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Gonna be honest my friends, i couldnt think of a giver for this one. So i put all the focus on the girl, her underwear and thoguhts. Hope you like it and that is for this month. See ya on the next, also im starting my webcomic, i think two pages a week considering is black and white should be fine, i'll do my best. Check it on dev, im heck of nervous with this.




I mean the Burger King? He seems like the kind of person who would do that from the commercials. Wendy's attitude reminds me of the Twitter account, so it feels deserved.


I was thinking you were gonna make Ronald McDonald teach her a lesson in humility. Seems like she got a big enough lesson to me. I also thought it'd be funny if she had McPanties, like embarrassing. But I love this Wendy picture. Absolutely wonderful as usual.


nice POV angle :)