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Chapter 11: Consequences of Epic Proportions  

The ground shook as she walked, her luscious titanic ass bounced side to side rhythmically as she left giant footprints in the field as she stomped close to the school building. She placed down the truck she was clutching in her hand looking back at the now unconscious body of Lynn that was growing bigger in front of her as the sun slowly set. Suzy was disappointed, she thought she would get bigger, she looked down looking at Lynn, the busty goth expanded larger, her breasts now closing in on M cup breasts almost past her belly button in size.  She turned around looking for Courtney, “Court-ney...if you don’t come out I’m going to sit here and drink all of these little barrels one by one…” Courtney was hiding behind the biggest house in the neighborhood, Belfort Mansion, her over thirty foot tall body was kneeling across their front lawn behind the white columns. Courtney’s mind was racing she thought to herself “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!! She’s gigantic! What am I going to do?” She peeked by the side of the mansion on all fours, and started to panic as she watched Lynn now outgrow her size, even at this distance, even worse she saw her already giantess mother reach for another barrel and pop off the lid. “Come out…and play with your mother…” 

She whipped her hair back and tilted the barrel into her mouth and with two quick gulps she tossed the barrel the side and knelt down beside the sleeping and growing mini-giantess, she was becoming a real giantess quickly, her breasts expanded outwards growing rapidly, they grew into watermelon sized breasts on her chest, they were insanely soft and jiggly they hung out down right above her belly button. The rest of her body surged and expanded as well, her nearly sixty foot tall amazon physique got more juicy and goddess like, her ass bubbled outwards becoming insanely thick. It was the length of a king sized bed, if it was made for Andre the Giant. She slowly came to consciousness as Suzy was growing over her, she lifted her massive body and straddled Lynn knowing she wouldn’t be able to escape now that she took another entire barrel more of the giga growth serum. Meanwhile Lynn was growing from almost thirteen foot tall, to a towering twenty feet, then quickly into fourty, then fifty, she was already outgrowing Courtney.

“Hey! Get off me...woah...what the fuck I’m way bigger...everything is so small now…” Lynn cursed at her and tried to struggle feeling her body closing in on her dripping wet pussy as she looked up to see her eyes rolled back. Her body trembled as her pussy dripped onto Lynn’s growing body, first she saw Suzy’s legs tower over her, bursting upwards ten feet at once, her lower body looked like an thirty five foot tall archway, but the tip of the arch was a juicy red six foot long vagina, dripping puddles of cum onto Lynn’s now fifty foot tall giantess belly. She moved her two huge legs creating craters in by the outdoor cafeteria, now forcing her growing pussy onto her face. A warm steam was coming off of her genitals as the goth caught a mouthful of her wet pussy. Lynn couldn’t resist getting a taste, she started licking and sucking on Suzy’s clit trying to make her orgasm.

She heard dirt being moved and the sound of grinding rock as the two of them started rhythmically humping and playing with themselves. Their titanic bodies grew larger and larger as the cafeteria walkways began being crushed by expanding flesh from their big god-like asses, and telephone pole sized arms and legs, swinging and crushing chairs, tables, and other things as their bodies began growing upwards. Lynn began struggling as she gasped for air and started to climax, she felt her lack of air really sexy, she started to enjoy being dominated when suddenly Suzy climaxes and starts squirting loudly, her voice echoing through the neighborhood. Hot vaginal cum flowed into Lynn’s mouth, past her juicy black lips and all over her face coating it in sticky cum.

Suzy’s body trembled again growing even bigger, her legs crashed through the cafeteria as her breasts expanded farther and farther down her chest until she bent over on all fours now shaking her hanging breasts back and forth. “Oh YES! I’m about to become a goddess!” Her hands ran all over her body, as her fingers plunged into her already soaking wet vagina, she played with herself cumming over and over. Her insane increase in estrogen gave Lynn a chance to breathe as she quickly reached for the final barrel dunking it quickly into her mouth, her body jolted like never before, her body grew twenty feet at once, rapidly overtaking Suzy. She grabbed her thighs forcefully as Suzy started stammering, watching Lynn outgrow by over ten feet. “Ugh! Stop it Lynn!” - “Oh...are you...green...with envy...awhn...oh fuck...mmmm!” The busty goth became a goddess before everyone’s eyes, her body towered over the entire neighborhood, she could see her vision growing larger as she reached higher and higher past the clouds. In the distance she could see the city and several lights flashing, cop cars were racing towards their direction finally making it to the school grounds.

As the sirens closed in Suzy and Lynn were trying to push each other over now, trying to outgrow each other over power by literally fighting over the entire school grounds. Their massive 100 ft bodies collided and crushed the surrounding schoolyard and auditorium with every growth spurt larger. Courtney raced over to the cop cars as they slammed their doors on the way out of their vehicles, pointing guns at her. “Freeze! Get down on the ground!” Courtney blushed and called out when she saw him, it was Professor Greg, holding a strange device of some kind. “Men hold your fire! I can take it from here!” - “Get behind us! This freak will stomp you out faster than you can blink.” - “Freak?! She’s a goddess!” Greg waltzed up to her and simply blasted Courtney with a laser, suddenly her whole body felt warm and she began shrinking at once! “NO!!! WHY!” Courtney screamed as she watched her body quickly inch back towards normal eye level. 

Courtney’s delicious body began to lose its fullness, she rapidly shrunk back down to her original size after shifting downwards from 30 feet to 12 feet in a matter of seconds. Her breasts were no more, she was back to being flat chested with nothing to grab onto, her body became twiglike and powerless. Feeling faint she falls into the professor’s arms, he whispers in her ear, “Don’t worry...you’ll be back on top soon enough…” - “Huh...what’s happening…” Her eyes slowly close as her body shrinks down to a meager 4’6, far lower than her original height, her breasts begin losing fullness and her lips slowly become back to their usual size. She was powerless as the shrinking laser drained her completely. Meanwhile the school was being wrecked, the soldiers ran towards the situation as another grabbed Courtney and brought her to a military truck, the professor aimed his shot and blasted both of them at once, emitting a bright yellow glow around the both of them. 

Suzy pushed Lynn away avoiding the beam’s laser shooting towards Lynn now at full force, her head began plummeting lower past Suzy’s head. She grinned devilishly as she began to overpower her, she shrunk smaller and smaller as Lynn was now eye level with her vagina, after losing over 50 feet in height, along with her breasts that were now slowly deflating. Suzy kept growing larger, she reached past the clouds and looked down to see her body growing in spurts of several feet at once. She moaned and groaned as she finally climaxed, splashing car sized puddles of cum all over the ruins of the school grounds. Lynn, still shrinking in size, watched as Suzy passed 200 feet in size, now taller than some skyscrapers, her foot slammed downwards towards the cops, crushing and shifting aside cop cars as her feet became bigger and bigger, doubling in size. Some police officers emerge from the rubble as Professor Greg stood in awe, with the shrinking gun in his hands, unable to fire from his fantasy finally being real. The goddess moaned as she continued to pleasure herself, placing her titanic ass onto whatever remained inside the school as she looked down at the police force. A titanic bubbly butt finally lands and crushes the school shooting dust and rubble all over as Suzy starts laughing, her voice booming for miles.

The cars and sirens stopped making noise slowly as the rubble around the mega giantess pushed against a wall of soft pale white thigh flesh. Her long blonde hair hung from her back slightly damp from all the sexual energy and action, she reached for into the pile aside the cop cars and lifted a now unconscious professor from the pile. “Oh...Professor!!!” Greg jolted to life as his slick back hair started to become frizzy, he looked around and panicked wondering why his view was of a destroyed school several hundreds of feet above the ground. He felt a soft ground underneath him, with streaks of wrinkled flesh, he was inside Suzy’s palm as her head closed into his view. “...Wow…” - “Is that all you have to say for yourself young man?” Suzy’s face twisted in a knot as she blushed, feeling her body grow another few feet slowly for a few moments then slowing down to a halt. “Still growing...remarkable.” - “Mmm...yeah...It’s fucking amazing...I mean...yes it’s incredible.” - “Well you...broke the Size Adjuster...so...there’s that…” - “Another genius invention...hmmm?” - “Well considering your now meso giantess size, I suppose you must have had...an entire barrel?” - “Three...actually…” - “Oh...well you might want to bring us to my lab, before you...get too big.” - “I thought you said there isn’t such a thing as too big, Professor.” - “Well it isn’t that it’s just…” - “Mmm...awhn!” Suzy’s body coarse with energy again now her breasts slowly expanded, this time growing bigger and bigger, far past any cup size could measure. Her breasts collided with the now scattered rubble that was the school, they filled up growing almost half the size of her upper body. 

She struggled to shift position as she fell back onto her huge ass trying to lift her now over Z cup sized mammoth mammaries breasts. “You’re going to keep growing, and eventually...you’ll get so big you won’t be able to be on earth anymore.” - “I could see that being an issue…” - “There’s one thing being so big you own everything and everyone, which of course you do currently, and I wouldn’t say anything against your wishes my goddess.” - “Goddess...I love that! So when you...mmm...fuck…” Suzy was interrupted as her body lengthened again, now growing past 350 feet tall, her feet making their own construction projects with each step, placing several feet deep holes in the ground. The hole where her ass was growing was practically a crater, it was over 50 feet wide itself.

Meanwhile Courtney was knocked out near the football field as Lynn found her, also feeling really sore and faint from the bruises and wrestling from earlier. Courtney opened her eyes looking at Lynn now an adorable 4’8, she had no boobs to speak of and her body was really thin and child like. The two grabbed each other as they started crying without even a second thought, they held each other close and kissed. “My mom...is such a bitch.” - “I know...my ass hurts…” The ground rumbled as they watched the giantess grow larger and larger, her bank sized booty slammed into the ground again as she shifted and adjusted, feeling her ass bubble up to compliment her now baseball field sized tits. Her entire body jiggled wildly, it was like watching the ocean waves splash onto the beach, but made of bouncy boobs and juicy ass. “Is she gonna kill us?!” - “I dunno, but we gotta get out of here!” The two girls ran as Suzy lifted herself up, making two stomps into the ground doing so, sending the girls back onto the grass. They were like ants, they couldn’t do anything, but watch themselves bounce up a foot each time the world breaking giantess headed out towards the Professor’s Lab. 

Greg lifted his dusty lab coat and reached for his keys as she plucked him from her shoulder and placed him next to his decrepit lab, or whatever was left of it. He tried navigating the door awkwardly trying to fit inside as a giant finger reached over and pushed aside the rubble like a close to thirteen foot tall broom, casually sweeping aside several tons of hard rock and steel. Greg held his crotch feeling himself start to get aroused, but lumbered on inside, feeling embarrassed he got to work on fixing his gun.

The two girls walked up the hill, finally making it towards the lab, she saw a sight she didn’t think she would ever see, a living god, a meso giantess MILF, her mother, Suzy was over 400 feet tall now, her legs were over a hundred feet long highways of thick juicy goddess like splendor. Her feet alone had their own size and length at 11x34, every part of her body was its own landscape with unique curves and shapes all over her magnificent body. She looked over the horizon and saw two specks travelling over the hill as the morning sub finally began to rise, it’s been several hours through this whole night, and the girls were all feeling tired, except Suzy who was still coursing with goddess hormones and growing a few feet every so often.

“Girls…?!” A booming voice chanted out across the baseball field as the two pale highways began to merge moving towards them for a moment as it passed by a massive wind that knocked them over. “I’m so sorry! I’m huge!” She called out as the girls held their ears, she leaned in now, knocking the girls back onto their butts as she shifted again, causing several small earthquakes. Her head leaned in as her ass pitched outwards towards the roadways as a helicopter passed by overhead several miles away seeing a MILF booty sticking out into the air, her vagina cherry red leaving gallons of cum onto the grass as she continued feeling pleasure all throughout her body and aching pussy.

Suzy leaned into the girls seeing them and immediately blushed and squeed, “OH MY GOD! YOU’RE BOTH SO CUTE!!!” Her massive smile was intoxicating as the two girls were pissed, but too tired and afraid to say anything. She reached in and let loose her lips onto Courtney like a tidal wave of sloppy bouncy lips her body collided with it and felt a slight suction as she was covered in drool. “Ew! Gross!” Courtney bit her tongue seeing her mom this happy was something to behold, but she deep inside wanted to switch positions. This was supposed to be her win, not her mother’s. Lynn stood there extremely embarrassed as Suzy continued on, “You girls should know better than to challenge an adult, you too should be ashamed of yourselves.”

The two girls lowered their heads as Suzy was about to continue on with belittling them when suddenly a beam shot at her ass, making her entire body glow a fluorescent green. Her body twitched and pulsed as she quickly shrunk down a third of her size at once. She raised herself up now, feeling the ground beneath her shrinking away, feeling the dirt around her begin to shuffle as her body shifted down again, this time all the way to under 50 feet, feeling her breasts with both hands become thinner and smaller all at once. It wasn’t long until she was only twelve foot tall, reaching towards the lab now trying to escape the fifty foot hole her previous almost 500 foot tall leg and body made, becoming smaller and tinier until finally she was 5’2 and asleep. The massive dosage of whatever radiation that beam emitted knocked her out cold as the professor jumped into action. He lifted another contraption and shot another beam towards both girls then her mother lifting them off the ground, using some kind of telekinesis. “That was crazy Greg!” Lynn cheered as the two girls hugged him as the gun turned off. “Let’s get inside, and make sure she can’t go anywhere…” The gang looked at Suzy. She was tiny in comparison several inches smaller and made it easier to bring her inside. Greg moved around some things and brought out some kind of set of handcuffs and pressed a button locking them together, she was bound, but comfortable with a slight extension allowing movement in the form of a weird energy array, not harmful to humans, but viciously strong and tight when tugged on. He motioned towards a button underneath a desk and pressed it firmly as a secret door was revealed, opening to an elevator, they moved Suzy inside and went downstairs.

It was a quiet ride for just a few brief moments as the three of them stood waiting holding Suzy up between their shoulders. Lynn was leaning up against the railings of the elevator feeling small, and spry she stretched a bit, feeling really limber and flexible, being small had it perks, but it was nothing like being fifty feet tall. “So what happened, how did this all start, Greg?” Courtney smiled and looked over to Greg as he nervously watched the floors pass in the elevator. “Long story, the cops will look around probably, and the FBI will eventually come and start to sniff around, so I’ll have to move my lab.” - “So you’re like...Rick Sanchez or something?” - “Aha...no not quite.” - “Then who the fuck are you?” Lynn snapped at him, starting to get annoyed at her height now, and her lack of breasts made her feel more childish than ever. “Lynn!” Courtney snapped at Lynn now, not realizing what was really fueling them to be so loud and dramatic. “It’s...OK.” - “Oh...OK…” - “I’m a renegade scientist working against the local government here, they want to limit my projects, but by extension they need me to continue making new designs. 

I started working for this new company “Goddess”, they specialize in beauty products, but they have this crazy genetic program where I found out how to synthesize the formula. Now the FBI is after me, I tried to hide, but I needed a subject to test out my stuff so…” - “So you figured you’d lure a girl into your arms? Pathetic.” Lynn scoffed at Greg. “Lynn!” - “you’re right to be mad at me, I didn’t lure anyone, but I did make a lot of mentions about the formula, I shouldn’t have tried manipulating my students...It was wrong…” - But look at the results! You’re a fucking genius!” The door opened with a resounding ding as the three motioned towards a medical room with a few beds. The laboratory was rather small in comparison to what Courtney and Lynn had seen in science fiction films, but like everything in life they tried to take it with a grain of salt. Greg handed them some clothes, they were awkwardly nurses outfits, as that was the only thing he had here really and shrugged handing them out. They barely fit as they tried to adjust the top without any breasts to speak of, it was almost impossible to wear the tight skirt and dress together without squirming to readjust the shoulders.

They lifted her onto a bed in a nearby medical room, and tucked her in looking at the two they all smiled. Suzy started rattling for a moment and then continued staying asleep as Lynn sat down beside her, looking at the two, “You two take care of whatever you have to, I’ll stay here if she wakes up.” The two nodded and went off as Greg started frantically moving samples from a fridge. Courtney looked around, starting to get bored, poking and prodding different things nearby, wondering what they really were meant for, “Don’t touch those.” - “Why...will it make me bigger?” - “No, but these can.” Courtney's eyes lit up as he moved towards a cabinet looking for different ingredients, finally taking out a box with a few pills. 

The little white box had a few white pills inside, dissolvable capsules filled with white powder and familiar pink bits of formula inside them, he offered her three at once, and gave her a bottle of water as well. “So, these should make you bigger, they’re new I don’t know quite how strong they are, maybe start with one or...OK...that works too.” She took all three and shoved them into her mouth greedily, trying to suck down them all starting to choke a bit. She felt embarrassed her size now was so tiny these big pills were too much for her smaller throat. Gagging a bit, she finished the water bottle and felt a splash as the three big pills landed in her stomach. “Ah! Thanks! I needed that.” Courtney reached in and kissed him on the cheek, and then she felt something a tingle. She started feeling really horny, her cute kiss on the cheek had him rock hard as she put her lips on his and started giving him tongue.

She started moaning softly feeling her body begin to sweat, her pussy was starting to get soaked as she came unexpectedly leaving a trail of cum across her thighs as they bulged bigger, and thicker. Her legs trembled as she felt her ass pump up and grow bigger, she felt them stretch and lengthen, her top half quickly started catching up as she matured rapidly, growing into a young teen, then a sultry busty adult. Her breasts grew outwards, slowly growing past her usual B cup size into double D's. Her body began filling out the nurse outfit, creating a long line of cleavage down her chest. Lynn heard moaning and entered the room to see them going at it, “Courtney!” - “Mmm...sorry Lynnie!” Greg was totally rock hard, his boner was about to penetrate the heavens with his mighty seed he could barely contain himself as Courtney let go of his lips with a delicate bite as she stood up at her full height now 5’9. “Whoa...those worked…” - “Mmm really well…” - “Hey! What about me?” - “Oh...come here you...little minx.” Courtney motioned to have Lynn come closer, she stood over her, feeling her body get warm again, “Just give her two...she tends to grow...a lot…” - “Yes! Please…” Lynn begged Courtney to grow another three inches, Lynn was tiny compared to her mother like body now, her head and eye level was just below her two engorged nipples. It wasn’t long until that changed though as she slowly shifted her perspective near her belly button.

Greg nodded and reached for the tiny box again only to be blindsided by Lynn who snatches the box at once and gobbles down the remaining pills at once, then of course starting to choke. “You greedy little bitch!” Courtney yelled as she picked her up trying the Heimlich maneuver, it was too late, she was giggling manically as she swallowed down three pills at once. The three looked at each other silently waiting for something to happen as Lynn started to blush. She smiled coyly as she moaned, her body thickened growing more voluptuous, much like Courtney her body started growing back to its original busty little goth self, but this time with much more junk in the trunk. Lynn’s breasts billowed outwards into massive G cups without warning, blasting over and out of her nurse blouse. “Ugh..bigger...more…” - “Awhn! Stop it you bitch! I wanna be bigger!” - “Stop touching my tits!” - “Mmm you little slut…” Courtney dashed at Lynn slapping her tits watching them bust outwards growing past her boob size rapidly. She stood up to check her growth, she was already a few inches taller, now reaching past Courtney's two expanding breasts, that grew also outwards to G cups rapidly as she inched upwards again, almost contesting Lynn’s recent growth. It was clear the two were now in heated competition as Courtney laid her juicy breasts onto Lynn’s currently smaller body as her body pumped full of growth hormones, she grew again starting to tower over the both of them now as her head moved several inches past Greg’s height, She grabbed her big boobs and caressed them and shoved them into Lynn’s face, growing another few inches. Lynn’s body trembled as she shot up ten whole inches at once, knocking into Courtney’s forehead and sending the both tumbling down onto the beds near them.

The two stood back up and looked down at the professor, now Courtney was standing tall like a rockstar basketball player for the NBA at 6’9, with double F cup tits and a big juicy exotic booty that shook from side to side with confidence. Lynn on the other hand was a bit smaller, but twice as thick, her height had stopped for now around 6’7, just two inches shy of her rival. Her breasts were ridiculous like two big soft jiggly volley balls on her chest, and of course her ass was thicker than molasses, she had an ass for days. The two looked at each other for a moment and then started making out, their tongues crossed across each other as their big soft lips touched making sloppy sounds as they began to pleasure each other by touching each other’s red wet pussies. “Anyone...help…?” 

A voice called out in the madness, Suzy finally came as the gang stopped everything they were doing to run into the room to find her small and weak body cowering at the two growing amazons. “Oh my god...please tell me you have more...I’m so weak...help me…” - “Hmm...maybe...but first…” Courtney reached down and put her much larger finger on her lips and whispered in her ear and said, “If you grow bigger than me this time, I’ll make Greg shrink you into a tiny ant.” - “OK!” - “Oh you aren’t getting off that easy…” The girls smiled and turned to each other, Lynn reached under her straining nurse outfit that was more like a swimsuit now, skintight and absolutely bulging, and started fingering her wet pussy. She turned red as her body twitched upwards again another two inches, growing in front of Suzy made her furious, jealous, and afraid at the current situation. The two continued growing as the FBI started parking their cars on the side of the roadway to inspect the damage of what they are calling a local “Goddess” attack.



I hope you enjoyed it! I wanted to go a different direction, trying new things xD