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That I try to do something here and I can't go a few days without finding my stuff posted all over 4chan or instagram or in yiffparty. It would be great if I had enough support for it not to matter. Like some people manage to get way more money making fewer drawings that I do, even people who draw worst than I do.

But I don't have that support, we just lost over 40 patrons this last month and I don't know what to do, I keep trying to do events, I try to run games, I try to stay positive. But every time some shit head thinks "Oh yOu kNoW wHaT I sHouLd dO? pOSt tHis gUy cOnteNt Hur hUr".
It has gotten me tired that I try so hard to make something, I'm honestly considering retiring. 

My sister is bringing me my work permission this week. I could get a job that doesn't depend on a shit head idea of fun, who gets a boner for making me feel miserable.
Keep doing only unit wolf. Get a simple job around here. Close the patreon... I really don't want to do it. It has been fun. Well, it was fun for the most part without counting the assholes stealing my stuff just because they don't have anything else in their lives, other than ruin me.

So to the person who keeps stealing from me, thanks I guess this is what you wanted all along, I might have to close stop with the wedgies. 

Gonna keep going this month, I have commissions to do, after that we will see, Christmas is around the corner.


Brandon Kelley

Damn man hope you dont close down


I don’t normally reply or post on things like these, but listen man you’re honestly my favorite artist out here. I originally started seeing your work on deviantart and then came to subscribe here just to see more. There’s always gonna be fuckheads running around being dicks, but if you truly love doing the work then keep doing it. I’m not trying to sway you one way or the other; I just want what’s best for you. 🤟🏽


I try to get that stuff taken down when I can but I can only do so much without basically making it my job. I hope things start improving soon


I've always said that first and foremost I want you to be a happy artist. If having to battle these assholes all the time is too much then I think we understand. Just know the your art is some of my favorite and it would be tragic to see it go away. I will keep reporting the content stealers as usual. Hope things get better for you, sending love and support your way.


damn man that sucks but you do you


On the one hand, I would definitely be bummed out to lose your art. On the other hand, I can't particularly blame you for wanting to quit after seeing your art stolen time and time again.

Mister Magic Man

Gotta do what’s best for you, man. It’s a shitty thing people are doing there.


You are great seriously. Great artist all around i cannot imagine the time it took you to drawing everything constantly with everyone's demands. Yeah do what it is you would like to do. Even if it means to do something else besides drawing about wedgies. You can easily go to any comic book or even animations and you will kill it. Best of luck with your decision and will be with you until the end.


Please don’t stop,your work is seriously awesome.


they're at it again??-_- dammit people, come on!


It's your decision man but I hope you don't stop your actually really talented.


All I can say is to hell with these thieves! What they’re doing is messed up and shouldn’t be tolerated. I don’t blame you for wanting to stop, even though I hope you don’t. But I’ll support whatever decision you make.