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This is a project I hinted at a few months a go. Reason why it has no cover get is because I felt it was better to drop in as a surprise rather than tease with a cover and then maybe disappoint with the slow content.

Look I dont have a BIG plan for this, but I wanted to do something like what we got going with wedgie world a couple of years back but less chaotic, because that series was chaos. New characters every month, a villain arc, Hinata freaking died, it was all too much.

This one i want it to be straight to the point, just some silly dumb brain dead story involving constant wedgie fanservice and let me make it clear there is no bigger than everything plot, just small arcs i have planned and there will be an occasional cut to someone else page, just to show how different characters interact in other areas of the city. There is only pages on black and white (maybe if i do a cover it will be in color).

Is not a weekly thing, god knows i already have trouble keeping up with the weekly uploads of Unit wolf. I'm going to update the comic when I feel like it and have a bit of time to do so. 

Tigress is the pro tag because if I have to draw someone without effort that is her, pretty sure if you put a pen on my hand when i'm sleep whisper her name on my ear, I'll draw a stripped butt.

Supers are nerfed, this so I can have a better more manageable cast, take that in count if you see stuff like Azula taking a hit from Captain Marvel not being send to the after life.

Now... I have a funny dumb, very dumb idea for how this all came to be, you will see the explanation on the next 3-5 pages.




I really love this idea! I like the idea of a city just filled with wedgie girls and fan service. I can’t wait to see more, keep the awesome work!


Love this! Please make this a full series!