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Howdy everyone! I wanted to do another poll, but this time for the foes that I'll be adding in "Jessie's Playhouse". This zone will ideally encourage the player to avoid the dangerous "entertainers" whilst rescuing the various civilians stuck inside the attractions. Only the top two contenders from this poll will be put into the game, while Doggie will either pick out of the remaining sum or do something new, depending on how inspired he feels, so make sure you vote! Anyways, Buppy will keep doing his best and have a great day<3!

Poll End Date: 4/19/2023

Poll Ended! Mango💖 and Mordicai💙 are the winners!  

Aren't you eggcited?

Also, please note: These concepts may be altered or changed further down the line due to both the restrictions of working in a pixel-art style and enhancements to the original design. Please be kind and respectful of others' choices!



leandre was done dirty, cute vampire needs rep


love Bytes and her design, really looking forward to her so I hope she gets in!


I honestly just want all of them added lol


same on bytes... wish they could win... ah well doggie might be tempted to do a losers bracket of some sort once the main game is done perhaps one can dream eh,


Do we have an ETA for the next update?


Loved all but don’t care to much about byte

Jack Ghoul

Any update news?


is this game been abandoned?

Vialclan Grimmlocke

Not abandoned. Really all updates are posted on discord. Pretty sure just major releases and stuff are here