her hands surround his tiny body as hers grew bigger and bigger. Holding him like a toy she walked towards the stairwell as he yelled, barely audible now from his size, “Hey make me big again!” She rolled her eyes, lifting him up to her face, which now consumed his vision, her head was like a monument in size to him now. "I'm not done with you yet." She raised an eyebrow and cracked a devilish smile. "I want to run some tests...hah...haha…so make yourself useful...and be my little toy...because I'm so fucking horny...I've never been this horny before in my life…" Brandon's eyes widened hearing her voice tremble and get more seductive and less forceful, she closed her eyes and swung him down her body past her breasts, down her chest and belly and against her wet vagina, feeling his naked body get coated in her sticky cum. “Argh! What the fuck!” - “Be a good little man and rub that tiny dick of yours on my clit…” - “Miya?!” he blushed now realizing the power dynamic has completely shifted, starting to get rock hard. “That’s it...that little dick..rub it harder...yes...yes...yes!” His body shifted and groaned against hers shrinking again now, only 6 inches tall as her vagina became even more colossal, starting to look more like a small door he could slip inside. Brandon slipped flailing around, she felt his tiny arms and legs sliding around the edges of her vagina.

“I’m so fucking horny…” she cooed as she latched onto him and shoved him inside her pussy as her body groaned in response, she felt her vagina twitch and shiver as he struggled inside her pussy, she moaned in heat, as she held onto the staircase railing watching her perspective rise taller, as her body grew another three inches to 6’6, now six and a half feet tall. She felt a hot warmth flow through her breasts as they grew larger and larger, “Nngh...my tits...are still getting bigger...mmm...feels so good…” Her breasts jiggled and expanded as she ascended taller, bubbling outwards another cup size to big G cups. “Ooh...he’s all the way inside me...fuck this is so hot...I’m...I’m gonna cum…” she twinged feeling him move around inside her as she came with a powerful orgasm, he slipped out as she pushed on her pelvis releasing a squirt of cum down along her thighs. Brandon landed on Miya’s soaking wet hand with a responding slap as Miya quickly grabbed him, moving him up to her vision, she was red all over, panting in heat, with cum running down her thighs as Brandon smiled, covered in her fluids. She smiled and sighed, rolling her eyes, “Ok...I’ll make you big again....” - “Oh thank fucking god…” - “For the record...that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” - “You’re welcome...just doing my service to the local goddess.” - “Mmm...I love that word...Goddess...awhn.” she moaned feeling her body groan again as her head bumped into the bottom of the stairwell ceiling, in one huge growth spurt, now 6’10. “Miya…you’re getting really fucking huge.” - “Sorry...I feel dizzy....” she tried to free herself from her thoughts, moving back to the machine and computer. "I'll bring you back to your original size...just need to get...to the computer." She stomped over, feeling her feet nearly cracking the stone tiles beneath her as she placed him next to the desk by the console. "Ok let me set the parameters and...and...ooh…" She started to type, but her fingers grew larger, now growing taller to seven feet tall. She started to pant heavier feeling her chest get heavier as her breasts grew larger and larger into massive H cups, hanging over her hands trying to type. “Oh...god...they’re enormous.” she cooed, starting to get distracted lifting her left hand off the keyboard, feeling under each one as her nipples, getting larger and rock hard with every pinch and prod. She couldn’t keep her hands from hitting the other keys as her fingers grew larger. The console buzzed again as she couldn’t get the keys to register properly, she grew again, now leaning all the way bent over to be able to type properly, as her body groaned she moaned, letting loose long sighs and moans as her body grew to 7’3. “Miya...you’re getting huge…” - “I...know...I can’t...focus...it feels so good...nngh!” Her body burst again growing to 7’6 as the table creaked and started to bend under her weight. The table shifted, sending a shockwave of motion towards Brandon as he fell forward on his knees. “Miya! Get up! You’re getting too big for the room!” Brandon raced towards the growing giantess as her eyes closed, her body groaned growing larger and larger, the console shut down as her body landed on the table sending it crashing towards the stone floor. Brandon’s body flung into the air, flying past the broken table bits and flying all the way into Miya’s two massive breasts.

Brandon was in a sea of breast meat, wiggling back and forth as Miya slowly began to get up and try and reposition herself. His body rocked and bounced back and forth in her breasts hugging him tightly. She giggled sending echoing waves of sound into his small ears, feeling the ocean of breasts jiggle around him and she leaned up against the basement wall, with a loud thump. She plucked him out of her breasts and placed him on her right nipple. “Suck it.” - “What about the...oh no…” he looked back at the destroyed computer and then back at the gigantic nipple in front of him. “Ooh...yeah..it’s still coming on so strong...awhn!” An echoing moan sounded through his ears as he felt her skin stretching under his feet as her body groaned, taking up more space around him, she grew another four inches to 7’10, her knees started to bend moving closer to the ceiling. “Christ...what do we do now?” - “I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll fit up the stairs now.” Brandon gulped as she laughed looking down at him like a tiny ant. “Let’s have some fun...while it lasts.” she giggled shoving him against her nipple as his tiny body pushed against it she moaned, sending loud echoes into Brandon’s tiny ears.Her nipple became more and more daunting as her body grew larger and larger, growing another four inches, passing eight feet tall and outgrowing it, even larger to 8’2. Her body billowed outwards, as her breasts grew more and more busty, now growing into colossal J cups, she whisked them together with both her hands, sending Brandon flying toward, clutching onto her towering nipple, bouncing into her other breast, sending waves of motion across her breasts. Brandon fell, tumbling down her body, rolling all the way down near her belly button, hearing her moans grow increasingly more deafening as her body grew bigger and bigger. He looked across the massive plain of flesh in front of him as he tried to dash across it, another wave of motion sent him down to his knees as her body grew taller and taller, past 8’7 in one huge growth spurt. She reached down and grabbed him, plucking him off her stomach like a tiny big and waves him towards her wet dripping vagina. She loudly moaned as Brandon’s vision slowly went dark, as her hand shoved him inside, “You’ll be safe...in there...hah...hah...hahahaha” her body continued ascending larger, groaning her breasts billowed outwards another cup size into absolutely titanic K cups in her hands as her feet slid and pushed the computer desk back towards the machine, her leg pushed harder, as she grew again another six inches, as her growth grew faster and faster, feeling herself about to climax again as she ascended taller to a towering nine feet tall, and even larger than that as her foot jolted outwards slamming into the wooden wall next to the machine, making sure not to damage it. “I didn’t except...such huge results!” she cackled as her body groaned again feeling the weight of her body against the straining wood.

Her foot collided against the wall, a loud electrical snap sounded as her foot grew even larger, snapping the cables from behind the wall out of the machine as the lights went dim. She grew again and again, as her body groaned past nine and a half feet tall, her head plummeted through the ceiling into the living room. She grew and grew, as her arms reached upwards through the staircase and bathroom growing more and more massive as she passed ten feet tall, growing even more and more titanic in size. Her body jolted again and again as she climaxed, growing another several inches to 10’7 as she screamed reaching her arms outside the house windows, smashing through the kitchen and living room. Her body stretched growing taller as the house around her crashed and was destroyed, growing past eleven feet tall and soon passing twelve, as Miya’s body grew even bigger consuming the space around her growing body. She blasted through the side of the house finally, crawling outwards, watching the left side of the log home collapse behind her as the two lovebirds turned looking at her in shock. The dust finally settled as Miya, now over twelve feet tall, now 12’6, boasting a pair of two watermelon sized breasts coughs and looked over at the other two. “Tests are complete, Dr. Bailey.” The two of them were completely dumbfounded and speechless as a slippery sound suddenly makes Miya blush as she calmly says, “Sorry...excuse me...nngh!” as she reaches down inside her pussy and pulls out a minuscule half an inch tall, Brandon completely soaked head to toe in her pussy juices, and places him on the grass, leaving a long trail of cum, she then licks off her fingers while moaning. She laughs, “Run little man…” He panics and runs, falling over a large twig, looking left and right at the tall blades of grass around him.



Amazing story.


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it, Part II coming soon!