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Commission. I hope you guys like it, specially the client. I have been waiting for making a pic regarding mass effect for so long. Maybe i'll do something more when i finish the commissions and the winners on the raffle. 

Oh i need to pic a winner for this month, I'll do it once i deliver the pic for the winner of the last month, im currently working on the sketch of that one. 

I have something important to tell here too, for a long time i have been working on a project, well writting the script, well i have the whole story on my head, it has nothing to do with wedgies, its mostly about super heroes and  aliens and monsters and that kind of story. 

I wanted to know what you guys think on me taking some extra time to work on that as a comic, im thinking ill do it in black and white for now so that it doesnt consumes too much of my time from the patreon. I could have a page at week maybe two if i manage to keep it up, we could try for a chapter maybe two, see if it has a good reception.




The creativeness in this picture has no bounds. You should definitely pursue your new comic idea


Yeah man, you're entitled to be able to work on your own stuff XD And an incredible pic as always XD Would be neat to see more mass effect stuff, wouldn't mind seeing some Jack


OMG I love this so much xD i hope you do more mass effect stuff in the future, and i would love to see your comic in action.