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I'm thinking of at the very least make available on deviant art stuff from the first year and a half of the patreon. And maybe slowly start catching up to our current content, maybe have a difference of a month or two behind me posting here and there. Please tell me what you think, this could help with the content spoiled out there and also attract more people here (every time I post something on dev from here I gain at least 3or 4 patrons out of the sudden), but at the same time I see how that could turn some of you down from keeping contributing here.

Tell me what you think, I will make a poll regarding this subject later on so that we can select a rightful option. But please voice your opinions I ain't psychic. Don't no say anything now and later tell me you always thought it was a bad idea.


Mister Magic Man

I personally think you shouldn’t post all of the first year. Maybe half of them? Because if you post all of them, patient people will just wait for every piece to be released online, rather than pay and get all of it.

Brandon Kelley

Thats how i became a patron by seeing your deviantart and wanting to contribute

Alarming Animations

I say go for it, I know some users who does this and it helps them gain more patrons. I’m not sure how long you should wait, but I say maybe 2-3 months later you would post it publicly. Some people actually make content for YouTube and such all the time and for the rewards, it would be early access and it seems to work for them.


Honestly, to me anyway, that sounds like a great idea! Though as a way to keep new people coming in, why not have patreon version of some of the content that's going to be shown on DA? For example: if the picture shows a spanked red butt on patreon, have it be edited to have pants or a skirt on before you upload it to DA. That way you can still have people join to see the different version.


I say go for it


go ahead man


You could keep the gifs on here only and do the 3 months apart thing, just anidea though