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1 like = 1 healed Adam arm. Thanks to everyone who had questions for us, we would love MOREEEEE! Brothers for Life merch is out now at vldl.shop so you too can exclude Baradun for being a sneaky lil sh!t. Leave your questions below! See you next week! #vivathemusicalnotactuallycomingsoon #wecouldpetitionforitthough #anyexcuseforrowantosing


Leonie (PlateArmourPiglet)

Will we learn more about the backstories of epic npc man characters such as Greg and Baradun? Does Greg come from a vampire hunting family?? And will we see more Darkwood in the future? I love that you're taking our questions, I was so happy when one of mine got picked, thank you so much!! 🥰❤️🩵


I was actually blown away by Rowan "disappearing", but then Adam ripped away the curtain XD


I know it might be a question for when the new website is cranking, but do you have timeframes for the new gen patreon games?

Alicia Lankford

Do you think you guys might do any more skits that touch on mental health? And Would you guys ever do a character Q&A like as your Epic NPC characters or Bored characters??

Alison Roper

As there's a set list on the back of the tshirts and the poster, when will you be releasing a Baradun and the Dickheads album? Or if you already have, where can you get it? Cheers.


Where do we post questions? 😅