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 What's New: 

Howdy everyone~ I got the new foe in the game alongside save functionality and a lot of bug fixes! I even made it so you can just walk up to Sam to switch to her to instead of pressing alt. I'll be expanding the stage out to for our upcoming boss,  Zahra The Assassin!

What's New?

  • All hero catcher scenes, including climax scenes and even aftermath scenes!
  • Fullscreen with F
  • Save/Load Function
  • A reasonable way to switch between heroes
  • +all the other dorky updates I did~




Wow, that was a great enemy to use on the catcher, just wish maybe you could toggle the transparency to see the enemy? :P other than that, amazing job especially with the sound effects!


Not a bad idea for later on<3 good way to solve my issue with the perspective of that scene.


Really love the trap in action! The aftermath is quite a nice touch as well!

Shadow emerald

OMG Christmas came early in a BIG way but we still have to wait to open the best present.

Doggie_Bones (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-14 02:42:18 Awh!~<3 glad your excited
2019-03-31 06:24:50 Awh!~<3 glad your excited

Awh!~<3 glad your excited


Can't wait for more.