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Hey Patrons,

Look, I know we said last year's calendars were the last ones ever, but they're back one more time! 

We had other ideas in mind for our Golden Legendary Patrons this year, but we couldn't quite execute them in the way we'd desired and in the time frame we had, so we've decided to do calendars again until we can get that brand new reward, perfect! 

So if you're keen to receive a calendar - signed, drawn on and personalised, make sure you've pledged at the Golden Legendary level ($100) at least ONCE, throughout 2022.

A reminder that these calendars are exclusive to this tier of Patrons and will not be for sale.

We're super excited to include a fresh set of photos from a recent photoshoot as well, so there will be plenty of new pics you haven't seen across the 12 months!

Let us know if you have any questions or need clarification below :)

Thanks again for all your support this year! 





How could Rowan do this photo not being a model?

Ou Xu

Hi there! Just wanna check how to get one~