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Chapter 2: Excess Variables

The morning before the trip, Susan got up from bed tired from the night of ravenous sex with Roger after discovering the lotion’s success after using just one tube. She woke up at five am like clockwork and snuck her way into the bathroom, quietly closing the door as she looked at herself in the mirror and thought, “Did I get...taller?” She twisted around checking her butt and boobs, they both looked a bit fuller, and her breasts had grown into luscious and perky D cup boobs.  Susan stood next to the scale grabbing a tape measure and pinning it to the wall as far as she could reach and stepped next to it, grabbing the hanging pencil on the wall clip. “Let’s see here…” Susan struck the line and turned around looking at the number, five foot ten and started to get excited. She carefully and quietly opened the cabinet and reached in for the white box, opening it showing just one tube of the growth lotion missing. “I’m not going to be able to grow this whole trip.” she pouted, looking at her above average body yearning for more, addicted to the feeling of growth. “Unless...what if I took all of my doses at once…” she giggled, hatching a devious plot, starting to get wet at the thought of growing bigger. Susan counted the tubes, five on the top holding box leftover and reached for one, unscrewing the cap. Susan took off her bathrobe and hung it on the wall, and started examining her body, she squeezed a few globs into her hand and started getting to work lubricating herself from head to toe. Her mature hands were a bit rough, but the formula began to soften them, her nails started to become shiny and smooth and longer. Her breasts glistened in the fluorescent light, as her nipples began to stiffen and grow slightly. After all was said and done, there was a bit left inside the tube, she held it up to her nose and sniffed. Her eyes watered a bit and her mouth started to build saliva, she shrugged and squeezed the leftover into her mouth and gagged for a moment then sucked it down. She smiled as she really enjoyed the taste, reaching for a second tube this morning, and started sucking it down, gulp after gulp until she squeezed the remainder into her mouth.

She waited for it to affect her, but after a few minutes after her skin started to finish fully absorbing the formula as she cooed slipping her hands across her chest and belly, before reaching it into her pussy, starting to fish around for her clit, oozing with pleasure and erotic emotions. She heard Roger wrestling a bit making some sound, and it only turned her on more, she felt her body tingle and tense up as her eyes rolled back into her head slowly feeling a powerful euphoria. She stuck her tongue out, as saliva dripped down onto her soft milky breasts, her nipples twisted again, pulsing in size as her breasts started to grow bigger. Her two orange sized melons started bubbling up with growth, filling up with milk and hormones. She first bounced up a cup size, she moaned loudly, now spreading her legs across the rug. She felt them tense up as her muscles started to stretch and build on her thighs and calves. Her body raged with powerful growth as her legs grew longer, and stronger. Her legs continued growing longer as she grew taller to six feet tall, her hips started to widen as her ass began to get more plump and round. She moaned again, reaching behind her, taking two big handfuls of her ass in each hand, “Wow! Momma got a booty…” she giggled. Susan looked at herself in the mirror again seeing the slight changes, and her now double D cup breasts jiggling just a bit more, she leaned over and grabbed a third tube, “One...more...just a little bigger…” she thought devilishly,  and sucked it down in several large gulps, letting loose a slight burp.

Roger opened the bathroom door and felt it bump up against Susan’s back, she looked back seeing him staring at her huge bubble butt after moving the door aside. “Honey...you look…--” -- “Amazing? I know!” Susan warmly embraced him, kissing him on the lips and looking him in the eyes. “You’re a genius.” -- “Are you...my height?” -- “No way.” -- “Yeah. You aren’t wearing anything right?” Roger looked down and looked back up at her, she was beaming from cheek to cheek, she was blushing hard as he noticed her lips were much fuller and softer. He curiously leaned in again for another kiss and grabbed her ass, feeling it’s new weight and size. “Mmph! Roger...It’s a bit...early for that…” -- “For what…?” Roger tasted something strange on his lips as he released her, he stared at her mouth and saw and felt her fuller and more bountiful lips. He ran his hands over her breasts, feeling their incredible softness, they felt larger and much more soft than usual, they smelled amazing and heavily scented. “Honey…” -- “Yes...dear?” she replied in a sappy tone, as Roger started to bite his lip, he felt himself confused, but mostly aroused as he smiled and kissed her on the lips one last time saying, “Never mind, let’s get ready, long day today.” -- “Yes sir!” she giggled and moved back towards the sink and started brushing her teeth. 

Meanwhile, the following afternoon, Madison was standing with her legs arched over the bathroom rug. “Mmm...bigger…” she whispered seductively. Her body was starting to feel soft and moist as she felt herself grow taller, watching herself in the mirror as she panted heavily. Her body slowly inched upwards feeling her body expand and grow larger. Standing taller now at six foot three and moved closer towards the bathroom mirror. She was gorgeous, her double D cup breasts made a nice line of cleavage down her chest, she shook them a bit, feeling their size. “Wow...I’m fucking hot I'm like a whole foot taller now, holy shit nothing is going to fit me. Damn I’m gonna go steal some of her clothes.” Madison moved out of the bathroom now looking a lot more suited to moving around and using the mansion, maybe even a bit bigger than she needed to be now.  She opened the drawers again and tossed the bathrobe aside, trying on some bras, she took one of the more recent bras, near the front, a lingerie top, black lace, with soft support cups, she looked at the label, it read “E Cup” and her mouth dropped. She put it up, trying it out and started to frown, “She knew she was going to grow bigger...so she put on a bigger bra...that’s smart...and really fucking sexy.” She felt small inside it, but she put it on uncomfortably, and then a stretchy blue top with sleeves. She looked kind of slutty now, the bra was bulging and a bit awkward, but she made it work for the time being by tugging at the shirt to hide it. She tried slipping on her leggings from before, but they felt like socks and she could barely fit one of her now slightly thicker thighs into a single leg, let alone two. 

She looked at herself wearing these slightly  bigger and awkward clothes and ended up tossing them back, and grabbing a cute bikini instead, she slipped her nice supple double D breasts into the sexy black bikini. She filled it out well, it was all just the right size and shape, her breasts were covered up well, but still showing off her cleavage. The bikini was treading between the line of being a set of underpants and a thong, sometimes slipping between her two bigger ass cheeks and getting a wedgie. She felt confident walking around the room strutting her stuff, she grabbed some flip flops from the walk-in closet, and a towel and felt ready to tan. She spotted some circular gold rimmed sunglasses on the counter and flicked them on, soon realizing she forgot her favorite tanning lotion. Madison started to get wet wondering if another tube of the lotion would make her grow even more, she had her doubts and fears about what would happen if she pushed her luck, but she stopped caring quickly looking at the five tubes of growth lotion remaining. “If two made me this tall and sexy...fuck...how big is Susan going to get...how many did she have...two...three...six...she was still growing before she left too...” Madison felt anxious thinking about a colossal sized Susan towering over the mansion and feeling powerless, she reached for a third tube and held it close for a second thinking, “There’s five tubes left here so...how much...bigger…do I want to get?” she thought to herself feeling her nipples twitch. She put the tube back into the box and closed it. She started to blush as her bikini bottom started to get wet and then grabbed the whole box taking it with her downstairs.

She passed the kitchen and walked outside placing the box near the pool and furniture, placing it on a glass table, she casually grabbed the third tube of growth lotion, sitting down outside on a long beach chair her plump ass softly hit the creases in the plastic. The sun was beaming on this hot summer day, her skin needed as much moisture as it could get, she laid down putting the sunglasses on letting loose a soft moan as she squeezed a huge glob on her chest, she watched it slowly melt as she moved her bikini aside showing her nipples, and glided across them with her right hand. Her nipples tensed up as she started to feel tingling sensations at the tip of each of them. “Ooh…” she cooed, as her breasts started to absorb the lotion rapidly being affected by the direct sunlight. They started to turn a little red around the nipples and then started to grow. Just a bit larger at first, about half a cup, she squeezed another load of the lotion onto them again and kept rubbing them in, now growing a bit faster. “Bigger…”, she chanted. Madison was starting to get really horny again as she watched her breasts grow bigger, she continued cycling the lotion between minutes of growth and direct sunlight. “Oh god yes...bigger...” Her breasts grew larger and fuller until they finally reached triple D cups in size. She moaned loudly as she soaked her panties reaching orgasm, as she finished the entire tube all over her boobs.

She grabbed them with both hands dropping the leftover empty tube on the ground, feeling them slip right out of her hands, bouncing wildly on her chest. “Fuck they’re huge, oh god...mmm…” she cried, now moving her lubricated hand over her pussy. “I’m so horny...fuck...” she whispered blushing, fingering herself over her bikini bottom starting to get really wet. Her body was oily and moist, she could feel her skin stretching as she grew taller and got thicker. The beach chair strained as her flesh started to seep through the gaps of plastic. She grew larger, her legs began to stretch farther than the length of the chair, until she felt herself get a bit uncomfortable. She looked at the sides of the chair slowly being filled out and overwhelmed by her burgeoning growth. Her ass widened and started bulging into and over the wide straps of the pool chair. “Mmm...ugh...so big and juicy..." she teased, grabbing her breasts, sliding her hands over the curvaceous boundaries of flesh around her chest. 

She bit her lip and then looked at the rest of her body. “I don’t feel any taller...hmm…” she pouted, still thinking of getting taller than Susan, she crossed her arms as her body grew slowly another few inches. “What the fuck...how come I’m not growing any bigger?” she complained and didn’t notice herself getting any taller. She locked her eyes around the white box again, starting to feel a twinge of pleasure thinking about expanding as she bit her bottom lip. “Nngh… I need more…” She moaned loudly and reached for a forth tube and started sucking out all the creamy lotion gulping down the growth stimulant in volume. She struggled and gasped for air, licking her huge juicy lips around the tube, taking long gulps of the growth stimulant feeling melting globs of the growth lotion filling up her mouth. She swigged down the rest of the tube, curling it up, to get every last bit. “Mmm...all done!” She burped loudly and started giggling. Her stomach rumbled again looking at the tubes then thinking to herself, “I’m really hungry...maybe I need to eat something.” she then called out, “Hey Siri, can you order me pizza?” - “Sure, what kind would you like?” - “Meat lovers...with extra sausage.”, she giggled as Siri replied calmly, “Meat Lovers Pizza, With extra sausage, is that all?” - “And a sprite.” She was beaming with joy after hearing the order being delivered with haste.

Susan waltzed past Roger and dropped all the luggage by the check in desk. Everyone was staring at the rising goddess and her nearly transparent silken white dress. Susan was a little over six foot seven now, feeling herself practically bursting with newly found energy and strength with each bouncy step towards the service desk. Her body was far past MILF status, she was absolutely gorgeous and most of all extremely womanly, her assets were uncontrollable and so juicy. Her over fifty inch wide booty was attracting the attention of other people waiting in line, most of the men were being punched by their girlfriends and wives for staring for too long, but it truly was a sight to behold, she looked like a living statue, her bust was legendary and she stood over a head taller than most of the waiting customers.

The woman behind the desk was absolutely starstruck and embarrassed at the same time, she didn’t know what to do with her emotions as she started to blush hard and feel a bit scared. “W-wow...umm...Welcome, can I see your passports?” - “Of course sweetie!” Susan exclaimed, acting a bit condescending. Her nipples were clearly visible and erect as the assistant started getting nervous as Susan began to fidget and squirm. Susan felt a hunger growing as her stomach grumbled, she looked down seeing the floor moving farther away again, she was growing, this time slowly getting bigger, while the poor woman had to watch her already busty physique begin to get even more voluptuous.

She was already dwarfed by her height and giant boobs. Susan started to blush and breathe heavily as she felt another rush of growth hormones, she started swaying her wide hips back and forth staring at the service desk woman checking her facial features to match the passport. “Your hair is way longer, I really love it, you look so pretty! Here’s your card back.” she smiled nervously, as a wide grin swept across Susan’s face, “Aww, Thank you so much!” --  “You’re very welcome, it’s going to be in D-3, enjoy first class, Mr. McLaren.” -- “Thank you.” The both of them moved back towards the main hallway and started walking down the long passage. Roger was having trouble focusing watching Susan bounce and jiggle was making him pretty hard underneath his work attire. She finally caught onto his glances and started grinning, “Honey...are you...checking me out?” -- “I’m looking to see if you’re still growing.” -- “Mmm...well...am I?”  The top of his head just ended below her big juicy lips, his eye level was with her neck closing in on her cleavage, he spied her up and down as she continued to make sultry poses. He grunted and replied, “I can’t tell.” -- “Ooh...I need to use the restroom, I’ll be back, don’t worry little man…” -- “Little?” -- “I’m just kidding, sweetie…” she leaned in again and gave him a sumptuous kiss, her bigger tongue ravaged the inside of his mouth wandering and looking for attention as onlookers tried to hide their interest in the basketball player sized porn star.

Roger hid his erection and quickly made his way to the waiting area as he watched her newly enhanced ass jiggle and bounce underneath her sultry silken dress towards the ladies room. She entered the bathroom hearing her feet clap on the ground as she hoisted her normal sized bag onto the counter, she looked around if there was anyone around, and quickly grabbed a big yellow warning sign outside the door and locked it. Letting loose a long sigh she started to rub her big breasts and ass and let out another soft moan. “I’m so big...” she thought as she slid her fingers over her erect nipples as her heart started to beat faster. She reached down and fished in her purse and retrieved two tubes of the growth lotion, their clean white tubes fired synapses in Susan’s brain as her vagina started to get wet. “Wait until he sees me after this...” She spun off the top of the tube and tore off her dress, her body was a beautiful blend of curvaceous and mature, her nipples snapped back into place and became more red as she glided across her already massive breasts with the lotion. Her fingers ran along her hips as she shuddered with pleasure, she immediately started feeling tingling as her body continued overdosing on growth stimulants. Her hormones raged as she abruptly moaned and climaxed squirting over the floor, as her thighs and ass began to thicken and grow juicier “Nngh! What’s happening...ugh...it’s so much stronger...this time...nngh!” Her whole body shot upwards another three inches as she felt her breasts start to fill up and expand. They blew up like balloons filling up with milk she gasped and tried to hold them together, but they slipped between her now lubricated hands. 

Susan’s vision suddenly shifted again as she moved into the bathroom with her purse, her body shunted upwards another two inches as her legs and ass continued bubbling bigger. She struggled a bit, trying to adjust to her new height and size, falling over onto a stall and realizing she was tall enough to place her breasts onto the top of the stall door. “Whoa...I’m really getting big now...hah...haha.” Her body jolted again with growth feeling herself getting taller, her legs lengthened again as her breasts billowed outwards getting ridiculously huge and juicy, she grabbed the last tube and started chugging it down. “Mmph! Bigger…gulp gulp gulp!” She fell to her knees, cracking the tiles on the floor as her body jolted outwards to seven foot five. What could be explained as the greatest time of Susan’s life was happening inside this airport bathroom continued on for several minutes feeling herself climax over and over again, until finally she relented and fell to the cold tile floor. Her body trembled with aching muscles, as her vagina spasmed after the several squirts of cum, she felt her raw aching pussy. “Mmm...feels so good… I need a man…” she moaned and groaned again. The sensation came on stronger as she twitched, this time growing another two inches at once. “Nngh! Bigger...bigger...bigger!” she chanted, feeling her cum leaking onto the cracked floor beneath her viciously curvy body.

The front door opened as two very different looking girls walked in, Alexa, a tall young blonde with pretty pink lips had two D cup breasts nicely tucked into a pink tank top with a matching blue bikini underneath, she was wearing bright white skinny jeans, a designer brand, obviously. She clapped the ground as she went up the steps in her pink flip flops. Alexa was six feet tall and was a model in her daily life, spending most of her time dressed in sexy outfits posing for rich men. Behind her Sophie, a tiny four foot three girl was dressed in mostly school attire, a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers all that seemed to be a bit too big and baggy for her small petite body. She waved the deep charcoal colored hair out of her face as she shuddered thinking of meeting someone new, as her bright green eyes started to tear up. Alexa turned to her as she started whining softly starting to get anxious, “Chill Sophie, it’s alright.” - “What if she’s mean?” - “She won’t be, just wait one second…” Alex fiddled with her keys in her purse and opened the door.

The two looked around the house, while Alexa started calling out, “Hello? Madison?” until finally they ended up in the backyard, where a tall, six foot seven woman with triple D cup breasts was sunbathing in the nude. Her erect nipples were like two tanned peaks glistening in the hot summer sun, the tip of two perfectly sized breasts. Alex approached her as Sophie was frozen with fear, she started to stare enviously as her mind began to race. Her heart started beating fast looking at her beautiful body and statuesque figure,  she had never seen anyone so goddess like in her life. “Hey…” she cooed, responding seductively while stretching her long legs that stretched past the length of the entire chair. Alex raised an eyebrow, “Enjoying the place?” Madison opened her eyes and locked with hers, “This is the most fun I’ve had, I fucking love your dad...I mean the place…” - “I love my dad...too…” - “Ooh...who’s your friend?” Madison tried to hide her wet bikini bottom, but there was no hiding the large wet stain on them. 

She stood over Alexa, standing now almost a head taller than her, hugged her without a word, Alexa’s jaw dropped feeling her strength and power as she smiled letting her go. “You’re absolutely gorgeous, are you a model?” Madison was being nice while she held her hands and wrists, twirling her around examining her assets. Alexa played along, even though if she tried to resist her strength, she would surely hurt herself, she was forced to play along as Madison tossed her around, twirling her and grabbing her butt, she practically was sexually assaulting her in front of Sophie. “Nice tight ass, and beautiful lips...Mmm...you’re fucking sexy Alexa.” Madison held her close and ran her thumb over her lips as she shuddered with pleasure and fear. “That’s...S-sophie…” Alexa could barely speak as she felt her large presence stride past her towards the tiny girl. 

Madison strode up to Sophie, whose eye level met under her belly button, she was a goddess to her. Her eyes were locked with her wet pussy that was being squeezed by her bikini bottom, that were now, without her knowing, too small for her growing body. By Alexa’s perspective Madison’s big butt was getting juicier and more bubbly as it began to swallow up her bottom looking more like a thong by the second. Sophie watched her voluptuous body bounce and stomp over, getting bigger very slowly. She could barely comprehend a person of this size and weight, Madison started giggling and blushing seeing her size up against hers, “Oh my god...she’s so fucking cute...oh my god...Hi!” she knelt down and enveloped her with her arms and body. Sophie was squished, but it felt soft and warm, her big boobs softly pushed up against her body as she closed her eyes feeling Madison’s large body start to warm hers up. Madison felt a rush of growth and she thought to herself, “Oh fuck...finally…” now moaning softly as her body stretched and grew larger, she expanded outwards as she felt herself grow another two inches. Sophie was speechless as she let go and felt a wind blast past her as she stood up back to her towering height, Sophie couldn’t help but notice her eye level was lower, and Madison was certainly bigger now.

Alexa couldn’t tell what was going on, but she looked around examining the area and noticed an empty lotion bottle near a dilapidated beach chair, the plastic on the chair was bent out of shape, namely around the seat area, where her growing body was starting to bend the seat straps. She grabbed the tube and sniffed it, she loved the aroma and replied, “Hey Madison, what’s this?” She bit her lip and walked back to her, Alex looked forward at her collarbone now, seeing a slight difference in height. Madison tried to explain without giving too much away, “New beauty product, what do you think? Do I look any sexier?” Madison shook her breasts and twirled around and grabbed her ass and shook it. She bounced up and down as her booty quaked, jiggling wildly as it began to grow, her ass bubbled outwards in front of the two girls as they shook their heads and jaws in disbelief. “Am I sexy? Do I look... fuckable? How do you like by big juicy tits... or my big juicy booty...mmm...oh god yes...oh fuck!” Her body tingled widely as the third and forth dosages of the lotion kicked in, her body tensed up as she shot up another three inches. Alexa watched in horror as Madison grew larger in front of her eyes, her eye level slowly moved downwards, her cleavage clouded her vision as she turned around. “M-madison...you’re growing!” - “Oh...you haven’t seen...the best...part...nngh!” Madison moaned loudly as her breasts billowed outwards growing another cup size to E cups, as she continued growing taller. “Oh...god yes...mmm...bigger!” Her hourglass body bounced outwards and upwards and she shot up another few inches, finally stopping at seven foot three.

The two girls stood there in shock and disbelief as Madison felt her body and rode her fingers over her two big honeydew melon sized tits. “Wow...you’re...really tall...and…” Alexa was interrupted by Madison pulling her close and starting to french kiss her, her big tongue fished inside her mouth as she reeled and tried to push her away. “Ugh! Get off me!” Alexa struggled and bit her tongue. Madison didn’t realize her strength now, but she easily tossed her way like a wet towel, she collided with the floor. “Ow! What the fuck! That hurt!” - “Owie! You bit me!” - “You fucking tried to rape me!” - “Nuh uh! I just wanted to kiss those big soft lips...mmm...oh...I feel warm...hah...hahaha…” Madison fell dramatically onto the beach chair as her eyes rolled back, her big ass squashed the chair hearing a metal twisting sound as her body jolted up another inch, now seven foot four. “Mmm...still growing...oh yeah...bigger...more.” She was stuck in a trance, feeling up her body and vagina, pleasuring herself. Alexa looked at the box, and snatched it up, closely watching the growing mini giantess near her, making sure to not get noticed. Her breasts grew larger again, this time several cup sizes at once, her breasts flew free from her bikini top and grew outwards into double G cups. “Oh...oh fuck…” she moaned, hoisting her big luscious tits in her hands feeling them bounce and jiggle. “T-they’re so big...and heavy...nngh...oh god yes!” she roared, feeling her breasts bounce up another cup size. Her triple G cup breasts spilled over her hands as she laughed devilishly.  Her huge ghetto booty bulged outwards once more, twisting and bending the remaining beach chair that was now a sizable indentation of her titanic assets.

Alexa ran past Sophie like a mouse making her way into the kitchen, she quickly twisted off the cap and started spreading it over her breasts and face. Sophie pushed in and tried to take a tube for herself as Alexa held her back, “Sorry, I need as many as I can get to outgrow that bitch.” - “But…” - “When my dad gets home, I’m sure he will have a shitload of them, I gotta take care of the situation, you understand right?” - “...I guess…” Sophie hesitated grabbing the tube anyways and watched Alexa take off her clothes as she started to blush hard. “Y-you’re...naked…” - “Oh come on Soph, how long have you known me?” - “You look...s-so pretty.” - “Aww… you’re so cute…” Alexa genuinely smiled at Sophie as the two of them felt a warm connection, as Alexa opened the other tube and handed it to Sophie, “Spread this one on my legs and my butt ok?” - “O-ok…” Sophie spread globs of the lotion on her picturesque ass, feeling her hands gliding over her tight ass started turning her on, she was practically a tomato she was so red, at this point, she was panting and sweating from the sexual tension.

“Uff...you have really soft hands…” -- “T-thank you…” -- “Ooh...I feel all tingly.” Alexa’s tight athletic butt started getting goosebumps as she felt her skin get flush as she started to sweat. Her feverish panting only got more and more exaggerated as her pussy started to drip cum down her thighs. “Feels...really good...nngh…” Sophie was speechless and really sweaty now, her vagina was pulsing and begging to be pleasured as she saw Alexa’s ass start to grow bigger. The two beautiful butt cheeks she always boasted about in her fitness regime started to bulge outwards and get thicker. Her ass grew larger and more erotic becoming more of a pear shape as her hips widened. “What the fuck! I’m so fat! No!” - “I think...it’s kind of...sexy…” Sophie was staring, trying not to drool as Alexa shouted, “Nngh! I feel so...horny…” The young model's body began busting out, her breasts bounced and grew larger in pulses, her toned top half quickly filled up and left a line of cleavage as her breasts grew another cup size, and then another as Sophie started getting some more of the lotion in her hands. Her body started becoming more of an hourglass shape as her assets continued to grow bigger. “Ugh...I’m so wet...fuck…” - “You’re...really hot...uff” Sophie bit her lip and saw Alex turn around and usher her closer to her dripping wet pussy. “You want to...taste it…?” - “Yes please…” Alex laughed and leaned towards her and grabbed both her hands, planting them both on her breasts, she forced her hands gliding them over hers as they both watched them grow bigger and fuller. “You have to earn it…” Alexa moaned as Sophie’s hands glided over her nipples, they pulsed larger and larger until they were milky double E cups. “Oh...god…” she cried as her vagina was flooded, feeling it twitch and pulse with immense pleasure. Her body trembled, jiggling widely in front of her as she cried out trying to contain her euphoric pleasure.

Sophie’s eyes rolled back as her pussy let loose a small bit of cum as she held herself back from reaching orgasm, she squealed in pain and pleasure as she moaned softly. Alexa fell to her knees and forward onto Sophie, she tried to hold her back the best she could, but they both fell over onto the ground. Sophie panicked calling out to her larger partner starting to crush her, “Alex...you’re hurting me...ugh.” - “Huh…” Alexa mumbled under her breath as she slowly began to fade, her eyes closed as her soft skin started to get dry finally finishing absorbing the lotion. In her coma like state she started to drool as her lower half  rhythmically started to hump her leg. “Alex...please…” she whined, now starting to feel a bit more trapped as she started to get heavier. Alexa’s body began to grow larger, taller, and thicker again, her legs began to grow longer, along with her hips and ass. Her breasts filled up growing bigger and juicier, starting to suffocate Sophie in her huge growing bust. “Mmph! Alex- Mmph!” she cried out again, but to no avail as Alexa’s body grew several inches larger to six foot six, her breasts had stopped growing around a double F cup, her waistline was now over double Sophie's and absolutely crushing her, and just as Sophie began to knock out she opened her eyes and felt herself yawn. “Mmm...Soph...that was the hottest fucking...thing ever...you are so fucking cute and...Sophie…Oh god!” she reeled lifting herself up quickly off the floor bumping into the ceiling light, her head crashed up against it shattering it all over the floor. “Oh my god...oh fuck...oh my god...I’m so fucking huge...holy shit...oh my fucking god…” she panicked trying to absorb the entire situation as she saw Sophie on the ground, laying flat and breathing, she grabbed her and lifted her body onto the couch without thinking and sat down quietly. 

“Sophie...are you ok…?” - “Mmm...Alex…” - “Oh my god...I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened!” - “It’s ok…” - “Aww I’m so sorry Sophie! I’m gonna make it up to you I promise!” - “Mmm..ok…” Sophie shut her eyes softly again, now starting to worry Alexa. “I’ll just give her some lotion, I’ve never felt stronger in my life, it’s sure to do the trick.” she thought hastily as she moved towards the kitchen. She got up, making sure to not hit the ceiling this time and made her way towards the kitchen again, bending over just a bit to avoid the other ceiling lamp, hung fairly far from the very tall nine foot cathedral ceilings in this main area of the living space, the kitchen was connected, by a wide panel of rug and furniture. She moved towards the counter and looked in horror as Madison was standing in the doorway between her and the last tube of formula sitting on the table. She smiled stretching and stomped into the house with three large steps and was already at the kitchen counter, reaching down and grabbing the last tube. “You look hot...did you get any bigger? You still look pretty small…” Madison giggled and held the tube in her hands, showing it off like a trophy menacingly. “I think you had...enough...Madison.” - “Mmm...I’m only seven feet tall Alexa. That’s not even as tall as a house, let alone a mansion.” she giggled now toying with the tube between her large hands. “What happened to your friend?” - “I don’t know, she’s really tired, she was pretty scared when you intimidated her earlier. You should be nicer to people. “ - “Aww...I’m sorry…” - “You’re new to everything here, I get that, and that’s fine.” - “I get it.” - “Ok.” A long pause settled between the two as Madison casually rolled her eyes and unscrewed the cap, interrupted only by a small squeak from Alexa, “No!” She blushed as Madison smiled for a moment and then came the most evil and powerful laugh she had ever heard, it was like something from a disney movie. She cackled and grabbed the tube squeezing the entire container in her mouth in one go, as she sucked the remaining bit from her huge juicy lips with her long tongue. 

Madison’s body trembled feeling her huge body shake with power again, “Bigger...bigger...bigger...make me grow...huge...bigger...that’s it...bigger...mmmm…..more….yes bigger!” she chanted as her titanic physique grew stronger and more amazonian. First came her thighs, they blossomed into thick powerful muscular legs as both of their eyes widened. Her body pulsed with strength again as her midsection toned into six pack abs. “Oh...fuck…I’m getting shredded!” - “Oh...no…” Alexa quietly shuddered seeing Madison grow fitter than she’s ever been in her life. Madison groaned and flexed at the same time, growing another three inches at once, now seven foot seven, feeling her feet tread over the warm tiles, feeling them creak underneath her weight and power. “Ugh! I’m fucking massive...look at these fucking tits...nngh!” she grit her teeth as her breasts expanded larger, she clutched them in both hands and moaned. They overflowed her strong hands growing into colossal triple J cups, trying to contain her excitement and holding her orgasm she clenched and felt her body still bursting with energy. “It’s coming...oh fuck!” she screamed with one large finishing climax growing past eight feet tall, her pussy let loose a storm of cum across her lower half, still screaming and climaxing she hit the floor shattering the tiles beneath her, leaving huge streaking cracks across the kitchen floor. Two chairs blast away from her in her massive growth spurt knocking over some other furniture and the table as she finally lets loose a long moan. Alexa stares in awe as the ruined kitchen is toppled over by an amazonian goddess as it’s new house guest.



SPOILERS---------------------------------------- SPOILERS---------------------------------------- Growth Lotion Subjects Madison - Starting Height - 5’2 - Pear shaped body, with more on the bottom (Young & Athletic) 8 feet tall* ft tall, previously 6’3 JJJ cup, previously small DD cup Bubble butt, previously flat butt Madison has used six tubes of the growth lotion.*Madison is still growing… Susan - Starting Height - 5’6 - Hourglass figure, with more on the top (MILF & Voluptuous) 7'7, 6’10* when she arrives in the bathroom, previously 6’7 Massive F cups, previously Triple D cups Huge Bubble Booty, previously wide butt Susan has used five tubes of the growth lotion. *Susan is still growing… Alexa - Starting Height - 6’0 - Sporty and Muscular (Tall & Athletic) 6’6* ft tall, previously 6 feet tall FF cup, previously modest D cup Bubble butt, previously flat butt Alexa has used one tube of the growth lotion.*Alexa is still growing… Sophie - Starting Height - 4’3 - Tiny and Petite (Shy & Envious) 4’3 feet tall A Cup Apple bottom butt Sophie hasn’t had any growth lotion yet :(

EL Patcho

Cant wait for chapter 3 🤘🏾🤘🏾