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ular  sketches. I'm talking good sketches, I have been practicing this week  for it, with a new technique that I have seen others do, it consists in  doing the whole sketch in dark blue or other colors.

I  will have of course a few pre-sketches ready to hurry it up a bit if  needed. But I would like it if we could try to do it more spontaneously.  Also, I think it would be fair that since the patrons from 10 and up  are going to vote for which sketches are going to be colored the rest  can see the stream too. And let's be honest how many are going to show  up? The last stream we did a few months ago I had like 7 people out of  20 something watching.

That's the plan then, to make the patreon  system more dynamic, we will make a stream like this every two weeks so  that is 2 time a month, you guys give characters and ideas, if others  support it I will sketch it to good quality. And the day after the  sketch the patrons with 10 bucks or more donation get to vote for the  top 3 pics to be colored.

We  will try it this Saturday, and after I will submit a poll so you guys  can tell me what you think if you liked the experience or if you prefer  to stick to our regular 5 pics poll at the end of the month. Just think  this, it's basically a live poll that it's going to give 1-more  characters drawn, even if they have sketched 2-At the end there is going  to be more characters voted for color at a month, because it will be 6  instead of our regular top 5.

Of  course, if it turns out to be a disaster and you guys hate it we can  just switch it to our regular top 5 at the end of the month. Im just trying to come up with something to not make the end of the month a rush like it tends to be.

So  we got that plan. There is a comic page commission I'm working on, it's  kind of big so I'm gonna try to do a single character pic to publish  something while you guys wait for it. After that commission is dealing  with I'll have to see if time is fitting to deliver the winner of last  month raffle.

I  finally got scheduled my surgery for next Thursday, that is another  reason for me to do this, I want to try and post as much content for you  guys this month before I take the 10 days of rest the doc told me I'll  need after the surgery. Hopefully, I'll be back before the end of the  month.

I will post the link on Saturday an hour before the stream begins. The comic page commission should be done before the surgery. The pics from the stream will be post here the next day. And so will the poll for the winner of the pics to be colored. I think, maybe I can color those 3 pics before my surgery too. Yeah I think at least i can color 2 and maybe the whole 3 before the surgery.



thanks for the update man, curious to see what will come of the stream