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One of the last pics before we get into the tournament. 

Aparently ingenier C. Martinez took a little bit of extra modifications on gipsy rather than changing it apperance, givin it more hips and a more prominent chest area, it also thought it would be good to give the robot a piece of extra protection hanging loose in the waist area, which proved to be a disadvantage when it had to face a category VI kaiju. Poor gipsy was also given an updated IA to make it easier to control, poor thing already got the scare of its life from getting the biggest wedgie recorded in the story of mankind. After been letf hanging of the Empire State, Godzilla return to the sea to nap while the poor giant robot was left to be pick up by helicopters and be transport back by a hanging wedgie.

I know this is the weirdest thing i have ever done, but damn if i had fun doing it xD.

Thanks to parker norman  for helping with the dialogs.




Godzilla has bested the military before but this has to be their most humiliating defeat.


Godzilla (2014) in your art! Well, I am pleasantly surprised.:)