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Damn it i hate putting so many dialog in a pic but i was the only way to explain what happen in it. Hope you guys like it, ill announce the winners of the poll later today, see if there is someone missing to vote and broke the current tie.

EDIT: Forget what i said, we got the winners, i just checked on the poll.

Wiifit trainer, Wonder Woman, Lapis Lazuli, Commander Femshep and Yang.



Critical Zinogre

Okay this is great XD Awesome work. Never thought I'd see a Last Of Us wedgie!


Damn it Clementine just barley lost again XD. it would have been a great pair off with this one.


clementine and ellie need to get a duel wedgie dream team


This is my favorite picture you've done! So good!


if anyone who plans on can get a ellie clementine wedgie fight please make it happen i'm dying to see it please make it happen


I just realized in my minor frustration of Clementine losing and asking people to support a pic of her i never gave my thoughts on this pic.It's fantastic, love the pantie choice for her humiliation, and even if TK doesn't like the extensive dialog (which is ok) i personally love it. This is defiantly one of my favorite pics he has done.