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We're SO excited for this new series to drop on Friday and we wanted to give you - our wonderful Patrons - a peek behind the curtain before the season starts! 

Which part are you excited to see come to life?

P.s. apologies for the dark shots - this was all filmed overnight between 5.30pm and 4am!


Ryan Mathis

Can you get death battle to do a fight between The office and Bored staff?


This looks awesome, can’t wait for Friday


Thank you guys for staying up all night just to make these videos, love them and you guys so much 🥰




Wow! Impressed already. Can not wait - whoop whoop!!!


Can't believe how hyped I am for this considering I hate horror games. Looks incredible guys!


So excited! I love this game!


Incredibly psyched for this series! This looks amazing already, and I know I’m gonna be blow away by the final product!!

Bruno Blanco

Looking forward to this series! Thank you for getting obsessed with the game in a short period of time, Rowan 🤣


Oh yeah! Bring it on!!!

Steph P.

This looks absolutely amazing! I can't wait to see the finished product


This makes me even more hyped! Friday can't come soon enough!


So hyped!

Leonie (PlateArmourPiglet)

I absolutely cannot wait for Friday!!! 😃😃😃 VLDL *AND* horror?! Such a treat!!

Ian Hamilton

That looks fantastic. I'm really looking forward to watching it. Great job VLDL!

Thomas Ebdrup

It's gonna be EPIC... the game is awesome so really looking forward to seeing your work guys and girls :-)


Hoobastank + Viva = AMAZING

Taylored Printers

I hope they get a skit where they have the Cop/detective character, and everyone gives them shit for coming to find a serial killer without any firearms XD


Super excited for this! Watch a lot of other skits and animations and parodies on YouTube, so I cannot wait to finally see these! Wrapped up a bunch of episodes in a couple of days, but I bet they'll be back to do more. There is A LOT of shenanigans to be had in this game. The set look absolutely incredible!


I’ve never played this game, but I love everything you all do. Looks like it’ll be great!

Piyawadee VT

Why isn't it Friday today!! Want to watch it already!

Hannah Kemp

I am SO, VERY excited for this! More than anything other than Baelin's Route - the first new series where I've seen the game (thanks to Rowan & Kyle mostly) so it looks both familiar and epic. Production values look awesome as per, can't WAIT!

Colby Guyer

enjoy the longer blooper reels.

Tit Mouse

Great Video. I liked how long it was. everyone seemed in a good mood. Maybe do one on a bad day when everyone is out of sorts. :)