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Update 4: finished the harley edit in time for the new season of the show to drop. File with sound available for download.

Update 3: EUF Lois Lane clip added. This one was done rather quick but there was not much to do really. Just about 8 frames. Version with sound and in better quality of course available in the files.

Update 2: Finished the Yoruichi edit. Is an ENF one, though i guess she is not ashamed of it so... is just NF?

Update 1: She-go's finished, she was a challenge I'll tell you, matching the color line while also merging the background, erasing her hair, all bunch of steps for it to work. The other two are way easier, but I really want to finish the gold digger animation remake. Im close on that one, but I got so many good edit suggestions. In fact I might be able to finish one that I just remembered right now. Stay tuned.

Oh right, attached is the version with sound.

original post: Work in progress animated clips im editing, note this clips will have sound once completed. The one of harley looks like the most complex one but i think it will be fairly quick once I get the backgrounds done. Idea is edit most if not the entire clip. Removing some lazy spots and replacing them with butt shots showing her wedgie, the style of the animation is fairly simple that im sure can animate just her butt very quick. Should have it for the release of the new season. Or at least I'll try and if not it will be publish during the air of the new season.

Of course Im still working on the one of gold digger, is near finish, there is also the big animation, which is finally progressing now that i moved the characters to individual folders. That was a process...

Then there is the animatics, which I should have the one of Sakura finish and updated tomorrow or thursday at most. That one has a nice surprise you are not ready for.




Nice, super excited to see more, your wedgie animations are always amazing! Just curious, is Judy going to be in the big wedgie video? I didn’t know if you could say or not, still super excited either way, it’d just be nice to have her there.


I'm excited!


What did you do different in the Harley Quinn one I don't see anything different from the og?


That one is a WIP as well as the one of April, Im planning on having it finish for the release of the new season. As I said in the description im removing some lazy spots (moments when harley is seen from far away) and replacing them with butt shots im drawing my self as well as editing in so we can see the wedgie during most of the entire clip, the clip im working on is a bit over a minute but there is not much movement in it, so is relatively easy.